Jack Toft
Years ago

Sixers v Kings Sun 12th

What a great NBL season it is. The Sixers host the Kings this Sunday in what can only be described as a delight for any Sixer's fan. It will be hot both on and off the court so a word of warning to the catering staff, and some advice - make sure there's plenty of beer and plenty of cool drinks on hand. For any budding entrepreneurs may I suggest investing in a slushy machine.

The Kings are in more trouble than Errol Flynn with a 0-4 run and once you’re on that slippery slope, winning is like trying to change lanes for your exit on the Harbour Bridge in peak hour traffic while you’re towing an uncovered trailer with lawn clippings. They will be desperate to get a win, at any cost, so I can imagine it will be tough, almost shoelace untying tough.

The Sixers are undefeated at home this season and Joey has made it clear to his chargers that he is serious when it comes to finals action, more serious than a German traffic cop with a tooth ache who hasn't got his quota for the month. The crowd are right behind the Sixers and with the crowd levels this season, it's worth points per game. It's almost time to bring the ear plugs!

The Kings will be looking for Olgivy to lift and for Young to show his NBA talent, sadly for them, momentum is with the Sixers and so they should get this in the bag quickly to snuff out any resistance. Madgen is always keen to impress in Adelaide.

We all know Shane Heal loves Adelaide crowds and he hates hecklers, so please be nice to him.

Sixers all the way.

Topic #33481 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sixers comfortably.

Reply #452177 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

No pg = 6ers win, joey can start the bench and they will still win in double figures. Il rest ervin for another wk with the way the team is playing Imo

Reply #452186 | Report this post

Years ago

See I think u rest him too long when u don't really have to and it can cause issues when he does return to the flow.

Reply #452188 | Report this post

Years ago

yep if he is cleared and all ok you play him, you can always cut his minutes.

Reply #452196 | Report this post

Years ago

The Kings should ask if they can borrow one of the Sixers point guards for the game. Ervin, Cadee or Gibson. What a luxury that must be!
Most teams have AT LEAST 1 point guard and a combo guard, some teams have 3 point guards!

Perth - Martin, Beal
Adl - Ervin, Cadee, Gibson
Melb - Tomlinson, Farakhan
Cairns - McCamey, Wilson, Bruce
NZ - Johnson, CJ, Webster
W'gong - Martin, Clarke
Townsville - Markovic, Norton
Kings - Carmouche? Madgen? Weeks?

Surely the Kings have taken the piss long enough. Come on let's get real fellas.
The Christmas break goes by, no changes, 9 day break between games. Nothing.
We did get a Ben Allen article though and a 'everything is great' article riddled with professional sportsmen cliche's.
Weak effort Kings.
Give yourself a chance and bring in a proper point guard.

This one could get ugly!

Reply #452212 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha I love jw21..

Reply #452221 | Report this post

Years ago

Laying bets on ehection of a Kings player ... or coach... as they are steam rolled.....

Who's on Young ????? Frye ?????

Reply #452230 | Report this post

Years ago

opps Ejection !!!!

Reply #452236 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I hear the tickets sales have been good, very good. Crowd should be well into the 6,000. The camps are coming as well so it will be huge.

Reply #452237 | Report this post

Years ago

Mainly single seats only left in lower section...a few doubles. Just bought 4 tickets and only one's left were last row.

Should be a corker of a crowd. South Adelaide have their club day thing also which is all prepaid tickets in the upper section I believe. That's a few hundred too.

High 6's maybe 7.

Reply #452253 | Report this post

Years ago

I went on for 'Happy Hour' the other night. There really wasn't much left at all.
As far as 2 tickets goes, there was nothing in East or West Silver, not much in the Gold corners (Row J for South East, nothing in North East or North West, not sure on South West), Row JJ in South Upper.
I ended up getting row BB in North Upper, so was happy with that, even though it's gold above the walkway, I like sitting there. This was only about half an hour in to the first hour of the sale too, so could have come close to selling out by the end of it.

So it should be a very good crowd.

