Years ago

Southern woman CABL coach

The CABL (Girls comp) are fortunate to have many great coaches leading the way

Can someone explain who the coach is at Tigers and what credentials he has or who he previously coached or played for?

I know Simons @ Eagles, Vicki @ South, Bell @ Woodville
North have the coach of the year, Norwood have Pritchard, West have Trudy who is ex Wnbl player, Central have KB (NBA), Sturt have Marcus who is a state coach & Eastern could have anyone with Tess Madgen playing.

I just wondered about the Southern coach, did he come from another state?

Topic #32016 | Report this topic

Years ago

Curious ^^^ - Not enough respect from you in relation to Eastern Mavericks Coach (Nathon Jones). Nathon is actually a former WNBL Coach (Bulleen)a number of years ago. Whilst Tess is a fantastic player, Nathon has put in place a platform for the entire Mavericks team to play a good brand basketball.

Reply #424892 | Report this post

Years ago

sorry about that, I didn't know he was coaching Eastern.
He is a veteran so only confirms my point that the league has many great coaches
Just don't know the background of the Tigers coach and am unsure if he has coached at high levels?

Reply #424894 | Report this post

Years ago

U seem to have another agenda outside of your question to post this here?

Ask him/the club.

Also, everyone has to start somewhere in 5 yrs time his claim to fame might be that he built the tigers to an ABL powerhouse.

These roles are advertised. Why didn't you apply CURIOUS???

I have nothing to do with coach in question (dont even know his name), or the southern tigers. Just over ppl using this forumfor gripes and jealous attacks.

Reply #424896 | Report this post

Years ago

anonymous, as you said some of the best coaches start at aba
I assumed the southern coach was from interstate, perhaps a Southern person can confirm his background?

The Tigers once were a powerhouse in the ladies comp with players such as Brathwaite, Broagan & Lindsay plus many more.

Maybe he has little or plenty of experience, it's irrelevant

Do others agree that the CABL (W) is the best comp outside of VIC

Oh and I wouldn't apply because I am an administrator not a coach, obviously the current coach did apply and got the job so they must have had a reason to employ

Reply #424899 | Report this post

Years ago


is your club looking for a new coach?

Reply #424900 | Report this post

Years ago

no, not at all but my club are not under BSA

Reply #424901 | Report this post

Years ago

why dont you give him a ring

phone number is available on tigers website i believe

Reply #424902 | Report this post

Years ago

who cares?
the southern tigers womens team have already out done the expectations that were laid on them: "they wont win a game" and they have, so in my eyes looks like he must be doing something right?

Reply #424916 | Report this post

He might be hiding for the next two weeks after the tribunal rubbed him out last night for the next 2 weeks after acting like a turkey (threatening a referee) in U23 last week.

But as curious you are alluding to..... He is a nobody when he is stacked up against the other ABL coaches.

Reply #424917 | Report this post

Years ago

hold up - pretty big allegation youve just started
he didnt THREATEN a ref at all and anyone and everyone who witnessed and heard the conversation would know that

hes a nobody? pretty sure everyone is a nobody at the start and then build a rep to become someone, in his first year of coaching what more did you expect?

Reply #424920 | Report this post

Years ago

"who cares?
the southern tigers womens team have already out done the expectations that were laid on them: "they wont win a game" and they have, so in my eyes looks like he must be doing something right?"

A number of people down tiger land had them a lock for finals. And not just randoms, but actual club people.

Im not sure if anybody actually said they wouldnt win a game, because you forget they play South twice :)

Reply #424921 | Report this post

Years ago

If he got rubbed out for two weeks... seems pretty guilty to me even with BSA's leniency towards minimum penalties.

And of course he didnt threaten anybody... let me guess it was just misunderstood? and everyone and anyone who heard were Southern parents?

The mighty Southern tigers................

Reply #424922 | Report this post

Years ago

He was a nobody but now will be somebody as the first ABA coach I know of the be rubbed out.

What an embarrassment!

Not only is the team awful now they have to contend with this.

Reply #424925 | Report this post

Years ago

I seriously doubt he was the first aba coach to be suspended
Don Shipway anyone?
Boti from South?

Reply #424932 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol Comedy Gold right here.

