Years ago
18 3's Guys Anyone got something to say?
Im just interested in 18 3 guys anyone got any opinions on anything going on in this div?
Years ago
Im just interested in 18 3 guys anyone got any opinions on anything going on in this div?
yes only four teams are capable of winning the finals
North1 beat West 96-34 playing with only six players. The team i think will win is north thy are 20 games unbeaten from last season
yes but west is well to tell the truth have the same skills as a bad div 4 team
stevie nicks
Years ago
both norwood 1 and north 1 are beatable, i think the final will be between those 2 though, north 1 are easy to read in offence, and their extended d can be broken.
they have pretty good guards who's accuracy on the threes are good. They do not have an inside game.
Just wondering what team do you play for Stevie nicks
sturt a theird and because of inter-club turmoil they don't stand a chance against north or norwood
Years ago
Does anyone know whether Kenny from Norwood 1 has started playing again after injuring his back in state champs?
Years ago
Kenny was out friday night againt south2s, the div has probly nine or ten teams who are really being forces, wodville r ok a times, im playin in the south1's and u wuddnt believe the trouble weve had, thus y we sit 11th, except norwood 1 & 2, & North 1, weve had reasonable games, we r a lot betta than centrals, just had a shocker against them. We may get a few wins this half of the year. North 1 n Norwood 1 will dominate, but sturt n southern both may upset.
Years ago
What div3 team do you think are the best offensively.
norwood 1 probably or north 1- the have got to be the only teams who can win it
I think they are a good team. The reason i am saying this is because they beat Forestville 2 from u18 div2 by a good eight points. Even though they north1 were less athletic they managed to pull off an impressive victory at State Champs.
Years ago
Nah anon, i play in da south 1's
n it'll be interestin i think we got north1 first match at nunawading, well its a north team anyway...
I play for North 1 and we are play ing the C grade. The other North2 are playing in the B grade. The div4 North team are playin in the C grade also.
Can anyone tell me the results of the Friday games.
Years ago
anon, from North 1, do u no who ur playin for Nunawading, do u play us, South?
Sorry I have no idea if we are playing South at the moment. We are tryin to negotiate with the other North2 team for a swap so that we play in the B grade instead of the C grade.
Anyone in the same pool as u18 div'2 sturt team??
North 1 was in the B grade competition which the (ex div3 team)Sturt team was also playing but in different pools. We only won 1 game and lost 3 games. The only game we won at the carnival was against the team that won the competition. We lost two games by a point each to South Adelaide and Forestville2 both div2 teams. The biggest loss we had was an eight point loss to a more athletic MELBOURNE TEAM. The team we beat in the carnival beat our North div2 team in the semis by seven points. Lookin back at how the competition was we had a good chance of making Grand final or making finals if we played a little bit harder. How did other teams fair in Melbourne?
great and in the next couple of weeks i have to play north 1
Years ago
Anonymous, the South team had less than half its Div 2 team and three Div 3.2 players whom had never played together before.
Years ago
well in div 2 foristvil ar second to bottom only because centrals forfited against them and it wouldent be too hard to beat them even if u were an aveages team in div 3.
Years ago
well in div 2 foristvil ar second to bottom only because centrals forfited against them and it wouldent be too hard to beat them even if u were an aveages team in div 3.
I have to admit the game against SOUTH team which had mixed players from div3 and div2 was the best game i have played in a long time. The game basically was a three point shoot out. We were up by 10 points in the last three minutes and South held their nerves and scored four three pointers. Good work players from South div3 i hope we can have another game like that in the near future.
The other game we played against Forestville 2 div2 team if they were playing in div3 they would be one of the best teams. They finished summer season in third spot. The team had a few injuries but we were playing a full strength team. We were leading by two points in the last 2 min but they scored four points. We had the opportunity to score one of our players was fouled with 14 secs to go. He went to the free throw line and made only one shot. If he made all the shots we would have drawn at least.
i have just seen the ladder and results and its interesting to see that the div3 comp is a close one. Especially the 3-6 position. Its a 2point difference. All those teams 3.Sturt, 4.North2, 5.Forestville, 6.Southern are all fairly even matched teams. Which one of those teams do u think will not make finals and why?
