Years ago

36ers crowd WTF

I thought the crowd was great last night it felt like 6000 but every game the crowd is getting smaller.
The team is winning, there is good news and articles in the media.
I don't get it
5800 for the first game and just over 4000 against the Tigers
Even the music is getting better

Topic #33068 | Report this topic

Years ago

Juniors play Friday nights

Reply #443821 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you really think 2000+ juniors attend
I would have thought we would have hit 6000 last night.
I understand the clash but I thought more would attend

Reply #443822 | Report this post

Years ago

There are not only 2000 juniors playing Fridays. But also their coaches, and their parents.

And they are the basketball heartland of this state.

Reply #443824 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah this I agree to a basketball family could be up to 5 seats think + a friend etc I know I missed out

Reply #443825 | Report this post

Years ago

there would be more then 2000 juniors thats for sure!... But either way, yes crowds should be bigger.. and so should publicity. The Advertiser posters one thing but thats hardly enough

Reply #443827 | Report this post

Years ago

I was wondering the same...maybe with juniors on and the first game being a double header made the difference?
I talk about the 36ers flat out at work, and even with the results so far this season, a lot of the footy fans (which most people at work are) still have no idea we're winning and jus refer to the team as "those guys loosing at mens netball".I think the road back to sell out nights and 36ers becoming main stream again may be a bit longer than we would like.
It was nice to see the 36ers on the back page in the crowtiser yesterday, but i think we'll need a lot more of that to get the popularity back to where we'd all like it to be.

Reply #443828 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah well the advertiser thing is a small step in the right direction.. but I think TV adds and a more aggresive marketing idea is needed. Where would the A league be without aggressive marketing?

Reply #443831 | Report this post

Years ago

I still don't understand why 36ers and BSA don't sit down when the schedule comes out and change the dates of junior games when the 36ers are playing Friday night. Offer cheaper tickets to juniors wearing uniform on these nights as a sweaters. Surely BSA have a vested interest in 36ers being viable in Adelaide.

Reply #443834 | Report this post

Years ago

That should have read sweeteners

Reply #443835 | Report this post

Years ago

how about re-schedule 36ers to NO home games on a Friday night...?
District Junior basketball has and always be on a Friday night..or suffer the depleted numbers in silence

Reply #443836 | Report this post

All Ring  
Years ago

@ Flinders ,the reason why they dont
[I still don't understand why 36ers and BSA don't sit down when the schedule comes out]
is Paul Arnotts pentium3 computer did the "forestville ' junior district league comp 5 years ago and has gone home

Reply #443837 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not from SA and always wondered what is it with both SA and VIC having juniors on a Friday night? To me it's like being in the twilight zone. Weird.

What is the best day for 36ers is it Sat night? Hopefully once the mainstream pick up that this is a good team you will have a double header on a Sat night and get a near sellout. Good luck.

Reply #443838 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not involved with junior basketball, is it actually possible for the clashes to be resolved?
Does it place major issues on the juniors if the games were moved for the clashes?
I would imagine it would be very hard for the 36ers not to have any Friday games and obviously since there is only 3 they are trying to get out of them

Reply #443843 | Report this post

Years ago

It was weird, the car park was packed, I had to line up for ages to get a ticket, didn't get in until after tip-off. Then walked in and the place was only 2/3 full.

Reply #443844 | Report this post

Carcus Mamby  
Years ago

Friday night pretty much rules anyone out who works & has to drive a few hours to get to the game unfortunately.

Reply #443845 | Report this post

Years ago

The schedule is one area that needs work. WTF. NBL needs to learn fast. Spread games out over weekend. Three games on last night with only 1 on TV is not in the best interest of the NBL. They could have scheduled 36ers to play Sat night and kept basketball fans interest and coverage over a whole weekend.
Check how AFL spreads game over weekends and public holidays. These are simple things that can be fixed. If A team is playing 2 games on weekend then obviously that is going to affect the flexibility of the fixture. This same thing was happening last season. Especially when you have NBLTV as a product you want minimum games on at the same time.

Reply #443862 | Report this post

Years ago

It will probably take a while to truly build up again to a consistently strong crowd. We've been crap since 05/06 basically. We need to not only keep winning, but keep (for the most part), the same players over the next three or so years, make them more well known, build up that basketball culture in SA again, then people will start coming back properly. Winning in itself isn't an instant success crowd wise, the Sydney Kings learnt that to a certain extent with their pretty average crowds when they were dominating (apart from the finals series crowds obviously)

Reply #443863 | Report this post

Years ago

Saturday night basketball is the 36ers most attended night.