Reply #452293 | Report this post

Years ago

Good crowd for what should be a whitewash.

Reply #452300 | Report this post

Years ago

I hate this feeling but I keep thinking Sydney is going to win today. The worst feeling of all, they will win by 17.

Reply #452336 | Report this post

+ -  
Years ago

Put the bong down Crusty

Reply #452337 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide by 27

Reply #452338 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope it's a massive blowout, resulting in Carmouche, Allen, Weeks, Gleeson and Harvey getting the sack.

Reply #452347 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin needs to get a clue. You can't just breeze back in after an arthroscopy and drive into traffic at every opportunity. So frustrating

Reply #452352 | Report this post

Years ago

Shows you how bad the Kings have been and the Sixers are now.

Reply #452358 | Report this post

Years ago

Makes you wonder what CRUSTY had in His BONG!!

Reply #452360 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Scoreline? Live stats is bollocked

Reply #452361 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers lose convincingly.

Reply #452362 | Report this post

Years ago

A few twists left in the season

Reply #452363 | Report this post

Years ago

Puff puff pass Crusty.

Reply #452364 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Kings 102 def Sixers 89

Top scorers were Gibbo and DJ 21 each. Young 24 and Madge 19.

Gibbo was also Sixer's best rebounder with 6, whilst AJ had 14.

Cadee 5 dimes, Madge and Young 4 each.

Other notables....Ervin 4 / 17 FGs.

Schensh played only 8 mins but got 5 rebounds....is he still unwell / recovering from injuries?

Cody Ellis continues to impress, has gobbled up Brad Hill's minutes.

Sixers really missed a chance to catch up to Perth.

Reply #452366 | Report this post

Years ago

Schenscher is fine, Joey just refuses to play him more than 14minutes a game. When you have a fellow traditional big man on the opposition team, you have to adapt a little as a coach and use certain types of players more so. Joey wont do that which is a tad annoying.

I dont think Sydney were all that good in alot of areas, but just made some very tough 3's and it became contagious.

36ers were due for a loss, and id rather lose to Sydney than Perth. Will bounce back very quickly against the Crocs. Still 2 clear in second.

Reply #452368 | Report this post

Years ago

how about some truths about the disgraceful umpiring. Sixers were never going to win regardless of how they played. How Madgen didn't get a tech for delay game and all the acting he did today who knows. Umps need lesson in passing backcort rule too.. unbelievable at this level. sixers will take the loss and bounce back but hurts less if done on fair terms.... Hawks had the same a few weeks ago ...... Time to review and send out some apologies and spend some time with the umps reviewing calls. Start with todays game, there is a lot to learn.... Sorry to see Garlepp lower himself to the disgusting tactics he used. he is better than that and please sort out your travels. there's another umpiring issue......

Reply #452372 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't blame the refs it was an insipid & gutless performance from the 36ers at home.

Kings never looked like losing that despite playing terrible and fortunate to score 60 since getting Young.

102 points, fuck me. Joey needs to tear strips off them at training this week.

Reply #452373 | Report this post

Years ago

the contagion with the 3 point shots for Sydney came from the 36ers not being able to defend the basket in the first half. Young and Ogilvy had their way with the 36ers and then the Kings shooters were opened up for mostly set shots outside the line. Kings were never taken out of their game plan. Personally, I felt they looked to be the better team throughout the game.

Adelaide give up more points per game than any other team (may change after today's results, depending on what Perth score against Townsville), relying on offensive power to win. Sydney exploited that, particularly in the paint. We need to fix the defensive problems well before the play-offs.

Reply #452374 | Report this post

Years ago

sydney just shot the shit out of the ball and their rebounding defensively and offensively won them the game.

Reply #452375 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

How in the name of little green apples did Sydney put three digits on the board, they've struggled getting two digits in recent games.

Reply #452378 | Report this post

Years ago

Let's hope Ervin gets cited. The refs missed his cheap shot on Harvey.

