Years ago

Tassie kids imported into Vic metro teamS

Have heard rumours coming out of state u18
Selections that 3 Tassie girls have gone across
To Vic and walked into state side at the expense
Of Vic players who have played every Friday
Night for 5 seasons in the vjbl.
Not sure if they were on a promise that they would
Make team or not, but very coincidental
Is this a new era in interstate poaching because
Vic parents aren't happy about it

Topic #33499 | Report this topic

Years ago


Reply #452546 | Report this post

Years ago

Not rumours..will be announced this week. Not one, or two , but all three??? The basketball world's gone mad!

Reply #452548 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

So how do they qualify?

Reply #452549 | Report this post

Years ago

This seems odd as I would have thought going
By past results that Tassie would be lucky to have
One kid in a Vic team let alone 3.
Are Tassie good at this level?

Reply #452550 | Report this post

Vodka 86  
Years ago

Being a financial member of a participating club seems to be the only requirement in most junior regulations other than the physical and skill levels expected. Most list 'at discretion of governing body'. Which in most cases you would expect a qualifying amount of junior league games in that state to be played...but can also mean whatever they damn well want! Very grey area that may need some attention?
Didn't ever think we'd see the day. Don't know about Parents being unhappy..would imagine some devastated girls about now!!

Reply #452551 | Report this post

Pauly B  
Years ago

The three girls have been playing VJBL through the first phase of grading so it's not like they've just turned up to play state.

There are no secret deals. Their families decided to move and they were good enough to make the team according to the coaches.

There's 2 choices for the players that missed selection. Be bitter about it and blame others or work their butts off even harder to put themselves in front next time.

Reply #452552 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, picking the best team from the eligible pool, who'd have thought. Anyone who missed out more than likely wasn't good enough, motivation to improve I'd have thought.

Reply #452554 | Report this post

triton 35  
Years ago

Results will tell. Goodluck to them

Reply #452558 | Report this post

Years ago

Get off these kids backs. As Pauly B said, they have moved her for school and contacted a VJBL club asking to try out. Which they did. Got cleared to VJBL clubs, no longer eligible for Tassie as they play in Vic! So they tried out for Vic, attended all of the trainings, made all the cuts and played at ECC.

Competed along with every other VIC kid (which they are now) and made the team. Great job I believe!

Problem is what? According to the coaching staff, they were better than some kids who thought they'd get in because they made it at 16s. Let's not forget that every year there are 90+ kids who get upset at being cut through this process - that's life! The other kids get over it and work harder to be better.

Why are we worried about some parents being upset. Ask any coach in the VJBL and they'll tell you that there are always parents who get upset at some stage or another. More than likely these parents are upset because off their expectations.

Reply #452561 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with triton 35, big call by the coaches, no other coach has done this to Vic girls so let's hope for his sake they play well. 3 families just happened to move at the same time...mmmmm

Reply #452562 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the most disgraceful thing in Vic Metro history. What about the time and money put into kids who have been in the Vic system long term? This is an absolute slap in the face to those kids, families and even the coaches and clubs that have poured resources into Victorian athletes who have been identified, been developed on elite pathways and been in the system for years and now lose the chance to represent their state because some Tassie kids turn up on the bloody doorstep.

There is no way the old state director of coaching would've let this happen on his watch. Vic Metro is pissing away every competitive advantage with recent changes and goings on. All involved in these decisions need their heads checked, fair dinkum.

Reply #452564 | Report this post

Years ago

No, there were about 5 or 6 families including some older boys who moved up to go to school here and attend one of the basketball based school programs.

One boys, from the Aust U19 team is playing at Diamond Valley this year. Would have walked into the Vic U18 team if he was young enough.

Get over the conspiracy theories and secret back room deals. Yep, they moved up, got clearer by BA to play in Vic, live here now, go to School here and now play for Vic cause they are good enough.

Big call by the coaches, really!!! Do you know the kids, did you watch all of try outs and the games at ECC? I'd suggest not, so you'd have no idea.

True results will tell but Vic has finished 3rs and 4th the past two years. I hope they succeed and go on to represent Aust. That would be great for these kids who are taking a huge step to better themselves by moving states. Why bag them for doing something that others won't!

Hey they kids who missed out could move to SA and make the team. That actually happened a few years back with a girl who tried out for Vic, got cut and went to SA. She made the team and I think went to the Aussie Camp. So it's happened before.

Reply #452567 | Report this post

triton 35  
Years ago

Not sure anyone is "on the kids back's"??
Pretty sure they're a great bunch of young ladies that all get on very well doing what they love..more a question of the 'system' in this case.

Reply #452568 | Report this post

Years ago

So Luke, do I understand you correctly?

You would disqualify eligible kids because they haven't lived here long enough? Sounds like discrimination to me?

No rules were broken and they met all of BAs and BVs requirements. Why not selected them? They went through NITP in Tassie, did the same work and because they shifted states for school and their development we should discriminate against them. Is that what you are saying?

Reply #452569 | Report this post

triton 35  
Years ago

Oh..and for the record, I don't live in Vic or Tas. Just an interested (surprised?) onlooker.

Reply #452570 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, they system sucks in so many ways at so many levels. So many people have benefited by using the rules in their favour, maybe this one is just Karma getting back at them.

The kids and coaches did things by the rules and now parents don't like those rules that had helped them earlier?

Maybe, Karma is a bitch!

Reply #452571 | Report this post

Years ago

It is not the kids we have issue with.
that everyone except the coach and his associates defend it this way looks
Worse for them and their argument.
Parents embrace BV philosophy of loyalty to code
Educate the kids accordingly and then bam
3 imports onto state side. This from an association
That bans clubs having more than two.
You can twist it anyway you like if stinks and
The action is not dissimilar to the non loyal churn
That has just happened at dandenong with DP and others but
You can't see they have done the same thing to BV
Parents, clubs and kids.
Would the parents have got up
At 5.30 most mornings for things like nitp if they knew
There wasn't mutual loyalty, I doubt it
So I guess habit and environment breed behaviour

Reply #452572 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure why you keep calling them imports. They live and go to school in Vic whilst playing basketball here. That makes them Victorian players or have I got it wrong?

