Years ago

Josh Howard making 25,000 US playing D league.

here is the article

Surely an NBL team could throw 100,000 at him and offer lifestyle and better basketball than the D-league? he would be perfect fit for 36ers for example.

He would be the biggest name to come to Australia and he still is only 30!

Topic #33225 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sorry he is 33 not 30...

Reply #447222 | Report this post

Years ago

He's made more than $40 million over his career and wants some more NBA cheques so why would he care about $25K in the D-League under their noses vs $100K on the other side of the world?

Reply #447225 | Report this post

Years ago

Steph Curry's brother Seth is over there as well, averaging 23 PPG and 9 APG.

Reply #447229 | Report this post

Mr Black  
Years ago

He is merely in the d-league waiting for a swingman to go down in the nba so he can shoot for a contract

Reply #447235 | Report this post

Years ago

Doubt any NBL teams would take a risk on him. He's 33 and often injured.

In saying that he'd look good in a Hawks uniform.

Reply #447238 | Report this post

Years ago

Every NBL team would sign a former NBA all-star in Josh Howard if they could afford to, they can't.

Reply #447245 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Doesnt need the money, wants to be close to his kids.Invested his money wisely!!!

Reply #447255 | Report this post

Years ago

Quoting anonymous * "Every NBL team would sign a former NBA all-star in Josh Howard if they could afford to, they can't."

Err... he just signed D league for 25 thousand?

Brendan Teys probably gets more.

Reply #447262 | Report this post

Years ago

"Err... he just signed D league for 25 thousand?

Brendan Teys probably gets more."

He does. What part of wanting to stay in the US under the noses of all 30 NBA teams in the hope of latching onto another NBA team don't you understand?

An NBL team would probably have to pay him a few million a year to give up on that.

Reply #447265 | Report this post

Years ago

A lot of assumptions there... Maybe he wouldnt mind taking the kids on a 6 month stay to Australia?

All I am saying is... it doesn't hurt to ask the question.... Assuming players are out of your league is a self fulfilling prophecy

Reply #447273 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly, maybe the Kings should sign him instead of CC and have an even worse PG line up, (obviously not being serious)

But yea if you are in the market for a sf, why wouldnt you approach a guy like this earning not much in the d-league, even if it is unlikely.

Seriously, the Kings should find a nba pg playing in the d-league and approach them for CC's spot. Tre Kelly, JamesOn Curry, Mickey McConnell would be worth calling id think. Even if rejected, worth a shot.

Reply #447276 | Report this post

Years ago

recent times in the NBL has shown that, we CAN get genuine NBA talent here that would otherwise be in europe... So coaches and clubs need to keep this in mind before cancelling out options.

We could have had Dennis Rodman play for the Dragons for an exhibition game at one point if people werent so small minded at the time

Reply #447284 | Report this post

Years ago

I actually agree with you youknowme.

Reply #447288 | Report this post

Years ago

The most u can pay someone in the D-League is 33k

Reply #447298 | Report this post

Years ago

In the first article that Jesse Sanders wrote for the NBL he mentioned that he didn't even know Australia had a professional basketball league, and appeared to imply that neither did his agent...

Surely when looking for budget imports, not all NBL coaches are presuming they can't attract players of border line NBA caliber? I certainly hope not.

Id imagine that a border line NBA player might be reluctant to sign with a team in a virtually unknown league (to players) based on very little factual information. Many might neglect to even entertain the idea.

Just a thought - also based on very little factual information.

Reply #447300 | Report this post

Years ago

It's also not just about whether he can play at the level.. It's also the draw card of a familiar nba name.. Plus we have never attracted a all star to the NBL

Reply #447301 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, most Americans are stupid when it comes to anything outside of America

Reply #447304 | Report this post

Years ago

Mo, I agree completely the the league could do more to put the NBL out there as an option. Even promotional material put in front of players at late-high school and college level if not D-League to explain the leagues in Australia, the standard, names of past players (Stephen Jackson, Rick Brunson, etc), ballpark salaries, what's expected, advantages (English-speaking, safe, etc).

Don't have them thinking NBA only or D-League as their only fallback. Make them keep NBL and ABL in mind.

Case studies and testimonials of players who've played and settled here. Timeframes of when the leagues run, when pre-seasons start, what crowds are like.

I've often thought of trying to build a site that did this for the hell of it, but as with everything just never have the time.

