Years ago

NH: The Essendon Saga

Anyone had a chance to read the allegations?

One of the Essendon players mum called Triple M in Melbourne and let fly at the club.

You have to wonder if Hird will persit with his legal action?

Topic #32449 | Report this topic

Years ago

Where there is smoke there is fire...

Reply #433376 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

The allegations are basically that they MAY have used banned substances (there is circumstantial evidence that they did) but because of the poor management and cavalier attitude towards the risky program, they can't say one way or another what the players were injected with.

The Bombers are screwed and Hird is putting his own reputation above the welfare of everyone else. I have lost all respect I once had for him.

Reply #433377 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Seems the other 17 clubs' CEOs are meeting today.
Most likely will tell Essendon : " You been charged by the AFL for bringing the game into disrepute
so, get just get on with it and answer the charges
at the AFL hearing. "

Reply #433390 | Report this post

Years ago

I know this is big news, but to be honest, one of the things I like (liked) about a basketball forum is that I don't have to read about stuff like this ongoing drama in football.

I am a bit over it really. Been going for far too long and should have been dealt with by now well and truly IMO...

SEN radio is an example, I mean really, footy this and footy that, then it's like, oh and then there is more footy this and footy that etc, etc...


Reply #433397 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

It is quite amusing to see the must loyal Essendon supporters desperately try and excuse the club and Hird's behaviour.

Reply #433418 | Report this post

Years ago

I must say i used to respect Hird, but not now, absolutely had enough of all of this.

The doctors letter alone, shows they were negligent in their duty of care imo and are guilty of bringing the game into disrepute.

The fact they have no documents to prove the drugs that were taken may get them off drug charges, but proves their negligence imo.

All guilty should be penalised accordingly.

Hird suing the AFL is a low move, to me it smacks as a desperate measure as he knows they will whack him really hard, as they should, i think this will result in them whacking them even harder.

Hasnt he heard of the saying 'never bite the hand that feeds you'. Suing the AFL is exactly that, doesnt he realise if for no AFL, no big time Essendon Football club, and he isnt able to earn the millons that he has from the game. You cant sue the very league that directly/in-directly pays your wage and expect to continue on. If i were the AFL id give him a life ban/de-registration/10 year suspension, from all AFL activities just for suing. Would the AFL be breaking any laws?

If Hird is really innocent, he would front the hearing on Monday, tell the truth, provide as much evidence as possible to prove his innocence and if he is innocent im sure he will be found that way, all the complaining and delaying tactics are hardly actions of an innocent man. To me its a case of 'i dont think you have anything on me, so ill just deny everything and say im being treated harshly'. Hird an non-guily verdict due to a lack of evidence is not an innocent verdict.

Reply #433422 | Report this post

Years ago

As a Docklands resident, I tend to hear things that probably don't come out into the public eye. Having said that, I'll be bland and say what I'm allowed to say.

The sad part of the case is that Hird still believes that the focal point of the whole investigation is whether or not AOD-9604 is banned or permitted. Not once in his big spray at the AFL yesterday did he mention the health and well-being of the players.

Can't wait to see Hird out of the league.

The club presidents are currently at AFL House meeting with Demetriou and co about the saga. This morning I was told by two people working high up in the AFL that it would not surprise them if something big happens today. They were bracing themselves for a day as crazy as yesterday.

Reply #433426 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly, well being of players is the biggest issue imo, some are just too into themselves to see it.

To speed things up, could the AFL suspend Essendons license and all parties facing charges until they have had their hearing? That would stop the delaying tactics, etc wouldnt it?

Reply #433427 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

He is going the Lance Armstrong route. Deny, deny, attack those who are accusing you, deny some more...then finally he will admit his guilt.

Reply #433429 | Report this post

Years ago

Whatever the outcome I do hope the penalty is more than just premiership points. That affects the club for the one year whereas losing draft picks has much greater and longer impact on a club.

Reply #433433 | Report this post

Years ago

Never take anything out of context.
This story is rife with that.
Thank God basketball doesn't have any money to play
around with in fancy programmes. Players don't even get shoes.

Reply #433436 | Report this post

Years ago

here for you footy fans that do not know how to google search http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/
bye bye

Reply #433438 | Report this post

OK you basketball junkies who don't see how this ties in with your sport, try this.....

1. The AFL is a signatury to the WADA,
2. WADA, (not the AFL, the Feds or even ASADA) will have the final say on this
3. If WADA are not satisfied with the penalties handed down by whatever body, then they have the ability to prevent other sporting teams from Australia from competing in international events where other signatories are competing.
Think about that for a minute.
So to spell it out plainly, if WADA don't agree with the penalties handed down, hey are within their rights to stop the Boomers and Opals (and any Junior teams from competing).

