Years ago
Knox AGM
Just wondering if anyone knew the outcome of last nights AGM
Years ago
Just wondering if anyone knew the outcome of last nights AGM
Years ago
With 5 very positive new board members elected onto the board there is only one way to go and that is up.
What was the actual issue with current board? Reading the threads on here I can't make heads or tails of it.
Years ago
Two more need to go majority vote went against them again and still they dont step down?????????????
They needa 2/3 majority to change positions... glad some stuck it out, the biggest threat is the Raiders program being pulled apart by short sighted penny pinchers.
Knox Parent
Years ago
Anonoymous #421031.
Aka know as Latrentis - I was at the AGM as you were. You made a goose of yourself and got put back in your box. Seems you can't help yourself. Both Board Members were re-elected - accept that and move on.
You are hell bent on attacking people who give so willingly of their time. Only in the last weeks you have attacked a good coach, now you go after board members who have been re-elected as per the constitution.
I don't know how you sleep at night - you and your cohorts have destroyed a good woman of high repute with some 25 years volunteer service as a board member and junior raiders chairperson.
Let me tell you and your cohorts - I am tired of your personal attacks and gutless ways of seeking retribution to people you dislike.
The people you attack built this club, you are an aggrieved parent with personal agendas because things don't go your way.
You may want to counsel the new Junior Raiders Chairperson that Raiders parents are not fools and are aware of your agendas.
My advice is to trek carefully.
Years ago
Also a knox parent and at AGM.
Fact is those two board members werent re-elected theyre positions just werent declard open because two thirds vote to open them just missed out. If there were normal elections both of them stood no chance of keeping their positions. It was a massive majority against them.
Years ago
The vote of no confidence was in the board and MANAGEMENT of Knox and this is where responsibility lies Knox Parent. Blaming new board members and their "cohorts" is just ignorant.
Years ago
C'mon John fairs fair.
On one hand your saying accept the result of the other two board members being elected (which actually they lost their respective votes 400+ to around 200, but as stated above it had to be a 66% vote as their term was not on), then say someone was destroyed... they were not destroyed they lost a democratic vote by over 100 votes.
At the end of the day the board and management presented a loss in the financials for last year of over $500,000. The CEO admitted in front of everyone at the meeting that he spent around $80,000 without board approval on a business he is the sole director of.
Knox is close to broke.The out going Chairman tells anyone that will listen that they completely took their eye off the ball and he was very helpful to the new group of people coming in.
Good on the people that have put their hand up to try and turn around the associations fortunes before it is too late.
Years ago
So now presidents and committee members cant think for themselves, they are "cohorts" in one individuals grand plans who isnt even a president or committee member. Fair dinkum, take a reality check the MAJORITY have welcomed change after acknowledging how and why our club is in this position.Get over yourself KNOX PARENT if you cant deal with the truth then maybe you should take your bitterness elsewhere.
Years ago
damn they spent over 100k on food expenses for the canteen and 150k for canteen staff, damn they eating good down in knox!
penny pincher
Years ago
The previous Board lost 50 million pennies last year, borrowed another 20 million pennies and didn't know that the CEO was spending 15 million pennies on his own business.
So Anon and Knox Parent you both better hope that the new Board can stop the penny pinching otherwise there won't be a Raiders program.
the chief
Years ago
hey Knox Parent I was told last night that your favorite person has been officially appointed to a non voting position on the Knox board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Years ago
@ Knox Parent AKA know as 'moron' maybe you should check with Isaac the ip address of myself and Anon 421031 who you refer to as me......you would then realise you are making a fool of yourself!! Doesn't Knox have their own forum where you can go trolling???
Years ago
Perhaps Chief if the old board did not sack their highly successful GM in 2009 the association would not be in the sh*t it is now.
wheels on the bus
Years ago
no wonder knox is up shi# creek your all too busy knifing each other!! @ chief- get a better source cause your mails wrong.
the chief
Years ago
Sorry get a grip but the source was the "man" himself and I wasn't the only one who heard him say it.
It doesn't really matter anymore as the new board is in place and will do what they see best to get the place right.
Sad Raider
Years ago
Will everyone just give it a rest???!!!
For gods sake. Seriously, nothing is going to improve at Knox till people stop bitching and moaning, suck it up and start working together for a common good and stop airing their dirty laundry all over the place including on forums.
not quite right
Years ago
Well said Sad Raider. The place is in a bad way we all know that, we have a chance with this change to now improve things. Some cant accept whats happened and whose to blame which is causing angst. Lets just try and get this right and start stepping in the right direction. @ Chief- dont assume what you hear is fact.
SA people reading this are amazed and confused. What is wrong at Knox. You have an amazing venue, seem resourced to the hilt, very strong boys program, masssive domestic comps. You're the envy of most clubs in SA and you've people here wondering what is going on????????
