Years ago
Thoughts on it? Good and bad..
I've seen this twice on Channel TEN so far, FINALLY!!
Years ago
Thoughts on it? Good and bad..
I've seen this twice on Channel TEN so far, FINALLY!!
Years ago
half assed add but good on them for finally getting on TV. I don't see game times however?
Fan of any promotion of the NBL on tv period. The ad is very lacklustre IMO.
Would have liked one of the black screens at the end to say something like:
Friday nights on *one logo*
Sunday afternoons on *ten logo*
Then anyone interested can check the time on their digital guide and also see which team is playing that week.
Years ago
yeah all it really tells you is that NBL does exist... but makes U do your own work if you are keen enough to find it. pretty lame of them
Wildcat Fan
Years ago
About bloody time!
Would like to have seen the nbl try something a bit different and original, but a massive improvement on the zero promotion to date.
Really should have mentioned when the games are on, if its to be effective. But its a start. Quite surprised that an ad has been done this season.
Years ago
Yeah just providing the website is good but not enough. Should say Sundays on 10 etc. Does anyone know if these are promotional ads by 10 or if they are being paid for by the NBL????
Years ago
The fact that they use a player no longer in the league in the advert (Deleon) to me says that's fucken shithouse. Surely it wouldn't be hard to use current players making great plays rather than Ervin running up court smiling, some towell waver hugging vukona, like goulding nailing a massive 3, somebody making a huge block etc etc pathetic.....
Years ago
Half assed effort but yes, good to see out there at least
Years ago
I agree re website details.
It should say "Friday 930 and LIVE Sunday 2:00"
Giving the website address is just putting the action back into the viewers hands. At this stage we don't want to the viewer to have to hunt for things. Tell them right there and then!
Years ago
Ok my two cents, any advert should have a target market, a message and preferably a call to action (what you want the potential customer to do).
The exciting clips are great, but 'we're bringing the game back to basketball' obviously refers to the rule changes regarding freeing up the game. This means absolutely nothing to the majority of the general public and would only be understood by nbl fans who already watch and attend games.
If the job of the advert is to make people aware of the nbl that's fine, but tell them what you want them to do ffs. Text at the end should have been 'Friday nights 9pm on one' and 'live 2pm Sundays', you are telling your potential customer to watch games and 'increase tv viewer numbers' which should be one of their goals.
The other goal should obviously be to get locals to attend games, so a similar ad with local team highlights and game times. Surely the nbl could come up with some kind of national deal on ten or one even, with different local content for each club and an allocation of ten adverts per week per club for home games. You would think it would be much cheaper for nbl to buy these spots in bulk.
Years ago
Someone on YouTube commented that the Crocs didn't feature. Yes they do, in the related videos at the end, and that was more than enough!
Ad is fine. Nothing brilliant but could be worse. As people said, I would include more information that "the league still exists", e.g.,
Friday nights on One HD
Sunday afternoon on Ten
Games on Thursday - Sunday, check NBL for schedule and tickets.
shin splints
Years ago
My first impression after watching is the ad is independent of network 10 and is promoting the league as a whole - not specifically the FTA coverage.
Obviously an effort by the NBL, not One/10.
Years ago
It's pushing ticket sales rather than the televised game times so yes, definitely NBL and not TEN.
Years ago
If ya wanna call it an effort. it is a pretty poxy add... better than nothing I guess.
Years ago
will we EVER have people with a clue behind marketing?
Wildcat Fan
Years ago
If thats the case, and it would make sense that it is (pushing ticket sales rather than the TV coverage), then I wonder why its only shown on Channel 10/One and not on the other commercial stations - or does the NBL have some sort of contract where any advertising for the league is to be exclusive to Channel 10 only.
The ad is great.... if it was 1991! The music choice is a disgrace and it's been that way in the NBL since the early 90s. Every game I watch, every promo, every highlight package is backed by some lame-ass early 90s tune that is quite frankly embarrassing.
The NBL needs to completely revolutionise its image and start appealing to today's kids. Music is a small but extremely crucial part of this. To me it looks like a feeble attempt to hold on to the glory days of the early 90s.
