I think the Court Supervisors need to be more diligent in supporting and educating these young refs in SA. It is difficult to remain quiet when calls are incorrect and inconsistent. We should not have to feel grateful that someone is doing what they are employed to do. It should be expected that they do so. We still all have to consider the refs especially those new to the job, but what about the 20 players, coaches, team managers and parents also volunteering their time and not receiving any renumeration just a large invoice to pay and door fees. Do they not deserve to expect that if a ref is not performing or misinterpreting and applying rules incorrectly no matter what age that the 'responsible, knowledgable and paid employee, court supervisor and so on' should be working towards the betterment of the game for more than just 2 refs. No one is doing any service to those refs who need educating by allowing them to continue making poor applications of the rules. It is not in anyones best interest to perform a task poorly in any aspect of life. In fact the refs are the ones being neglected by their employer for failure to provide on going education. For the good of the game, please, please, please BSA support the thousands of players who work hard to play by the rules by supporting the refs you employ rather than patronising them by not acknowledging their need to improve...... that would be playing fair,,, for everyone.....