Faux Mick
Years ago
Cedric Jackson Scrub Player In Scrub European Team
So far Cedric Jackson has been an absolute SCRUB on an absolute SCRUB European team.
He plays on Union Olimpijia, the same team Aron Baynes played on.
Union Olimpija plays in the Adriatic League, which is currently rated as the 9th best domestic league in Europe, and in the Eurocup, which is the European league level below the Euroleague.
In the Adriatic League, they are in dead last place, and in the Eurocup, they are in 4th place in their first stage group, and if that holds true, they won't make it out of the first group stage. So clearly, this is the definition of a SCRUB team, the worst team in a mid level domestic league, and a team that might not even make it out of the first 32 group stage in the 2nd tier European league.
And on top of this, individually, Jackson has been awful. His numbers are just terrible. This pretty much shows the difference between the leagues in Europe and the NBL. The best player from the NBL is struggling in a crap team from 2nd tier European leagues.