These are my reasons and the order will be below
Sturt- By the looks of them they are an ok team but there are to many individuals and they don't have great 1-3 men (not many can nail a three in a game)
North 2- again they have an ok team but the x factor just isn't there. They don't seem able to play out the entire 4 quarters only three
Forestville- Depends on how they play. If the wan't to win they will but if they don't all put in they won't get far. The way they play is extreamly strange
Southen- No offence to Southen but with the attitude they have they ain't gonna get very far. The whole team is full of individuals. If they play as a team they might even make the semi
Top 6
1 North 1
2 Norwood 1
3-5 North 2/Sturt/southen
6 Forestville
Anon your analysis is spot on. North2 i think are probably the best team to make third spot but i agree they only play well in 3 quarters and after that they ran out of legs.
Another team i think have the same problem as North2 is Norwood2. Norwood 2 have the best offence i have seen in the comp. They always ran out of legs in the last quarter. I f Norwood2 work a little bit harder they may cause a lot of upsets.
Big games this friday. Southern are playing Norwood1 and North1 are playing Sturt interesting to see how the results will be.
Sorry about Norwood 2 but i've only seen tem play once this seanson
Last night North 1 def Sturt 28-26 in a match that looked more like football game then a basketball game. Sturt was leading formost of the game until a tec foul was calledon a sturt player. North then scored 7 of the last 9 points to get the win. Sturt would have won if it had made more than just 9/28 foul shots
Thats crap North1 was going to win the game anyway. The two teams played a great defensive game. Both teams could not hit any of their shots. I think Sturt got away with many fouls which the umpires did not call. They should not complain because the umpires were calling fouls against us the whole night. If we had better umpires we could have won by about ten points. Sturt also had no chance because they cannot shoot well. A warning to the other teams about Sturt is they don't play fair.
We watching your game, it looked like you play as fairly as sturt. Sturt did get away with many fouls but so did you. Stop making excuses because your team plaed a terrible game.
Years ago
Every teams have bad games and this was one of them. North1 on the night did not play as a team offensively. Sturt played an awesome defence and the only way we won the game was because of free throws. I honestly believed that Sturt were going to win the game because of the bad decisions we made as a team. Both teams played their hardest for the win and it was unlucky Sturt lost.
Years ago
Anonymous (#38293) i can tellu play for sturt n i watched ur whole game on fri nite n u were hell lucky to get that close to north oh n also dont come on here misleading the fine ppl of this forum with ur nonsence, 9/28 foul shots plz i saw ur team use missed 4 at the mst for the whol game
Years ago
West forfeited their game against North2 is the team breakin up or being pulled out of the comp?
How come it say on the score sheet that i have in my hand this very minute that sturt missed 9 foul shoots. don't talk shit and have information that backs you up.
Years ago
yeah you tell them anonymous. Sturt players should stop exaggerating the number of foul shots they had.
Just seen sporting pulse site and i am happy to see that South2 beat Forestville. Great effort by South2 players by upseting a top five team.
RESULTS THIS WEEKEND Sturt41-35North2. North1 90-25 South1. Any other results from this weekend.
Another tough game by Sturt but they won. Both teams were evenly matched in strength but Sturt's defence won the game.
Sturt hater
Years ago
Sturt being a good defensive not a chance in hell. Their players play a rough game. If they are going to get physical please play football instead of basketball.
I think it is about time people were quite honnest on this forum. Sturt don't play physical they are a bunch of softies and there defence is ten times better than their offence
Years ago
Anon are you serious about the statement that you made. Sturt team has got players that do not care if they injure the opposition players. They have to be the roughest team i have played against in the comp.
I am dead serious about that statement i made before. Prehaps they are the roughest team you have played because you are so used to playing soft teams in a low grade
Years ago
Anon what are you talking about. They injured me with 2 quarters to go and i was limping the whole game. If you play them in Pasadena especially the umpires will not call fouls on them. They also nearly took out our best player in the team by pushing him on a fast break attempt. If this is not rough and dirty then i am confused to what is?
Years ago
Sturt is not the only rough team in the comp. Why isn't anyone talking about other rough teams like North1 and Southern. They also foul a lot. I heard of a North1 player who injured a player from the opposition almost each week. He apparently split the forehead of a South2 player. In the summer season one of their players got ejected out of the stadium for headbutting in a game. With Southern they always get into foul trouble. So Sturt is not the only rough team.
