**Unpopular opinion alert**
I don't think Curry has the killer instinct as a competitor, I think he's a supremely skilled player and his sheer brilliance will win his team a lot of games but I don't think he's one of those players who will achieve more than they should given their talent.
I hatched this theory watching a game earlier this season which GSW ultimately lost, Curry was red hot and ended up scoring 50+, but his body language was more like wow, this is great, I'm having heaps of fun scoring all these points rather than I'm not losing this game to these sons of bitches (ie, he was all smiles and high fives when he got to 50 but he kind of went missing in the last few minutes when the game was on the line).
My theory is that he grew up as the son of a millionaire and life has been pretty easy for him, he's never had to work his way out of the ghetto to make it against all odds so he doesn't have that inner fire. My theory comes unstuck when you compare him to Kobe who had a similar upbringing and is the best competitor since Jordan so who knows, maybe you're just born with it.
I could be totally off the mark on all this by the way, it's just one man's opinion.