Reply #424938 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #424950 | Report this post

Years ago

confused has obviously lost it

i have a suspicion the original poster (curious) was fishing for something!

hope he is satisfied

Reply #424952 | Report this post

Years ago

West, Southern, Woodville, Central and South are all in the same boat. The quality of all these bottom 5 teams is poor and well below the top 5. If these clubs don't recruit well next season, we will be saying the same stuff and sitting in the same position. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of talent to go round. Women's basketball isn't what it use to be. Tough for the lower end teams to get anywhere fast. I dare say all of them will take a number of years to climb that ladder.

Reply #424953 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

Therein lies the issue. People like you think that recruiting is the answer. It is only a short term fix. Just look at Centrals. A year of success and back to the bottom of the heap. Becasue all your resources go into recruiting and paying senior players rather than into developing junior coaches and players who are the future of the club. They leave/dont improve and your back to recruiting again.

What about taking the time to actually develop your juniors?

Reply #424964 | Report this post

Years ago

A number of teams are doing just that but you cannot tell me that you do not need a certain amount of quality to be successfully. Have you seen the level of of these juniors in clubs you believe can be developed. Obviously not! I don't disagree with you but reality is teams, if they are to be successful, need a little bit more than developing their juniors. If clubs that just persisted with that, then I think we would have an even worse comp. Some coaches can't win either way, as there are always judgement going off wins alone and there always will be.

Reply #424965 | Report this post

Years ago

I must have missed something. I thought this might have been the penalty for some alleged unsavoury comments about some girls playing U23's earlier this season!

Reply #424969 | Report this post

Years ago

I've missed these threads. Something seriously going wrong at Tigerland, either supporters or admin. Last year it was the men's coach, now its the women's coach.

Reply #424971 | Report this post

Years ago

the top 5 womens teams are all majority home grown athletes.

so it can take time to build that but is much more rewarding when they get there.

Reply #424990 | Report this post

Years ago

The Coach in question certainly hasa long way to go to improve his image, the question is 1. Can he change, does he want to. 2. Will the club take action impose performance development requirements or just sit by and allow him to be the face of women's basketball at tigers?

Reply #424993 | Report this post

Years ago

As three of the Executives daughters are in his sqaud I doubt any action will be taken.

Reply #425064 | Report this post

Ever since the merger Of NCT and Southern Suns, Southern has always been run by parents pushing their own agenda.

No-one on that committee is ever thinking long term as they all look short term while their child is playing at the club and as the past has proved if their kid isn't in the div 1 team then they make a lot of noise until that happens. Just ask BD

Reply #425069 | Report this post

Years ago

Tall poppy syndrome anyone!!

Reply #425070 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti of south Adelaide

How is your club travelling at the moment??

Reply #425072 | Report this post

Years ago

When did coaching become a popularity contest??

Reply #425073 | Report this post

My club is actually traveling pretty good at the moment. Biggest jnr club is SA so pretty happy with those numbers. We have realised the errors of the past and have an amazing team in place to drive in the right direction.

Plus we have people that are putting the club first and not their own agendas. So that always helps.

Reply #425075 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Boti long time fan, who is BD - Brenton Davies?

Reply #425096 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely this is not the real boti

Reply #425097 | Report this post

Years ago

^ Why not? He coaches South U23 girls I'm sure he was there the night Mr Scott dropped the ball

Reply #425120 | Report this post

Years ago

confused? - there has been a strong push to regulate the behaviour of players and coaches in both ABL and Youth League this year, including the sending of video clips to clubs of what constitutes unacceptable behavior.

Approaching the referee after the game and making comments on the performance of the referee is not deemed to be acceptable as found by the tribunal.

Reply #425150 | Report this post

Years ago

Above poster you either work for BSA or you were on the tribunal or you were the ref involved also not appropriate!!

Reply #425151 | Report this post

Years ago

there were 2 people that applied for the job last year, the best coach got the job!! Pretty sure he is going to continue in the job for a while yet, so all you sooks whingeing about him better get used to it

Reply #425153 | Report this post

Years ago

#151 - to answer your post:

Above poster you either work for BSA - wrong!

or you were on the tribunal - wrong!

or you were the ref involved - also wrong!

