Years ago
Expressions of interest for Tasmanian team
Anyone interested in investing?
Years ago
Anyone interested in investing?
Years ago
If you want to own the new team can you name them whatever you want or is there an expectation they'll be called the Devils?
Pity it's already taken by Melbourne, because I think a more appropriate name for them would be the Tigers.
This EOI thing reeks of desperation and expansion for the sake of expansion rather than because it is actually financially viable, so if it goes ahead I would expect the team to be extinct within 5 years.
Jack Toft
Years ago
With things like this, you almost need to headhunt rather than call for expressions of interest.
Years ago
Smacks of unprofessionalism. Normally this kind of thing should be kept quiet and the NBL speak to the relevant people behind the scenes.
Years ago
It's a good way of publicly attracting other parties who might have an interest so then can potentially become part of a consortium with those the NBL has already been having discussions with.
Here's hoping Hobart agree with Launceston and they all agree with the North West Coast and it really becomes Tasmania's team.
The people of Tasmania know the regional infighting that goes on with regard to basketball.
Let's hope they all work together.
On another note, the power behind this push for NBL expansion better get it right. Surely this is last chance saloon - either it expands (there will be road bumps along the way for sure) and succeeds because if it does FAIL - then THAT IS IT...
So, as mentioned, the EOI looks a bit silly. Work out the kind of league you want, where you want teams, how many you want and then invite them.
then you miss out on those that may actually have the goods and backing. sometimes it comes from unexpected parties so its usual business practice to put out EOI . it's good business sense....
Years ago
I couldn't be happier to be hearing this in the public arena.
We have a state that has a Sheffield shield/BB/1day team and a V8 Supercars race and some AFL matches but they feel they are always being looked over as not being big enough or important enough. Time to stop the excuses and unite and prove to every other sport that they should be considered and doing it this way IS the best way to get the right people... If your down there and don't think you can help then that's too bad, you miss out but hopefully you can help with membership or sponsorship later on.
Whilst I hope the results of the EoI aren't made public early on and this isn't fast tracked and it takes as long as it takes to get the right people in the right positions.
Totally agree that it's the last chance that the state has in the NBL and hopefully it works out... Would a community model work with this team if it had to come to that?
Years ago
I don't think Tasmania Tigers would be the best name anyway as that's the cricket team... I think it should be the Tassie Devils... Eliminate Hobart from the name and have Hobart's, Launceston Casino city and Devonport Warriors history (maybe separate jerseys for when they play at Hobart, Devonport and Launceston) with the Launceston casino city banner hanging up at Launceston games and if any jerseys need to be retired from past teams then they could be in those separate stadiums too!
As for road games a white jersey with the 3 primary colours of the 3 teams mentioned above down the side and a big scary Tassie devil of the front of the jersey.
I'd love if they could have involvement in the save the Tassie devil charity that is for finding a cure against the cancer killing those little legends.
Tasmania always seems to get supply from Cascade so it will be interesting if NBL once again allows for alcohol sponsorship. I know I'd rather Cascade's $ than another dead team
Years ago
Is Cadbury still there on the river ??? or the Casino as well. Lots more options than you think. The Ferries !!! Deals for travel over the straight and accom at the Casino and a game.... Sweet weekend trip. Good for tourism, stay a while !!! could be a slogan…. State Gove may be interested in a deal with the tourism dept….
Love the idea about recognising the history of Tigers/Warriors/Devils.
Too bad the banner went missing:
Launceston were the first "Tigers" in the NBL before Melbourne entered later on.
Years ago
Promoting history is something Aussie basketball actually has over even the more established sports in some cases, yes it should be done whenever possible.
Years ago
At least Hobart had a decent venue ready to be used. The Derwent Entertainment Centre seats 5,400 which in this league is still good.
The brick wall which is on the opposite side to the TV cameras looks shocking on TV unfortunately.
I said the same thing to the missus just this morning
"Smacks of unprofessionalism. Normally this kind of thing should be kept quiet and the NBL speak to the relevant people behind the scenes."
Good job Libertine, have you been under a rock in the last few weeks?
The EOI isn't about investing at all. It's about people interested in getting another team from Tassie back into the NBL. The money is already there.