Years ago
You are right about the umpires at pasadena, they will only call it if it's extreamly soft or if the player almost gets killed. Southern are really rough and there coach doesn't help ether. Some players have apparently over heard him telling him to target oppisition players
easy brix, the Pasadena UIC reads Hoops regularly
The games this weekend have been shockers. There has been two big upsets. The first big upset is the Southern vs Forestville game i thought Southern were going to win the game but they lost terribly. The other game was South2 vs Woodville i thought South2 was going to win that game to keep their finals chances alive. The comp has began evening out and all the teams are getting more competitive. At this point in the season i see that the top 4 teams in the ladder are of similar strength and any one of them can win the comp.
Years ago
woodville are just starting to play like a team cant make finals but were starting to be competitive plus were the only team to beat north1
Years ago
2segh the only reason you beat North1 was because the coach made bad decisions that caused us to lose to woodville. That game we could have easily won it because we had six steals with four points the difference but we never converted the baskets. Another thing is that that was the summer season and this is winter. Woodville would have been an awesome team if they still had the guy with the dreadlocks he could never miss a shot.
as if you guys are complaining about rough play? no wonder your div 3. ive seen worse stuff then what you guys are complaing about. Aaron from sturt has elbowed people to the throat and head without a call. Rob from west has pushed people over and even thrown a small punch without a call. Half the southern team gets away with big hits. thats div 1 basketball, and your whinging about your so called rough play, haha.
Roughplay thats what i mean. Kenny from Norwood1 in div3 got blocked and pushed by a div3 player in North1 and he lay on the ground. The game was stopped and an ambulance was called to pick him up. Some other players i have seen them purposefully tripping other players and so on.
hey settle down all of you. It si rough out there but you all gotta get on with blaying basketball
Years ago
West no longer have a team in the division, our game was cancelled on friday night bcoz of this, 2 of their 3's players were playing 2's friday night.
Sturt beat centrals by 15-20 points. Does anyone know who that massive guy for centrals has come from
North1 beat Forestville 67-41. Does anyone know the results of the
Norwood1 vs North2 game
The way i see it
Years ago
It is a tough race for 4th and 5th spot. Currently North2 and Forestville are on 4th and 5th spots. The way i see it i do not think Forestville will retain their 5th spot and Southhern are a chance of making 4th if they pull their act together. For North2 i know their best player is injured and that was the reason they received a belting from Norwood1. If their best player does not start playing soon they are going to have it hard and i think they might just make either 4th or 5th spot.
For the top 3 spots i think they are already decided for and now that North1 has lost their first game it will be interesting to see what team finishes on top of the ladder after 22 rounds. Sturt the way they are going i think they will clearly finish on 3rd spot.
South2 also stand a chance of making top five if they do not lose any other games. For Woodville they are the spoilers team. They can upset big teams when they want e.g when they beat North1 during summer season.
To me it is interesting to see how intense the the competition is getting. For most teams now its a testing time and the toughest teams will survive.
Years ago
I don't think south 2 have much of a chance to make the final five. Sturt should make 3rd spot and north 2 4th southern is my picck for 5th
The way i see it
Years ago
Brix what about Forestville do you thimk they stand a good chance of making top five cause i think they stand a better chance than Southern now that they have played all the top teams.
Years ago
If thats the case than they may make it and they play better than southern
Last nights game North2, North1 and Southern won their games at Hillcrest. Southern56-Centrals28 and North175-38Woodville. North2 beat Forestville by 20+points. Any other results.
Years ago
Are you sure that North 1 score is right. If it is thats a massive score. Sturt had a big fright almost loosing to south 1. Final score 54-50.
Years ago
Thats the score North1 had with six players against a tough Woodville side. In the third and final quarter Woodville had like 6 three pointers.
Brix whats wrong with Sturt why did you guys have such a close game with South 1. The last two times we played(North1) them we beat them by 60+ points. Is there something wrong with Sturt?
in our team this week we had three div 4's (one of them has been playing in our team for most of the season) so we only had another three players including myself. We played bad and south played very well
Years ago
If you don't play in the team, you don't know what happened. So don't comment
Years ago
It is always tough to come back from a holiday break, we only had three players fire, they almost got the W for us tho, i had my best game for the season against sturt, 26pts. We at least will win this wk.
Is this the South1 team i think thats just a dream. South1 winning they lost to us 'Centrals' even though we lost half of our team which made finals last season in the summer league.
Years ago
yah and we lost 1/2 of ours and lost another 2 through injury, we had 2 from our summer team playing. im not gonna sit n bitch about we'll just see who wins!
Someone else even last season your team finished at number 11 in the table. There is no way in hell you think you can even beat Centrals. Because West has quit i now think you are the bottom of the table.
