Years ago

A league vs Man U, why cant NBL do this?

A league keeps showing the NBL the way out of the abyss.. I just think the NBL is to stubborn to do it.

NBL Allstars vs San Antonio Spurs or maybe Cleveland Caveleirs.. I actually think, although the NBL team would lose, it would be more competitive then A league vs Man U... and I think it would gain some respect for the league and would be a chance for our best players to see how they would do.

What would be your NBL Allstar team.. and what would be your losing (or winning if your a bit nutty) margin? and would you pick specifically by who is playing the best in the NBL... or by who would match up on NBA style players best?

Topic #32206 | Report this topic

Years ago

gotta get people to buy into it - mcdonalds had that championship cup a few years ago - I recall spurs and 36ers and a few other teams in it - but it fell away.

Reply #428764 | Report this post

Years ago

12,000 people v 83,000. Makes it tough for the event organiser to make money on these things.

Reply #428765 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #428771 | Report this post

Years ago

A euroleague team such as barca would be more realistic....

Reply #428772 | Report this post

Years ago

definitely more realistic, wouldnt have the same impact on the game but more realistic. I think the NBL just needs to be tested against other leagues, it can learn, grow and improve by doing it. This is why many people who play for the Boomers come back to the league and have great years is because they are playing against different styles of competition. Euroleague would be a good place to start if we could get atleast that much.

Reply #428773 | Report this post

Years ago

how would a team of (basing this mainly on last season)

Cedric Jackson
Kevin Lisch
Tom Abercrombie
Anthony Petrie
Luke Nevill

Johnny Flynn
Cam Gliddon
Chris Goulding
Mark Worthington
Todd Blanchfield
Adam Ballinger
Alex Pledger

Do against Cleveland Caveliers on a good day?

30 point loss?

Reply #428774 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't that what the All NBL first team and second team and third team is all about?

Why are we not playing an Asian champions league competition with say New Zealand and Perth competing this season (or maybe our top 4) and when would be the best time of year to play this ?

If it was during the NBL off season then it would encourage clubs to finalize their teams earlier which may not be a good thing in regards to finding imports but its better than relying on state league results to track how players are doing!

Is there much competition in the Asian leagues outside of China?

Reply #428775 | Report this post

Years ago

1. Kings or whoever had a promo with a Man U group the other day I think?

2. You make it sound like no one tries to get NBA promos here. LeBron is touring China and the Philippines because basketball is much stronger there.

Reply #428779 | Report this post

Years ago

YouknowME: You say it would be good for the NBL if an NBA team played an All-NBL team. But then say they would lose by 30.

Tell me, how does this benefit the NBL if you think they will just get smashed by 30 odd. How is this going to help the NBL's credibility with Aussie NBA fans who haven't made the switch to the NBL?

FYI: Australian promoters won't touch it because it's a high risk low gain job. Lots of money has to be paid up front and the game/s would need to sell out to make a very small amount of money.

FM said it, 12,000 people v 83,000 people. No contest.

Reply #428781 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont like the All-Stars idea, they wouldnt be competitive. Play against the club teams in their home stadiums, they know how to play together and their fans and local media would be more interested.

I agree getting a big Euro club out here would be more realistic and, if done well, might lead to an NBA club somewhere down the track.

I reckon one of the Greek giants playing in Melbourne would get a big turnout. Slepoy has also been in some discussions with CSKA Moscow about pre-season games.

Reply #428784 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is this 12,000 coming from surely we have a bigger indoor stadium then that...

Reply #428788 | Report this post

Years ago

All Phones holds 17k in basketball mode, I'm sure that's the highest. But still wouldn't be enough.

Reply #428791 | Report this post

Years ago

"A league vs Man U, why cant NBL do this?"

Not sure how many would come out to see the NBL Allstars play a soccer match against Man U, or a basketball match for that matter.

YouknowME, ohyou.jpg

Reply #428792 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont like the All-Stars idea, they wouldnt be competitive. Play against the club teams in their home stadiums, they know how to play together and their fans and local media would be more interested.

Neither would an NBL club team.

Reply #428793 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately, it is all about the Benjamins.

NBA teams travel and play exhibition games, pre-season games in basketball-dominant countries or a populous country where basketball is starting to really take off.

It is clear that this year they are expanding to Asia/South America..but there are strong reasons to go here which Australia don't have yet:

- Phillipines: 4-5 x the population of Australia (they are basketball mad - national sport?)

- Taiwan (The Houston Rockets are scheduled to play her on Oct. 13. Lin's parents are from Taiwan. NBA Jersey sales in Taiwan are very high -- potential for the Rockets to dramatically increase jersey sales)

-Manchester, England = 21k stadium. Plus basketball is developing at a crazy rate in the UK.

-China: populous. Crazy about Basketball.

-Rio - Brazil: Wizards play there = Nene will attract heaps of fans/attention for the team

Shaking off the sterotype is hard for Australia. When Americans etc. probably think of Aus, they think Aussie Rules, Cricket, Rugby, Football.

Bogut came back a few weeks ago..he did a few appearances in Melbourne etc.

If Nene had gone back to Brazil, Lin to Taiwan, Yao to China (in his prime), the turn out would have been ridicolous. They are national heros.

Reply #428794 | Report this post

Years ago

It cost 3.5 million to lure Manchester United to our golden shores.It would have been a better game if truly our best Aleauge players were to hit the grass,nevertheless a audience of 100 million world wide is pretty cool.Basketball exhibition games should start of with good euro league teams.Perth arena would be a great venue to start the tour at.