Don't be too fooled by all the ranting, Knox still has an enviable program with arguably the best 2 stadium facilities in Australia, excellent domestic and rep program and strong snr program.
There is simply in fighting within the board and management ranks.
Years ago
The above post is right on one thing. Knox has an enviable program with 2 sensational facilities. What it does not have is money. Anyone can grab the financials. $500,000 loss. CEO admits to spending $70,000 without permission of the board. $300K left in the bank with twice as much as that owed to various parties. The new board has their work cut out for them with the finances and let's hope they can do it. Plenty of private organisations that would love to get into the State facility.
So what were the reasons for 500k loss? With moving into new facility you would expect some increase in expenditure. Surely their CEO is on thin ice if the above posts are some what accurate.
You'd be pretty naive to not expect some significant one off extra ordinary spending and costs after building and relocating to a new multi million dollar venue...
Ad to that a series of floods in the old stadium causing significant damage with a yet to be settled insurance claim.
the chief
Years ago
not quite right - I admire all of those who have put their hands up considering the situation they are facing. I hope they succeed in placing the whole place back to where it should be.
I also hope your statement about what I heard isn't a fact and only time will tell.
So does the CEO still have his job? How can you spend money wihtout permission and keep it?
concerned knox parent
Years ago
i hear there is some issues already being raised with some of the new members just voted in - one may be in personal financial trouble, and one has kids at other rep associations? Is that true?
given the above posts, not sure knox need these new people who are in personal financial trouble helping to run a club already in financial trouble, and parents who have been disgruntled and taken their kids to other associations?
Years ago
Typical what Knox has become. A group of people put their hand up to get the association out of the absolute shit hole that it has found itself in, were democratically put in place at an AGM and people are trying to close already. Some really good people have put their hand up to help out but honestly you wonder sometimes why you would even bother. The place is toxic.
what a joke
Years ago
@ concerned knox parent, from everything ive read from you re knox i dont know why youre still there. nothing but negativity comes from you...
what garbage are you going to come up with next?
not sure that id be making comments about board members being in personal financial trouble- slander at the least.
so now every staff member, coach or player that leaves knox is disgruntled.... maybe take a look at knox and ask why theyre happy to have staff members, coaches and players move in from other associations (not that i have a problem with this- people are entitled to move and theres many reasons why they might)if they are just taking in those that must be disgruntled with where theyve come from. you cant have it both ways wally.
agree with you getagrip pure toxic some people are at knox makes it hard for the good ones. thank god my days there are done!
Years ago
Now im glad im in the west if the east are having these sort of problems....pity basketball aint what it used to be
Years ago
Have seen this go back and forwards then come over for the Tournaments and hear the same sort of crap has happened at Nunawading. Domestic people taking over Rep side , Stadium manager trying to run everything - Senior Womens program have a Dandenong Junior coach running their Youth League Team (Rumour has it been accussed of Abuse and Bulling his younger Players) What has happened to these once great clubs? Guess Dandenong and Clubs around are rubbing their hands together! Cant wait to catch up and find out more!
Bunny is right, Nunawading is no better than Knox, same issues there if not worse.
triton 86
Years ago
bunny hope your not referring to the dandy juniors
Years ago
Heard the same (Nunawading - Youth League Team)Out of control coach - bulling younger girls - even had 1 player quit. Might be the culture the new coaches have brought in with most of the senior womens team made up of outside players.
Yes, Nunawading Womens program is a train wreck, apparently Carey spoke of bringing the program closer together for the benefit of local juniors yet both teams made up of more outsiders than ever before.
So nothing to do with money which seems to be one of the main points of contention at Knox.Spectres have certainly overspent in recent years but thats not an issue now?
Off topic but Nuna spent a lot of money to pay out a coaching contract last year for no good reason other than to play out a personl vendetta.
Bet the domestic clubs didnt know about that use of their money.
Throw Frankston in the mix as well. Talk about out of control and rudderless in the junior and domestic area. Now have 2 directors of coaching and new HBO and none of them could make the 10 minute drive to Dandenong to support the U18 girls at the Classic. Even though they were the only team to qualify and ended up finishing 4th. Funny to see Runchey watching in his Sandringham gear. How Franga ever let him go is amazing and beyond a joke. Lucky for them McAughtry and Matthews are doing a great job with the SEABL teams.
Years ago
1/ Get a grip - that's what some members of the old board said -"it's not worth all the time you put in"
2/Concerned Parent - Just because a current board member has personal financial problems doesn't mean they can't contribute!
3/Sad Parent - I agree with you but the club needs to quash all this speculation by releasing a statement.If they are going back to BigV so that they can get the the club free of debt quicker that's ok - BUT if they are going back there permanently that's NOT ok. That's why they need to release a statement and not treat the members like mushrooms!
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