Years ago

Gaps in results in U14 girls

Was just looking at results from Friday in U14 Div 1 girls. Is anyone concerned about this:

Game 1: 116 to 5
Game 2: 99 to 9
Game 3: 72 to 12
Game 4: 73 to 30

There are some MASSIVE GAPS! SUrely these kinds of blowouts are not good for anyone. Not good for the winning team, not good for the loosing team, not good for development.

Topic #32907 | Report this topic

Go for it  
Years ago

I'm in Vic so don't know your system there, but how are these teams in the same division ???

Reply #441082 | Report this post

Years ago

You guys have promotion/relegation... Here there's 10 clubs. All 10 clubs get a guaranteed div 1 spot. Given the results above probably not a very intelligent way of doing things.

Reply #441084 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #441085 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah looks like the system isnt working at all, might need to re-think it.

Reply #441088 | Report this post

Years ago

The 5th game must have been a craker!
Seriously - not good. One of those four games was Fv v Sturt. Can't blame the winning clubs tho.. Hope the rockets are that good or it's the top 3 then daylight.

Reply #441094 | Report this post

Years ago

The team with the score of 116 scored an average of 29 points (14 buckets) a quarter which is nearly 2 buckets a minute?

Winning team: would have used a full court trap/press for the whole game? Its their right to play any defense they want, but when your up by 50 whats the point? Playing half court man would have been more beneficial for when they play any of these other big winning teams that could/can break through that type of defense in the future.

Losing team: Need to ask if the coach was ready for the coaching tactics that were used by the winning team. Understand its the first game of the season and a press breaker may not have been taught at this stage?

Reply #441096 | Report this post

Years ago

I find it disturbing that this occurs, I had typed a massive spew but reality is there's always to sides to this battle.

It's really a shame and exposes some ugly issues.

Reply #441106 | Report this post

Years ago

The team which scored 116 did not trap or press the whole game. Their coach forced them back otherwise it might have been worse. BSA and the Commission need to have a good hard look at themselves for allowing Magic into the competition in an already over crowded area.

If Magic players want to play higher join a proper club of just go play social!! Let's hope there is not anothe Magic on the drawing boards ready to emerge!

Reply #441110 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure anon - blame the winning team for the losing team's CLUB exposing these poor girls to a level of competition they are just not ready for. The winning team has done nothing wrong - they played a hard game for which they practise. The losing team hasn't done anything wrong either - they've done the best they can. The losing team's CLUB however should be ashamed of themselves - sacrificing these poor players just so the club can claim to have a D1 team!

Reply #441127 | Report this post

Years ago

Looking at the fixtures its going to happen again this Friday night with similar outcomes in 4 of the games And by round 3 when Woodville play Forestville - surely the competition management should step in now! I feel for the kids. Its not their fault. When will the adults responsible for this step forward and do something! The game will be the loser here.

Reply #441128 | Report this post

there is a bye in u14 D3 with odd amount of teams

Reply #441136 | Report this post

Years ago

Huge score gaps in round 1, here are some points that could be looked at.

Each Club only have 1 team in Div 2, this is being slowly introduced into the competition.

Zones - City and country allotted to each team, this would stop players moving from club to club.

Woodville and Magic joining together brokered by BSA for the benefit of Woodville and West and the competition in general.

We need to make the competition more even because at present two clubs F/Ville and Sturt dominate the girls competition which is not a healthy sign for the future of junior girls basketball in this state.

Reply #441145 | Report this post

Years ago

Concerned, your points have some serious flaws:
1. two div 2 teams has not hugely affected this age group as the "one team in D1/2" was introduced before this age group (exception being when D2 doesn't have 1 team from each club).
2. zones would not only stop players moving from club to club, it would stop players playing. you can't ban movement (people will not pay for a service they are not happy with), BUT you could restrict it (e.g. can only take in x players per age group, or something similar). Better than people not happy at a club taking up netball because there is no flexibility in where one can play.
3. sturt was one of the clubs on the losing end of this scoreline. one could argue that eastern has better girls results recently than sturt - it certainly isn't a 2-team domination.

the problem isn't at the top end, it's at the bottom. an "even" competition should not mean dragging the top teams down.
look at the 14 boys comp - it looks pretty even (with only a couple of exceptions), and has been brought up within the same set of rules as the girls comp.

Reply #441156 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply to 1156

Point 1 This is currently the go which was to encourage players to move to other clubs, this has not worked at present.
Point 2 Your point about restricting numbers of players moving from one club to another rather than zones has some merit,althought zones have worked well in other sports.
Point 3 I agree that Eastern are making headways against the top 2 Sturt and F/Ville but they have what you could say a country zone in place now.
I am looking at ways of not lowering the top girls teams but assisting the lower teams in making this a more equal competition.
The boys competition is way more equal than the girls one.

Reply #441162 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

156, how would you resolve the situation?

There are a number of substantial issues with the girls competition at the moment and the imbalance between clubs. The boys is not so obvious due to the higher number of boys teams. Raising the level of coaching is something that I expect most clubs are working towards, but I think part of the problem is that some clubs have a lack of critical mass. When you have 4 teams in an age group as opposed to one, the ability to recruit and retain good players is better than the smaller club. It's then a circle of doom as good players leave, performances drop off etc. The #9 player at a weak club is Div 3 standard, that #9 player at a strong club is a Div 1.

