Years ago
Kyrie Irving interview: www.basketball.net.au
Well worth a look
Years ago
Well worth a look
We should be really clear that the interview on the Basketball Australia website and the whole Kyrie Irving trip happened completely independently of Basketball Australia.
In fact, it's safe to say that if Basketball Australia did have anything to do with this, they would have found a way to screw it up. Because that is what they do. And they do it extremely well.
I agree BA are useless. Love how flirty that chick was with Kyrie :)
Years ago
Shes a bit alright that chic. Wouldnt mind a quickie
Boti's been going nuts about BA doing no promoting whatsoever of Kyrie Irving coming out here.
Supposedly this interview was done by SEABL TV is that right?
Years ago
I posted this via the SEABL YouTube link on Thursday - the topic seems to have disappeared, not sure what happened to it, I've contacted Isaac to ask but haven't had a response yet.
Just for clarification, Kyrie and his father appeared on SEABL TV thanks to Simon Mitchell from the Frankston Blues, who is of course the driving force behind the tour and the First Pick Hoops Camps. We were very excited to have them on the show and a huge thank you goes to Simon, Frankston, and Knox for allowing us access and the opportunity.
We have been trying to push the video everywhere we can and get the views up which is why it is appearing on the BA website (you may know that SEABL and BA share an office in Melbourne) as well as several other websites like AndTheFoul.net and HoopDiary.
Thanks for the feedback on the interview - it was a lot of fun and the Irvings were great sports about the whole thing!
Please note - I do not work directly for SEABL or BA and I don't and cannot speak on their behalf, I am merely attempting to shed some light on the confusion :)
The only confusion I have is why you use the word "obviously" so often when interviewing.
I mean obviously it's a great word and it obviously has a place in the right context but obviously like any word it can be overused at times and obviously obviously is the word you have chosen to abuse. Obviously I hope you take this on board and obviously try to ease up on in future interviews. Other than that I obviously enjoyed the piece though which is obviously why I gave it a thumbs up when I viewed it on youtube.
Years ago
Anonymous.. Shut up
And beth, if thats you... your hot. lol.
Haha, obviously I agree with you Anonymous! I put it down to nerves. That my first real "high profile" interview on camera (no offense to local SEABL celebs ;))
YouKnowMe - yes, that's me, and thank you :)
Years ago
Yeah that chicks gorgeous, intelligent and who wouldn't want a quickie with her even if Dad gets involved too lol.
That was really enjoyable and I'd rather see her on the sidelines in the NBL than the blokes 'ten' give us.
I hope you get the views you desire
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