Years ago

NBL de-merger TV rights sticking point

THE proposed de-merger of the NBL from under Basketball Australia's umbrella has hit a major sticking point over free-to-air television rights with Network 10.

The deal Ten has with BA to televise NBL games extends for a further two seasons but it is a contract between the network and the basketball federation - not the soon-to-be controlling entity of the national league.

It means the new NBL either needs to:

* Enter a new agreement with Ten, or;
* Ten has to agree to a changeover of the contract.

A source involved with the demerger proposal said BA was seeking a $1 million indemnity - a bank guarantee as insurance against the existing contract.

Topic #31716 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sounds messy, cant they opperate as a seperate entity while not actually de-merging until the TV deal has expired?


I would think channel 10 would jump at the opportunity to dump the NBL after the shite house performance they have put in over the last couple of seasons, obviously not interested in having it on their schedule.

Reply #419532 | Report this post

Years ago

If BA accept to seperate then simply pass over the contract to the new identity. The product is the key but a 7 team competition may not be what TEN want.

Reply #419533 | Report this post

Years ago


It may not be that simple. The contract may specify that BA cannot transfer it. It may require that BA operate the contract.

Reply #419536 | Report this post

Years ago

Just try to get a TV deal with FOX to telecast every game.

Two games a week on TEN aren't enough anyway

Reply #419538 | Report this post

Years ago

BA is seeking an indemnity against what? Channel 10 asking for a refund?

Reply #419539 | Report this post

Years ago

Channel 10 will cut their ties of they can as they pour major $ into cricket.

Perhaps ABC double header with WNBL.

Reply #419544 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be available next season no matter the tv rights deal?

Reply #419548 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not just make BA a shareholder for the first two years?

Reply #419551 | Report this post

Years ago

Because BA screw everything up

Reply #419555 | Report this post

Years ago

standard negotiating tactic in sports rights deals when a 'novation' such as this occurs. 10 will block it unless they can get what they want (eg cheaper deal, more access, more control).

Reply #419556 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously the clubs have been chatting to Ten, if they cant get the same deal or a new deal they like (or a better deal from another network) then they need to structure the de-merger in a way that the contract continues as is.

If that means it is two years before they are completely 'de-merged' then so be it.

Reply #419560 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know why ten actually agreed to air NBL games in the first place? I can't think of anything else other than charity - but why would a major network do something out of charity?

Reply #419568 | Report this post

Years ago

They launched ONE as a sports channel and needed local content. There plan was to obviously to build their NBL coverage over five years as popularity increased.

Unfortunately they produced a poor product and didnt promote it well after an initial successful campaign, and the NBL did very little if anything to promote the TV coverage.

Then, when new ownership took over and got rid of the sports focus they just saw the NBL as something that achieved mediocre ratings. Luckily they couldnt get out of the deal so the NBL has kept a presence.

Reply #419574 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

^so, NBL could easily loose their t.v coverage soon?
im going to have anyway, but if nbl looses free to air coverage, it would be very hard to get it more popular right?
what about if it had 1-2 games a week on ten, and the rest on Fox?

Hopefully one day the NBL will be popular.

Reply #419578 | Report this post

Years ago

I would think Ten are just using the situation to further de-merge themselves from the NBL deal. Make it harder for the two parties to do what they want to do, and thus potentially weaken both.

Reply #419579 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

Only 33,000 people watched the grand final game 2 on tv last season, and one game only got 13,000 watching.
More nbl on t.v ratings here if anyone is interested in reading.

Reply #419580 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

but one game did get 80,000

Reply #419582 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Wow, who would have guessed that Ten would intentionally weaken the NBL in order to back out of a contract? I mean, there is only one other precedent I can think of where something similar happened....

Reply #419583 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

just a thought, is there any chance nbl could get a deal with 7'S 7mate OR 7two or 9'S gem or go? even one game a week, and the rest on fox?
prime 7 and NBN are the biggest networks, and gem/go/7mate/7two are saller channels of them, if the nbl got a deal with one of the smaller channels, in one of the bigger networks, they would get alot better promotion wouldent they?
Prime does a great job at promoting new shows on there channels, so if one game of nbl was on 7two for example, prime could promote it on their main Prime7 channel, and get it could alot bigger right?

