Years ago
Womens Youth League D2 177-8
Sturt v Magic last night.
This cant be correct. Surely!
Years ago
Sturt v Magic last night.
This cant be correct. Surely!
kudos to the Sturt Coach maintaining full court press the whole time
and the Club wonders why they're held in such low regard
look no further
If you can't break a full court press you should forfeit your playing/coaching rights
play the game in the spirit its intended
if you have to prove your Coaching credentials this way you need a life
catness everdeen
Years ago
i am sure western would have done the same - our team played western in a final and they won and dished it to us - verbally as well as on the court. That's life at the top. fact is it is a competition and everyone unloads on everyone
Those who blame the winning team for these scorelines are the typical whingers that we should rid ourselves of in our sport. In is not up to the better team to lower thier standards to inferior opposition.
The blame lies in potentially a few areas - the compeitition structure, the losing team nominating for a grade it is not equipped for. The only time I'd lay blame on the better team is if they sandbagged into a lower division to trophy hunt. Doesn't look the case here.
Western Magic (and sooky anon above) - this is not a social competition - if you cannot hack it, move on.
I'm not associated with Western in any way
life at the top? Div 2..get a grip
but no true basketball person or Coach would act in that fashion..
quite feeble minded to defend the action because they did it to you in a final
how about being the bigger person here..
I despair for kids in sport with parents like you
please move on to netball..basketball doesn't need you or want you
it isnt a social competition, the competition has been degraded, too many teams with crap players being allowed to play district basketball
D2 coach could have self esteem issues and catness is just a treasure.
but that result helps neither team
any resourceful Coach would accept a 50 point win to satisfy their ego and use the game in other ways.
5 passes before a shot, inside shots only, run through different plays...etc etc
use the mis-match for some benefit
THAT is actually the right thing to do
but Sturt rarely have their ego in check ..so not surprising
catness everdeen
Years ago
so all the u14 div 1 girl coaches (bar south) have esteem problems when they play woodville ?
catness everdeen
Years ago
so must have geelong in the 2007 AFL grand final.....
Years ago
there goes that ego again
only a Sturt parent would compare their little darling in Div 2 to AFL standard
Under 23's isn't juniors and if these girls are this bad they should stick to social at st Clair
I am not from sturt
"5 passes before a shot, inside shots only, run through different plays...etc etc"
You are kidding, right?
It's Youth League (u23) not u10!
Western magic 1 beat this team 138-16 2 weeks ago!
The western magic are to blame for allowing these people to play, and I bet they are charging them fees to
Years ago
"but that result helps neither team
any resourceful Coach would accept a 50 point win to satisfy their ego and use the game in other ways.
5 passes before a shot, inside shots only, run through different plays...etc etc
use the mis-match for some benefit
THAT is actually the right thing to do"
This ^^^^
No point in smashing a team out of the comp (even tho they clearly should not be there) that's not good for ball in Australia as a whole. But in saying that if they didn't press all game and tried a few things, played all their bench etc then I have no problem with it....
pressed hard all game
barely made it to front-court
just virtually bullied and humiliated opposition
just so unnecessary and a shocking look for basketball in general
if you really love the sport its impossible to condone the Coach's power trip
catness everdeen
Years ago
they have forfeit 3 times already -
lost 120-25 to fville
lost 114-25 south
lost 138-16 magic 1
so all these people have problems cause they won by so much ?
Jack Toft
Years ago
I think Sturt need to find a girl called Ruth to play on that team. Then they can't be accused of being Ruth-less.
DE you are my hero
Years ago
I think we should all leave this amazing sturt coach alone, because is just an awesome coach and now my new hero.
I think it's brilliant to play a full court trap all game (well till 3/4 time). At a time in the sport when we are struggling to keep girls/kids involved with basketball DE you truly are an inspiration to coaches here in Adelaide.
I mean you must have an amazing team on ur hands there to have taught them everything possible that there was not anything you could have worked on during the game.
To embarrass a team so much in only 3/4's of basketball that they didn't want to play anymore you are truly a masterful coach.