Just stating fact of what has been happening to try and clean up behavioral issues - and was certainly not involved in any of the ways you suggested above.

Reply #425156 | Report this post

Years ago

So your a ref then

Reply #425160 | Report this post

Years ago


So your LS then?

Reply #425161 | Report this post

Years ago


No I am not but I know what happened on the night in question

Reply #425162 | Report this post

Years ago

If your plan is to keep him as your ABA Coach........Good luck recruiting!There are a lot of players refusing to play for him.

Reply #425166 | Report this post

Oh Dear  
Years ago

Heard at Hillcrest last night he actually got an 8 week suspension but with 6 weeks on hold if he offends again.

So what ever he said to the referee must have been bad.

Reply #425254 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story

He actually got 20 weeks reduced to 2!

Reply #425292 | Report this post

Years ago

@ #42153
"there were 2 people that applied for the job last year, the best coach got the job!! Pretty sure he is going to continue in the job for a while yet, so all you sooks whingeing about him better get used to it:"

When you say he's gonna be around for a while surely a club wouldn't sign a coach to more than 1 yr before actually reviewing the first season? Then again maybe they are paying peanuts.

Reply #425332 | Report this post

Years ago

If you really want to get some insight into how seriously he takes his coaching role a quick look at his twitter and how he interacts with some of his players on there will give you a pretty big hint. If i were a club official i wouldn't be happy with that on a public forum as a representation of the ABL coach and team. The thing with social media these days is everything is accessible to everyone and his twitter came up as a recommendation on my twitter based on my interests, who i follow and what i post about. Its safe to say his twitter would be recommended to others with an interest in basketball, including potential players. I can tell you now if i were a player looking for a club after reading a couple of tweets i wouldn't even give Southern a second look.

And before i get accused of being a disgruntled player who isnt getting court time, or the parent of one, i am neither. I also left the sport as a player a long time ago.

For your viewing pleasure #tigernation

Reply #425396 | Report this post

Years ago

I was made aware of comments on this site, so in order to enlighten a few people I will give you an insight into my background!

I played junior basketball at southern districts until under 16's I then switched to South Adelaide in under 18's and played with them until I was 23 reaching reserve men level! I had a 2 year break to play football and played a season of Div 3 men but never really captured the love of playing the game I had as a kid!

I started coaching as a 17 year old at south winning an under 14 div 6 premiership I was then promoted to under 12 div 2 then as a 19 year old coached under 14 division 1 for 3 years, in each year my teams made the finals, then as I was reasonably young I got over dealing with parents and people similar to those on this site so I left basketball all together to play football.

After a 5 years out of the game I wanted to be involved again, I contacted south to offer to coach however no one called me back, so I contacted southern and thankfully was given a chance to coach, I coached under 20 div 2 men then took over as div 1 coach for 2 years again having some success in making finals in all but one year!

I spent the last 2 years coaching under 18 div 1 boys again making finals and playing off in 3 grand finals in a season! I have coached numerous players that have gone on to play ABA including Sam johns, Sam McDaniel, Andrew Webber, Matthew Davies just to name a few!

I was assistant coach to Willie last year and coached the 23 div 1 girls again making finals!

There you go, I haven't coached WNBL or played in the NBA but I fail to see how that matters! I can coach and I am good at developing players which is what I intend to do with the current girls we have at the moment, and with our juniors at our club! People have said we won't be able to recruit players, well 1 I don't care, I would like tigers girls playing for us and then going onto higher leagues, not importing rebels that cause more trouble than what they are worth just ask Centrals, however some players from other clubs have already spoken to me about next season and I will sit down with them at the appropriate time and if they can fit into the culture we are trying to create at our clubs then they will be welcomed!

Those warriors on here that want to attack our club and the girls whose parents are on the committee you seriously need a life, remember you are having a go at 17 year old girls in most cases, they try their best like everyone else in the team and I can assure you there is no gold passes! And someone has to be on the committee, no committee no club!

I got reported 2 weeks ago and suspended for 2 weeks Wednesday night, I take full responsibility for my actions, I will learn from them and it won't happen again!

There have been players that left our club, I won't go into details why they left, however I am a tough coach with high expectations and rules, those that don't like my rules don't play, they left we moved on!