Ten did vitually nothing to promote NBL

Reply #419585 | Report this post

Years ago

Just get a deal with FOX to telecast every game. It works for Netball and the A League

Reply #419590 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

'A sport that disappeared by going off free to air tv'
Back then, 10% of homes had fox, now 50%, approximately
I got the impression ten would like to get outta the contract

Reply #419594 | Report this post

Years ago

FOX is the way to go

Reply #419595 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

If FOX had the rights, they would do alot better at promoting it wouldent they? as i said, i havent even seen Ten advertise it. hopefully fox will do a great job at promotion.

i dont have foxtel, but i am going to get and just connect my pc to my TV anyway.

Reply #419599 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

If FOX had the rights, they would do alot better at promoting it wouldent they? as i said, i havent even seen Ten advertise it. hopefully fox will do a great job at promotion.

i dont have foxtel, but i am going to get and just connect my pc to my TV anyway.

Reply #419600 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

Sorry about posting that twice. and sorry about posting on this forum 100 times in the last 20 minutes hahah

Reply #419601 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"Back then, 10% of homes had fox, now 50%, approximately"

About 50% of the statistics in that sentence are made up.

Around 30% of households subscribe to a pay tv service, as of December last year.

Reply #419603 | Report this post

Years ago

As a comparative of FTA and Fox, last season's national average was not far below the highest ever rating game on Fox.

On the other hand, while I dont think they will, Fox are prob the only channel that might offer a decent amount of $$ for the league.

Personally, I think the owners need to do what's necessary to keep the current deal, build over the next two years including Brisbane and a second Melbourne team and hit their next negotiation from more of a position of strength ie six capital city teams rather than four and ratings that continue to grow over the next two years.

Reply #419604 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

One time ago I heard the Communications Minister talking on radio about 40% of households subscribing
Well, we learned. If it's only 30% it's not ideal.

Reply #419609 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Fox subscriptions apparently not increasing all that much

Reply #419610 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #419612 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Interesting and thanks.
So, it goes to 1.68M homes.
Not as many as watch 'the voice' on ch9 mondays
for example.

Reply #419616 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL doesn't rate but with Fox losing the Big Bash cricket to Ten it could mean Fox would be interested for summer viewing as surely Ten will do everything they can to get rid of the NBL now.

They'll be paying $20 million a year for the BBL rights and just $600K for the NBL rights.

Reply #419617 | Report this post

Years ago

If Ten isn't interested in continuing, why would it be bothering to meet with the new NBL people?

Reply #419620 | Report this post

Years ago

At 600K the NBL is reasonable value. Total cost for season including production is under $3 million. The 1000-plus ads and broadcast sponsorships they sell would certainly bring in more than that.

Reply #419622 | Report this post

#45 hoops  
Years ago

Does anyone else think my idea could work?
get CH 7 or CH 9 to buy the rights to the nbl, at a resonable price at the moment and put it on one of their smaller channels ( 7mate, 7two, GO!, gem) and then promote the hell out of it, like they do with all there shows. prime and 9 are always saying on big shows " head over to 7 mate to see the coverage" and ect.
they could easily make a profit if the were smart about it right?

Reply #419629 | Report this post

Years ago

The bottom line is no one wants to watch basketball except for the die hards. No body is going to throw big $$ or any $$ at it in my opinion and after the way we dumped FOX for 10 i'd be surprised if they ever entertained the idea again.

Reply #419631 | Report this post

Years ago

Ten has advertised the NBL. I will like to see the deal that allows Ten and One to broadcast all games Live. They will have money left over from the CA rights. Or maybe have 1 Friday Night Game, 2 Saturday Games, 1 Sunday Game and at times Monday Games. But the only things that will ruin it is Hopman Cup, Ironman and CA

Reply #419664 | Report this post

Years ago

William, unfortunately you are dreaming

Reply #419665 | Report this post

Years ago

Ten wants to get all sport onto fox (look at the shareholders of both) other then major sports like their motorsport and if they do get cricket which is likely or Australian open tennis. fox is very profitable and more good quality sport they get on there the more subscribers etc. Ten has 1 focus moving forward and that's ratings. something they have sucked at for at least 3 years and NBL doesn't rate at all

Reply #419667 | Report this post

Years ago

If Ten had their way they'd never show any basketball ever again

Reply #419670 | Report this post

Years ago

Sitiveni, are you saying that you think the NBL will be on FOX next season?

Reply #419671 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think I am dreaming but it can well and truly happen but the NBL games won't happen but it should increase up to 5 games per week

Reply #419679 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, im not sure if it will as contracts are already in place etc, but I do know the current board well some board members only want a major sport with ratings on Ten all other sports like netball, basketball etc they want on fox. Yes one was launched as a sports channel but when new management came into town who already owned a pay TV sports channels then why would they want one as a sports channel when they can direct people to pay subscriptions to their pay TV sports channels.