Please tell us all when you are coaching next so we may all come out an watch the inspiring way of coaching and building kids self esteem up.
Sturt you should give DE a medal or name court 3 after him at Pasadena cause he has done more for basketball in one night than PM has done at sturt in 10 years.
Congrats DE you are my HERO.
Feel for the Magic girls, they are giving it a go. Comments like"they shouldnt be playing district, go play social" is basketball snobbery at its best.
DE is not a young adult and should have more brains in his head, but sadly his weekly post on his facebook page each Tuesday night is a disgrace for someone of his age.His post are personel and attacking on refeerring to comments on the young women in opposistion teams.Yep definitely not helping the sport keep girls or attract girls to basketball- oh did you know he coaches U12 girls exactly the same way
Years ago
So shoot the bloke for trying to make his team and players better!!
So as these scores have occurred in at least 3 other games without the moral crusaders on show - I will now just expect this is a sooky Sturt-bash thread.
Why wasn't this outrage occurring after Western 1 beat them? (if the above scores are correct)
These scores just show it is obvious that these girls are not up to this standard of competition and should be playing elsewhere. It's not thier fault - but nor is it the oppositions for playing however they wish to play within the rules. It looks like 4 clubs have taken this approach. Western are at fault here, not others.
please explain BS how the Coach made his girls better being a part of this flogging?
still laughing
Years ago
I couldn't agree more with anon 449509, why would a club like western magic nominate two teams in this or any division knowing that they are just not up to it!!
To the Sturt bashers and Sturt coach bashers try looking harder within your own organisation and stop throwing you players to the sword, you may also want to have a word to the competitions committee and ask them to explain how their programing and scheduling is helping your own team.
This is hardly sturts problem, nominate a team to play senior district and be competitive or play domestic on Saturday afternoons, that competition has a holistic approach to winning and losing.
the crew
Years ago
if the world is all supposed to be even and fair - why don't they even out the 2 magic teams in Div 2 w YL ?
Why doesn't this all conquering sturt team play one of the top 4 div 1 team, then that team can get on here and brag about how good they are and how bad sturt is
Perhaps it's time to understand that if you're in U23s and in Div 2 the world has passed you by anyway whether you were in the team thrashed or doing the thrashing.
Nix 69
Years ago
If i remember correctly:
last season the lower sturt 2 team got down to 3 players on court, and the opposition played a full court press for the whole last quarter!
Sturt didnt complain, or call they game off! they kept on trying, and took the beating with their heads held high.
So no. it is not just this team, or this coach, or this club. as much as you would like to think it!
Ceres 90
Years ago
Im with you Nix!
**I actually happened to see some of the game from this tuesday.
These girl were PRACTICING their defensive press. By no means was it done perfectly! IN FACT magic even managed to beat it on a few occasions!
These girls should not have to play passive defense because another team cant handle it! they would get nothing out of the game.. especially if they have harder teams coming up soon in their draw.
Magic should have either told these girls they were not up to district standard, balanced the teams out, or at least given them one player that stood above 5ft!
- regardless if they are div 1 or 2!
If you want teams so go easy on you and play pity-ball then go find a social competition.
DONT shame teams into lowering their standards because others cant keep up!
You cant defend the indefensible no matter how much you try. That type of thrashing is a disgrace, one for the team being in the division and two by the sturt coach who should know better.
Even their own club (Magic 1) wasn't afraid to smash this team by over 100!
Why are we only bashing Sturt!?
Good on em' I say. These girls must have been training hard, and been putting in some serious effort to get to where they are.
What did we all expect to happen when the team that has never lost a game vs's a team that has never won a game?
This was the first time this sturt team has ever run a press in a game. They were using it as a practice (as previously stated).
And they did do multiple passes before shooting it.
ALSO as previously stated the magic girls were barely 5ft tall and sturt had at least 2 players around the 6ft mark. what did you want them to do? not even get re-bounds? Shoot from on their knees?