Someone mentioned the Melbourne Devils? What does that have to do with anything? Do they exist? No.
The Tassie Devils would certainly be the preferred name and there is no reason even if the Melbourne Devils did exist there couldn't be a Tasmanian team with the Devils name. Heaven forbid that some sporting club uses the name, Saints or Tigers or Bombers. Clearly that never happens. Don't go down the NBA road pls ;)
Jack Toft, why not have an EOI? No need for head hunting, it's already been done and the EOI is exactly that. EOI. See the link above, the people involved have already done the homework and the NBL ASKED them to apply. Not the other way around. Maybe there will be extra people not already identified that may apply as a registered EOI person. The NBL may issue a licence to a group of people from a working party to respond to the EOI. That's all it is at this stage. The NBL aren't asking for someone to buy the licence.
Someone said "So, as mentioned, the EOI looks a bit silly. Work out the kind of league you want, where you want teams, how many you want and then invite them." They have already done that, that's why they released the EOI! You can't just invite teams in because you want West Sydney in. Instant fail.
There won't be a Hobart team it will be a Tassie team with full co operation from all regions. Games played across the state. Is Cadbury still there? yes. Casino yes? Government are already behind it at no cost to them. There will be no fast tracking, it's amazing that most people don't even understand what the EOI is all about yet alone what they have already said. "We'll make the decision on the successful tenderers in August/September, possibly October, and issue the licence." Fast tracked my arse.
Oh and there's more for everyone that doesn't understand the process.
""Then we'll work with those people who are going to run the team and maybe transplant key management into the team so they understand what's required and work with them in terms of getting the right players so they hit the ground running so they are as good as any other team when they enter the league." The Tassie team would play games in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie anywhere the NBL believes people would flock to watch."
Tassie, Tassie, Tassie. Devils, Devils, devils.
Years ago
Wow mate that was quite the rant, well done!
Well I'm pleased the sponsors are there and I hope they get big $ for their sponsorship.
As for what I said earlier about having Devenport (blue and green) Hobart (dark green. Red and yellow) and if they travel to Launceston or Burnie or Ulverstone or wherever else (apologies if I'm wrong in any way) then they play in that regions home colours for the game... Away jersey would be white with a culmination of the other colours from around the state. Those jerseys can be sold at each stadium and they could earn some extra $ on merchandise by not shitting on any part of Tasmania and well Townsville keep coming out with some great jerseys (indigenous and rememberance day) and they look great.
I know people will say that it is say too confusing but Tasmanians are unique and their state offers the league a unique challenge to unify passionate supporters throughout the state so let them me unique and represent the state.
Another alternative is to do a half/half Hobart/Launceston jersey but that could look too busy but its food for thought
Or maybe we Tasmanians can finally grow up and get over the parochialism that plagues the state. The cricket public seems to have managed with the Hurricanes. Get behind the bid instead of taking pot. shots at it and expecting unrealistic outcomes. Let them play where they get the best support and can make the most money. Launcston might have a romantic history in the NBL but presently can barely maintain a Div 1 men's comp. The NW Coast has a strong Basketball community but the only thing the towns there hate more than each other isthought of anything going to Hobart. The bid has been born in Hobart and has not just come out of the blue it has been circulating around the Chargers and the basketball movers for. a number of years. There is nothing to be lost growing the league. If other teams want to get up get working and force it. If bids fold so be it. But with an 8 team league one fold will be the end. 12 to 16 teams will provide a league that can evolve.
Rant required so much ill formed opinion.
Stewart said "It won't be a fly-in, fly-out team. It will be one in which 12 players work in the state full-time, work with our young people in disadvantaged areas or around health and social responsibility." It will be a true state team. There is no reason that it can't work. Basketball needs it, the community wants it, the government which ever one it may be in March is behind it and the backers are there.
If the parochialism that currently exists continues to exist, then it won't even get off the ground. Last chance Tassie.
Jack Toft
Years ago
Anon 244, you would still have an EOI or proposal process to make a final selection, but the NBL would be looking for some basketball experience and a solid base as part of that process. You need to have a targeted approach IMO.