I coach to develop players and win games! Most of my team although we are not getting the wins are improving, I don't do this job to make friends with people at other clubs, I have enough people at my club I class as friends, I would also class some people at other clubs as friends to, but they wouldn't get on here and slander my team, my club or me!

There is obviously an agenda by disgruntled people that I may have upset to try and get rid of me, guess what I have suspicion who you people are and I am not going anywhere, I will continue to do this job for as long as I possibly can and when it's over and one day it will be I will go back to coaching juniors at the southern tigers, I don't care if I have upset you or your adult kid, get over yourselves!

To Blackbird, you are either a disgruntled former player/parent or maybe a current one, seriously get a life, my conversations with my players are friendly banter, as this group of girls and myself and coaching staff get on really well we are a unit with one goal in mind to continue to get better and play in finals and it will happen one day! Good luck reading my twitter as I blocked it so that peanuts like the majority that have posted on this site can't read it, and me and my team can have our conversations without people reading them, if you are a former parent/player good luck with your basketball career hope you the best but you won't be playing for us again! If you are a current player/parent not happy you need to speak to me about or else you know where the door is!

Anyway I had my say, enjoy the read if anyone ever wants to talk to me I am approachable (even the refs :-) ) but if you don't want to I am not fussed

Night night


Reply #425404 | Report this post

Reply #425405 | Report this post

Years ago

Well that escalated quickly!

As the saying goes....HATERS ARE GONNA HATE!

Just because you have played at a high level or that you are a known person within the Basketball society of little old Adelaide, doesn't mean that you are automatically going to be a 'GREAT' coach.

Coaching at senior level is far more than just knowing the game. It's managing everyone of the players that you have in a team! Ever wondered why they're called Managers in the English Premier League?

Sometimes the biggest haters in basketball are the biggest victims in life!

Reply #425410 | Report this post

Years ago

In my experience this is soooooo true:

"Sometimes the biggest haters in basketball are the biggest victims in life! "

Reply #425411 | Report this post

Thanks LS for that short bio and justification of your actions. Care to explain your VERY unprofessional comments on FB directed at U23 players from 2 clubs at the start of the season.

I thought with ALL your coaching experience and amazing players you've developed over the past years you'd be a little smarter than to call one team a bunch of dog's and bitches. Especially when those girls were only 17-18 and on social media.

I would you think as a 1st year seniors coach you'd keep your head down and focus on your team instead spouting off and strutting around like you were Al Green or something.

Reply #425462 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard about LS making those comments on Facebook and would like to know if true, how the hell is he still coaching ABA?

He should be in front of the tribunal for those actions for sure

basketball does not need people like this involved in coaching under aged kids so I hope when he gets the sack from ABA he is not allowed to return to juniors

Reply #425493 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, is this guy for real?? Seems he doesn't mind pumping his own tyres up. Looks to me like this coach is very unprofessional, and you would have to question whether or not he is best for the future of this club.

Reply #425523 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure his wife is a lawyer

Reply #425533 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not the guy above and don't even know him.

Isn't funny though that anonymous haters can come here and bag people in teh sport under the guise of good discussion and debate and as soon as the people they are attacking contribute to that debate it becomes a case of them pumping their tyre up or being unprofessional.

Reply #425540 | Report this post

Years ago

Um it is not because he has joined the debate mate, its because of the content within and the obvious lack of professionalism through the evidence he has shown!
This person should not be coaching! And yes, that is only my opinion.

Reply #425545 | Report this post

Years ago

You people all sound scared of this guy

Or jealous not sure which one

Reply #425546 | Report this post

Years ago

Southern have a very strict social media policy so I am sure they would be across any discretions.

Reply #425547 | Report this post

Years ago

Look at R4 ABL write up lots of sniping between south and tigers so maybe it's south people trying to destabilise southern in order to get a win

Reply #425549 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I am not with South or Southern and think Southerns coach is also very unprofessional.
And how would this banter get South a win?? Are all you people as dumb as you sound??
I'm guessing yes?!