Yep, it's tough on those who didn't make it but that's the real world of elite support. Not sure, BV guarantees people who go to NITP anything more than trying to make them better players as part of the Nationally run program.

Simply put, the coaches believe that these kids are better and should make the team. Sounds like what happens at every try out in every sport. It's tough on people who expect to make things and don't but that's what happens in the real world. You don't always get what you expect, you just work hard to be the best you can be, learn from every experience and come out a better person.

Reply #452573 | Report this post

Years ago

Get over it!!! The best kids will always get picked. Just get in line with all the other kids who have rightly or wrongly not made BV selections!!

Reply #452574 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh ok sorry they are born bred Victorians
Who have played at least 3 at most 4 grading
Games in vjbl.
Way to keep kids in the game and enhance
Feelings of loyalty to a code that bemoans
Boys jumping to footy
Will box score say Vic/tas or tas/Vic.
Embarrassing for Vic metro that the grass roots
Kids according to the coach and his associates
Just aren't good enough so are you saying nitp
Not as good as Tassie system.
But they moved here away from that system.
Oxymoron or just plain ironic

Reply #452575 | Report this post

Years ago

I didn't know the selections had to be done on were you were born. It's based on were your are registered - check the BA rules, very clearly states you can't live & play in one state and play for another. So, they are only eligible to play for Vic.

Hold up, now you are saying that kids will leave the game because of this. Get a grip!

Boys jump to footy cause there's better monetary rewards on offer. Hell, some kids can get $200-300 a game playing suburban footy. Can get that playing ball!

Totally agree, it is embarrassing that the Vic Metro born and developed kids were not better than the ex-Tassie kids. Maybe the kids should have been developed better?

Playing for state basketball isn't a right its something that should be earned by the best / most skilled players.

Obviously, the Tassie system, in this case for this age group, did produce 3 better players than those born-n-bred in Vic.

I think we agree, the system needs to be improved.

Reply #452576 | Report this post

Years ago

The coaches and selectors have been seduced by the new kids on the block and wiped their backsides with the kids who have been in the system longer than those coaches have.

I would love to hear from the people calling the shots as to why they selected 3 imports over kids in the system.... Or do they even have a valid reason? The principle is all wrong and like a previous poster said, this is from a state that strictly only allows 2 'import' players per team in its weekly league. What a farce!!!

Change for change's sake - just like they did with NITP. Foolishly thinking that the new model for doing things and fresh faces are the answer. Ummmm hello ?? How many Vic metro players have made the Australian U17s and U19s men and women in recent years? Clearly the old system, old set of values and principles and old coaches were producing. This would have never happened if Charles Ryan was still with us.

Reply #452577 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibson and Goulding are Tassie produced. Yes??

Reply #452581 | Report this post

Years ago

See the Shueller/Tas thread from a few months back to see the start of this story.

Reply #452582 | Report this post

Years ago

Knight and Walker are Tas. products as well. Plus three U19 men's Aus reps this year. Tassie can produce some high quality players just not the volume to compete consistently at junior nationals.

Reply #452583 | Report this post

dione 91  
Years ago

I think the outrage has stemmed from the observations of many outside the 'official' selection processes (incl. VJBL grading games)that ALL 3 are possibly NOT 'better' than some in the large pool of seasoned Victorian juniors in anyone's eyes but the selection committee (parents are excluded in this..they all think their kids should make it - human nature).
Past junior teams stacked with kids from one club also causes debate each year.
Also heard that 4 in the team are all primarily point guards! So its not just the Tassie factor that has many baffled.

Reply #452584 | Report this post

Years ago

Clearly Some parents/kids/clubs live with some arrogant, ridiculous entitlement complex.

Just pick the BEST team from the eligible kids, regardless where they were born, if they're eligible pick them.

Some of you would end up in court with a discrimination case against you the way you carry on.

Either the players are eligible or they're not, simple.

If your kid missed out because they thought they were a shoe in based on existing talent or results and cruised through then bad luck, work harder next time.

Reply #452585 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

Pretty sure people move states all the time....can't believe some sour person even bothered to bring this up they are just kids.

Its not like they are communting from Hobart to training...!

Reply #452588 | Report this post

Years ago

How long should they play locally to be eligible? A year, then they knock your kid out of the team? Such sour grapes!

Reply #452591 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly, so someone moves interstate with their parents, most likely for work prospects and has to give up basketball at the highest level because snotty parents dont want extra competition for their kids who think they're entitled to a state team spot??? Give me a break.

Reply #452593 | Report this post

Years ago

I venture no opinion at all as to whether the kids should or should not have been selected but wasn't there a wider story here? I though there were questions about how these kids actually came to be in Victoria (recruited/scholar-shipped by a school??). I have no knowledge, but sure I read something like this earlier.

If that is the case, or if there is any involvement of basketball officials in getting the kids across the from Tassie, then perhaps there is a reason to ask some questions.

It seems "coincidental" that three families would all move at one time.

Reply #452596 | Report this post

Years ago

No coincidence HO.

Just 3 Tassie families rejecting the new B Tas program after Schueller left for Vic Country.
2 athletes were exising TIS scholarship holders and the 3rd was about to receive hers when it all blew up down here.

Feel very sorry for the Tas U18 girls left behind. Nationals gonna be a very tough gig for them and their coach.

