Jack Toft
Years ago
R24: Sixers @ The Gong
Another season is over and another final game at The Gong. Pardon me for stating the bleeding obvious, but it's been a season best forgotten. After coming out of the blocks early, the Sixers looked like they would not only be attending the end of season school formal, but taking the blonde beauty along in her dad’s red sport car with a full tank of fuel. A full pack of condoms in the wallet ready for good measure and the James Bond theme blaring. Sadly, the blonde went to the dance with some Kiwi and for a while it looked like the Sixers would still be going to the formal, albeit with the emotionally unstable Emo goth girl who liked to slash herself for attention, set fire to random things, and arrive in the parent’s rusty 1984 Holden Commodore. Sadly, the Emo goth girl is now going with someone else and for a while it looked like the Sixers could still go to the formal by themselves riding their bike. Now, they aren’t going to the formal at all and the condoms bought early in the season are just leaving a tell tale ring on their wallet.
We don’t know when the trouble at the Sixers school started, but the Head Mistress changed schools before the school year finished and a replacment from head office was sent. During the year a troublesome student was expelled for not following the strict rules of the PE Teacher. That expulsion opened up a spot at the school for an exchange student to fill. Despite promising fancy tricks, he was unable to perform them at the school. During the school year several students fell. One young buck injured a leg and another fell awkwardly off the jungle jim and hurt his back. That meant that Daly, a student from the lower form, started to take class in the higher form. The PE Master, a student’s favourite, fell out of favour with the parents and friends, the school building was sold off and the number of parents attending sports day dropped off. Even the editor of the school magazine decided to disappear to a Pacific Island for most of the school term. We don’t know yet if the school will have the same PE Master next year.
The final two tickets to the formal are still anyones, except for the Sixers, but a Wollongong loss means it makes things very interesting. Even a wooden spoon can be useful and tonight they have nothing to lose in Steeltown and could use that wooden spoon to spank the Hawks. Will they finish the season off with a win? If they keep their chins up anything can happen.
To keep the interest in this dead rubber, Crossie has announced his 350th will be his last and he is one of the few players who can say he played at top level in a national sport for 14 seasons. He now has plenty of time to work on his free throw action.
BTW, The Sixers will be holding their own formal Thursday 28th in the School Hall. "Be there or be square"