Reply #452379 | Report this post

Years ago

Read the post.... not complaining about the win to sydney or justifying coaching or players, just highlighting disgraceful umpiring....... For the love of the game..... No need to use poor language either...... Watch the replay and if you know your rules, you'll see that no matter who plays, the umps need to sort out the calls so the best team wins this season, no matter who is playing..... Fair is fair......

Reply #452380 | Report this post

Years ago

Phil - rebounds were pretty even. Kings collected 68% at the defensive end and 35% at the offensive end. So the 36ers were 65% and 32%, respectively. One more defensive rebound by the 36ers and it would have been even, percentage wise.

Reply #452382 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone needs to settle down, geez. Sydney have arguably the most talented roster in the league, and they hit tough shots today which were the difference. Adelaide didn't even play that badly. It was a tight, well played game. The umpiring league wide just is horrendous, maybe I've just come to terms with that now. They barely know the rules. It wasn't the difference. Adelaide loose ground on top spot, but the Melbourne loss on Friday shows why Adelaide shouldn't be too concerned.

Reply #452384 | Report this post

Years ago

Great to see Ogilvy impose himself on the game again like earlier in the season. As a neutral that was a super fun game to watch with a lot of good players doing a lot of good things!

Reply #452387 | Report this post

Years ago

kings rebounding did far more damage. how many points were scored off second chances for them.

where a lot of sixers offensive boards were more spills that didnt give them as easy a putback or second shot but rather a reset.

also the sixers love to run and gun and had to fight harder for the boards so werent skipping out as much as they would have liked to.

Reply #452390 | Report this post

Years ago

in general it was a good game and good signs from both teams. not overly concerned from a sixers point , still stuff to work on but sydney wont always shoot the ball at that rate.

Reply #452391 | Report this post

Years ago

Good crowd, 6314.

Reply #452394 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Yeah, great crowd, was a good round for crowds.

Reply #452397 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin hit Madgen not Harvey. Reesy even have him a mouth full from the sideline

This one sits on Joey's shoulders

Running a 2-3 zone with Gibbo at the back against Harvey and Madge was nuts. Gary clearly not ready yet. Relies on explosive moves which he doesn't have right now due to the knee op only a few weeks ago.

Creek got minutes and we had a run then benched again, if he doesn't get regular solid minutes soon he won't be a 36er next season. Superior to Frye right now.

Reply #452398 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

A great game, but bad results for Sixers fans, but lets give credit where credit is due. Olgivy got more boards than the stats say and he was the difference today. Whenever a Kings ball was jacked up and there was a contested rebound, Olgivy grabbed it. Harvey was a freak 3/4 3P's and each one of those was made under intense pressure.

The Kings are talented and I think they basically coached themselves today with Heal just calling subs in between brushing his hair.

Offensively, the Sixers score would have won on any other day.

Reply #452399 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin hit Harvey in the last quarter. Did Ervin hit Madgen as well? Harvey talked smack to him continually too after the cheap shot. Ervin didn't like that one lil bit. Very clear on replay.

Reply #452401 | Report this post

Years ago

No need to panic ,we due for bad loss and be more fired up for the next few games.

Reply #452404 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow Observers back and still cant string a sentence together ;)

Reply #452405 | Report this post

Years ago

"Adelaide give up more points per game than any other team"

By virtue of pace I imagine.

Interesting game. Thought Cadee was great and Creek when he was on, plus Gibson until the missed attempts near the end. Should've rested Ervin because he forced it too often. I was surprised when Joey ran a zone against them - instantly burnt by Harvey and BJ got benched as a result.

Kings rebounded well and hit shots at the end when needed. We had our chances, but couldn't maintain a run or hit shots in the last few minutes.

Reply #452410 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Sack joey!

Reply #452411 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with anon #398, Joey got it wrong today, persisting with the zone when we needed to apply more pressure via man on man. I don't understand why Creek didn't get a lot more burn either. We needed to keep pressuring the Kings ball carriers and Creek does a great job of his role in the full court press. I'm curious as to why BJ got so little time too. I thought he could've been sent out there to put a body on Ogilvy to keep him away from the ring. DJ and Petrie have struggled against AJ in both games this season and Luke isn't the answer - he got three fouls in about 2 mins trying to stop AJ and Young. Might've been worth trying something new?

