Years ago

Your thoughts, Centrals development

Well I've been hearing about Hoops SA, so i decided to have a look and read what's been said.

Just my thoughts as a new coach to basketball, as a memebr and committe member of Central Districts basketball Club The Lions.

If everyone that has put and puts forward or makes negative comments missinformation about any team, club, player venue whatever& and put that same effort into the the possitive side of promoting the developement of youth and adults in basketball in this state or anywhere, basketball would be the envy of all sports.

Fisrtly I may be late in relating to older topics but& and I won't applogise for that.

I am proud to be apart of basketball in this stae and proud to a part of Centrals.

In regards to our Women's ABL team i find the comments that I read in some of the discussion points put forward that BASSA shoud seriuosly take a look at dropping them from the competition.

Obviously they are not concerned with the future development of the sport going forward rather backwards?

This season the women under Glenn and his assistant coachs have made great progress and improve each week. At times there will be disapointments that is a part of any sport.

For anyone to make a 100% informative comment on any teams ability without actually seeing all games just will not got it right by looking a score results and stats.

Lets just hope that none of your teams find itself in the same situation. But you will not find me bagging you or putting your club down. Never have never will.

At present our club may not be the most effective wining club in this state at present.

Every club at some stage will find themselves in similar circumstances or may have already been their.

If you have and you remember what it was like and know how you fixed or are well under way to be comming one of the top 5 clubs.

Would the possitive advise on how you did it be of benifit not just to the club or team needing that basketball club family support of benefit to your club and our ABL program?

We may not be winning finals or getting in finals, but we are still their putting in every week.

I am proud of our clubs determination to keep going to keep improving. The never say die attitute that we have.

Oh just some othet information just to set it straight, we may not have a lot of teams in finals but we did have more, two other teams in finals in the summer comp beside the under 14 girls. Under 18s Div 3 boys played the semi finals. Our DIV 5 men played in the semi finals.
Also its not just our ABL men that are winning games and our women each week are inproving, our DIV 5 men are sitting 3 on the ladder and are set to be in the finals in the winter season. As are our junior teams improving and are winning.

You may say that's only DIV 5 and I know some of you will.

To have strong DIV 1 teams or ABL men and women you need that strong base of players that are continually pushing the teams above to perform at their best so their spot in the team is safe so to speak.

So for those of you that need to get it right, check every bit of information out before you make any judgements or comments.

The Blue Army love or hate as the other team we don't expect you to. But do in the context of the sport, thay are supporting their teams, they are doing what everyone should be doing.

Focus on the negative contsructively in fixing what is wrong it will only benefit everyone.

I love watching the game, I love coaching basketball.

But I do hate the people that love to knock you when your down.

Respect is a two way street. Earned by both parties not just expected.

Regards Gareth

Topic #3245 | Report this topic

Years ago

Nice comment but one does need to be realistic. The women's program has been in dire need of help for at least 6 years if not more. Coaching has not been the main problem, the players themselves are. You can not compete at the elite ABAlevel with a starting 5 that would struggle to make the second five of most other teams. I applaud the girls dedication but better players must be recruited. Centrals women's problem has always been getting quality players, throw enough money at them and I am sure they will come. Yes we do need to develop our juniors and possibly this is where the coaching expertise needs to be addressed. When looking to attract players to an ABA team, no-one cares how their Div 5 team or under 14 team is performing. Centrals women need some winning form at the ABA level and they are not going to get it with the current make up of players.

Reply #37439 | Report this post

Years ago

Gareth ..

Can you fill us in on the Men's Reserve team .. What s going on there .. ?
It seems that the ABL team is very competetive, and could make finals this year, but what is with the 2's? They dont seem to be very strong in that Division and have had some problems with numbers?
Do the Reserves train with your ABL side as a squad?

Reply #37446 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi Acelightening.

Thanks for your comments.

Sorry to use an old pun, one must start somewhere.

I do have a more faith in our girls that they will win games. I've seen a fight and fire in them this season that I have not seen for a while.

Throwing money at players isn't the answer, that's my opinion. That's sort term until someone offers them more. Every clubs fiancial situation and the salary cap dictates to some extent as to how you can do that.