Every time I sit down to enjoy a game of NBL and I hear "Who let the dogs out?", "I like to move it move it" then Steve Carfino's epic fail commentating, I die a little inside.
Years ago
I finally watched it agree with most posters here that it's lame but it's better than nothing at all. They need to do a series of ads to stick in peoples minds.
Camel 31
Years ago
Musta been shown on Onehd thru the nite. I saw it 3 times and I only watched Onehd for a little while.
It's a start, we can only hope they expand it a little bit
Wilson Sting
Years ago
Music seems to be a mashup of 'Here comes the hotstepper' and 'Jump, Jump'. Pretty funny stuff, takes me back to my high school days.
Wildcat Fan
Years ago
Yet to actually see the ad on TV. Admittedly, dont watch a lot of channel 10 or One, but have been watching a bit more over the last two nights. Seen a lot of Big Bash adverts, as usual.
Guessing it might be a case of blink and youll miss it?
Years ago
It is a ridiculously poorly conceived add. Has atleast 2 players that are no longer in the league.. showcases things that ARENT highlights.. the music is pitiful, concentrating half the add on the crowd and a mascot dunking from a trampoline makes no sense!...
Highlights could have been cut in half... made solely of James Ennis... and would have drawn more attention then this crap. It reminds me of someones out of touch middle aged dad trying to be hip... Just no!
Its good there is an add on, I am sure some mums with there young kids might take some sort of shine to it... but people with any concept of "cool" will probably scoff at it....
Years ago
Cool is such a small part of the population, and they dont generally have much money.
It's not what you'd call slick, but what I like is it actually shows good highlights, something the NBL has been unable to do in it's compilations over the years.
Lots of room for improvement, but there's a bit in there to grab attention too.
Years ago
How can you not have Damo's block and save vs. Adelaide, that is the epitome of sporting perfection!
I seem this during Biggest Loser repeats and I was shocked when I seen it, tremendously happy to see it and it finished with a 'get your Sydney Kings tickets At...' which I found unusual considering I live in Perth and we don't play them over there until March 2.
The show came back on and the next set of adverts was a 'sport on ten in 2014' advert and they mentioned everything including the Commonwealth Games... But forgot about the NBL.
So boys and girls in answering the above question, this was certainly an NBL advert paid for by NBL pty. ltd and not ten/one as they forgot we exist.
Does anyone find it at all exciting that we have an NBL advert on TV?
Hold on for a moment, before the season started we were told that NBL would monitor every teams finances on a monthly basis and now 4 months into the season we are seeing adverts ? Do we actually have some money between the clubs (so no need to save Wollongong or Townsville) or is this a last ditch effort to save everything? TV ads are expensive so I'll take it as a good thing
Years ago
The add was probably made by a year 11 kid for 50 bucks. I don't know how much it costs to run the add but I wouldn't get too excited about finances yet.
Years ago
"I seem this during Biggest Loser repeats and I was shocked when I seen it, tremendously happy to see it and it finished with a 'get your Sydney Kings tickets At...' which I found unusual considering I live in Perth and we don't play them over there until March 2."
I'm also in Perth, and saw a Sydney Kings ad the other week. Kings highlights only, voiceover by Carfino, plugged the game against the Taipans (tickets, not TV). I also remember seeing a commercial for The Project "tonight" and around 10pm on Friday, which would've been after midnight on the east coast.
So for some reason One Perth seems to be getting One Sydney's ads.
Years ago
@ Koberulz, yeah pretty unusual mate but I can't see them getting a greater attendance by advertising here but maybe the theory is that we have huge numbers coming to our games so maybe that's where the fans are?
They played terrific today so good luck to them pulling a huge crowd next time
They would be looking at around 10 - 20k for 30 second ads at times between 6pm-12am
For all free to air your looking at that sort of figure I think Paul. And then if its on when a big show like Biggest loser of a popular show like Law and Order or something then it would be more.
Years ago
Well did NBL pay for this or was it run by 10? Since it is only on channel 10 I would say that 10 may have given them a discount or something.
Years ago
I know through work that ONE was much much cheaper than that in about 2011 through package deals, dont know about now though.
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