Reply #452415 | Report this post

Years ago

Cody Ellis looks the goods!

Reply #452417 | Report this post

Years ago

We are still 2nd!!!!
Yes Observer is back.
Doesnt need annoymous telling him what to say.
Its simple,we will bounce back better.

Reply #452419 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Exactly 2 games behind us, it aint nuthin! U guys should be proud ove what ure team has done! From what they have been til now, they have been a joy to watch. So hangin ladrg will met u guyz in the play offs at some stage.

Reply #452420 | Report this post

Years ago

Still can't spell.

Reply #452421 | Report this post

Years ago

Bit of a pity today. Team did not play well and the Kings shooting 3's at 45% did not help.

Joey made a few mistakes today and should have had more of Schensh and DJ on at the same time. DJ is just a liability against a team like Sydney who's big's will work under the basket. Giving them a constant clear run is not defense!
Creek was also rather active but Frye stepped up in the last few minutes and really helped the team push for a few turn overs, bit of a 50/50 who would have been better on the court at the time. I would have liked to see both of them on the court for the full court press.

The Ref's need to take a long hard look at themselves after this game. There was no consistency at all throughout the game and Harvey and Magden had them calling anything they wanted. Bit annoying to watch Madgen constantly throw his elbow into a player and then get the call for it. Some stupid calls at crucial times really hindered us as well

Reply #452422 | Report this post

Years ago

"anonymous" speling and gramarr are important. Abserver shud use spell checker :)

Reply #452423 | Report this post

Years ago

Great win. Pleasantly surprised, thought that the Sixers were going to win this one comfortably.
See what happens when AJ gets the ball!!
They are still going to need a proper point guard if they want to make the finals, not sold just yet.

Reply #452433 | Report this post

Years ago

Madgen tonight = elbows, planking, sulking, delaying play (soccer), and yes he shot well, but should have received techs and an academy award, but he has loads of those already. Cannot believe he gets away with so much and still sulks.

NBL needs to introduce the flagrant foul and penalise heavily. How frustrated were the sixers on the break with a guaranteed intentional slap down on the shooter sliding them into the padding. Its not necessary... Cop the break and respect the players right to leave the court in one piece... proud to see sixers not buying in to that and letting if go, thats sportsmanship. Amazing it took as long as it did for Ervs to have enough of the inside grabs and elbows from Madgen, sheer frustration and pain broke through and Ervs gave him what many wanted to do from the side lines.

Watch the replay at home and counted at least 6 uncalled travels from Garlepp and Harvey kindly wringing out the sweat out of the sixers shirts with one big handful on more than one occassion. Then Garlepps 2 handed back push across the key on Peach sending him flying forward.

This is not sour grapes but pointing out the hinderances to play. Yes Sydney played well but they also pushed the boundries and didn't seem to care and neither did the Refs. This is not good for the great game of basketball and apologies should be issued as were in the beginning of the season. A directive to all clubs and coaches should be issued stating that refs will be hot on the call on the intentionals and travels will be a focus. This not NBA or Euro ball. Reviews on overselling should also occur and warnings issued. Finally, sit down and go through the rules on passing back because we are seeing way too many wring calls on this and it is not getting any better. It's really not that hard to interpret.

Reply #452434 | Report this post

Years ago

"Finally, sit down and go through the rules on passing back because we are seeing way too many wring calls on this"

"Passing back"?

They don't need to introduce flagrant fouls, they have unsportsmanlike fouls. The USF rules are stricter than the NBA's flagrant foul rules, so I don't see what you think a change would achieve.