Reply #452597 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

All the ppl on here saying they shouldn't qualify for Vic, are you saying then they should qualify for Tas or be not allowed to play state at all? Fools

Reply #452598 | Report this post

Years ago

T. It must be broader than that. No inducement from a school or similar?

Seems amazing that three familes would uproot their lives to Victoria (new jobs, new homes etc) simply because they were not happy with the Tassie basketball program - that's a lot of caring for a huge amount of risk!

Reply #452599 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahhh.... Tiger watcher - but they HAVE been commuting and may possibly be living in shared accom without Parents!

Reply #452602 | Report this post

Years ago

"walked into state side at the expense
Of Vic players who have played every Friday
Night for 5 seasons in the vjbl."

Big deal. When they played in the VJBL for those 5 seasons, they didn't do it exclusively to make the Vic team. They didn't just do it so they could represent Vic U18 at Nats. You make it sound as though they had no fun playing Friday nights and that it was a sacrifice to make the Vic team. Please.

I did an internship at a law firm, working 60hr weeks for a year. Unlike playing friday night basketball, this wasn't very fun.

At the end of the internship, I found out they had hired an English woman who had her Masters in Law and had extensive experience.

I was gutted, but took it on the chin and found another job (which I got because I had done the internship and they liked my work ethic).

I think its a good lesson for the kids..Life is hard. Just because you do something, doesn't mean you become entitled to that thing.

Sometimes I think things are all too rosy and golden for kids; which just makes the shock of the real world that much bigger.

Reply #452603 | Report this post

Years ago

HO - Not sure about inducement via scholarship however all 3 kids @ big metro club = Bulleen. And who said families uprooted and moved whole life to Melbourne? Not so. All kids left families behind in Tas to my knowledge.

Reply #452605 | Report this post

Years ago

THere are some very unbalanced people out there. It's sport, it's kids sport. Let them try out, if they are good enough, they make it. That is how it works. If you don't like it get the rules change but I hardly think an association is going to exclude ANY kids from trying out for their state rep sides. They will pick the best players/team they can.

For the kids that didnt make it. SPort is fickle. If you are good you will make it, if not you won't. It's nothing else.

Reply #452607 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

So the kids are living in Melbourne without parent...pretty sure that isn't illegal.

If they are attending school or working and boarding pretty sure in Australia you can live were you like as it is a fere country.

Obviously a few parents aren't happy there kids have been overlooked....really forget the sour grapes as good chance your kids aren't making the NBA or WNBA and will end up hacking around in the Big V or not playing at all so let's chill out a bit on these "KIDS"!

Reply #452608 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry T. Got that impression from earlier posts.

Reply #452609 | Report this post

Years ago

Does that mean the kids going to the AIS should be suiting up for the ACT come Nationals?

Reply #452610 | Report this post

Dandy Lion  
Years ago

Last post Anon: good question should AIS kids play for ACT. Same thing as Tas kids living in Melbourne. For me, basketball Australia rules should be looked at. Kids should be able to play for their home state, ie state of origin if they choose to. Just my opinion. Doesn't mean there isn't an argument going the other way. State selection has always been tough and good kids often miss out. At the end of the day we appoint state coaches to select the team. In this case the coach in question is an independent coach (ie not coaching in the age group or selected a number of players from his home club). I believe he has selected the team he thinks is best and has not promised players selections. I watched a substantial amount of the U18 ECC games and it was always going to be extremely hard to select the side. Great talent and many kids played well and gave themselves every chance but you can only take 10. Every year there is complaints of bias and favouritism and this year, the three Tassie girls are an easy target but had they not been there, it would have been someone else. Let's leave these kids to do their best, they are only 16 year olds.

Reply #452613 | Report this post

Years ago

Red87 stated that 5 or 6 families uprooted and
Came over for school and a better program or similar.
Now the families haven't come over according to someone else.
It changes all the time.
The same people who are obviously linked to the decision
Either by parentage, coaches or club keep spinning
Same crap about "they were the best kids"
Or " you're kid wasn't good enough" or "they were better players than your kid"
I don't have a kid that tried out!!!
My whole point on this issue is How did it happen.
It seems to me there was clearly untoward activity
Between someone within the team who had
The power to pick them, a promise they would be
Picked and a school who needed talented athletes
For their program.
This is the the core of the problem, you have a tainted
Selection process where the tryouts were transparent
As a parent you do not send your kids interstate
For the sake of hope and "it may turn out ok"
Not a good mix but if you were transparent instead
Of hiding behind all your lame excuses it would
Sit better with most impartial observers.
Be open and honest and your comments won't seem
So desperate.
Your early posts are correct and karma is a bitch.
Now that it is open season expect Vic metro juniors
To be raided not dissimilar to the old vfl where strong clubs dominated due to wealth
And opportunities they could provide
You are by your actions creating an unfair AJC
And the weaker and smaller states will lose out in the long run
You will have a two horse race every year
What happened to the bigger picture, this is not
Professional sport.
Very short sighted by coaches who always
Preach big picture thinking

Reply #452614 | Report this post

Years ago

I also can't believe these rich kids from South Sudan have been sent over to take our kids place on the state team even though they weren't born here.....

Nah just kidding, I'm guessing the parents posting here care a lot more than the kids (not looking forward to my kids getting older).
conspiracy theories
bad coaching
All excuses from parents who cared way too much and who's kids weren't good enough to make it in the end.

Reply #452619 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe Broken Hill is eligible for SA state Champs! We need to change the borders to allow that.

I can't believe why BSA are not offering to find education and boarding arrangements for these better than Tassie players to play for SA

I can't believe why BSA didn't establish the position of Recruitment Director to second interstate juniors to play for SA

I can't wait for the next annual championship which will be state of origin or state of conception or something similar!!!!

