Years ago

Phil Smyth to open SA basketball academy

This would be why I believed Phil to be a highly unlikely candidate for the 36ers head coaching position.

Will be interesting to see how the venture pans out.

Topic #31915 | Report this topic

Years ago

Not gonna lie, at 13 grand it's gonna be a spoilt rich kid factory. Kids that really won't make it anywhere but think they will and their mummies and daddies will pay for them to go do this pointless course... If they really are serious about developing players that have a chance, they should go out to the local youth D1 for a few weeks and offer try outs to 20-30 players they think have the potential to go somewhere.

Reply #423157 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed! 13 grand? tell em there dreaming!

Reply #423158 | Report this post

Years ago

Having worked at the Wildcats Academy whilst in Perth on Uni holidays, way back, they never looked like producing an NBL player despite the contacts being right on the doorstep with Andrew Vlahov. Professionally run, great facilities, plenty of feedback to parents but the raw talent wasn't there. It never seemed to attract that level of junior player. The kids had a great time, travelled to the US for competitions as well as often being half time entertainment at Cats' games at the old PEC.
Even with the same 36'ers' connections, is there a place for it?

Reply #423166 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done to Sport SA in getting a program to help improve our basket ball players I know of 2 other basketball program's in Melbourne that are available for kids after year 12 both cost more One in fact costs nearly 3 times more but goes for an extra 6 weeks My understanding in talking to people at Sport Sa is there is a government grant to assist in cost reduction not Vett fee related There is also other options,you can just go for the basketball component which reduces costs by more than half One of the other options is to do the basketball and prepare to go to the USA college system where Sport SA will assist in proving lectures with knowledge to assist in preparingfor the SAT entrance exams to go to college in America They have other options as well I guess but they were the ones we enquired about so the Academy has many options Certainly had the feeling they are all trying to do what is best to help out the players intrests
They also will consider cases where families are struggling financiallySeriously 26 weeks of education plus full time basketball even if you had to pay $13000 seems more than reasonable Would appear a good way of keeping kids improving and getting educated at the same time

Reply #423178 | Report this post

Years ago

$13000 doesn't get you any sort of education that has any benefit in getting any kind of job. A complete waste of money.

When you can play and train for ABA and get a real education for less cost why waste time and money?

All nice and wonderful and probably a great experience, but when you don't play any real games and your not going to become a professional player what is the point?

Reply #423189 | Report this post

Years ago

The point is an opportunity for past players/coaches to continue to take money from the game.
When has Phil S been seen out putting something back for NO remuneration?

Reply #423193 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolute joke. Any kid that has any future in the game isn't going through a bullshit "academy" like this...

Reply #423209 | Report this post

Years ago

Yahoo typical Adelaide people bag a program that could help your pathetic basketball do something to improve No wonder your state teams are poor and any good players get out of there no vision and no hope Stay the way you are negative and hopeless Cant even put a roof on your new stadium Still you do have a one way freeway what a forward thinking state Why waste your time Sport SA great concept in any other state

Reply #423213 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets be real , 13K is way out of reach to many parents that spend their weekend taking kids to stadiums to play games . The parents that I know find it hard just to come up with rego , and entrance to stadiums ( and yes I live in the ghetto ).
13K tell'em to get stuffed !!!

Reply #423270 | Report this post

Years ago

Phil S charging 13k a pop like a boss !!

Reply #423274 | Report this post

Years ago

13k is excessive and makes the program appear more about $ than the kids and development of basketballers.

SA Sport should look to provide scholarships for disadvantaged kids that are hugely talented... then I'd get excited about this sort of thing.

Reply #423305 | Report this post

Years ago

HECS debt?

Reply #423322 | Report this post

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