Clubs feel pressured to nominate Div 2 standard teams in Div 1 to attract players, but the club needs to nominate in a Div where their players are at.

One factor not mentioned and I don't know if she coached on Friday night, but I believe the Norwood coach has a new job and won't be coaching this season. Can someone confirm if she coached on Friday? Having a temp coach can disrupt the team and could explain that result.

There will always stronger and weaker teams. No-one wants to pull the strong ones down (that's the politics of envy), instead let's raise the weak ones up.

Reply #441163 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood has a full time JDO and to think not having a coach leads to that result is fanciful.

Norwood struggles to perform well or to a standard which it promotes. Despite being one of the largest "recruiters" their performances are not good.

People then become disillusioned and leave the sport or move to another club. A case in point is the current U16/1 boys team. Two years ago this team as an U14 group had the world at their feet but now just seem so so especially following a surprise first up loss.

Reply #441166 | Report this post

the reason these clubs nominate D1 teams - is their very foundations are threatened - i seem to recall an old by law that said if you wanted an ABL team you had to field D1 teams in all grades.

Reply #441205 | Report this post

Years ago

Not true at all.

Has been many years that clubs haven't had div 1 teams.

They nominate purely to hope that teams move to play div1.

As concerned has pointed out, this is a fallacy, and it's philosophy will continue to fail.

Reply #441212 | Report this post

still laughing  
Years ago

the only gap in under 14 girls is between your ears, seriously they are under 14 kids trying to have some fun and game.

get a grip you lot!!!!!!!

Reply #441249 | Report this post

Years ago

Thats the point you fool. Not much fun for 13 yr olds to get beaten by 100 pts

Reply #441251 | Report this post

Years ago

I watched the 116 to 5 game and it seemed like the losing team should have been playing a much lower div.
The winning team was good but the losing team were full of first year u14's and players new to the game.

Reply #441270 | Report this post

Years ago

Can play div 3 next week if they want there is a bye and comp could accommodate them - the kids will lose their confidence getting thumped every week and subsequently not want to be involved. Teams should be made to work their way up / rel and if it means some clubs have 2 teams in d1 so be it. When sturt could have 2 d1 teams we could beat them as the talent was thinner but since that was disallowed we no get near them.

Reply #441296 | Report this post

Years ago

This does nothing for the game in SA - sooner we move to a full on promotion relegation where we allow clubs to fill teams into competitions based on merit the better.
Players don't want to leave the club they have grown up with and there friends are at. The strong clubs loose quality players not to other clubs but away from the sport.

Reply #441621 | Report this post

Years ago

Removing Double Div 2s. Good first step

Magic needs to go. Good next step.

Finding a way to end the negative Club bashing that other clubs do to blindly recruit and promote their own club, good step too. Zone isn't necessarily the answer but it would certainly make Club bashing other clubs pointless.

Reply #441622 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturts div 2 will not beat their div 1 side, neither will wests, mavs or fv's. Those kids going to the other clubs - most of whom are1st years will make very little difference to the issue we have now. Don't blame these clubs for being the clubs they are. But one thing that must be done is to move quickly to stop the results of last week. Teams should be placed on merit, not on the colour of their uniform. The woodville team or any other team in a similar situation - for the kids, the clubs and the competitions sake should be removed from div 1 and placed In a div that is more appropriate. Surely the competition managers have an obligation to get onto this sooner rather than too late.

Reply #441660 | Report this post

Years ago

Summer is a pointless season, to be honest if I was a JDO I would look to use summer to blood players who show potential and expose them to high levels during summer, not focus on the results and allow kids to get better, a lot of coaches choose first years over second years in higher divs because of "potential"

These kids that got hammered will either step up, step sideways or walk away.

Reply #441661 | Report this post

Years ago

I think all teams should fill a div 1 team first... winning or losing you should be learning something,,, I remember being in a losing team when I was young, it only made me stronger and more determined for it... but now days parents wrap their kids up in cotton wool and shield them from anything they DONT like..(in some cases let them up a quit mid season) then wonder when they cant cope later in life when things get a little tough...
Was only talking to someone the other day, they said their kids team use to get thrashed by stacks week in week out, but that team has stuck pretty much together, and has been a top three contender, and better, in many cases... BECAUSE THEY DIDNT GIVE UP they built skills and character and grew as a team.. Well done to all that are willing toughen up and grow stronger.

Reply #441727 | Report this post

Years ago

I've read it all now after that illuminating post 727. In a sport struggling to attract support it might not need many more supporters like you that walk through snow barefoot.

Reply #441815 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we stop with the doom and gloom nonsense?
District competition is actually growing not struggling.
Domestic competitions are popping up everywhere.
New high performance structure in the process of being implemented.
Stadium social competitions are filling up or are full.

Yes the number of girls players is a concern but social error sly name one sport which has a junior competition which every team is close. Never have our kids footy games been even and close and no one claims footy is dying.
You basketball lot so depressing, self obsessed and negative.

Reply #441816 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone feel any better about the results from Friday? Not me! Gets worse this week.

Reply #442066 | Report this post

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