Reply #452435 | Report this post

Years ago

In basketball, a flagrant foul is a serious personal foul. A foul is considered flagrant when it involves excessive or violent contact which could injure the fouled player. It is distinct from an intentional foul, which is a tactic permitted within the game as long as the foul is not considered flagrant. - Injure is the key someone on the way up under the basket is different to open court due to the hazards on landing due to momentum. Slashing down on someone rather than attempting to block are complety 2 different things and we need to look after the welfare of players and the integrity of the game.

Reply #452442 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL rule Art. 28.1.3 Ball goes into team's frontcourt and 30.1. Ball returns into teams backcourt.

Those old enough who played in the 80's as juniors know this to be called 'Passing Back' as a generalised term. You may be too young to have ever heard it. No offence.

Its quite complicated now. Maybe NBL should run a weekly rule explanation each week on its site based on contentious calls. Educating the crowds especially the youth will improve spectatator relations. It's too hard to read through the entire document spread and revisions.

Reply #452443 | Report this post

Years ago

USF - no mention of injury potential unlike flagrant...

Art. 36.1.4 Unsportsmanlike foul
If a defensive player causes contact with an opponent from behind or laterally in an attempt to stop a fast break and there is no opponent between the offensive player and the opponents' basket, then the contact shall be judged to be unsportsmanlike.
In addition to the above situation, the following situation is outlined in the Interpretation document. When the ball is out-of-bounds for a throw-in and is still in the hands of the official or is already at the disposal of the thrower-in and at that moment a defensive player on the court causes contact with a player of the team of the thrower-in also on the court and the foul is called, this shall be judged as unsportsmanlike.
This contact is judged as unsportsmanlike because the player is obviously not making any effort to play the ball and an unsportsmanlike advantage is gained by not allowing the game clock to restart. An unsportsmanlike foul must be called without a warning being given.

Reply #452444 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people are confused with the "pass back" call made during the game.
I think the umpire actually called carmouche for carrying the ball.
If I am not mistaken the hand signals look very similar.
And carmouche did carry the ball as he was trying to avoid the defender!

Reply #452450 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Gnome, I think you are correct. Need to go to the video, but I think the hand action was an open palm instead of a pointed finger.

For all the poindexters out there, what is your understanding of the "over and back" rule. Does the entire ball need to go over and back, or is it just if any part of the body, or just a touch the line?

Reply #452452 | Report this post

Tru Blue Emcee  
Years ago

Creek had the flu (or something of the like) all week so didn't train to full capacity, hence why he didn't play a lot of minutes.

Reply #452454 | Report this post

Years ago

The rule is: once you cross the halfway line, you cannot step even a tiny bit back over the line

Reply #452459 | Report this post

Years ago

The player (both feet) plus the ball have to be in the front court first. They changed the rule. You can now dribble running with one foot either side of the centreline and not be called for returning the ball to the backcourt. It was an incorrect call against camouche

Reply #452460 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly Moneyballer and as the replay showed Carmouche put his whole foot over the line and then went back.

A simple 'over & back' violation.

Reply #452461 | Report this post

Years ago

Who changed the rule anonymous?

I thought I remember a rule change coming in regarding "team control" as in if your team did not have control of the ball and tapped it into the back court you could retrieve it legally but no mention of that in FIBA rules.

FIBA rules state:
The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is the last to touch the ball in his frontcourt, after which that player or a team-mate is the first to touch the ball in the backcourt.

Reply #452463 | Report this post

Years ago

Bulldog, the rule changed in 2010.

Art. 28.1.3 Ball goes into team's frontcourt

The ball goes to the teams’ frontcourt when, during the dribble from backcourt to frontcourt, both feet of the dribbler and the ball are in contact with the frontcourt.

Art. 30.1.2 Ball returned to the backcourt

It will not be a violation anymore if a player, who jumps from his frontcourt, establishes a new team control while still airborne and then lands in his team’s backcourt.

Thus 28.1.3 defines what it means to be in the front court and in control of the ball. Camouche only got one foot into the front court therefore he has not established position in the front court.

Reply #452465 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #452466 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah the rule has changed, the ball handler advancing the ball now has to have both feet and the ball over the line to be considered in the frontcourt.