You may be right. Well, I hope I'm not the only one that cares about all my teams. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

In the developement of Juniors I would take a lot of intersest in an Under 14 player boy or girl that shows pertencial and would put forward that person to the Basketball Development Coach. I would hope all coaches woud do just that in every club. As that is what Glenn is doing with his girls developemnt group now and boys develeopment group he will be setting up.

The fact that I am the Under 18's DIV 3 boys coach and DIV 5 mens coach I would hope that is not the case. That no one takes notice of or who cares how their DIV 5 or Uner 14 team is doing or any lower divison.

I have had players make that progression from their team up to DIV 2 and DIV 1 in the 18's.

But then again I have only been coaching for two years so I have a lot to learn? And I do.

Thanks for your constructive comments I'll take it all on baord.


Reply #37450 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi Skyhooks.

As far as I am aware they are and some are Under 20's and at one stage there were at the beging under 18 player in that squad but not right now.

And for me to make asumptions on why would be inproper without the right information.

You would need to ask that of the DIV 2 coach.

I'm not going to make comments on things I'm not sure of.

That would be rumor mongering. and I'm not into that.


Reply #37452 | Report this post

Years ago


"You are not going to comment on things you are not sure of".

You wont make it on this forum then.......

Reply #37465 | Report this post

Years ago


So if i don't know you would rather I make things up. Is that what your saying. Or would you rather I find out and then tell you.

Because I don't think this forum is for missinformation.

If you personally would like to know, write a letter to Centrals asking just that and you will get an offical reply.

Forum - noun
1. an assembly for discussion, usually public.
2. Ancient history: the public square in a Roman town, used for business and mettings.

From the Macquarit Thesaurus:
n. court of law 148.i
forum (advisory body) 13.1 I dare say an advisory boy would want to part with the right inforation.
forum (society)693.5
meeting place 757.3

Hmmm before computers I dare say people use to meet face to face in a forum and they would introduce themselve??

I've given you my name I don't even know who you are???
But we are getting away from my original e-mail and your question.

But then again this is an open forum for any discussion and I prefer to know what I am saying with out passing on the wrong information.

That's my choice in this formum as it is yours.

Regards Gareth

Reply #37477 | Report this post

Years ago

Gareth, they were making a joke about how this forum is often rife with rumours in the absence of information. Nothing more!

Reply #37478 | Report this post

Years ago

You are right, Centrals women are still a long way off from a win, but the team they have has improved 100% from the team last season, still all the same players, dont you think the girls feel they are not good enough for the ABA level, you have to give them credit for showing courage to get out their every week. Not to mention, when the girls are aggressive, (which suprises some teams), other teams get nasty, calling the girls feral, I would imagine they would feel embarrased for having a turnover against CENTRALS...if they are not aggressive, they get walked all over and yet again, get paid out. The girls do the best they can and would LOVE a SUPERSTAR in their team but no-one is interested no matter how much money is involved.

The girls on Sunday lost the 2nd half to sturt by 15 points, A fantastic effort against a quality team. Keep your heads up girls

Reply #37480 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi Isaac

Thanks did not take it that way. Live, learn and grow. So to speak.

Sorry! Sturty6ers

Reply #37483 | Report this post

The Accountant  
Years ago

Gareth good job i will shake your hand and give u a hug like i allways do

Reply #37484 | Report this post

Can you please stop spreading all this Central District propaganda; you're the laughing stock of South Australian Basketball. How many years now have we been hearing the same thing, Centrals are going to re-invent them self with a new JDO or New Senior men's/ women's coach? Please just stop talking and do some thing about it.

How many player walk out because the lack of genion coaches you have (you said it yourself, you have only been coaching for 2 years and have a lot to learn, who from? and you coach at under 18 div 3) every other club would have a coach at that level, whom would be able to develop different offensive and defensive strategies and decision making skills, what do Centrals do? Work on a few fundamentals and basic skills that should have been developed in under 10/12, it's a joke and until you start taking the players development seriously (by not having a parent as a coach) they will continue to lose players to North Adelaide, West Adelaide, Woodville or Norwood.

Central District basketball Club is like Seinfeld 'a club about nothing' and any good idea will only last 30 mins

Put a fork in the club&. There are DONE

Reply #37485 | Report this post

Years ago

Mr Newton
i think you're being a bit harsh. It does appear that things really are improving up there. It seems that it's not just talk, and really it's a good thing.

Noone wants to drive all the way to starplex to thrash centrals then drive all the way home. It would be far better to go there for a good quality, close game. If they have people there prepared to learn and make a diffference, well good on them!!