If that does not prompt sufficient penalties, then the swimming team, the Wallabies, the cricket team, those athletes who just competed in Moscow etc, etc, etc

There is soooo much more to this issue than most people even have a clue about - certainly including myself.

Nice thought isn't it

Reply #433444 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear, it's correctly noted as Non-Hoops, in the AFL category and clearly marked in terms of topic title. I think if AFL topics were in excess, I'd be more sympathetic, but it's very easy to ignore the occasional topic if you're not interested.

Reply #433455 | Report this post

Years ago

whats excess 1 ... 5 ..... 10 ? 50 percent of posts ??

Reply #433456 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear, how about not open the thread?

Reply #433457 | Report this post

Years ago

how about a basketball forum for basketball and a football forum for football ?

Reply #433462 | Report this post

Years ago

On the above mentioned bigfooty forum there is a whole section on basketball, so surely a post here and there on hoops forum about football can't be that bad.

Reply #433464 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Footy, a huge forum setup, has sub-forums for soccer, rugby, basketball, etc. Some people have a little interest in other sports, but not enough to participate in a dedicated forum for that sport. And for those not interested, I'm sure they're smart enough to avoid clearly marked topics.

Even the lowest 1% excess you cite is some way off. AFL posts make up less than half a percent of the 30,000+ topics on Hoops.

Reply #433465 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks guys, I will get down from my soap box now, fair enough...

Living in a football town, and a football state, it just gets monotonous at times. Sorry for the rant!

My comment on the saga is that I too an disappointed in the way James Hird and the board at the club is now fighting for their own reputations ahead of admitting that they should have put player's health and wellbeing ahead of winning games.

I think there is much much more to come, unfortunately... :)

Reply #433483 | Report this post

Years ago

@ Isaac, mate it's not so much that a thread was started about an off hoops topic mate, just that the footy, footy, footy (and I do love my footy) is getting too much media, this particular footy story is dwarfing everything else out there and has been for too long IMO...

Reply #433487 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Fair call from Bear though and I think its possibly why a thread hasn't been started earlier. The saga has become monotonous and so in-your-face that it is tiresome and is really just a bunch of stupid people who can kick a football trying to outsmart other stupid people who can't kick a football.

Reply #433492 | Report this post

Years ago

No element of schadenfreude in watching a competing sport take a hit? That's the only reason I'm following it!

Reply #433494 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Possibly, not for me though. My interest is seeing someone being dishonest come unstuck.

Reply #433496 | Report this post

Years ago

Hird will front a press conference at Windy Hill at 11.30am. There has been speculation he will step down as the supplements scandal engulfing the club has deepened, but that's not expected to happen.

Reply #433507 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

Yes this story has been dragging on all year and has really shadowed other football related stories - such as Fremantle having a ripper season ;) and other sports from getting a fair run in the media especially when its a big moment for them (eg NBL Grand Final week in Perth)

Im still annoyed that back in round 3 or 4 when Essendon came to Perth to play Fremantle on the same night as the Wildcats v Breakers grand final at Perth Arena (the scheduling was unfortunate enough), and the coverage leading up to both games was pretty much all about Essendon's drug story, as thats when it just broke out.

Hardly much time was given to the NBL's big game or even the actual football game itself. That pissed me off, and i was kinda hoping (not expecting of course) that Essendon would apologise to the NBL for killing any momentum that could have been given to them during its biggest week of the season! That never happened of course.

Anyway, just hope this saga winds down - reminds me too much of the Ben Cousins scandal that kept going for about 2 years non stop...

Reply #433518 | Report this post

Years ago

LIVE: EMBATTLED Essendon coach James Hird has cancelled his press conference just moments before it was due to start.

Reply #433519 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"...and i was kinda hoping (not expecting of course) that Essendon would apologise to the NBL for killing any momentum that could have been given to them"

Yes, that should have been their first priority o.0

Reply #433524 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah Wildcat Fan - that scandal did go non-stop for a long time.

Interstingly, that's one of the effects of amphetamines.

Reply #433527 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

OK maybe not apologise per se, but an acknowledgement that there are 'other things on to report about' might have been good - I did say "hoping" which is in the same line as "it would have been a nice gesture" - Of course I wasn't expecting them to and I know its not their priority. Im sure they would have known about it (NBL GF) if they read the news, as they were in Perth that week.

There was an unusually high amount of AFL news that week because of them and it certainly took all the attention off the NBL's biggest week.

That also shows how long this saga has dragged on and its saturation over all other sports stories - really has ruined an otherwise pretty good year of sports.

Reply #433571 | Report this post

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