Years ago

Could Mijovic ever play US college?

would be good

Topic #32226 | Report this topic

Years ago

Why would it be good?

Reply #429114 | Report this post

Years ago

The women's game is a bit different than the men...

She can make it straight to the WNBL.

Reply #429117 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #429133 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would she want to go backwards and go to college???

She's already made it in the WNBL.

Reply #429135 | Report this post

Years ago

May not be eligible for College depending if she was paid etc in the WNBL.

Reply #429157 | Report this post

Years ago

Why on earth would she go to college?? Bit sick of the constant push for all our talent to rush off to US colleges, keep them here, they'll get a better education and involve them in elite programs here. She'll develop better here in the WNBL than as a mature aged student in the US in a college system weaker than our WNBL.

Reply #429161 | Report this post

Years ago

There is no push at all to go to college for these elite level players. Tier 1 athletes that can play minutes in our comp are instructed to stay here in WNBL and develop. Tier 2 athletes are encouraged to go to college where they will get to play. Women situation is way different to men who benifit from college.

Reply #429164 | Report this post

Years ago

Has anybody seen the facilities that a college offers compered to WNBL ? Which WNBL team has it own gym, physio, full time coaching staff ?
I do not know many college age kids that are playing minutes in the WNBL
There are benefits to playing WNBL but to say the you will develop more in WNBL than college system is not quite right.

Reply #429244 | Report this post

Years ago


Very few of our really elite girls go to College and those that do find it a hit and miss proposition. The facilities might be delightful, but the standard of coaching and play is very inconsistent.

We have one of the best systems in the world for developing female elite basketballers, and the college system has rarely featured in that.

Reply #429246 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Andrew Gaze would pick what is best for his daughter and believe that she is going to the states.

Reply #429268 | Report this post

Years ago

Despite Andrew Gaze being the player he was dosent mean his daughter is a gun. Look through those that are making it or in the frame and you will see that staying and playing 15 to 20 minutes like the best players out of AIS do is where you need to be. The pathway is made very clear to those that need to know!!

Reply #429270 | Report this post

Years ago

Never said she was a gun, the statement above was we have the best development in the world so why would he send her to USA ?

Reply #429272 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct, per capita we develop the best female basketballers in the world, there really is very little reason to go to a US college given the SEABL/AIS/WNBL programs we have available.

Reply #429274 | Report this post

Years ago

per capita ? there is stats some where for that ?

Reply #429281 | Report this post

Years ago

Some US colleges may have great facilities but they also have a lot of rules and restrictions on when and how often you can train. Unless you are at one of the top 10 colleges in the States the level of competition is not up to the standard of our WNBL. Just look at our top Opals over the past 2 decades and its evident they didn't need the US college system to be amongst the top players in the world! Michele Timms, Rachel Sporn, Michelle Brogan, Trish Fallon, Kristy Harrower, Shelley Gorman, Sandy Brondello, Jenny Whittle, Lauren Jackson, Penny Taylor, Suzi Batkovic, Belinda Snell, Jenna O'Hea, Liz Cambage, Erin Phillips and so on!! Not sure we actually have any solid Opals performers that ever went to College so clearly our pathways of the AIS & WNBL etc are working! That's not to say College isn't a great experience and opportunity for those players that aren't going to be Opals anyway.

Reply #429302 | Report this post

Years ago

In reality college is probably an option for players who will never be top WNBL players but want to play at a higher level than BigV or Seabl.

If they're serious about playing WNBL they're better off not getting stuck in College for 4 years and missing the boat back home.

Reply #429304 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon yes college system does not allow the coaches to train all year around they do weights and different exercises that is controlled by their coaches, they are still allowed to use facilities gym etc. WNBL players are going all over the place SEABL, overseas etc
As for the top 10 colleges only play in a competition comparable to wnbl. They play against other teams
in 5 different conferences. So they rarely play against each other unless it is finals.

Reply #429341 | Report this post

Years ago

Here is a link from a team that is not ranked top 10

Reply #429345 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not saying College isn't a great option for many girls but its certainly not the best option for our top players/future Opals! If you look at all the Opals players over the past decades they didn't go to College! In fact the best know player to go to college would probably be Jess Foley and although she's had a great career she has only ever been a fringe Opal and many would argue that she developed her game more once she returned. To say there aren't many college age players playing minutes in the WNBL currently is not true! Tess Madgen, Steph Cummings, Sara Blicavs, Alice Kunek etc!! Can anyone list the Opals players that actually went to an Olympics or Worlds that went to College????

Reply #429357 | Report this post

Years ago

Going to college was flavor of the month 5 or so years ago but people have gradually worked out in most cases the education you got isn't recognized here and the coaches and systems here are every bit as good as what exists in the US.
Some colleges have all the fancy facilities yes but it doesn't mean our Girls can't get access to the same stuff here, the only difference is usually at College they're all located on the one site where as here they might have to travel a bit but at the end of the day the higher standard of competition here (outside of the WNBA)and our all year round Basketball culture produces equal to worlds best results.