Reply #452623 | Report this post

Years ago

"race card" not a good call.
If I were sth aust basketball I would be worried about this
It is not small picture it is more about what the
AJC will look like in 5 years if basketball aust
Don't fix this now

Reply #452625 | Report this post

Years ago

Res 87 is wrong Anon - it's simple as that. Kids moved, no families have moved or will move IMO. Families explored their options and didn't like what was proposed by BTas. Solution = kids move interstate for their final years of secondary education and take up offers there. Meanwhile back at the ranch Tas Hoops is heading in the right direction, apparently ...

Reply #452628 | Report this post

Years ago

Basketball Australia has clear rules on kids at the AIS. They can either represent the state that they came from or should they choose to they can play for ACT

Reply #452631 | Report this post

Years ago

Did any other Bulleen kids make the team??
Just asking?

Reply #452632 | Report this post

Years ago

Best Bulleen kid IMO got cut early in the process.

Reply #452635 | Report this post

Dandy Lion  
Years ago

Why does BA have different rules for AIS? Should be the same option for all states IMO. Kids should be able to choose whether they play for state if origin or state they have moved to.

Reply #452637 | Report this post

Years ago

Two bottom age Bulleen kids were named emergencies. Great effort by the two girls

Reply #452638 | Report this post

Years ago

T, your right I phased it wrong. I meant to say kids moved over - my bad!

Last Anon, no they didn't and the coach is ex-Dandy and now Sandringham SEABL women - so you can't claim any bias as Dandylion highlighted.

To the other Anon, you seem to be TROLLYING. You keep up your little conspiracy theories and bagging people who are giving you the facts about what happened.

Reply #452640 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you will all find that these girls moved here FOR BB REASONS ONLY and have ended up at a school which will have a BB program run by Stacker. They moved here last year WITHOUT parents and I am pretty sure the parents are STILL NOT HERE. Stacker had a ton of influence here via his exposure to these girls within the NITCP system. They met all the criteria to qualify for the team and they ended up being selected. State selection is ALWAYS a issue and as has been said before, the results will be the test.
I dont agree with what they did but it now shows how much importance some families place on basketball. Lets see if they STAY here after this year or return to Tas for y12.
Knowing the coaching staff this time around i can only assume the best kids were picked out of the available group who went through the process. Unlike the last coach for the 18 girls this guy knows his stuff.

Reply #452643 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with dandy lion about them having the choice
To either tryout for origin or place of residence.
Perhaps this is the answer, as clearly this will
Continue to happen if Vic and nsw set up
The majority of ball academies

Reply #452644 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, do you have one of those perpetual motion pecking birds randomly hitting your return key?

Reply #452655 | Report this post

Years ago

that is very funny Isaac.

Reply #452658 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought it was a poem and I was about to comment on the terrible rhyming.

Reply #452662 | Report this post

Years ago

Issac, you certainly know how to get the humour back into things....

Reply #452665 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe those parents bleating about their kids missing out on Vic State team spots can send them over to Tas to dominate, apparently there's 3 spots vacant over there.

Reply #452667 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't recall people crying last year when 2 Vic women were allowed to play for Tas U20 team due to shortage of numbers. Gave them a chance to play and Tas could field a team in their 'home' championships.

As the 'Schueller thread' showed many didn't want to sit around while geriatrics work out how to offer high performance program that doesn't match what they had.

They found an option and it's paid off.

Reply #452669 | Report this post

Years ago

Assuming these kids are good players and they must be because they were a part of the NITP in TAS, and they got selected for Vic Metro. The question should be what has gone wrong in TAS??

Reply #452670 | Report this post

Years ago

voddy, I also wondered if it was a questionable poem. Looked like one and I was as interested in the posts as I am in poetry.

Reply #452675 | Report this post

Years ago

WHERE YOU ARE WRONG IS one of the assist coaches BULLEN the other ELTHAM 18s girls coach and by the way 8 out of the 16 come from where ONE GUESS ????THOSE CLUBS

Reply #452677 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh god, the pecking bird is now posting all by itself!

Reply #452679 | Report this post

Years ago

You sure I am A BECKING BIRD

Reply #452680 | Report this post

Years ago

Haa, move to Tas at your own peril. No high performance program there anymore so get prepared for the influx of ex-Tas players folks!

Reply #452681 | Report this post

Years ago

Thats all, but will they be PROMISED the same as the 3 girls as most know Tassie b/ball is not real flash

Reply #452682 | Report this post

Years ago

The result will be the TRUTH ,right or wrong .If they win the correct choices were taken .If they loose then the SH.. will really start???????Then we will see how wears IT

Reply #452684 | Report this post

Years ago

Confused? What could they have been promised? Have to be selected on own merit, obviously.

Reply #452687 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing like having your knickers in a twist....

So now your saying that the Assistants picked the teams...conspiracy theory number 15 for you.

Let's see Melb, DV, Knox, Bulleen & Eltham are top 6 ranked not counting Sth Pen who are mostly country kids.
Maybe all bar one of the 16 come from them. Hell, Bulleen has 2 teams in top 10 so you'd expect they may have a few in.

Can't wait till your next conspiracy?

Reply #452693 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont YOU THINK they would have a BIG say BOff HEAD

Reply #452694 | Report this post

Years ago

And NEXT conspiracy when they dont win the gold medal

Reply #452696 | Report this post

Years ago

Bullen has 2 teams in v.c so what 3 bottom age and if you forgot 3 tassie girls???

Reply #452698 | Report this post

State watcher  
Years ago

Have the State teams for Victoria Metro Under 18 boys and girls been posted? If so, where? If not, can those in the know tell me who made it?

Reply #452701 | Report this post

Years ago

They have not been posted yet,only the kids /parents have been sent email. Should be posted on v.j.b.l web soon.

Reply #452712 | Report this post

Years ago

State Watcher - They are on the Tassie basketball site!

Reply #452713 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with lets just wait and see how the team performs that will the true test.Then all the questions will be answered. Only then we will see how is right or wrong, res87 and isaac might have to eat humble pie????? Or they might go for a beer or two with the coaches????????