Reply #447305 | Report this post

Years ago

add together

Strong australian dollar,
Short seasons,
Warm climate,
English language,
NBA out clauses,
Possibility of dominating,
Lifestyle off the court,
Low crime rates,

reasonably attractive place to play a season or two as young player or end your career as an old veteran IMO.

Reply #447312 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac that's a great idea, creating awareness of the league and what to expect to players before they are pro's would likely create the next wave of talented imports coming to the NBL.

Reply #447314 | Report this post

Years ago

Mystro, could throw in NZ NBL too which is not a terrible deal if you play in between other seasons, are a lower level player or use it as a chance to tour around. Play a season and then do two weeks in each island and that would be a great life experience. Loved the South Island!

The general concept could even be built as a wiki given information would need to come from a range of administrators and players to get the scope of payments, lifestyle, etc.

Reply #447317 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac & Mystro. You both make valid points, Some of the best suggestions I've seen voiced in along time. You'd think the NBL would be doing those type of things.... Hell the NBL should employ you guys.

Reply #447320 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL kind of irritates me with their inability to think of something new, or a different way to approach things. I think Isaac's site absolutely should happen now. But if it did, how will it become known and available to these American players?

The idea is great I think... There are guys who would be thinking their options are a lot smaller then they really are.

On the upside, I think slowly they are learning there is a league here. Some articles pop up semi regularly of so and so, from NBA, or a college star, now playing in Australia.... the momentum must continue to build and I hope we keep getting Ennis types here.

Reply #447321 | Report this post

Years ago

About them not knowing there is a league in Australia.. I will agree with Mystro.. they are not aware of much outside of there own country...

I remember when I use to play American's online on NBA 2k9 I think it was... they would ask... "Australians play Basketball?"....

I would answer with.... "errr, yeah? We are kind of everywhere in your college game and we had the number one draft pick just a few years ago... DURRR!!!!"

Reply #447323 | Report this post

Years ago

Great point Isaac re: NZ NBL.
Another way for them to top up their Down Under income.

Yeah the south island is amazing, I go for a snowboarding holiday every year and still buzz out on how awesome it is.

Reply #447334 | Report this post

Years ago

It has always amazed me why the NBL, or even individual NBL teams, haven't tried to forge a relationship with NBA teams where they can park a player or two as Miami have done with Ennis this year. These draft picks need to play overseas as they are young and need the life experience to make them better players. To me Brandon Jennings is the classic example of this. Going straight to the D-League is not as beneficial. The world is a small place these days, it's easy to keep tabs on them over here and can be back in the US at a drop of a hat if they are needed to be called up. Yes, not great for the NBL team if this happens but right now the upside for the league in this scenario far outweighs the negatives. Only need to look at the interest Ennis has generated.

Reply #447369 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it could have been a case of "oh it's too hard" or "they won't like us" doubt creeping in as to why it hasn't been done before, but isn't this what Steve Dunn is supposed to be doing now that the NBL has a proper CEO?

I think they've proven so far that they're open to new ideas and at least listening more than the old administration, so hopefully something like this can progress...

The idea of a website really sounds like a great one and would certainly need a lot of contributors. As a way of getting it out there, surely targeting agents and colleges would be the way to go? They'd certainly be more aware of situations like Young and Flynn, even if not aware of Ennis himself, they'd appreciate that a Miami draft pick took this path instead of the D League.

I know agents would be all about getting their players in the most lucrative deals, something we've seen in our local talent being taken over to Europe, but if it could work in our favour compared to the D-League, surely not ALL top NBADL players would be that close to an immediate call up that they'd have to be within a few hours flight? (which I assume would be a key factor in not coming so far)

Reply #447376 | Report this post

Years ago

"add together

Strong australian dollar,
Short seasons,
Warm climate,
English language,
NBA out clauses,
Possibility of dominating,
Lifestyle off the court,
Low crime rates,"

white women

Reply #447448 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol @ white women... Yep plenty of them here!

Our problem is that we have Americans like Green, Bruton, Loggins, Grace, Copeland, Carfino etc. that come over here, love the place and become naturalized Australians and don't go home and spread the word about how great the country/league is!

Nah seriously, it will be fascinating to see what the clubs try and do with imports in coming seasons especially if we are to get a substantial increase in teams

Reply #447476 | Report this post

Years ago

if a youngish Sam Young cant shine in the NBL
a mature Josh Howard cant do nothing

Reply #447495 | Report this post

Years ago

^ this douche judging on one game with young barley knowing the plays and his team mates, also playing against the best player and team in the competition

Reply #447509 | Report this post

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