Take a large corporation for example. When the CEO leaves they don't just drop an advert on Seek for any mug to apply. They approach people they know can do the job.
Same deal here. The NBL is looking for a Tasmanian based team. The NBL would (should) know what works and what they need so based on that there are probably about half a dozen options available. Anyone who is interested in it would be talking and mustering support. If there were a few groups they would know roughly who was out there.
Years ago
I would like to see Tasmania back in the nbl. If Townsville can have a team then surely Tassie deserves one.
It's already been done Jack, what don't you understand? 1/2 doz groups no. One and they have met, read the articles on line to try an understand. The NBL approached one group in Tassie, not the other way around.
Years ago
Someone mentioned an indigenous uniform.. I think that would be perfect for a NT team.. I absolutely think there should be a push to get NT involved.. they have no sports team that I am aware of... I think the community could get right behind the game.
Jack Toft
Years ago
Anon Where the Heck does it say they have met half a dozen groups????
"The NBL has called for Expressions of Interest submissions for the running of a new Tasmanian licence.
It is part of an expansion program that would see new teams added to the NBL for the commencement of the 2015/16 season.
An advertising campaign commenced in Tasmanian newspapers today with details of the process and its objectives.
A copy of the advertisement can be found here:
The release of EOI details follows a recent visit to Tasmania by NBL Chief Executive Fraser Neill to explore the viability of expanding the League into the region.
NBL CEO visits Tasmania with expansion on the horizon
A Tasmanian based team has not played in the NBL since the Hobart Devils left the competition in 1996. The Launceston Casino City Tigers played in the NBL for three seasons, winning the Championship in 1981."
The link provides no other details, or the story has been removed.
If you are aware of the half dozen groups, list them.
"1/2 doz groups no." = "1/2 doz groups said no." - ?
"One and they have met, read the articles on line to try an understand." - I assume when you say "One" you mean Channel One - the TV network broadcasting the NBL?
Did you mean "Channel One and the NBL have met, read the articles on line to try to understand."
"The NBL approached one group in Tassie, not the other way around." - which group.
Please try to be more lucid when structuring your discussions. If English is your first language may I suggest you talk to your former teacher about learning you gooder grammar than what they did when youse were at skool.
Years ago
Pure gold Jack Toft. You are one of the best writers on this forum. Shut that anon up, if he/she is smart they will remain anonymous.
Years ago
I'm just hoping to see passion from Tasmanians and NBL fans that want to see the league expand and prosper!
We added NZ Breakers and at the time they seemed a bit risky adding them but looking back they have been such a success and I'm sure NBL has no worries about them and with them being the newest of the current teams we can only hope that Hobart are in NZ's situation in 5-10 years along with all the other teams.
I mentioned that Townsville wore the indigenous jersey this round and I quite liked it.
If NT get a team then yeah I think theirs would look good, but with this round being indigenous round it would have been fantastic to have every team with special jerseys like AFL does and another good merchandising opportunity for teams
There has been more basketball news in Hobart in the last month than in the last year. I get the feeling that something is going on in the background! At minimum I am hoping it is the political spin doctors trying to soften up the non basketball public to why we need the new stadium they are about to build? We live in hope. There is not one decent stadium in the whole state except the new Ulverstone court which for some reason was build to hold 1000 spectators. The rest of the stadiums have remained virtually as they were when I played (if you could call it playing ) in the 80's.
Jack, just because something isn't in a press release, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
Jackedoff said "The NBL would (should) know what works and what they need so based on that there are probably about half a dozen options available."
Your words not mine. There is only one group involved here that the NBL approached. Not your theoretical fantasies about what you think should be the case. Try and comprehend what YOU wrote not me.
See this quote which clearly you haven't been able to read or can't easily comprehend.
"Stewart has gathered key stakeholders across the state and been in ongoing discussions with NBL management for six months."
The NBL approached that group and they were mentioned in the online articles that I posted which clearly you still haven't read.
Let me spell it out for you clearly seeing your comprehension skills are poor.
Read the 2 articles here. They even have pictures for you.
See the bits in there where it mentions peoples names? The picture of Anthony Stewart? They are the people involved in the one (singular) group that the NBL APPROACHED.