Reply #452714 | Report this post

Years ago

The results wont mean the wrong players were selected either, there's nothing to say those who missed out could have performed any better.

Reply #452720 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous, now now. Don't get so frustrated that you have to resort to name calling.

They'd have a say but not to the point you seem to be suggesting.

Any, if you check, most of the same kids where selected in 16s two year ago.

Reply #452724 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that so.Maybe if the right or correct players were taken this would not be a discussion point . When was the last time this amount of anger went down re under 18 state team, and the selection of a team

Reply #452725 | Report this post

Years ago

Hows Name calling if the hat fits then wear it, if not so be it . It must cut deep???

Reply #452727 | Report this post

Years ago

I wounder how coached the 16s 2 years ago

Reply #452728 | Report this post

Years ago

There was a club that won Vc under 14 then went to nationals they got 2 stronger players from an other club. they lost ended up bottom group and other team that they convincingly beat in VC won the nationals. so we will see if this experiment works.

Reply #452729 | Report this post

Jumpin' Jack  
Years ago

What experiment? Seriously, have you ever considered a bunch of kids who were eligible went to trials and they picked the ones they thought were the best? Simple as that.

Reply #452731 | Report this post

Years ago

There's always lots of discussions about state selections.

Anonymous, you actually think your silly conspiracy based comments are cutting.....nah!!!

What's the rubbish with "this experiment". this kids were picked as result of the same process that everyone else went through. No experiments, no conspiracies.

Where's the anger! you seem to be the only one angry. Did your daughter, a friend or relative miss out? Or are you from Tassie and worried that one of your kids is going to get beaten because these 3 won't play for Tassie this year.

You seem to take this very personally. Might pay to go see someone about it so you can lose the anger.

Reply #452732 | Report this post

Years ago

I am full of anger as you say maybe just maybe you are one of these coaches lets say. And its cutting deep as some one said earlier. Lets see the results they dont lie.

Reply #452733 | Report this post

Jumpin' Jack  
Years ago

Let him go res87, you wont win - its irrational. He is making assumption these Tassie kids cant play or at least not 3 in one age group. In the recent Aus U19 team there were often 3 Tassie boys in starting 5, but I guess that was a conspiracy too?

Reply #452734 | Report this post

Years ago

F%^k me ive never read such rubbish in all my life, if they're eligible to play so be it, deal with it!!!!!!!!

Its a F'n disgrace the way parents carry on about their kids, instead go to the local court and go help hem get better and stop wasting your time on forums muck raking other kids who clearly have worked harder, even if they've moved from another state..


Reply #452735 | Report this post

Jumpin' Jack  
Years ago

Well said!

Reply #452736 | Report this post

Years ago

JJ if you read the post slowly you will see it says they brought in stronger ie better players into the team, so my point is how well the team plays together. So to me it is still is an experiment do the vic kids accept players from other states.
As for the Australian teams you know that all the best players from Australia are going for the team. So obviously there was 3 kids from Tasmania that where good enough (unless the coach was a Tasmanian :) ). For the record I do not have a friend or family playing in this group

Reply #452737 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe JJ and Isaac and res87 are the 3 coaches trying to defend there picks???

Reply #452738 | Report this post

Years ago

State teams are about picking SMART Coachable players and picking a balanced team with depth, chemistry and versatility.

Your kid might be a prolific scorer but leak as many points defensively, or one dimensional and can only play 1 spot, how often do you see parents point scoring for their kids but never talk about defense..

Your kid might be the 3rd best scorer or defender/forward in VC but if number 2 and 1 play the same spot guess what, your kid misses out, even if "statistically" they're right up there.

No point picking a team of players who all play the same spot/role.

Most parents just don't get any of this.

Reply #452739 | Report this post

Jumpin' Jack  
Years ago

Now that's a conspiracy which is about as feasible as the rest of them on this thread. If I am one of their coaches they are in real trouble! I am sure the group of kids will have a great time and gel together just fine, and probably laugh together at all the silly old buggers dribbling rubbish on here.

Reply #452740 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do you all assume anonymous is one person, it isn't

Reply #452741 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi JJ the only dribble is coming out of your mouth.

Reply #452742 | Report this post

I am glad this thread came up, thank god

Reply #452743 | Report this post

Years ago

If this outcome is all above board and the right thing to do - why has everyone here been objective, subjective, offensive, defensive for a whole day now?? If it was the right process with even a 'near enough' result wouldn't it be 'end of discussion'?

Reply #452745 | Report this post

Years ago

Many of the Anon are from the same IP. Another big group of anonymous posts are also from a single IP. So much "anger" from so few.

No, I am not the coach or a coach. I use my real name, almost every regular on Hoops knows exactly who I am, and I have run this site for many years and seen countless "concerned" posts from endless lines of anonymous parents who feel wronged for whatever reason.

Not sure what humble pie I'm supposed to eat. I have made no comment on the performance of a team.

Reply #452746 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

give yourself a little ball Isaac.

Reply #452748 | Report this post

Dandy Lion  
Years ago

Nothing more to add - just wanted to be the 109th post on this thread. Crazy that this has gone on for so long. Let's hope it stops here

Reply #452749 | Report this post

Years ago

Just so I can be post 110.

I'm not adding anymore because Isaac's summary of the Anon posters sums everything up - a noise few people claiming that everyone is aggrieved.

By the way, I'm not one of the coaches either.

Isaac - is this some sort of record for posts on one topic? Is it a record for most conspiracy theories on one topic?

As they say, That's all folks!

Reply #452754 | Report this post

Years ago

No it can't be the end.... Just when it started to get to the bold text and name calling. Come back anonymous! We need your emotions someone has been wronged. You can't let it end with them having the last say ;)

Reply #452755 | Report this post

Years ago

Not even close to the record, which is 700+ replies. In fact, it doesn't even make the top 50 on the Most Replies list.

