Years ago
Wildcats Taipans 30/1
Didn't see that one coming.
Three huge games in a row for Stephen Weigh now too.
Years ago
Didn't see that one coming.
Three huge games in a row for Stephen Weigh now too.
Years ago
Great game! Huge plays from both teams. Amazing how with tighter reffing we know get some quality final minute plays right around the league.
Statsheet Stuffer
Years ago
That Wilson charge...reminiscent of one certain Sunday afternoon featuring a one Mr Mills.
Utter B.S.
Years ago
Yeah, Cairns got shafted on a few calls and basically anything was a charge all night (except the off-the-ball Redhage one, for some reason).
Well, at least Ennis dunked on Casey Frank. If things keep going the way they are, that's all that'll come out of the year.
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
Our media whinge about the refs certainly paid dividends. Pity the team still wasn't good enough to win even with the home cooking.
Statsheet Stuffer
Years ago
Glad you acknowledged it, Dan. So rare for a supporter to admit his team got the benefit of the whistle. Kudos.
Years ago
Losing to Cairns, how embarrassing. Melbourne will flog us
Years ago
what was with those charge fouls?
sure they were consistent.....consistently wrong !
Cats lose is great, cats fans being dirty about it is even better!!!
yeah the dickin dans of the world should try eating humble pie for once.
Wildcat Fan
Years ago
That should be our two home losses for the year done and dusted. Plenty of time to get things right again before the playoffs :)
Wildcats have a weakness in close games so I hope these last two close defeats will benefit them going forward.
Years ago
full credit to cairns. they shot well and played to the cats weakness which is defence. i thought the cats came out well defencily but couldnt execute offence well enough. All night Cairns played on ball pick then drive and dish and the cats couldnt defend it. The cats helped from weakside and left and open man all the time. it wasnt until late in the 4th quarter, that they stopped helping from weakside and got a couple of charge calls that turned the game momentarily. But overall, the demeanour and attitude of the guys looks different from pre-xmas. the assistant coaches dont look interested. When Bevo was coaching all the players looked happy and content and confident regardless of losing or winning and i think that is playing a big part of why the cats arent playing well.
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
I agree with pretty much all of that, kev.
To me, the difference in offensive execution between the Taipans and the Cats was pretty significant. They looked like they had a plan and were on the same page with it, while so much of ours seemed to be just winging it.
Opponents continue to pick our D apart too easily.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
We're screwed. Who else wants the title?
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
Oy, none of that now.
There's enough time left for us to counter some of the counters being used on us (though I wish I had more faith in Gleeson as a coach). So basically I'm counting on Knight to return and save us. Hey, don't laugh... it could happen.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Constantly leaving a man open was infuriating. I could see it being ignored once or twice or if the open man was missing the shot but we just about blew the game right there. Put us in a huge hole.
Our start to the 4th quarter was diabolical. We already had to make up ground, to spend two minutes faffing about copping points before we got a move on was just inexcusable.
Years ago
Cairns had 14 more points from F/T alone! i bet most of those came from the on ball pick and drive.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Uh, well 6 of them came from fouling the three point shooter, although one of which was from Hire getting yet another rookie call against him.
Years ago
what about that call on wagstaff where bloody campbell was behind the shooter and called a foul! replay show he didnt even touch him. I think bull and campbell where in competition to see who could call the most fouls!
Years ago
The assistants look disinterested because Gleeson does not involve them at all. No discussion, his way or highway. Was the same at Tigers and Townsville.
Years ago
Anon454955: Were you or are you currently one of his assistants or are you talking from your arse? So we've dropped a couple games amongst a mid season slump. Sucks yes. However, still on the top. In my experience, most head coaches are a bit like that. That's how they got there in the first place. You don't rise to that level without believing your way is the winning way.
If the wildcats had managed Knight better in the first place he might have already been back.
Years ago
You're a coach and a doctor? Now THATs what I call talent.
Years ago
does anyone know what happened with gleeson at the tigers?