Reply #37490 | Report this post

Years ago

Mr Newton seems like one of those people frustrated by some clubs (and Centrals aren't the only one) who constantly make big claims of change and new exciting coaches only to go nowhere.

Reply #37491 | Report this post

They may have a lot of good honourable people at Centrals and they may have the clubs best interest at heart but if they do not have coaches that have talent to communicate with players, parents or officials about what skill, player motivation or commitment to individual improvement is needed to increase performance they may as well just be a social club, harsh I know but it's a fact that quality players results in quality coaches and to get a quality player you need a quality coach, it's a doubled edge sword.

How many juniors' kids (from under 10/12) have come though the system and are currently playing ABA for centrals? How many in reserves? Out of a possible 15 players in the ABA squad only Adam Todd and Chris Clausen whom both were a North Junior IIRC) are currently from the Centrals junior system. That's where you will find out how good a club is, have a look at how many players have developed in that local culture. From the Sturt game last week, 7 or 8 out of the 12 players on the roster have played more that 3 or 4 junior years at that club (BTW not a Sturt member or involved at that club)

Is it a coincidence that Sturt are one of the best clubs and Centrals are well where they are?

Reply #37498 | Report this post

Years ago

Sir Newton

I see where you're coming from and it is indeed the past. Certainly back then they were an embarrasment. Now they still arent good but the only way to get better is by having people prepared to work hard. Positvie attitude attracts positive results. Its easy to trash a club when they're down.

If people start working hard and attempting to make centrals a desirable place to be, they will start attracting better coaches and players. You need to start somewhere, wouldn't you agree fine sir??

judging a club by what juniors they have in an abl squad is fine but bare in mind south's female abl team i think has 2 south juniors, maybe 3. They are almost top. southern tigers have many of thier own juniors as abl players and yet they are almost bottom.That doesn't say a lot about their program either.

Reply #37502 | Report this post

Years ago

wouldn't we just love for central abl women to kick some other teams arse. that would be such an embarassment for the losing team they might never save face! and then maybe they would understand how the central women feel week after week , being ridiculed, belittled and having other teams looking down their noses at them.
I never realised how shallow most of these clubs and their players are, do they still think all the Central teams and players are from elizabeth? and has this got something to do with the stigma attached to them.
wake up, at least they are out there trying and hopefully will improve enough, to one day stick it up all you other clubs.
and no I am not a Central supporter nor do I have any association with the club.
I just enjoy the game of b/ball and I am ashamed at some of the comments on this forum. you all need to take a good long look at yourselves and a bit of encouragement would go a long way for these girls that are out there trying.

Reply #37505 | Report this post

Years ago

what are you talking about? no one has even mentioned elizabeth in this topic! the more you talk about "elizabeth" and "ferals", the more you perpetuate what you hold up as a myth!

Reply #37515 | Report this post

The Accountant  
Years ago

he is not talking about this topic he is talking about other topics

Reply #37517 | Report this post

Years ago

i've read all the other topics. most times the "ferals" nonsense comes up, it's centrals people bringing it up.

why would it be such an embarrassment for a team to get beaten by centrals women? is that comment supposed to support the lions girls, or make them feel bad that it would be embarrassing to be beaten by them?

Reply #37520 | Report this post

Years ago

Sir Isaac. Your points, albeit false, are very interesting to read. I wonder what your agenda is? Are you involved with the Lions? If you are not, then why are you so passionate about speading negativity about them?

Some positives I can think of:

- They have one of the best venues in the state.

- Overall they have quite a strong lineup of coaches, at div 1 level (compared to other clubs), on the boys side in terms of playing / coaching experience and success.

- They have a very strong ABL mens team and an extremely passionate supporter base of future ABL players following them.

- In their mens ABL coach they have one of the most decorated, favourite amongst many players and with a track record of success as a player and coach.

- Their Assistant Mens coach is extremely strong in that role and, in my view, because of his dedication, the best assistant coach going around.

- They share the stadium with the Nothern Region Sports Academy. Which is the most outstanding, club run development programs I have seen. This program attacts olympic athletes, sports scientists, former NBL players and future NBL players as coaches and consultants.

- They have an outstanding area to recruit from with an improving socioeconomic status.

- They have links to one of the largest schools in the region.