Reply #452756 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for that Isaac!

Interestingly, I was reading a similar topic back in 2009 that covered the same topics. That was the year that Lori Chizik picked her own daughter in the state team. Got over 700 replies.

Thanks for the fun guys and girls.

Reply #452758 | Report this post

Years ago

17:50 14 Jan 14

Reply #452728

re: Tassie kids imported into Vic metro teamS

I wounder how coached the 16s 2 years ago

How is this relevant to the U18 group this year? Completely differnet group of coaches and the Head Coach 2 years ago has a different age group this year.

Reply #452770 | Report this post

Years ago

After seeing Tasmania at the u18s at Brisbane last year I am struggling to think why Vic Metro would want or need 3 of their players .......

Reply #452782 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

BA has different nat titles rules for AIS kids ??!! - not when Angela Marino went through in the early 2000's , she was quite authoritatively told she was ineligible to be selected by SA for the u20's and that she was eligible ONLY for the ACT , so she gave the u20's a miss. If the rules are changed now then thats been a recent thing.

Reply #452788 | Report this post

Big V  
Years ago

Very Entertaining! Coaches and assist Coaches will always push forward their own players. There are some good reasons for this:- they know their capabilities. Especially when the going gets rough. The coach this year is very trustworthy. No affil with any of the main group of clubs. If these kids families are essentially in Tasmania then they should play for Tassie. By all means use the Vic school system but they are Tasmanians.

Reply #452799 | Report this post

Experienced coach  
Years ago

Wow - All I can say is that we are talking about a VIC METRO STATE TEAM - the best of the best apparently! As I have coached at both professional and junior elite levels, I am astounded by the rot here.

There are at best 12 spots available in a state team out of a potential 90 athletes - this means that78 athletes wont make the cut!!!! If an athlete is not good enough, then they need to work harder to be seen and harder on and off the court to raise their own profile - train hard play hard and have a good attidude! BUT...that doesnt mean they will be the best players and the state team picks the best players eligable to play for the state so they have every opportunity to win a national championship! Bottom line is that if the athlete is not good enough or can play a role within the team dynamics, they dont get a start so parents need to deal with it!Its poor sportsmanship to complain about an athlete who has missed selection unless warrented by performance coupled with attitude. Just because your kid plays in a the firday night competition, does not mean they are good enough to make a state selection and state selection is a priviledge not an expectation! -I support the coaches decision completely... ask yourself this - if the coach plays an athlete that can not perform on the court and infact aids to a loss of points during that tinme on the court, will the other players blame the coach for putting/picking that player based on their time in the friday comp OR blame that player cause they cant play well enough at that level???? - of course...its the coaches fault so I would say to all those hackers that athletes will blame the coach for picking a poor player rather than the performance itself of that player - suck it up!

Reply #452801 | Report this post

Years ago

HOW true even the girls in the team arnt happy about who got chosen ??? There words NO hope in HEAl in winning gold for Vic metro.

Reply #452822 | Report this post

Years ago

So who made the team clearly there are people on here who know

Reply #452843 | Report this post

Years ago

Finally, the old cliché comes out " girls in the team aren't happy about who was chosen? - really!!

That sounds like the comments that kids make when they know their parents are upset about who was or wasn't selected or they are talking to friends who didn't get selected.

Never knew a kid who didn't appreciate getting selected and worked their butt off for their team.

Reply #452860 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry MR know it all i am telling you the what they are saying to each other get on FACE BOOK and read there post???

Reply #452868 | Report this post

Jumpin' Jack  
Years ago

They dont have to play!!!

Reply #452871 | Report this post

Years ago

Thats right 7 more Tassie kids the way to GO

Reply #452873 | Report this post

Years ago have twisted your reply..again. The girls have all played for a very long time and they're mostly 15/16 year olds -
Not new to selection processes and certainly not particularly bothered about what their parents might think! Sure they are overjoyed to make the team, but maybe have reservations about what the hell has happened here?? They all know each other from previous tournaments and Im sure they will be more than capable of giving their best. That doesn't mean they're all comfortable with whats gone on. Once again, we find that the actions of a few 'grown ups' has moved the goal posts for the kids. It is what it is - agreed...but why should everyone 'suck it up' and the girls go work(even) harder?? All these kids work hard, they're all training 3/4 times a week, some do extra strength & conditioning sessions and a lot on end of year school & NITP tours. Its obviously odd enough to warrant discussion.

Reply #452876 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, selection to the state team is not an annual reunion of buddies locked into a select "click" of elitist kids.... New blood into the State Team system is healthy and stops this entitlement crap some seem to have based on previous State team selection.

Reply #452882 | Report this post

Years ago

until tas bball manager and some on board go the best players have no option but move.
After national 20s and 18s you will have more. Some will move to other parts of Australia but Vic is the closest with great schooling and bball options.

Reply #452887 | Report this post

Years ago

Wowww!! Where did THAT come from? Actually meant the Vic girls probably know the Tassie girls from previous Nats like U16's...How do you wrangle that to being 'buddies get-togethers' with a dash of 'click elitist' young Ladies??
My child has never actually been in a State team and prob happy not to be if thats how the Vic teams are looked upon??
This word 'entitlement' thats cropping up..if the coaches pick who best fits the team, which most say has happened here and always does. Then there is no 'entitlement' there??

Reply #452888 | Report this post

Years ago

This is almost as outrageous as an Aussie kid getting a basketball scholarship to a US college ahead of a local citizen!!!

Reply #452894 | Report this post

Years ago

What about all the Tassie kids taking Vic players spots at the ACB as well. Scandalous. ;)

Reply #452896 | Report this post

Funny one  
Years ago

Now that's funny! But seriously, there isn't one fact here stating that these Tassie kids don't have the skills and eligibility to be selected. Unless you listen to the views of 15-16 years olds on facebook - that's reliable, not!