Either way I don't mind as a Ten Shareholder I want the board to make sound financial decisions for Ten so we can make some money and I can flog my shares off when they hit $1, I might be waiting a while for that one.

Reply #419705 | Report this post

Years ago

Sitiveni, enlightening us all again. Is there anything you don't have an "interest" in?

Reply #419794 | Report this post

Years ago

Siteveni if you are as you clain a 10 shareholder I for one would be wondering why their shares are plummeting. They have lost almost 50 % in value this year and you know them all. I am now worried.
Yet accordning to you the 10 market will be rising. Bullshit I say.

Reply #419802 | Report this post

Years ago

PRIME movers behind a revamped NBL, multi-millionaire Melbourne-based businessmen Scott Stavretis and Larry Kestleman, have flown overseas, with the de-merger from Basketball Australia in limbo.

Reply #419811 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 10 shares have gone from over $4 in 2008 I think to 26cents which is where I have bought them at. ive paid 26.5cents and 29cents for my shares. I have a sell price, see most people like you would buy shares at a high price and sell while ur running scared as they fall, I buy them when they fall. ive sold all my bank shares now and made a killing not to mention the dividends paid, only mum's and dad's are buying bank shares now. way over valued. But this shows the difference in your financial IQ and mine.

Anon you sounds just like every mum and dad investor.

HO your sounding a bit jealous there buddy!

Reply #419839 | Report this post

Years ago

I am jealous Sitiveni, I admit it.

I have always wanted to KNOW one thing one minute and then KNOW the opposite the next, to be a certainty to be elected in my seat at the next federal election and to be Hoops answer to Warren Buffett. I've wanted Pauline Hanson as my aunt, and Clive Palmer as my best friend and of course, I have wanted to have an interest in every sports organisation north of Hobart, either as a sponsor or shareholder or future shareholder. And naive as it may be, I've wanted to not be seen through for all my bullshit, no matter how many times I have been called out.

Thats what I have always wanted. Who can blame me for being jealous.

Reply #419927 | Report this post

Years ago

HO hahahaha you are jealous. hahahahahaha oh mate do you need me to send you a check to pay your rent. I just love deadshits like you. So I have been called out, Full of shit am I. Hahahaha I feel sorry for you HO, I can feel that Leftie-looserness oozing out of you. Let me guess you either live in inner/western Melbourne, anywhere in SA or Western Sydney, or perhaps in logan or Ipswich in Qld. All the biggest Shit Holes on earth where people with no money and no financial IQ live.

Yes I am Arrogant, Why? because I can and I do what I want when I want.

Ill give you all a little clue who I am, the same sitiveni is a clue, I worked as a journo for news limited in the late 90's early 2000's. I have been on a lot of TV shows talking money and finance from 2005 up until now and I am a candidate for the next election.

Shouldn't be too hard now. Work out Sitiveni and you've got me

Reply #419947 | Report this post

Years ago

You misunderstand. I don't care who you are. I really genuinely don't care. I am just jealous of you, for aforementioned reasons. Its better not knowing who you are, just makes it all the more mysterious to be jealous of someone who's identity is shrouded in such mystery.

Lovely way btw to endear yourselves to the host of this forum and the many posters who live in SA.

PS: And I like the way you write, so many of your posts betray your exceptional journalism background.

Reply #419950 | Report this post

Years ago

Internet chest beating! Yes!

Reply #419953 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

sitiveni, your writing is structurally too far off to pass as that of a professional journalist. This coming from someone who studied journalism and literature.

Here's a serious question regarding the sharemarket. Because I actually know a thing or two myself.

What is the first thing investors look for when buying stock?

This little criterion has become a trend in the last 12-18 months. This is the make or break thing that investors talk about. Believe me, if you were a decent investor, you would have come across it, and you'd know what I'm talking about. It applies across the board. Show me there is no difference between your financial IQ and mine.

Reply #419961 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought this was just a little blog thingy. ooops my punctuation and grammer oooppps and spelling is off. oh no wasn't that just a waste of time studying.

Statsheet, I don't invest like mums and dads, tell me this mate do you know what ASIC define a Sophisticated investor, if and when you do come back to me and ill tell you how to invest and make real money mate, not little change. Your all drop kicks and yes SA is a hole full of lefties.