Reply #452467 | Report this post

Years ago

Brilliant Anonymous, thanks for that. I thought there had been a change but since it wasn't written in the official rules I just downloaded I thought I must have been dreaming.

God knows so many referees have different opinions of what the rules are, makes it hard as a player as you never know how it is going to be called.

Reply #452470 | Report this post

Years ago

Bloody FIBA and their changing rules all the time.

Two feet AND the ball over is what now constitutes an over & back violation? The NBL should just ignore that rubbish.

And while they're at it the NBL should get rid of the 'every kid wins a prize' possession arrow rule and bring back jump balls now that they're no longer controlled by the clowns at BA.

Reply #452474 | Report this post

Years ago

What about when Adelaide threw the ball into the back court and Camouche was the first to touch it before Gibson touched and it was called back court violation. Was that the correct call?

Reply #452482 | Report this post

Years ago

That was wrong on every level. 2 incorrect back court violations yesterday

Reply #452486 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 474 the rule was changed in 2010 after the World Championships....it's not a new rule change.

Reply #452487 | Report this post

Years ago

On the Gibson backcourt, did Carmouche have to control the ball for that to be an incorrect call or did the ref just miss the contact? Looked like Gibson knew exactly what he was doing there.

Reply #452488 | Report this post

Years ago

Once Camouche touched it it was open slather.

Reply #452490 | Report this post

Years ago

The Carmouche call was for carrying the ball, not over and back.

"USF - no mention of injury potential unlike flagrant..."

The rule: "If a player, in an effort to play the ball, causes excessive contact (hard foul), it is
an unsportsmanlike foul."

Reply #452494 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I'd rather see more focus on them getting travels sorted out (almost every single play) then worrying about backcourt violations (generally one or less a game).

Reply #452495 | Report this post

Years ago

love to know the mental mindset behind subbing out creek when down 78-83. putting frye on then they try this awful attempt for some weird looking alley-oop. then that was the game.

sure, its a crowd wowser but man, id prefer 2 point and continuation of closing the margin.

if they ask him to leave, perhaps its gonna be....cya the hell later

I remember this and have a long memory. repay the faith............


Reply #452496 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks True Blue, I didn't know Creek had been under the weather. That def hurt Sixers in this game.

Reply #452500 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe it was for over and back....I know because I asked Filmer

Reply #452501 | Report this post

Years ago

Carmouche didn't go over, but he did carry the ball, and the signal was open-handed.

Reply #452502 | Report this post

Years ago

Filmer blew over and back. He is the referee that called it. I asked him after the game what he called, he called over and back. Sorry but for once your wrong.

Straight from the horses mouth. He made a mistake.

Reply #452503 | Report this post

Years ago

Apology to Kings coming up then would be appropriate and a number of others to the sixers...... keep the faith !!!!

Reply #452506 | Report this post

Years ago

This is not sour grapes

lol... sure sounded like it... In the spirit of fairness, examples would have been given of all the hard play against the Kings ball handlers by the local team that was let go (even though the mandate from above at the start of the season was supposed to protect the ball handler, no matter what team they were on) and the completely contradictory call of giving White a flopping warning (no charge call, fine, not expecting that) and then leaving BJs hugely dramatic over sell go... That guy is a brick outhouse, there's no way that he would have gotten knocked off his feet by anything less than a wrecking ball...

Refs got calls wrong both ways as previously discussed, Carmouche had a brain fart chasing that backcourt ball down and was lucky that the ref made the wrong call, I can only imagine that he thought it was off a King player?

I love the Anon comments about all the stuff that the Kings supposedly did, but if they'd open the other eye, they'd have seen Kings players getting roughed up inside and bringing the ball up, and any team that has BJ on their team is NEVER innocent of holding and cheap moves inside...

I can't believe that nothing was made of GE clobbering Madgen late in the game either... Right after the obvious two handed push on Harvey at the other end (of which his facial expression made clear that he thought was an unfair whistle and completely innocent of) it was in no way making a play at the ball, from behind, when he took a swing at his head... He had lots to say after that to both Garlepp and Harvey, he sure does like to sook when he's not swaggering around with a lead... good to see...