Well, its clear, whether you like it or not, they are eligible. So can someone who knows tell me if there skills and abilities are below the kids who didn't get selected.

Who should have made it in there place and why?

Reply #452898 | Report this post

Years ago

Look.. Open your eyes for one second and stop getting caught up in your own kids lives. If they were good enough to make the team then obviously they would have. These tassie kids have busted their guts for the past 3 years, to then find out that what they had was to be taken away. These kids love the game more than anything and just want to do everything they can to better their game and their life experiences; not just in basketball but life in general.

Your abusive comments about these kids are just disgraceful and you are just making the victorian name worse and worse. Many people view this and i don't think you realise how pathetic it all is.

Seriously, your kids are under 18's now.. they are growing up and dont need their mummy's and daddy's abusing innocent tasmanians trying to improve their game.

You guys look like your the under 18s here.. not the parents. so grow up and act your age.


Reply #452899 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #452900 | Report this post

Funny one  
Years ago

Well said, growaset!

Reply #452901 | Report this post

Years ago

There are/were rules regarding the eligibility of players representing their state. Part of those requirements were that the players actually reside in the state, and that they had to live there for a period of time 3 months maybe??
Exemptions were giving to players going to boarding school in another state or players at the AIS.
In regards to Marino, she was probably finished high school and as such if she was still in Canberra would have been residing there and would have been required to play for ACT.

If the Tassie girls now live in Victoria then they should be able to be selected. If they actually live in Tasmania but have been playing in Victorian competitions, under the rules I last read then they wouldn't be eligible.

There were issues with places like Albury/Wodonga and NSW/QLD border.

Perhaps someone can locate the current rules so that all interested parties can understand the situation better.

Reply #452905 | Report this post

Years ago

Can confirm that they now live here and are officially registered Vic players. Which is the requirements as I understand. You are only allowed to be registered with one state. Sure BV would have cleared this before they were named.

I'll ask my original question, did a kid with clearly better skills, same role and better team fit miss out?

If not, then why are we talking about this?

Reply #452908 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry, when I wrote my original question, I meant the original and only relevant question?

Reply #452912 | Report this post

Years ago

why bother having a state team when you can just move from one team to an other i thought you are representing a state. y not have the 8 best teams in australia play each other ?

Reply #452919 | Report this post

Years ago

No one has had a dig at any of the kids. Not sure where this keeps coming from?The depth of the competition could have as many as 20 players make the team on any given day.Its the system and events leading up to this situation that is in question. All the 'experts' have made the process quite clear As far as them living here? Interested if they're in Vic this week? Know where I'd be!

Reply #452920 | Report this post

Years ago

If someone has the skill set and is eligible to play for any state so be it.
It simply shows everyone that despite how good you think your kid may be there are other kids out there that are working harder and harder than yours. Good luck to them. There should be more. ;)

Reply #452922 | Report this post

Dandy Lion  
Years ago

Agree with last Anon that any 20 players could make it on a given day. That is the strength of the Victorian competition. I was at the ECC and have seen the Vic players over a number of years. Am not one of the coaches or selectors. As I previously said , all the Vic ECC kids played well over the tournament, some a little better than others. The Tassie kids in question played well but certainly were not stand out better than all the Vic kids in my opinion. you could make an argument to leave them out but also, others could make an argument to leave them in. it is not easy to select as all the girls are all very good. The Tassie kids have talent and I don't believe that those questioning the selection are disputing this. The question is more on principle. The 3 Tassie kids would walk into the Tassie state team, no question. What I am about to say is no disrespect to other states but the best 20 Vic kids would rank reasonably high across the best in Australia but because they live in Vic, 11-20 miss out on the opportunity for national champs. In fact there have been questions in the past as to whether Vic should send two teams. So now we have the situation where three girls who could easily go to Nat Champs for Tas taking a Victorian spot which means three very unlucky Victorians miss out. On principle , there are a lot of people who don't agree with this. When we select our club teams, we look at imports against club players and where the skill is of a similar level, we choose the club person first. Now the selectors will say in their opinion the Tassie kids are better which is why they were selected. In my humble opinion, while certainly talented and fantastic and lovely kids, they are not clearly better than the Victorians and on that basis, I would have selected differently but that is just my opinion and i am not charged with that responsibility. Now that the team is selected, I will be right behind all the kids that will represent us and hope to cheer home a victory for the Vics!

Reply #452924 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with last two replies about the quality of Vic kids and how a lot of kids are unlucky. Hell some great kids don't even get considered for the original teams each year - you've just got to look at some of the kids doing well in college who never played for their state, some didn't even make the NITP.

Is the process the problem, not sure because the rules weren't changed although their impact was, unfortunately, felt by 3 unlucky kids this year. As some said earlier, that's everyday life for the rest of the population.

One question that hasn't been raised, would BTas let them play for Tassie if they were registered, playing and living in Vic?

If they wouldn't, under the rules, that would only leave them one other option under the rules - try out for Vic. Understand this may have been the case.

Reply #452927 | Report this post

Years ago

There would be more than 20 kids per age group "technically" good enough to make a state team in any given year but for a vast variety of reasons either miss out, or simply don't want to play State, or do NITP etc.
You can really only pick the 2 best players for every spot on a team and being versatile i.e able to play multiple spots certainly helps your cause.
Then there's mental toughness, athleticism, coach-ability, attitude, ability to fit into the group etc etc.

Its certainly not always about being a great Basketballer that makes you the right fit for a State team.