I think it would be more humiliating for the other team if they were still smashed by 100, and sturt played jokingly and half arsed. they showed enough respect and dignity to take the other team seriously and not treat them like a joke.
*** 100% true ***
"I think it would be more humiliating for the other team if they were still smashed by 100, and sturt played jokingly and half arsed. they showed enough respect and dignity to take the other team seriously and not treat them like a joke."
*** 100% true ***
I would rather be beaten by 250pts, than be beaten by a team who didnt take the game seriously, and laughed at players.
Years ago
I saw this game, and thought it was a disgrace to have such a poor team in the comp. I did feel somewhat sorry for the magic girls though, but they kept on playing and having a laugh while doing so (even when the score was over 100 at half time). Congrats to those girls from Magic 2 team for being such brave souls and battling on. Their coach on the other hand needs a lesson in coaching I think(and this is just my opinion....Anonymous)
This part is to whinging Anonymous:
Unsure of why you are having a go at a bunch on teen girls and their coach whom love to play the game and love to play hard. No mention of the seasons this team had to endure the landslide wins against them. It is not their fault that the other team was not up to standard.
Summed up . A try hard coach and crew playing in the second tier comp with no prospect of anything better beating up on a team that shouldn't be there.
Same done by previous opponents too without threads and whining. Not a single person has explained the difference yet.
"Not a single person has explained the difference yet." I will have a crack!
When this team played Sturt Sabres 3, Western Magic 1, Forestville Eagles 2 and
South Adelaide Panthers 3 in their previous games and lost by an average of 89 points, did those teams put a full court press on Magic 2 even when they were 50 points up?
I think the issue that gets poindexters worked up is the question "Is it necessary to sink the boot?" When you have a Prisoner of War, is it necessary to humiliate them?
Anon - do you know these other teams DIDN'T full court press? Or full court man? Does it even matter, if a team is hopelessly outclassed they are going to cop it no matter what. Why should any of these teams not hold themselves to thier standards (which they will against good teams) just because a club has thrown these poor girls to the wolves?
Why are they sinking the boot in, just by playing hard? Pfft.
If you don't know the specifics of these other games, you are simply sooking about Sturt, which it looks plainly like you are! Where is your faux high-horse morality on these other clubs, especially their clubmates?
everyone is merely pointing out something that you're still failing to grasp
Sturt DID go over the top
it WAS totally unnecessary to press when the score-line was at that level
it achieved NOTHING for both teams continuing in that manner
are you so narrow minded that you can't fathom how it damages the sport?
Years ago
why is it's sturt fault - i suppose you think they should have run back and played a zone and were not allowed to use their hands and play with one eye closed.
stop trolling
Years ago
i can guarantee western would have done the same..
how about the 2 teams balancing out in that grade from the same club....
you gone quiet on that one eh
Sturt arrogance at its best
any opinion different to your own=trolling
So at least you can now admit your graniose morality judgement is now nothing more than thinly disguised Sturt-bashing...
I agree it achieves nothing for both teams. I just refuse to acknowledge that a higher-skilled team has to drop it's standards to opponents that do not belong in that grade. And everyone isn't pointing it out, YOU are - at least at one club. I guess your envy blinds you...
you couldn't behave any worse to illustrate why to keep away
acknowledge it as envy if that helps
apparently all and sundry are aspiring to your great Club model
If it's not why aren't you raging your compaign of virtue on the other four clubs? Wear the wrong colour I guess...
Kill this thread they have had their fifteen minutes of fame
Sturt bashing should be a sport
And involve clubs rather than an internet forum
"Sturt arrogance at its best any opinion different to your own = trolling"
Attack is the best form of defence. When people ask the hard questions, just hit back and say TROLL, TROLL, TROLL!!!
So, let me get this straight. The Sturt team was way up and just needed a bit of practice laying down a full court press and so they did.
that is exactly right. if their press was that fabulous magic would never have beaten it, or even scored those 8pts.
It WAS the FIRST TIME they had run it in a game situation, and they were using it as a practice/working out the kinks for when they come up against harder teams.