I love all these blog sites talking to all Ya'll

Reply #419986 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish I knew your good strategy of buying 10 shares at 26.5 and 29c. They closed at 26 y'day. Clearly you are making a fortune. Thanks for the stock tips too. I now know what not to invest in.

Reply #419999 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyway..... Back to the De merger talks

Reply #420003 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

No, one more post!

sitiveni, you're just a nobody who plays the same tactics as a problem gambler. You were called out for things in the past, so you're doubling the stakes until you break even, i.e. people believe you and worship you.

Further, it is not that you miss grammar and spelling (that stuff is actually ingrained in your mind, I can tell you from experience), it is structure, you halfwit. If you knew what structure was, your retort would be to that rather than ooooh spelling and oooh grammar.

Finally, you don't even know when I completed my studies, you idiot! How can you make that assessment then? Not rhetorical.

Btw, I know the rules; the aggressor always has the last word. So this is my last post, yet you are compelled to reply with more slander. What now, sit?

Reply #420004 | Report this post

Years ago

You both are light weights, both have no idea when it comes to investing, that's why im sure you both have JOBS.

Reply #420056 | Report this post

Years ago

I have a job Sitiveni. I really enjoy it. It doesn't even feel like a job. Are you saying I should stop working? I really want to make sure I am jealous of the right things and of course, mimicking your life in every way I can.

Reply #420059 | Report this post

Years ago

So what if we may have job. You wouldn't know, yet presume to know. Such arrogance is typical of your kind. You talk like the true person that you portray here a total fracktard and wanker. Ten shares still doing well I see. Let's hope people know exactly who you are and any future basketball people have the foresight never to have anything to do with you.

Reply #420062 | Report this post

Years ago

Shame you werent clever enough to tell us to buy those 10 shares when they were 26cents and you knew they would go at your sell price of $4. ;)

Reply #420066 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey cheese nuts, you think your home is an asset thats how financial intelligent you are. I wont sell network 10, I want to buy more and get onto the board drop kick so we like other board members can push our right wing agenda. its not about money but control. Learn to read and understand a balance sheet. myself and my partners actually value network 10 between 11 and 14cps, and I wouldn't be surprised if they went below 20cps and I hope they do. Not to mention the residential and commercial real estate we own in Ireland, US and here.

I do have an agenda and it will be played out, we will make this country conservative again. Perhaps my ego like uncle clive's (Not related DH's) we will bring the bullets back. Still waiting to hear how I have been called out or caught out. please someone enlighten me. Is it because you all are no hopers and sit on your old couches in your rented houses and cant comprehend someone successful, well known and well connected. You know you can get off the couch and achieve whatever you want rather then having a go at someone that has

Reply #420079 | Report this post

Years ago

Well Sitiveni, seeing as you asked, let me call you out AGAIN. Earlier in this thread you told us you were buying Ten so you can sell.

First up, you said:

"I want the board to make sound financial decisions for Ten so we can make some money and I can flog my shares off when they hit $1, I might be waiting a while for that one."

then you said:

"ive paid 26.5cents and 29cents for my shares. I have a sell price, .... "

and you said:

"ill tell you how to invest and make real money mate, not little change"

but NOW you say:

"I wont sell network 10, I want to buy more and get onto the board drop kick so we like other board members can push our right wing agenda. its not about money but control."

and of course, who can forget this classic discussion....

Let us just define calling out so you understand it. Its what happens when someone makes a statement, then contradicts themselves totally, and is then publicly humiliated for it.

Reply #420081 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

So he bought at 26 and 29c, yet values the share at 10 to 14c, but wants it to grow to $1? I see...

Reply #420083 | Report this post

Years ago

We should also apologise for not being very "financial (sic) intelligent" too. As well as jealous. I for one am jealous but at least I admit it.

Reply #420087 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

I reckon we should get Natwhereyouat in on this. Let him use his powers of journalism to weed out sitiveni. Hey Nat, where you at?

Reply #420096 | Report this post

Years ago

"I wont sell network 10, I want to buy more and get onto the board drop kick so we like other board members can push our right wing agenda."

What Gina Rinehart, Murdoch & Andrew Bolt's comedy act/TV show aren't right-wing enough for you?

How's that supposed political career going mate?

Reply #420108 | Report this post

Years ago

You all are just the biggest bunch of losers. Absolutely if network 10 got to $1 I would sell, But it wont when its currently valued at 12 odd cps.