Reply #452930 | Report this post

Years ago

At the end of the day Vic will win daylight second and only parents of those who missed will remember. Fairness died in sport a long time ago and there should be courses for parents on how to succeed in all the things necessary to advance your kids because none of those requirements are athlete based

Reply #452933 | Report this post

Years ago

res87 - BTas GM made it perfectly clear to athletes beforehand they would forfeit their right to play for Tassie once they were established in Melbourne. Could see this thread happening months ago but wasn't sure any of the girls would make the final cut, let alone all 3. Tas U18 girls had a disappointing nationals in Brisbane, 2014 in Canberra aint gonna be pretty. You may have some disappointed athletes left out but whether you win or lose in April you'll have a lot more to cheer about than those left behind in Tas.

Reply #452935 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks for that clarification T. So they had no alternative but to try out for Vic Metro given they where eligible and unable to play for Tassie.

Ok, then they got selected and we should all get over it. Isn't the first time and won't be the last that we don't agree with who was selected for something.

That's what happens in everyday life, not always the best people get selected. The people doing the selections pick who they want and like to do the role. Parents, what a great learning experience for the future.

Reply #452941 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

So the facts are...

1. Some girls (who used to live in Tassie)live in Victoria, where they play basketball.

2. As they are quite good they try out for State. As they now live in Victoria they are only eligible to try out for Vic, so this is what they do. The fact that they used to live in Tas is irrelevant.

3. All three of the girls turn out to be good enough to be selected for Victoria (remember that because they live there, according to the rules this is the only State they can play for).

So that being said, what is the big fuss?

Reply #452943 | Report this post

Years ago

Good luck to all of you on winning the Sheep Station I hope it is all worth it.

Reply #452944 | Report this post

Change the rules  
Years ago

Res87: if they don't technically qualify to play for Tasmania despite living there until Dec 31 then this is where I think the system is wrong. Players should have the choice of playing for state of origin.

I am told that when Darren Perry went to Brisbane Bullets as a 17 year old, he wanted to play U20 for Victoria in National champs. He had represented Victoria 3 or 4 times already but Basketball Queensland said he had to play for QLD as he was living there. What a ridiculous situation that he was not allowed to play for Victoria. Rather than play against his home state he chose not to play.

We teach loyalty and pride in representing our state but set rules that go against this. Kids should be given an option under these circumstances. Rules need to change.

Reply #452948 | Report this post

Years ago

Vics are on a winner as this group made it on talent. Two of the 3 were arguably the best Tas player at 16's and 18's respectively in 2013. The other is a very hard at it player who gives her all ever game.

When things stalled in Tassie they took a chance and it paid off. BTas was unconcerned about losing them. The GM said publicly losing players, "part of the deal" as there are "plenty of athletes there ready to step in." And if they came back they would have to "come along and try out like anyone else." LOL

Reply #452952 | Report this post

Years ago

This is very true.
Well done girls best move made and paid off.

Reply #452954 | Report this post

Years ago

Once again the thread has gone back to the kids.
The point is more question of what was promised
before tryouts to the Tassie kids.If they were promised
a spot "on the quiet" there is a serious breach of a process
which is meant to pick the best at tryouts and there would
have been only 7 spots available.
I know the Vic girls weren't told this.
If it was one kid from Tassie or anywhere else I don't think you would have this perception but three in one state team stinks of imports.
Nothing against the kids just the process this time which is fishy

Reply #452955 | Report this post

Years ago

Matt63, please stop. You are not making any sense.

Reply #452960 | Report this post

Years ago

"Change the rules" - so by giving the athletes a choice, you're not fixing the situation, you're opening it up to yet more possibility of abuse, where backroom deals become far more prevalent because there are 2 states an ethlete could play for, so there's incentive for administrators/coaches to make promises etc to get certain kids along - and guess what, someone would end up missing out and yet another thread like this would kick off.

Reply #452961 | Report this post

Years ago

Matt63, there is no way on earth ANY Player is guaranteed a spot on ANY state team, they all have to earn their spot. To suggest otherwise, at least in Vic is plain out offensive.

Reply #452962 | Report this post

Change the rules  
Years ago

Think you are missing the point Anonymous. Kids should not become in eligible to play for their home state because they have lived in another one for 2 weeks, particularly where the reason is outside their control. That is just morally fair for the kids. If coaches and selectors want to "make promises " then they shouldn't be in the position. We shouldn't have to penalise kids to ensure proper behaviour of those controlling the game.

Reply #452965 | Report this post

Common Sense.  
Years ago

"Change the rules" Fine, people need to take it up with Basketball Tas then and stop banging on about the Vic metro system and dragging the Tas kids and whole Vic Metro system through the mud over it.

People need to be very careful about insinuating inappropriate selection processes, its clearly defamation.

Reply #452966 | Report this post

Years ago

Matt63. So if it's not about the kids but they were promised spots on the quiet?? Telling 16/17 year olds something like that would leak out quick. While some coaches may inclined to whittle down numbers with some preconceptions promising squad spots to players who only then have to show up. Rubbish!! No coach is going to risk a nationals result on selecting a squad that doesnt have the potential to perform.

They took the only risk here. All credit to them or getting this far.

Reply #452969 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

What's stopping Victorian kids moving to Tas to get a walk on spot if it's that important? There's three vacancies now!

Reply #452970 | Report this post

Years ago

"In fact there have been questions in the past as to whether Vic should send two teams"

Only from arrogant Victorians. You couldn't even make the final in 16 boys nationals last year!

Thank goodness the children of these sooky parents didn't make the team - imagine how unbearable they'd be in Canberra if their little princess didn't start, or get enough minutes, or get enough shots! Great decision by the coaches to avoid these "cancers"!

Reply #452993 | Report this post

Years ago

That is the most unqualified, unsubstantiated, unsportsmanlike comment I've heard here. Certainly hope I won't be sitting near you anytime soon - anywhere!!

Reply #453033 | Report this post

Years ago

You won't be - I won't go anywhere near the whiny "conspiracy cancers".

Reply #453063 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #454270 | Report this post

Years ago

How are the tassie girls going in metro side?

Reply #463111 | Report this post

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