NBL should schedule 1 game Friday, 1 game Sunday and the remainder on Saturday night where possible.

Reply #443865 | Report this post

Years ago

Its the same problem the AFL has with Friday night games in Adelaide. As previously mentioned not only is basketball on friday nights but alot of people work and country members cant travel to the game and back. Saturday night is by far the best option. I also agree that it is a joke the there were 3 games played last night. This also affected TV ratings last night as only 22k watched which is half of previous weeks.

Reply #443866 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA would lose lots of money $20k a game if they moved games. Not to mention the number of people who couldn't play Sunday mornings.

They train Sundays and also organise other sports and other family activities. Can't work.

Reply #443869 | Report this post

Achtung Baby  
Years ago

back in the 90's all junior games that clashed with the 36ers were rescheduled. Never had an issue.

Reply #443873 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"BSA would lose lots of money $20k a game if they moved games. Not to mention the number of people who couldn't play Sunday mornings.

They train Sundays and also organise other sports and other family activities. Can't work."

Anon, you know that is not true. This has been discussed here before.

Reply #443874 | Report this post

Years ago

5800 for the first game is not correct based on the topic about it at the time.

Reply #443876 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure the 5,800 for the Hawks game was correct the issue was the Kings game where the crowd was initially reported as 6,100 but was corrected to 4,500.

Reply #443877 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry Jack,

Which part is not true?

The amount of money BSA already get from Sunday court hire?

Or that people do other things around scheduled Sunday trainings? PS remember that Sunday 6ers games attract less crowds due to this.

Reply #443878 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers have another Friday game on 23rd November,why dont BSA cancel games for that friday and see what the difference in crowd numbers from yesterday.BSA can move games to saturday night just for this once ,BSA stadiums are empty on Sat nights.

Try it and see what happens.BSA if you change to saturday night you wont lose any money...guaranteed.

Sixers play perth want a sellout on that night ,big game teams currently 1-2 on ladder.

Reply #443879 | Report this post

Years ago

They will lose money on all the forfeits that happen when people who have other plans don't play.

Reply #443881 | Report this post

Years ago

How does moving games benefit the clubs and what exactly do the 36ers do for the clubs that they sent broke?

Reply #443883 | Report this post

Years ago

In the very old days sixers never played Fridays.

BASA then moved junior games when the NBL forced Fridays on them because they owned the sixers and it was in their best interest.

Cost of moving junior games for BSA is excessive now and the clubs won't support moving games to either Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Time for the NBL and Sixers to either keep Friday games to school holidays where there is no clash or accept the hit on patrons, volunteers and game day staff.

Reply #443884 | Report this post

Years ago

If we must have some Friday games why not look at seeing if we can have those scheduled over the school holidays when no juniors are playing.

Reply #443887 | Report this post

Years ago

Could it be something to do with ticket prices?

I understand the club has to make money, and walk-up/online ticket purchase play a big part in that, but maybe people are being turned off by the prices.

I know that while I was in line last night waiting to get my ticket, I heard about 10 different people complaining about how much it costs to get into the game:

$35 - Adult (Gold)
$27.50 - Adult (Silver)

Reply #443888 | Report this post

Years ago

Friday night juniors can be rescheduled, and they used to be. It works better when juniors are changed to a Sunday for the clashes (well in the past it has), and having said that if they didn't move juniors games when I was in under 14s then the 36ers would end up with a couple players from most teams.

Would be good to see online $10 sales to pack it out twice a season. It will pack the place out, bring more new fans to the game who will comeback if they enjoy the game and atmosphere. The atmosphere seems to be missing which has had an impact on numbers I'd expect over the last few years.

Why is the baseline stand still drawn back by the way? Just looks odd

Reply #443890 | Report this post

Years ago

Walk up ticket prices are too expensive. They need to encourage ticket sales. I know season ticket holders get upset when they pay a premium and then they see cheap tickets on sale during season. I am season ticket holder and am happy to pay premium to have a guaranteed seat and in the spot I want, plus seat for finals ( and yes I know we haven't needed that perk in a while) Need to have cheap tickets ($10-$15) allocated to seats high up in the corners of the stands. If it's a low crowd, they can then move and sit where there is empty seats. If you can get crowds of 6000+ then they would be stuck up in the rafters. Maybe they could look at a deal for junior basketballers who are members of local clubs like buy 2 get 1 free offer through the clubs.

Reply #443895 | Report this post

Years ago

They need to bring back the Scoopons, especially for Friday night games. Cheap night, That will get more people along.