But on the good side, while it was still messy at times from the Kings, they maintained their tough interior D and kept their composure against a superior opponent, and while there is still a strong need for a proper ball handler (how many times were simple passes and baseline inbounds picked off or made harder than they should have been?) things were starting to fall into place... FINALLY getting the ball into AJ with more regularity, it paying dividends both inside and freeing up the shooters outside, which every Kings fan and their dog had been pleading for them to do all season... Hopefully this is a sign of things to come and not just a once off... AJ passing in to Sam as well, no matter who was on him was great to see as well and while Young looked a bit slow/lazy at times, he still got the job done. Some nice passes out to Madge for the score as well which was nice to see... Garlepp was great inside and really helped contain the bigs. I was really surprised at how well they contained everyone who wasn't called DJ (who I didn't notice a lot of the game, but BOY can he shoot! if he develops some form of defence and rebounds to his potential, he'll be amazing).

AJ was the game MVP for mine... Great D, getting the ball and putting up some really strong shots. Was great to see Cody continue his solid début form, for someone not really known for his shooting ability, he sure is making the most of his shots, plus his hhustle on the boards and D is great too... Very glad that we have him for another season... FINALLY as a team making some outside shots! Can't fault Joey really for not pressuring the Kings on the 3pt line, the worst 3pt shooting team in the league, yeah? Was bound to dry up at some point...

Any time you get a win against a quality team like Adelaide (who would have thought that this would be a common phrase this season the last few years?) is a win you'll take. Cadee had another strong game, Gibbo was dangerously Gibbo, his stats really being shot a bit in the foot from all his missed shot attempts in the final minutes... Peach was a bit quiet, but still had some nice numbers... He and Cadee would certainly be on my shopping list for next season if I was Kings GM...

re: Creek, it sounds like from that article that he took up an option to come back and it wasn't past this season (like Wagstaff and Damo as examples, exercising their last season option plus extending) so this coming off season could be very interesting for Sixers fans...

Cadee, Creek, Big Red (?), Peach (with option), and both imports no doubt all with ways to test the water in off season... Given the success of the team so far and the improvement of most of those local players, they'd be made to just re-up without the possibility of upgrading their playing time or pay cheques... They look like a pretty close bunch, but it IS a business after all...

Reply #452511 | Report this post

Years ago

Funnily enough, I think it was a non-call on a 36er that probably swung the game enough to decide it more or less. Someone (Petrie?) bumped Madgen or Harvey at the top of the key. The sort of thing the refs are supposed to be calling more of. Instead of that getting called, the Kings instead scored later and kept momentum from staying with Adelaide.

Reply #452513 | Report this post

Years ago

"Cadee, Creek, Big Red (?), Peach (with option)"

Like Petrie, Schenscher also has an option for next season and you left out Ervin, Frye & Teys.

DJ, Gibbo & BJ are the only players under contract for next season at this stage but in saying that Maher did say he expects DJ to play in Europe next season.

Reply #452518 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Fitting result. AJand co tooo good. Adelaide disappointing. Refs got their guessing wrong. Weird 36ers minutes. Had to try unfit Ervin as we were losing. J.Frye haters reckon S.Young cain't play.Made 24points.

Reply #452525 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

That was Ch7news just then. S.Heal spent today with Port Power

Reply #452532 | Report this post

Years ago

That's the Kochy link......

Reply #452541 | Report this post

Years ago

Like Petrie, Schenscher also has an option for next season and you left out Ervin, Frye & Teys.

I couldn't remember about Luke, knew there was something, hence the (?), and no, I didn't forget "both imports", but I did Teys... Not a crucial cog though, so no biggie...

It will be interesting to see how DJ would go in Europe, I'm sure he'll test the waters, but does he have dual citizenship anywhere, or will he be an import? Lots more pressure for the latter and I think his lack of any defensive presence will really hinder his chances...

Reply #452559 | Report this post

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