Reply #428804 | Report this post

Years ago

It will never be economically viable, at least not in the near future, for an NBA team to come and play an NBL all-stars or an NBL franchise. There is not enough popularity within the NBL to begin with, not to mention that the economic logistics of the event would be incredibly difficult to even have a potential profit. With the Man United game, you're talking about 83 thousand people at the game alone. The game itself raised 16 million for the NSW economy. On top of that, Man U were here for a week doing plenty of promotional work which generates more money. Not to mention the influx of tourists who flew into Sydney for the game, quite a few of which were international (Asian United supporters who couldn't get tickets to games in Thailand, Japan or Hong Kong. Were also quite a few Brits who used the United game as a "reason" so to speak for coming down under).

The Lions Tour, State Of Origin and Man United. Not a bad 2-3 months for Sydney!

Reply #428824 | Report this post

Years ago

Just because NBL isn't big in Australia doesn't mean that NBA wouldn't be. Look at soccer for example - A-League isnt exactly killing it in Australia.

I don't see why it can't happen. The cost in getting an NBA team over would have to be much less when you take into consideration the salaries x amount of players per team of EPL.

I would like to see a game at Rod Laver. Rod Laver can take 15,000. And that would be 15,000 tickets of average higher value than the Man Utd tickets if you take into consideration that the bad tickets of Man Utd game would be less valuable (further away from contest).

One thing I know is that an NBA game would be surefire sell out.

Reply #428850 | Report this post

Years ago

If you had Golden State v Melbourne at Rod Laver that would sell out in minutes. The question is, would that be enough to interest both a promoter and Golden State.

I think it will happen one day, just not for a while yet.

Reply #428851 | Report this post

Years ago

Its not just a question of economics of the game. As stated in the previous thread, there have to be extended commercial reasons for a team to do it. Man United sell gazzillions of jersey's worldwide, and are a true international brand, as are Liverpool. This trip for them included I think 3 stops in Asia. They have been paid a hefty fee for being here as well, but is the overall reach and definition of their brand that makes this trip commercially attractive.

Golden State might sell out here, but not at the premium ticket prices you could charge for New York, LA, Chicago or Boston.

But again, its the commercial imperatives for Liverpool and Man U that make this do-able, not just the economics of a single game.

Reply #428862 | Report this post

Years ago

Bad tickets? Philly, have you even been to ANZ stadium before? There's no bad seat in the ground. The A-League and football in general in Australia is leaps and bounds ahead of where basketball is in terms of popularity at the elite level.

It's not just the players who come over either. Man United had 120 rooms booked at the Park Royal in Sydney. A similar entourage would be brought for an NBA team. Not going to be economically viable when you have only 15 thousand seats available.

Reply #428864 | Report this post

Years ago

When I say bad seats I am comparing nosebleed sections of say MCG to Rod Laver Arena at one of these massive games. I wouldn't say that the A-League is leaps and bounds ahead of NBL. Both have had teams fold recently. EPL is huge no doubt about that but don't discount the popularity of the NBA - there would be no problem whatsover filling a 15,000 stadium with NBA fans in Australia.

Reply #428865 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

imagine kings (or nbl all stars) v.s a NBA team in sydney. It would be huge, only problem is only around 13,000 could get to the game.
And no, a euro league team would not have near the effect that a nba team would have.
People would want to see a famous nba team.
Not a europe team they havnt heard of.

Reply #428877 | Report this post

Years ago

Philly, did you not comprehend anything that I wrote above? It's not economically viable! The "cheap seats" so to speak at the Man United game were $100. To make it economically viable at Rod Laver, you would need to up the price by over 400%, and then hope you have 15k people who would pay ridiculous amounts for a basketball game. In other words, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

Reply #428941 | Report this post

Years ago

Apologies anon didn't realise you were the ecomincs expert on the matter. My brother got brilliant tickets for $60 for the Liverpool game on Wednesday at the MCG.

I'm not sure why you are so adamant that it won't happen? The NHL just did it with 9000 seats at Hisense Arena so why can't the NBA?

Reply #428942 | Report this post

Years ago

Brilliant seats for $60 in a 100k seat stadium. Rod Laver has around 15k. In all seriousness I'm amazed that you keep overlooking the size of the two stadia thinking that reasonable ticket prices would be economically viable for an NBA team to come down here. Basketball in Australia is so poorly managed in comparison to other codes it's beyond a joke.

As for the hockey, not every player on the rosters were from an NHL team. The salaries are less than NBA and EPL (on average) making it easier to host them here.

Don't get me wrong I'd love to see an NBA team come down here. I just don't see it happening any time soon.

Reply #428947 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure a state government paid multi-millions to get Man U to play that game.

Reply #428960 | Report this post

Years ago

I get that there is a discrepancy between the two stadiums but I am not arguing that EPL would raise more revenue than EPL - that is a given. I would just like to see why Australia can not do it. NFL had an exhibition match in Sydney. MLB is having an exhibition match next year. How can you say it is not economically viable when just about every code but NBA is able to have an exhibition match in Australia.

Reply #428969 | Report this post

Years ago

The NFL hasn't played in Sydney in ages, so long ago I don't actually remember when it was held. The MLB aren't having an exhibition match, those games are actually opening the season proper. They did a similar thing in Japan I think last year. NSW's tourism dept is great at organising big events such as this.

All of these codes are run better than basketball. Basketball Australia needs to get its act together because they are on the road to being the worst professional code in Australia, yes, even behind cricket.

Reply #428973 | Report this post

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