Reply #443899 | Report this post

Years ago

heno8888888 don't know which car park you were looking at but I arrived toward the end of the first quarter (surprise, surprise because I had to coach a junior game first, thankfully it was early and I could attend at all), but there were no cars past the first gate. I remember in past years when cars had to go to the overflow carparks because there was no room in the main car park - that's full. Unfortunately don't know if i'll be able to attend the next home game because the game times aren't out yet due to phasing (phasing is another issue don't get me started on , especially for u23's and seniors)

Reply #443902 | Report this post

Years ago

If Heat Policy applied as it is through Summer BSA can manage to reschedule evenings fixtures or Saturdays games so it is possible to move games...... Globetrotters Adel show only one not sold out and very low numbers due to Fri District and poor advertising!!!. Loads were disaapointed they could 't go so same applies to Fri Sixers games.. Withold judgement until next Sat game before holding court......

Reply #443908 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarky, I think ticket prices are a problem too unless they have a seriously in-demand product, which they don't yet.

Reply #443911 | Report this post

Years ago

35 for ticket isnt expensive.. Sneak in your alky and your fine

Reply #443912 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought fixturing three of four games this round on a Friday was a joke and now you guys involved in juniors are telling me Fridays don't work in Adelaide I am so shocked at the decision.

One of the first things the new NBL Pty Ltd took over from BA was the schedule this season. Looks like they are just as clueless as BA and predecessors. Sigh.

Reply #443928 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol @ $35 for gold ticket being too much - wildcats gold tickets are $90 per game or $45 for members per game.

As for juniors playing Fridays that is weird, what is so important during midweek that you can't play juniors then or and I know this is stupid and what I've mentioned in previous posts, why can't sixers play on Thursday like the Breakers and Wildcats do (8 and 2)

As for the game I was a bit peeved that Wortho and Bubbles couldn't get the tiges over the line and on reflection I thought nah this is great for the game and should keep supporters coming back just like what the kings and Crocs fans should be feeling after their wins on Friday night too... Sad though that Adelaide aren't helping themselves then.

Honestly 36ers stop your bickering, if your fans have issue with prices, scheduling or any other problem then mass e-mail the scouts and make your voice heard

Reply #443948 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarky, hit-nail-on-head.

Southern upper level should be max $15, maybe $10 for the far corners.

Bring back the behind the basket seats, for a low price too, maybe $20.

And I know this will never happen, but how nice would it be to have a centrally located stadium, right in the heart of the city instead of in a western suburban street?

Reply #443957 | Report this post

Years ago

My thoughts exactly Isaac. Sure the team is winning and fans are loving it, but until we get sustained success, some playoff wins and are a constant threat at a championship, I think the prices are too high (especially for silver tickets).

@ Proud - you mention the prices for Wildcats tickets, but there is a significant difference. Not only are the Wildcats a recent championship winner, but they are always in the upper echelon of the competition and consistently making runs at another championship. When you have a team performing at such a high level for a significant amount of time, the fans will WANT to be at the games and the crowd numbers, demand for tickets and the name recognition (for lack of a better term) of being at a Wildcats game will allow the club to charge high prices without turning fans off of the product.

Reply #443989 | Report this post

Years ago

The Wildcats have also been out in the community non-stop for about five years now building their brand. Combine that with their success and the high prices for most things in Perth and you can see why they charge what they do.

Teams with thousands of empty seats like Adelaide, Sydney, Townsville and Melbourne at Hisense need to be making their product as attractive as possible price wise.

If youre getting similar ticket revenue from 6000 than 4000 you are better off because of associated spend (merchandise etc), you get better word of mouth ("great value" instead of "expensive") and you have more to offer sponsors with a greater audience for their product.

Reply #443990 | Report this post

Years ago

if every team followed Perths lead...we would have a strong league.

Reply #443992 | Report this post

Years ago

But $90 is still $90 however way you cut it!

The issue is that Perth fans look at $90 and believe they will get their money's worth and yet 36ers fans aren't feeling like they are getting value for money with $35 tickets.

I'm not having a go at anyone but if we are to introduce new teams then are we expecting more budget priced tickets with Perth being the exception?

Reply #443998 | Report this post

Years ago

Ummm. @Proud. Maybe you should do your homework.
You do have some expensive tickets, but not much more expensive than Adelaide. We have corporate and courtside going for large sums just like in Perth.
But you do have a budget range..I can but an adult Nickel ticket for $15 and a junior (3-16yrs) for $5 bucks. I would say being cheap tickets these are up in the rafters.
This is the type of ticket and marketing we are arguing for in Adelaide.

Reply #444002 | Report this post

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