North1 61-36 South2 any other results from the weekend like Sturt vs Norwood1
Norwood beat sturt by three -the score was in the mid 40's. i thaink it was 47-44. There was some incident late in the 4th quarter that left a sturt player having to leave the court in severe pain but otherwise it was quite an good game to watch from the side lines.
half of woodvilles players seem to have left, they only had 6 against north last night and played the 5 or so minutes with 4 players. they played pretty well at the beginning of that game and either they got tired or north picked up or both.
I think Sturt is goin alright cause they have lost two close games to the top two teams. Good work by the Sturt players for trying to beat Norwood. Ithink the finals are going to be a close one between the top three teams.
Years ago
1 we finished 7th, 2 u beat our worst line up for the season by 6 on friday night... well done... for those who dont no we lost to centrals 45-39 and had one player score 25.
Years ago
Also thought Id chuck in a bit more, good game centrals u beat us and now i gotta figure out how i can get my team to win a game, we are now official the worst team in the league.
maybe your team will win more games if a certain player starts shooting better than 28% every game.....
Someone else what a change in heart the post you made before you were trying to defend yourself and before there was any controversy you thought of posting again congratulating Centrals. Please say what you mean and mean what you say.
This is what i think about all the teams in the comp
North1- Their game is too predictable and they still win.
Norwood1- They think they are the gods of basketball in div 3 and play as if they own the league.
Sturt- They are still deciding on what sport they want to play between rugby and basketball.Personally i think they fou too much.
North2- They play the egame as if its a social game. Thay start out alright and play their last quater as if they are dead.
Forestville- Where to start they are horrible in offewnse and for a fact there are only two players who score all their points. If the players do not take risks they are never going to be any good.
Southern-They think they are a tough team and they always end up losing important games. They play hard but their shooting percentage is horribe.
South2- They are untalented bunch of individuals. All they know to do is stirring trouble. This is basketball and not a sledging comp. Please do not think you are good.
Norwood2- I tipped this team to be in the top 4 at the beginning of the season and all they have done is let me down the whole season. They are probabley have the best offence a but they do not believe in their own abilities as a team.
Woodville- The advice i can give you is play as a team. Pass the ball around and at least have all your players playing every game. The reason you are not doing as well is that i never see a full team every time you play.
Centrals- It is very hard to tell you where to start. Defensively noone does it except for the big guy in your team who is 6'6 or something. The other thing is that noone in the team really knows how to shoot the ball or even just play the game.
South1- The team looks physically capable of winning a lot of games but you just give up. You could be one of the best teams but you
do not have the desire to play the game. If you lose to Centrals there is something wrong with you.
Years ago
anonymous, south 2 only has one player that starts trouble occasionally so dont judge so quickly
Years ago
If we had better ref's then the games wouldn't be so rough
Ans u claim south1 (11th) is a contender when South2(7th)with more wins.
The truth is South1 are good there only trouble is that some of the players play out of position. Like the pointguard is as tall as any div3 centre. ASnother reasonis that they have no confidence in their game. South2 are not any good. Their centres and forwards are weak. They cannot rebound. Their is only one player who can play and that is Iglesias
Years ago
yo anoymous, i have to admit you got one thing right. Iglesias does carry his team.
Can anyone please tell me what are the weaknesses of Sturt North1 and Norwood because it is too hard to beat them or even play a close game against them.
North player
Years ago
North1 lost to Southern during the weekend. 56-48. I play for North and on that night we had five players. We had four players having sickness or injury. 2 of our highest scoring players were injured. We had to call up an extra player to fill the fifth spot. #32 was injured but still played on am not sure if he will play next week.
On Southern Tigers team they had 11 players. They could change players any time they wanted. The umpire was also shocking callinmg stupid fouls to a team with five players. We played our hearts out but 5 players no substitutes and having only 3 starting players playing is a bit difficult to do. All in all we hang around the game and led the game a few times.
Personally i think we have ran out of luck and that was not our night. Hopefully next week we will get a full team and a new player.
Two things:
That stadium did you play at and having five players isn't so bad you may get tired more quickly but you will have a better game personally, well i do anyway. If it was up to me i would only have six/seven in a team
any other results
North player
Years ago
I said we were missing our best two players. One of them usually gets 20 points a game and the other about 16 points. The other thing we had an extra player who is not any good so you can say Southern were playing a team of four players
Years ago
get over it my team really only has 3-4 players you can play well for more than half a game
North player
Years ago
AJ lets get this right our two best platers were out and we had the lead for most of the game until we ran out of legs in the last 2 quarters. It also does not help a team with less players to have a dodgy umpire. The reason i say this is because we had like an 8-0 ran and were leading by four points. We made a three pointer and the ref made a dodgy call.