- Their President, Mens and Womens coach (to my knowledge???) all work in in the sporting/basketball industry on a fulltime basis.

You say all this has been said before and nothing has changed. Really????

You are right about one thing they do need to increase performance and there are many areas to improve. One area to improve is getting kids into the club at U10 / U12 level. However you can hardly blame the clubs coaches for not getting kids at U10 / U12 level. Most parents of young kids in the region would not have a clue about whos who in our little basketball world.

Your other points are filled with holes and flaws and I wonder what your agenda is. Why would one be so passionate about been negative?????? Please answer this.

Reply #37521 | Report this post

Years ago

I hear next years mens team will pick up

Whitmore, Todd, Cunningham plus a few other surprises, any comments Gareth?

That will be real progression I think.
The culture and sucess rate will change rather quickly with those rumoured additions.

Reply #37560 | Report this post

Years ago

these guys are has beens and are retired. They are winning games now.

Reply #37565 | Report this post


I do not need to justify my displeasure or a negative view about the Central District basketball Club to you and I certainly don't need to explain what my agenda is.

What I said was my perception and opinion about the club and in saying that the same views are shared by many influential people in the basketball circles in SA (not trying to big note, just trying to point out that I am not the only person who has this discernment about your prestigious club). If my perception has hit a raw nerve then don't you think that there is something to the truth, if I am just perpetuation a myth why would you be so eager to get a response from me?

Who are you to say that I don't know what I am talking about? You don't know me and I am certain I don't care to much to know who you are but I bet your some 'Johnny come lately' parent who things she know what it takes to be successful in every aspect of her life and perpetuates notions of party line responses just to try and question someone's credibility.

"Their Assistant Men's coach (whats his name)is extremely strong in that role and, in my view, because of his dedication, the best assistant coach going around" can you give us a name?

"They share the stadium with the Northern Region Sports Academy. Which is the most outstanding, club run development programs I have seen. This program attracts Olympic athletes, sports scientists, former NBL players and future NBL players as coaches and consultants" once again name some names? And don't give me the Trinity collage AFL list

The rest of your list I was never critical off, so I ask you what is your agenda for bring these subjects up? Go back to your committee meeting and keep believing your club is ok. .

Have a nice day love

Reply #37575 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought to be a "has been" you had to be a "once were"?

Reply #37589 | Report this post

Years ago

If Centrals make it to the finals, who is to say their model for the seniors is not the right one for their club. I am currently in Europe and the basketball league is about par to the NBL and you need a program to spot the German. Most of the player do not come from their junior program or country. Some players at Centrals may be on their last chance and play harder knowing they have no more options if they stuff it up. I coached Ben Elliot in the 36ers zone and he was just a good, hard working kid who loved the game. He would not probably break into the Warriors lineup so the move he made was a smart one. Ash "Big Country" " The Catapult" Nitshkie has a job that requires him to be within 20 minutes of work every second week at Gawler. He missed a lot of practice with Norwood over the last year because of that so it is obvious that he join his local club.
Some one has to finish bottom, and if you check this year it may not be a club with a weak junior program.

Reply #37591 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac Newton after reading your last post I am sorry. You are ovbviously very knowledgeable. I am sorry for questioning you.

You are correct, I am some Johnny come lately parent. Im sure little janx is out there somewhere. By the way the Assistant coaches name is lemony smicket.

Please accept my apology and continue your posts. They are very enjoyable.

I was just wondering what motivates someone to take the time out of their lives to anonymously & publicly make such negative comments about a junior sporting club manned mostly with volunteers???? You are right, you dont have to justify yourself but if you dont we can only guess what your motives are.

Reply #37606 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't let idiots like this Isaac Newton tool get to you, most informative people on this forum know who you are and your contribution to SA basketball. You are one of the best junior coaches going around at the moment and with time you will become an excellent ABA Coach as well. This goose Isaac Newton and some others on this forum do not have a clue about basketball and as an ABA Coach we both know and respect would say "some people just don't understand the game and the way its played".

On the topic, it will take some time for Centrals to gather its feet it has started in the right direction, Ricky is in his 3rd year and Glenn in his first, with the inclusion of coaches like AJ and with ABA player involvement in the Junior program the club will develop but it won't happen overnight. When Ricky came to Centrals he had a 3 year plan he is now there for at least another year because its taking a bit longer than he thought but he is still there.