Maybe you should learn how to cut and paste as well, as the link I provided earlier definitely works. Even if it doesn't work for you try typing into your favourite search engine " NBL Tasmania"
It's very simple really even for you.
Years ago
Had a quick look at Derwent Entertainment Center.
Looks very nice and a perfect size as well.
Agree with proud re: Breakers being risky
Also, the Breakers had so many issues at the start, which could have derailed the entire franchise almost immediately -- 2-10 record through first 12 games, Greens firing and Bouchers text messages, the 9-23 record and wooden spoon in their second season, 11 straight losses in their 3rd season.
Throw in the venue changing, the fact they were out of touch with the community and had a bunch of Australians without any Kiwis and the coaching/personnel changes and its quite amazing they made it through.
Perhaps the Breakers had a plan A,B,C to Z and entered the league with low expectations, meaning when the worst did happen, they were prepared for it??
Breakers changed ownership and then got on track after a disastrous start.
Years ago
Wonder if David Walsh (MONA) is either interested in basketball or could be involved? He has his riches and doesn't seem disinterested in putting Tasmania (or at least the Hobart region) on the map. Combine that with Cadburys, Cascade and Tasmanian tourism and there are a few who could help make it work. Tasmania is a great place to visit and has its share of NBL athletes and a bit of strength in their SEABL teams. As long as it's viable, I'm all for them joining.
David Walsh would be good but unfortunately the greedy Tax Office are hounding him for tax they previously said he wouldn't have to pay. Such dogs the ATO just keep leeching and leeching from us all.
Years ago
I think Walsh could pay up and still be alright. His systems sound pretty solid.
Not sure if the original owners of the Breakers are the same as now, but the current owners are the Blackwells, owners of a Pak 'n Save store.
No Walsh has said in the media that MONA would cease if the ATO backflip continues.
David Walsh and his tax problem has been sorted some time ago. NO leeching, deal done in private.
Cadbury don't even run any tours any more and are moving a lot of their stuff off shore. Cascade despite being Australia's oldest brewery are not Aussie owned and despite being a brewery in Hobart the Chargers are sponsored by Boags from Launceston. The Chargers in their short time are a very successful program with limited budget being a stand alone club.
Years ago
Thought I read that money had been put up to bring back Cadbury tours? From News.com.au -
Tony Abbott pledges $16m towards Cadbury factory revamp in Tasmania
TONY Abbott has defended his gifting of $16 million of taxpayer money to a multiple-billion dollar overseas company, saying its doesn't mean there's no longer a budget emergency.
On a visit to Tasmania today, the Opposition Leader pledged the money towards a $66 million upgrade of the Cadbury chocolate factory in Claremont, in the seat if Denison, currently held by the Independent MP Andrew Wilkie
Cadbury's Tasmanian operation's contribute $550 to the state's economy, but the factory's allure as a tourist destination has faded since guided tours stopped in 2008.
Cadbury is now owned by American multinational Kraft and the revamp is expected to see the tours recommence with the construction of a new visitor centre.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Cadbury contributes a whole $550 to Tasmania, hey. Raking it in, I see.
WTF. Why contribute taxpayers money to a factory of a foreign owned entity. Disgusting. If they don't want to run tours let it be.
A sensible approach if Tassie does get a team back in would be to pair up with either the Hawks or Kangaroos and promote a 2 game ticket. One for NBL and the other AFL over a weekend. Friday NBL and Sat or Sunday AFL. A different double header.
Good idea. Or the Hurricanes at this time of year.
Years ago
Given that the Lion is on the Tasmanian Coat of Arms then perhaps the Tasmanian Lions might be an option for a name
The Zoo Doo people might be interested in sponsoring since they have some lions in residence including a White Lion at one stage
I doubt that there should be any other name than the Devils. Nor the Bullets or the Supercats or the Blaze. Oh wait.
Ijackedoff is clearly not visiting this thread any more either.
Latest on Tassie and Brisbane looking less likely than ever before.
Years ago
Is it just me or is that article written with quotes entirely from other articles and press releases?
It doesnt actually seem to offer up any reason why the Tassie expansion would delay a move in Brisbane, nor offer any updates on the situation in Brissy. Strange article.
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