Years ago
Unlock Canadian iphone to use in Adelaide
My phone: iphone 3GS 32G (forget which update 5.0?)
The story: I had a few months left on my contract through Bell Canada, I cancelled my plan and paid for the cancellation and the phone. When my Mother called Bell Canada they said:
1) My phone is still under a contract
2) It would cost 75$ after the contract ended
3) They won't unlock it before the 'contract' is over. (even though I paid to end the contract)
I've called Apple (Australia) but they said to call Bell Canada because they should unlock my phone.
I've tried jail breaking the phone through an online service but they couldn't do it. And got my money back.
I've gone to most cell phone providers but they didn't help me. Or they told me to try to call my service provider (as if I didn't think of that...)
I've been to one location that only unlocks Australian iphones.
Any smart suggestions?!?!