Years ago
Correct me if im wrong are Perth on top of the ladder? Shit happens to every club. Looking like Ennis will stay
Years ago
McPeake and team hired him, then after selling to the Dodos they wanted their mate Anstey to coach so they could sit on the bench during games which Gleeson wouldnt alliw. They wanted Anstey to be their puppet so they paid out Gleeson. Happens all the time in sport.
Gleeson had apparently lost many on the team and the new owners werent interested in keeping a low profile coach who had players off side.
Yeas there's a reason Gleeson got offside at the tigers. The lazy Gaze training mentality went for L Gaze to A Westover and when Gleeson came in and expected his players to train hard he got shafted.
Now it's Anstey and DMac both lazy trainers.
Same, same.
Years ago
The sweetest part of that game was Greg Hire's rookie foul. I've hated that grubby little grub for years now.
While I'm moaning about the Wildcats I also wish that Ennis would stop throwing up gang signs every time he dunks. It's very silly.
Years ago
Anonymous #455017: Spot on. The only players he got 'offside' were the lazy ones, ie Tragardth mainly. And low profile coach? They went from Gleeson who gave Townsville their most successful 5 seasons with 5 consecutive play-offs with little talent to a 'NO profile' coach! Anstey may have been a successful player but had no credibility or 'profile' as a coach. It never ceases to amaze me how many uneducated ppl think that being a good player automatically translates to a good coach. 2 losses and those same people who were glorifying Gleeson a month ago have now written the top seeded team off. Funny.
Lazy and lazier, is the new Tigers philosophy.
Trouble is the owners don't know it. Too caught up in their own self importance.
Years ago
I used to dislike Stephen Weigh, now I dislike Him!
What's anstey like as a coach? As I thought at the time either go dmac or gleeson? Not too sure what to make of him just first 7 footer to coach
Bol Bol
Years ago
Of course the team and gleesons coaching look good when they are winning but it was usually the hot hand of beal and ennis that got them over the line in many games earlier in the year. Not much is different in recent games but for the fact that lacking ball movement and jacking up threes only wins you games when they go in. Knight will make a big difference when he returns and add some inside game and if they can recapture their defensive intensity for 40 minutes again then they will be back on track.
There will always be question marks over gleesons influence until he actually leads this team to the championship
Yeah the Tigers are lazy, that's why they don't play any D, right?
Lazy trainers doesn't mean they don't play D. That's never been suggested. Imagine if they worked hard on their D at training how much better they could be rather than the mediocre side they are now under Anstey.
If there is another season next year it will be interesting to watch the following season the exodus from the Tigers if indeed Anstey is still there when the new teams enter.
Years ago
The dodos won't sack Anstey no matter how good or bad the Tigers do. They're great friends and he's happy to be their puppet. How many head coaches would like their owner sitting on the bench with them? None I know!
Fantastic. Shows you money doesn't always guarantee success nor brains in the case of basketball.
Wilson Sting
Years ago
I don't think Tragardh is lazy, he's just not particularly gifted athletically and has to work really hard to try and keep up. He seems to be working pretty hard up here in Cairns nowadays.
Years ago
I don't know if he's lazy but he has a poor attitude. IMO they're playing better without him because of it.
Cairns are a vert talented side and will make a finals push undoubtedly IMO. They are making him look good.
It's not so much that they are playing better without Trigger, it is that they now have an 8 player rotation instead of 9 players (everyone apart from Bruce). Finding court time for 9 talented players and getting everyone enough shots is tough.
Next season they'd be better replacing one of the main 9 with an 'end of the bench' player and use the money that they save from that ($30-50K) for an upgrade version of Wilson or McCamey who will actually be a point guard and run the team instead of Gliddon having to play PG 30 mins a game instead of his preferred SG position.
Tragardh was lazy with the Tigers but since going up to Cairns during the first pre-season Fearne went at him hard to change his mentality. Not sure if he has reverted back since then as this season has been poor for the club.
Wilson Sting
Years ago
I agree with anon's comments re. the 8 player rotation. I was quite surprised they signed McCamey into the last spot, I thought they only needed to sign a backup Australian guard to fill in the numbers. Has turned out pretty well now though.
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