North Player you get this right. You had a dogy ref, if i got $100 for every dogy ref iv'e had this season i would have well over $170 by now and the second thing is iv'r played with five players before against the best team that was going around and we came within 2 points of winning. It only matters how you perform on the court each game so get over it
Okay let me put this straight we have seven players in our team. That game we were playing against Southern four players were injured. So we had three fit players. One of the injured players decided that he was still going to play. The team now had four players, so this is what we did we called up a player who does not even play for the club. During the game there were only four players playing against a Southern team with eleven players. The extra player in the team was crap. He did not even have a point. In the Southern team they also had two players who also play for the div 2 team. So anonymous we could have easily forfeited the game. Plus everyone knows how bad the refs are especially at Morphet Vale. The Southern players were also talking to the ref for every call he made against them trying ot change his opinion. So if you talk about a team with bad luck thats us. If we had a full strength team we could have probably beat them by 30+ points. Considering they only beat us by 6 points.
Years ago
We (Centrals) would still be up among the top 5 if we didnt lose our three top players to the div 1 side. for half our team this is the first season and the other half have 1-1.5 years dst. experience which i think isnt too bad.
Its interesting to see how the top 5 is shaping up.
Southern have a small chance of making it if they win their two remaining games and Forestville lose the next two games. Anyone has any opinions about the teams and how you think they will fair in the finals.
Number 35 for centrals is Richie Medhurst. he believes that he rules the league!!!!!! haha.
Is #35 the big fat player in the Centrals line up
nahh he plays guard, hes always looking for a fight!! so give him one!
Friday nights result North1 37-27 North2. Any other results
grand final between North 1 and Norwood 1
the rst of the teams are just to Inconsistent
Thats my tip also but the Sturt team as i know it will probably have some Div 2 players to help them in their finals campaign i hope no team cheats to make the competition even
Years ago
I agree with anon that it will be unfair for a team that has worked hard all season to lose to a team that has got extra players from a higher division to play for them
Years ago
No i play for sturt and BASA dosn't allow that to happen. The penalty for any team caught playing and player who has not played the 5-7 games in Div 3 is a 0-20 forfiet. Southen as much as i hate them, were smart and got 2 or 3 Div 2 players, to player the required amount of games so they can play div 3 finals.
Years ago
this is, richie medhurst (35) i dont think i rule the league i just play agressive sumtimes (But not dirty!)
Years ago
Southern have tried to cheat but i think that what goes around comes around and thats why they will miss out on finals. There is no way they are going to make finals.
Results from the weekend Norwood1, Sturt, North2, Forestville and the Southern games
Norwood 2 46 sturt 46
Sturt came from 15 points down to take the lead but 7 missed foul shots in the last 5 mins cost them a win they didn't earn
What about the Forestville game i wanna know who won that game.
Before i go i want to tell everyone that i always believed that Norwood2 was a good team as we can see from the results. They have not lost by a lot of points to the top teams. Proof the draw with Sturt, the one point loss to North2, seven point loss to North1 and an eight point loss Norwood 1. I do not know why they did not make finals. I have declared in this forum that they have the best offence in the league but they are the most disappointing team in the league.
End of time
Years ago
If my calculations are right then i think Southern and Forestville are through to the finals and Sturt are out by a point.
Ithink this is how the set up will look
QF North1 vs North2.
EF Soutern vs Forestville.
It is sad to see a good team like Sturt lose out i hope the Sturt players have better luck next season and play ball as ard as they have played.
yet another 6th finish, thats 4 years in a row, never made the winter season finals.
End of time
Years ago
Sorry mate but i hope you did enjoy your basketball this season. Losing sometimes can make you play better. Thats pretty painful missing out by a point.
no it was the second worse seasnon iv'e ever played in we got worse as the season went on.
I play for North1 and i am already seeing that it will be a hard finals now that Southern are in the finals. Our first finals game will be against North2 which will be a grudge match between the two North teams. This game as far as can tell will be a very physical game as North2 will not wnat to lose to us four times in one year.
Norwood is also another tough team to beat. The ony way to win against them is if you can shoot and play a good defense. It will be an intriguing final to see who will win the comp.