Reply #429362 | Report this post

Years ago

Either way, for me it is the fact that if a player goes to play in the US college system on a scholarship, those 4 years are potentially paid for!

Not quite the same here, because the money isn't here...

Isn't this one of the main attractions (males or females)?

Reply #429372 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes but if you are one of the elite girls you are paid to play in both WNBL and SEABL etc so you are funded. Agreed that lower level and so lower minute player would be better off in college as they would be paid very little here.

Reply #429377 | Report this post

Years ago

So a player that comes out of juniors can go to play seabl and wnbl since this is about Mijovic how much would she get paid as she probably averaged 10 mins per game last season. I would say she would be one of the better players and has already moved clubs. whereas college you are there for 4 years unless you do something stupid.

Reply #429436 | Report this post

Carly Mijovic was/is the best big her age in the country. Given that a number of other girls her age(also bigs, I am comparing apples to apples here) have gained a full scholarship to US college it is fairly safe to say that she could play college ball. Would she and should she are two different questions but it was not what the post asked.

Reply #429444 | Report this post

Years ago

The Question should be did playing for wnbl stop her for playing college ?

Reply #429450 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone can play college ball as long as they have not been paid to play professionally. They can play with professionals as long as they are not being paid. Players are aware of what they can or can't do to be eligible for US college. Clearly as Carly had been payed to play in the WNBL she has no intention of going to College.
As for the so called 'free' ride at college what's the point if your qualifications aren't recognised when you return? Our uni system allows students to pay for their degrees once they are working and earning money so it's not like they have to pay up front fees.
Once again can anyone think of an Opals player that went the US college route and then became an Opal???? Surely that's proof enough!!

Reply #429460 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely if you've already made a WNBL roster going to college would be a waste of time and backward step.?

Getting a free education is all good and well but pretty useless if you cant use the qualification back here.

Reply #429468 | Report this post

Years ago

Teagan Cunningham
Lauren Mansfield
Kate gaze
Nicole Seekamp

Reply #429506 | Report this post

Years ago

These girls were all listed under opals squad and previous tours as Opals.

Reply #429507 | Report this post

Years ago

Forgot Alex Sheedy

Reply #429508 | Report this post

Years ago

You've got to be kidding and no offense to the girls mentioned above but they are hardly Opals!!! They have never been to a Worlds or Olympics and perhaps apart from Teagan are role players at best for their WNBL clubs. I think this list really proves my point!

Reply #429520 | Report this post

Years ago

Sheedy is still at college, and her she was part of the Emerging Opals tour to China; so not like she was part of the senior team which traveled.
While Lauren Mansfield, Kate gaze, Nicole Seekamp were also part of that same Emerging Opals team, and Teagan Cunningham was part of the Opal teams touring China, none of those 5 made the squad of 16 which this week is in camp in Victoria (Dandenong & Ballarat) in preparation for the Oceania Championships.

Reply #429523 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Difference between "playing WITH professionals" and "playing AGAINST professionals"

These two words were changed some time ago. Alot of kids are just lucky the NCAA does not have to resources to follow up.

Reply #429533 | Report this post

Years ago

The question was can you name a college player that was an opal. The list above names them. Whether they are senior junior or emerging, they have been called opals by basketball australia and represented our country. There are a lot more girjs going thru the college system so the odds are greater for them to develop into Australian representatives.

Reply #429539 | Report this post

Years ago

Those few names are hardly glowing endorsements for the benefits of a college career..!!!
None will ever make a real Opals team.

Reply #429540 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly!! None of the names you listed will ever be 'Opals' in the true sense! Opals are not juniors, they are senior players playing in World Championships and Olympic Games!!!! Players have been going to College for the past 20 years and yes I'm sure even more now but these are typically players that have not made it to the AIS or a WNBL roster! The fact is women mature earlier than men and our standout girls are doing just that by the time they are 17/18 & 19 years old!! They don't need to to go to college and players like Loz, Penny, Jenna, Erin, Liz, Rachel etc have shown that the Australian pathway is working!!
Happy to eat my words when our next Olympic team is comprised of more US college graduates than not!!

Reply #429589 | Report this post

Years ago

LJ was CAL

Reply #429591 | Report this post

Years ago

LJ was what??? Loz went straight from the AIS to the Opals & WNBL!!!

Reply #429598 | Report this post

Years ago


seems like college is still flavour of the month.

Reply #430034 | Report this post

Years ago

The thread asks, could she ever play US college?

Of course she could, whether she does is another matter, her choice...

Reply #430083 | Report this post

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