"If they were paid until September and it is disabled now at the start of August, you are well in your legal rights to get a full refund for your purchase.
That's just another sign of how well basketball is being run here in the country. smh"
Thanks for the lesson in commercial law, anon, but the point I was making is, why would you bother? The website disappears and some gives info that points to them relaunching a brand new product. Most normal people would be thankful that things are potentially improving but you always have to get one dolt that thinks they are automatically owed something and jump up and down about it.
For the 1/12th of the time they cut the subscription short, it equates to losing roughly $5 of value from the subscription price. So you can sit there shaking your head at the biggest injustice you have ever seen or you can be a bit patient and wait for the new and improved product.
God, I hate NBL fans some times.