North1 50-30 North2
Great game between the two teams. North1 started very well leading 15-5 in the first quarter. In the second quarter it was more of an even game North2 mounting a comeback. The second quater ended 25-15. North2 started the third quarter with a lot of steam and at some point of the game they were 8 points closer. The quarter ended 37-27. North2 looked to have enough momentum. North1 in the last quarter stopped North2 by a couple of good blocks, steals and rebounding. They were completely shut out in offence scoring 3 points in the fourth quarter. All in all great game to watch both teams giving their all to win the game.
Go on North 2 beat those dirty southern cheats and there stuck up coach
Years ago
Anyone from North1 or 2, were ur two teams set up 2 be even? If not good job on finishing 2nd n 3rd
Years ago
The North1 team were supposed to be the second div2 tem for North but the club sent their application to play to BASA later than Norwood. Sorry guys if it was hard for all those teams in div3 to beat us. We were supposed to be a div 2 team. Thats why we were able to beat Forestville 2 which finished 5th in winter and 3rd in summer. Thats also the reason why we beat Norwood1. North2 were supposed to be the original div3 team. Thats why they also peformed as well as they did.
Years ago
At the start of the Summer season there were two North teams and two Sturt teams, which ever team performed the best over SUMMER would be placed in div 2. Thats why the first sturt team went into div 2
wannabe mikele
Years ago
yeh north1 mite have beat fv2 in div 2 that doesnt mean they would have been a gd div 2 side they played fv wen they were at there worst and cmin 11th in div 2 and north 1 only beat them by 6 points.
I think when we played them in the state champs they played pretty well. The reason we won was because of some outstanding plays by everyone in the team. We dd play another time in Melbourne B grade and we lost to thm by a point in a game we should have won because we had the lead the whole game until one of their players hit the winning shot with a couple of seconds to go.
Another reason i think North1 are good is because we beat the team(Sadringham)that made grandfinals in Melbourne by 10 points. I think we could have cut it in the competition and probably be somewhere between the 5-8 spot on te ladder.
nah your joking yourself about 5-8. everyone in div 2 is bigger, stronger and faster. saying that you would make it in div 2 is rediculous. Fville 1 in div 2 beat south div 1 convincingly... does that mean they deserve to play div 1??
Its like in div2 Norwood1 finished around 7th 0r 8th. The North team was supposed to go to div2 as a second North team from earlier seasons. Our team is faster bigger and stronger than most of the teams. Proof we had eight games during the season that we scored over 70 points, scoring 90+ points twice. North1 team had ten players but after the club sent their application late and we missed out on a div 2 spot we lost three very good players who really wanted to play div2. Our team has good athleticism especially from our three guards who work very well together.
Years ago
I play for north 2, we played lost the those cheating southern team, kicking us outa the finals. Norwood lost to north 1 very easilly. I just hope norwood get rid of the cheating southern team. I also think BASA should make a ruleing against stacking teams. It is the worse thing, My team worked hard all year and to be beating in the way we were, by cheats, was not fair. I had Southern by 4 points at one stage, but that was when there div 2 players were on the bench. they came back on and we hard a hard time keeping it down. we ended up loseing by 10 points. The coach of the north 1 team is trying to keep the team together in U20's even though there are a few first years. I HATE SOUTHERN! YOU CHEATERS
jimmy de bas
Years ago
taking the loss well I see.... you weren't gonna win the comp anyway mate, so just get over it.
Years ago
So who exactly will be playing for the GF on the last sunday in september
Its North 1 vs Norwood1 will be a grea finals game. With North1s awesome three gurds against Norwood's big men cannot wait for the game on Saturday.
Years ago
what time and where is is on sat. I might go but i've got a social GF that afternoon
north you have got to realise that when you beat fville, they were in the middle of a 10 game losing streak. if you played them on tehir current form, you would have a lesson taught to you.
Its 10:30pm at Wayville.
About Forestville2 i think they are awesome and i do not dispute they can beat us at their current form. I think they can play very well from the time we beat them. Good work by the Forestville making finals that was the best comeback i have ever seen by a team.
Years ago
what!? its at night or during the day. It couldn't be and 10:30pm on a sunday
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An Australian basketball forum covering NBL, WNBL, ABL, Juniors plus NBA, WNBA, NZ, Europe, etc | Forum time is: 7:22 pm, Wed 12 Mar 2025 | Posts: 968,026 | Last 7 days: 754