Jack Toft
Years ago
Sixers @ Kings Aussie Day
What an Australia Day treat for Sixers fans. A Sunday arvo game against the Kings, and because it's the Kings it's on the tellie. So after the women are done fussing over a pavlova in the kitchen (yes, you've been good at the gym this week so a small slice is OK) and the men are done pushing pieces of dead animal around on a hot grill (or a veggie burger if you're a Prius driving, tree hugging, Redgum listening, long haired Greens voter), you can all sit down in front of the flat screen with a Coopers and watch the boys take on the Convicts, er Kings.
This will be a good game, no a GREAT game. The competition is tight and the Kings need to win to stop a fast finishing Cairns, Hawks or Breakers from stealing 4th from them. The Sixers? Well Perth lost last night and there is a slim chance the Sixers could pip them at the post if they have a run. All great journeys start with a single step.
Sydney were great last game. I knew Shane Heal was in the stadium by the smell of his cologne. Rumour has it that he gets it made from the distilled bilge water of Jeffrey Eddelston's racing yacht. Brynn has the secret recipe so it could be in short supply soon. Madgen, Ellis and Harvey shot the lights out beyond the arc with Olgivy and Young offering the muscle in the paint. The Sixers put plenty of shots up, but it was not enough.
For the Sixers to win, I think we can cover most of the threats from the Kings, but a hero is needed to stand up against Olgivy. He is the difference between the teams at the moment and his aggressive style can be a bit threatening to softer opponents. Control him and the Convicts will fold.
While I would love to see a Sixers win, I think another Olgivy double-double looms, so forgive me father for I am about to sin, The Convicts by 5.