Reply #425553 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe we should call a waaaaaaambulance for all you sooks

Reply #425559 | Report this post

Years ago

almost want to join his facebook seems more exciting than mine

Reply #425568 | Report this post

Dirty Sanchez  
Years ago

Dear Boti from South Adelaide

Firstly, I think a name change is in order. Something more like Boti from Everywhere would be far more fitting for a man that has been at more clubs than he has underwear in his top draw. At what point of club jumping does one realise that it's not a 'them' problem it's a 'YOU' problem?

You seem very spiteful in your comments on here! To be so hurtful, maybe you should just state the real reason for your anger! Did you not get a job that you were expecting??? Did you not get your own way? For someone to get on here and be so obsessed about ones way of life makes you seem very bitter!

Is your club really in that good a position? A quick search through the premiership table on sporting pulse would say completely the opposite. In case you didn't know how your club was really travelling, i'll refresh your memory;

Under 10boys div 1 7th
Under 12boys div 1 7th
Under 14boys div 1 4th
Under 16boys div 1 9th
Under 18boys div 1 9th
Senior men 9th

Under 10girls div 1 2nd
Under 12girls div 1 7th
Under 14girls div 1 NO TEAM
Under 16girls div 1 8th
Under 18girls div 1 9th with a percentage of 26.1
Senior women 10th

This record doesn't look great for a WELL POSITIONED club!!! Don't mistake club numbers as success.

As for comments about one acting like a TURKEY and yelling at umpires. Boti from EVERYWHERE, have you ever heard of the saying 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?' I've seen similar yelling sessions from you at umpires and players!

Finally Boti, you seem to have a go at the committee. Why? Did you not get your own way?

Before people start throwing out mindless comments on here, think about the impact of those comments. And think about the real reason of why you have that anger. Small comments that someone puts on a private social media page has no impact on YOUR life so why should it affect you??? Its not the NBA, it's a local competition!

Reply #425603 | Report this post

Years ago


Post of the year

Reply #425728 | Report this post

Years ago

Been a comical read regardless

Reply #425779 | Report this post

Years ago

Dirty Sanchez

I think you would have to be dilussional to think that the real Boti would waste his time on here and also that you would have any idea what South are doing within their program to build up success.

Reply #425791 | Report this post

Get a life  
Years ago

U all need to get a life! it's amateur basketball FFS! Your all as bad as each other and what you are saying is pointless! Get over it!

Reply #425828 | Report this post

Years ago

From afar, I think that southern women have exceeded expectations while South's women have been very, very disappointing.
Don't know what Southern's coach has said on social media or if it was reported to authorities but surely if it is reprehensible he would not be still coaching and equally if it was it would have been reported to BSA?
South's coach should be under pressure to get better results given she has several college girls back.
When it's all boiled down to lollies, none of the bottom five are worth a pinch of the proverbial and you can't make silk purses out of sow's ears.
The women's competition can't keep or attract the players and netball is taking the more gifted. It's up to all clubs to ensure the player drain from 18's onwards is curbed or we will have all Jo Hill aged players running around because there are no decent juniors coming through.

Reply #425910 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe get your facts right as South only have one of their college girls playing and that is Corrigan. She is not a superstar, but obviously Vicki sees something in her that Sharon did not as she was never given a go at Forestville. As for the other 2, 1 is out for the season injured and the other has only played a game and missed the last. South are in the same predicament as all the other bottom 5 teams, and maybe Eastern, without Tess.
I agree with the above though. There doesn't seem to be a lot of young quality girls coming through, which makes it hard for those clubs who don't have the likes of Foley, Newly, Thompson, Lewis, Hill.

Reply #425912 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people underestimate how tough it is to be a womens coach these days in this comp. There are very few players going around as it is, let alone ones that make a huge difference to teams. I do not envy any of these coaches, except maybe Norwoods, as he tends to get first pick at whats going around the place, but good on him I guess?

Reply #425916 | Report this post

If Boti is really posting on this forum then I'm here to tell you all that this is really Michael Jordan typing at this keyboard. Now, who has a question or comment for me?

Reply #425940 | Report this post

Whats up  
Years ago

You sucked at baseball Michael :)

Reply #425945 | Report this post

Years ago

boti from south adelaide has been very quiet since being called out

Reply #425948 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he may have better things to do than go backward and forward with this rubbish.

Reply #425949 | Report this post

Years ago

trying to get an aba gig, recruiting college players for his team next year

Reply #425954 | Report this post

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