Years ago
Big V D2M's five best players?
Asked the question about the D1M comp. What about this league?
Years ago
Asked the question about the D1M comp. What about this league?
Tiger Watcher
Years ago
mmmmmm...is there any?
Can we ask the question about the best players down at MSAC on a sunday night?
I can tell you DeMarcus Berry is the most overrated player in that league!
Happy Days
Years ago
Demarcus doesnt rate on the import scale but on the other hand he doesnt get paid to play either.Gets a wage as coaching director plus clinics.
Matt Jukes
James Topp
Jeff Crowe
Cameron McCallum
Matt Waight
Years ago
1.Crowe (Melton)
2.Reid (Pakenham)
3.Radoslavic (Keilor)
4.Topp (Pakenham)
5.McCallum (Melton)
6.Cristenson (mornington)
7.Ferrier (Pakenham)
8.Waight (Shepparton)
9.Jukes (Keilor)
10.Rzechta (Maccabi)
@ Tiger Watcher - You obviously pay no attention to this league what so every if you're comparing d2m to sunday night domestic at MSAC. Just a idiotic statement.
I'd love for you to go down to your Sunday night domestic and find me a Crowe, Topp, Reid, Benn, Tamir, type of caliber players.
If the last 4 teams placed on the D1M ladder would have played D2M.
Go ahead be a moron and sit there and tell me Macklin, Weaver, Hicks, Leanard and Weaver.
Instead of slaging these teams and players maybe you should actually get out to a game and see for yourself.
Years ago
Tiger Watcher, what do you want to get out of bagging a league. Not everyone needs to read a thread, if it is of no interest to you then don't read it.
Does slagging people off make you feel good about yourself?
Any way, my top 5:
James Topp
Cam McCallum
Jordan Harding
Kevin Benn
Years ago
A number of these guys have already played SEABL or Big V Championship so TW you failed to do your homework on the quality of players in this Division.
There's definitely players in this Division who could easily move up a level or two.
Years ago
TW has a point though, Sunday night comp at MSAC is pretty good.
There are some real good players in this league, teams just are not as deep.
Years ago
Ex state champ Player and tigers development player Jeff Reid playing on one leg this season still one of the best
Happy Days
Years ago
Who are some of the guys running around on Sunday nights these days?
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