Years ago
AFL advised that salary cap and draft not enough
The AFL's research and advice from the major sporting leagues of the US is suggesting that their salary cap and draft is not enough to encourage parity.
But as the AFL notes, the premiership race is being increasingly influenced along EPL lines of the "haves" and "have nots", the American architects of the salary cap and draft have told Australian football's leaders to find new triggers for equality.
"The salary cap and draft won't do it all," said Thomas.
"In fact, over time, it will accentuate the problem (of the rich clubs commanding the premiership race).
"Big clubs like the Boston Red Sox understand they have to tip $80 million into Major League Baseball's revenue sharing pool to even the competition.Full article at Paywall Ltd
"They accept an even competition adds value to each club - that the games are more compelling to the fans if they are not sure of the result before a game starts."