HO go find Michael brierley's number or email and ask him about his meetings with 4 business people at the coffee club at park rd Milton. 3 meetings were taken there with all of us and then 2 just him and I. go F..kin ask him he was CEO of the bid team and I brought $200k in, tell him that and he will know exactly what your talking about. HO u really r a deadshit. Statsheet I just gave a heap of clues who I am, try using google dip shit and Anon the campaign is running great since here in Qld Labor are only going to win maybe 1 seat and our internal party polling has my seat at close to 70 on a 2 party preferred so I would say I will have a safe seat for years to come.

The Situation who the hell are you and where did you come from, piss off mate this is only between HO, Anon, Statsheet and I, don't be a johnny come lately you don't know shit.

I can do this all day boys... keep em coming, I just wish we all could meet in person and have this out, maybe one day we will.

Reply #420112 | Report this post

Years ago

great to see such an important person come down to us employed people's level. Assuming I am emplyed, which I am not. What a dickwad. let's hope that everyone does indeed find out your real identity and that no one associated with the Bullets unlikely bid will have anything to do with such a tosser.
Typical qld wanker that everyone here will soon know who he/she is and who not to vote for. Your behaviour here as an alleged potential politician is totally deserving of everyone knowing exactly what a wanker you are. Well done arseclown.
great also to see you continuing to post with all us losers. Clearly your advisors are asleep at the wheel.

Reply #420113 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

sit, link us to a webpage or something that lists Michael Brierley's number, or simply give it up on this thread. Although, surely giving it up publicly is too much disclosure...or are you too stupid to realise that?

If you don't supply us his number so we can enquire, then you are definitely a fake because not disclosing is the exact opposite of what you've been doing in relation to your identity. For every one of our enquiries, you have answered and supplied us with more information about yourself, so supplying us with this bloke's number should be no problem, right?

Reply #420115 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahaha this is gold sitiveni the cryptic douche in the know fark all... Every heard of walk the walk? People with agenda's and doers don't verbally nanna wank on a basketball forum about shares but wankerz who talk shit spout arrogant dribble and rant probably represent some backwater redneck.

You got owned and keep getting owned and your comebacks resemble desperate responses from a desperado

Reply #420116 | Report this post

Years ago

Shitiveni, powned.

Reply #420117 | Report this post

Years ago

When you said ex-News Ltd, did you mean delivery boy?

Reply #420121 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Guys, give him some time to respond before you hound him some more. He had all the women in the greater Brisbane area last night, so he's a tired boy. Derrick Rose was there too. I also heard Gina (he's on first names with a certain female mining magnate) flew to Brisbane begging to have him for the night. But of course, he just said "get in line, Gina, my balance sheet is bigger than your balance sheet". Naturally, she got back in line.

Reply #420127 | Report this post

Years ago

I think that the TV deal will stay with Ten in a number of increased games on One. Due to the fact they have Hopman Cup, Ironman and now CA

Reply #420154 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi Sitiveni. I know i am a deadshit, loser leftie etc. But maybe just for one minute we can move past the name calling and stay on topic?

you asked, and I quote:

"Still waiting to hear how I have been called out or caught out. please someone enlighten me"

that is what you said. So i did that. I exposed how one minute shares in Ten were about the money about what price you would sell out etc and then, nek minnit, it was not about the money at all, not about profit, you were not going to sell but buy more so you could get a board seat.

The earlier thread i alluded to was where we pointed out that one day you "told us so" that the Bullets were not going to be reborn but in previous threads you "told us so" that they were.

So, I could call Brierly but it is not the issue is it? The issue is not whether you had a meeting with Brierly, or bought a 200k cup of coffee.

The issue is that you say one thing and then contradict it, often quite spectacularly.

Can you please just give me two one word answers to these questions?

a) do you understand that the issue is about you contradicting yourself on this forum? (just use YES or NO)

and then....

b) do you now accept that you have been called out (just use YES or NO)

All I am trying to do is achieve what you wanted us to achieve, and I'll quote again....

"Still waiting to hear how I have been called out or caught out. please someone enlighten me"

maybe if we can move past this, intelligently, analytically and truthfully, we can move onto our (not your) collective problems.

Reply #420161 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread is amusing

Reply #420163 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Dear sitiveni,

Even though you are absolute bogus, you have inspired me. Truly. I have now found myself working a little harder toward both the short and long-term goals I've set myself. Maybe it's all the shit about being rich and influential.

Thus, I have decided to run as an Independent in the upcoming federal election.

Statsheet Stuffer

Reply #420398 | Report this post

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