For those of you that don't like Centrals thats fine but if you support basketball then support every club that is trying to improve because if the clubs improve SA basketbell is the winner.

Reply #37669 | Report this post

Years ago

well said "kingman" especially the last paragraph, which was what I was trying to say in my original comments!!!!
keep at it Centrals. it won't happen overnight, but it will happen!!!!!!!

Reply #37674 | Report this post

Janx, Kingman (how do you know I am an idiot? I take umbrage at that) or anyone that has taken the pleasure in trying to shoot me down good on ya and have a nice day.

If you are happy with how the Central District Basketball Club are travelling (pardon the pun) and are trying to implementing different structures and systems to recruit players and families to the club then good for you. The facts still remain that the Central District basketball Club have done the same thing for nearly 20 years now (way back to the Arden Herr days) and until they stick to one philosophy and have everybody involved in the club following that they will not be a strong healthy club.

You still may disagree with me but it is a fact that the Central District basketball Club jumps at shadow when they see a small problem and make it into a huge dilemma,

Why couldn't they keep Chris Lucas (a premiership player) as senior mens coach in the early 1990's and then Shawn Moylan followed by Bob Hunnerup with Nigel Alexander and Dave Banwell taking over before Ricky Simpson)? So before you say I am do not have any justification in being critical of a club that is expressing propaganda about a great new era, please do your homework about a club that has a history and culture about making some unnecessary changes. I do apologize by questioning your credibility and longevity to the sport but I do not back away from any comments I have made regarding how a club has done things.

Why would they change JDO nearly ever 2 years for the last 10 years (Herr, Hunnerup, Alexander, Anderson, and now Shaw who by all accounts is on rocky ground)?

Reply #37678 | Report this post

Years ago

So according to you because a club has a checked pass it has no future.

Thats a good philosophy I can see that working in business and sport.

Reply #37681 | Report this post

Fine, the Central District basketball Club is going places and has a bight and healthy future.

I know the truth that not all is healthy and so does anyone that is willing to look past his or her own agenda.

If your involved with the club, congratulations to you and anyone who is willing to help volunteering there time to the club, if your not involved at the club why are you talking about a situation your not all that familiar with? Until the whole club (juniors and seniors, boys and girls) is heading in one direction I will be sceptical about changes being made.

Reply #37685 | Report this post

Years ago

Sir Isaac,

Your lack of credibility in my eyes is based on you investing your time and energies is making quite negative comments about an amateur district basketball club, anonymously and publicly. The fact that your points werent based on many accurate facts also detract from your credibility.

That last post was actually interesting (seriously). Why dont you focus on what you believe to be the mistakes the club has made in the past in your discussion? This seems to be an area you are able to talk factually about.

I still dont think your points are all that relevent. There is a high turnover of coaching directors at most clubs (including my former club, norwood). Wouldnt you say that most clubs turnover their coaching director, on average, every 2 years? COaches of senior mens / womens sides would be similar.

Also, I dont understand what you mean by sticking to one philisophy. You can philosophise all you want but what significance does a philosophy have to getting out there on the court and getting the job done?

All clubs have a high turnover of decision makers, those in JDO and Head Coaching roles. That is the nature of junior or amateur sport. If you believe the club has made mistakes in the past it is not likely these mistakes have much to do with the people at the club now.

You are free to post what you want. Your comments are welcome, interesting and entertaining. Your comments, albeit not having credibility, in my eyes, do nothing to help the people there now in getting the job done and so I was just trying to add in another perspective.

Reply #37687 | Report this post

Maybe you can let me know what point I made that made you to suggest "The fact that your points weren't based on many accurate facts also detract from your credibility" can you explain what points I made that you are referring to? As I am lost to what part you are talking about.

Reply #37688 | Report this post

Years ago

Sir Isaac. Email me: [email protected]

Reply #37689 | Report this post

Scott Whitmore  
Years ago

Has been, heck come out to a Tuesday game and see the old man in action, i'd be ready to go with half a pre season.

please you talk like the comp is the NBA.

Reply #37690 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

What is the latest Scott Whitmore and Woodville update on Tuesday nights?

Reply #37695 | Report this post

Lions Parent  
Years ago

In between Anderson and Shaw were Dan X, Mark Erdman and James Golding.

Reply #39160 | Report this post

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