Get over it.
Move on.
they even clapped when magic scored, and congratulated them when they got their free throws in. they wernt some mega bitches, and thier coach wasnt sent from hell either.
Completely agree.
get over it already!
*Im not from sturt either.
so dont bother bashing me or my comments on here
What a fantastic coaching ploy! Practise a press to be effective against better teams against a team that had trouble dribbling and think a press is quick going over with an iron. This was just an ego hit for a team of life's losers and coach in name only.
Guys, come on, anyone that thinks a game averaging a score of 59-3 per QUARTER is ok is not right in the head. Scoring at that rate per quarter is absolutely ruthless and I can't even imagine what that would have felt like for either team (probably degrading for one and boring for the other).
Their other opponents also walked over them but at worse they beat them 35-4 per QUARTER which is also not great but at least you can say at that rate those coaches concentrated on less pressurised defensive structures like half court D and fine tuning their offensive set plays
This post isn't having a poke at any Club but for the sake of keeping players and spectators interested in basketball lets all have some common sense when out on the courts
Lol great read love Sturt bashing, Sturt = Hard man full court press at nearly all levels.
Fact is if your playing Sturt you should run refresher on press break at training.
Sturt get bashed because they do carry on with the press and fact is they abominate sportsmanship at most levels. I recall walking into Pas on night and on the first court I could hear frothing mouthed parents screaming like Romans at a gladiatorial circus. The age group U12's the reason for the ruckus the score was 98 to 3? They wanted 100 with the dying minute ticking down.
Different people different takes on this, each to their own. Fact is the team that lost just doesn't cut the mustard and in reality is a D4 team. Sturt will never be known for sportsmanship or showing compassion.
That's why I love reading Sturt bashing comments and always enjoy beating their teams.
Won't change don't complain be a loser can't beat em join em or get a grip.
The Sturt playbook is pretty well known as you say. Expect a full court press in defence with lots of reaching in, holding and bumping. All drives to the basket are fouled.
Years ago
I love all these know it all's.
Mate it's man to man run and jump defence. It's not a press, it's pressure defence
Years ago
I love all these know it all's.
Mate it's man to man run and jump defence. It's not a press, it's pressure defence
Were Magic playing Tika Taka offence?
Apparently it takes a while to learn
still laughing
Years ago
most interesting thing to come out of this game was that the court supervisor seemed to be encouraging the magic team not to go back onto the court!! the said court supervisor apparently is also a magic member and on the competitions committee, the bylaw states that umpire in charge / court supervisor should be doing everything they can to keep the game playing, surely this is a massive conflict of interest. Not only can't BSA get their competitions structure correct but they have yet again proved that they have the wrong people involved at the wrong places.
are you really calling that a game 'still laughing'? you humiliate young adults by your shameless actions and then blame a court supervisor for ending the embarrasment.Hopelessly mismatched teams and a Coach with no respect for the game.
People like that show why the competition committee is held in such "regard"...
Vader a man to man run and jump defense still falls under a press its a press variation any pressure defence in the front court regardless of it being a passive contain is still a press.
Anon Vader is correct.
Run & Jump man is NOT a press
Just like a 1/4 court trap is NOT a zone and permissible at u14 nationals if u scramble to match up. All fc defenses are not presses
The real culprits in this situation are the Magic so called basketball club.
They receive payment from these players with the expectation of having a team in an appropriate grade.
In a DISTRICT COMPETITION you cannot blame the better team for being better.
Running dead ants and Indians plays is disrespectful, just beating a team that is shit isn't.
Fostering uncompetitive insipid teams in a DISTRICT competition is destroying what DISTRICT is supposed to be, the top level even div2.
LOL - I remember an old Southern (maybe even NCT??) U/18 Boys team running "dead ants" once, maybe a decade or so ago? Last time I'd heard or even thought of it!
Jack Toft
Years ago
"the Dutch oven defence" Please don't tell me that involves farting under your keyway to make it a no go zone for the defence?
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