Years ago

Knox Board get the vote of NC

Allegedly the members of Knox have voiced their concerns with a vote of NC in Board and management.Maintained their right not to stand down and will stay until AGM. Aghhh Happy Days!!

Topic #31189 | Report this topic

Years ago

All true.about time people stood their ground against that lot. Good on them I say. Hopefully this is a move in the right direction its sure as hell needed.

Reply #410142 | Report this post

Years ago

The vote of no confidence in the Knox Board and Management was passed 392-257.

Reply #410158 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Fun and games out in the east...

Reply #410159 | Report this post

Years ago

What is their lack of confidence about???

Reply #410165 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

In my opinion a dark day in the history of Knox Basketball.

Clubs well within their rights and great to see that for the first time in my recollection that they have shown any real interest in how the Association is run.

Now lets see which people voted for the NC motion have the balls to stand up and be counted and nominate for board positions at the AGM.I will be watching with interest.

Reply #410174 | Report this post

Years ago

@ the chief
A dark day in the sense that it is now public knowledge and dirty laundry needed to be aired to get answers and action from the Board. It's a disgrace that it had to come to this for voices to be heard. The clubs had no choice in the end but to take the course of action that they did. I think you'll find that there is no shortage of suitable candidates willing to step up at the AGM. Those that have been privy to the process and facts would know the efforts certain clubs went to in an attempt to get answers and that this isnt just a reflex action of ticked off people.I, like yourself I suspect, was at the meeting and was appalled at the attitude and contempt shown by a couple of board members (which apparently was no different at the previous meeting) and the CEO who didnt appear interested enough to even make eye contact with the members.........staggering!!! Let's hope this is a step in the right direction and the financial situation amongst other problems can be righted before they get any worse.

Reply #410184 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't get why the board would remain when a clear message has been sent by the members they represent that they're not wanted??????????????????????

Reply #410185 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

Anon absolutely no issues with what you have said. I have no alignment with either the clubs or the board and I am thankful that people at the clubs have made me aware of the frustrations they have had since this all started. What frustrates me is that many of the board members I have known and worked with for a long long time and I just cannot work out why they have acted in the way they have.It is just not them.Your comments about the CEO are spot on, his body language and apparent disinterest was just appalling.
Like you said lets hope this has been a good move and we can all get together and put the place back on a footing it should be.

Reply #410188 | Report this post

Years ago

@the chief... maybe loyalty and a desire to believe has resulted in board members actions and poor decisions??????? At the end of the day we can all be guilty of being driven by emotion.

Reply #410193 | Report this post

Years ago

If questions that were presented to the KBI board in August last year were answered, it would never have come to this. So let us all work to get Knox back on track.Maybe a complete change is needed and some fresh faces.

Reply #410199 | Report this post

Red 88  
Years ago

The vote on no confidence in the Knox Board and Management was not taken lightly by the majority of the Knox Junior Domestic Clubs.
This all started over 6 months ago when a Junior Club sent the Board 6 questions regarding the financials presented at the AGM. This was totally ignored by the current Board and Management of Knox.
The JDC'S had no other option but go to a SGM to get answers.
To the chief yes we have a good team ready to stand at the AGM to replace current Board members these new people will come in with a buisness plan and a way to address the $400K loss project by the current Board for next year.
I will find it hard to comprehend any current Board Member standing for the new Board or board Members not up for election should have a long hard think before continuing on the board knowing the majority of memebrs last night voted no confidence in you.
At the end of the day we are there so all our kids living in Knox enjoy Basketball and have somwhere to play a great sport and to be involved in the biggest sport in the city of Knox.

Reply #410212 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope none of this has anything to do with the Jnr and Snr Raiders programs.
I hope this issue is just isolated to the Junior domestic competition and clubs because if the domestic clubs gain control over the Raiders programs through new board members who have little or no understanding or welfare for the elite programs they'll destroy it.

Reply #410218 | Report this post

Years ago

The continued beat of the drum from the board and management that the domestic people have no idea about this or that continues to offend and get people offside. Where do you think most of the Junior Raiders people have come from? The domestic program of course. The current management needs to get over their ignorant fact that the people representing the junior clubs have no idea. Some of these people have far more astute business backgrounds then many of the people currently on the board. The Senior Raiders program is the top of the pyramid at Knox which no one disputes. Of course this needs to remain and of course the elite programs have to be taken care of. They are the top of the pathway for all juniors at Knox to aspire to. To say people from the domestic clubs would destroy that is just absolute rubbish and completely ridiculous.

The board should absolutely stand down as it has lost the confidence of the members in their ability to manage the association. As the Chief rightly has said people need to be prepared to now stand up and be counted and there are MANY very good people who are prepared to do this.

Reply #410222 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ if that's the case then all is fine. If not then all hell will break lose.

Reply #410223 | Report this post

Years ago

Typically when Representative programs are too heavily controlled or influenced by the domestic component of an association money is dragged away from the Representative programs.

Im very skeptical about the motives behind this, its one thing to vote no confidence in the board but doing so without really understanding the issues and without a workable, viable alternative committee is even worse.

Lets hope it all works out for the best.

Reply #410250 | Report this post

Years ago

ok, as we discussed earlier this is one option that the clubs could have pursued.

A no confidence motion can be passed on a simple majority - i cannot recall from the constitution if a more decisive motion, such as a motion to bring forward the AGM or cause a spill, required a certain percentage to get up.

Two things should happen:

- the board, or at least some of the board, should demonstrate their understanding of the members position by resigning - this would create casual vacancies to be filled. At the least the President should formally offer their resignation to the Board at the next meeting.
- the voting members should (could) pursue more aggressive action

The CEO might, morally, consider resigning.

The concern is that the junior clubs do think they know what they are doing. It is my experience in basketball that junior clubs do have a reasonably myopic view of what it takes to run an association. I have seen many "junior" officials grow up into "association" officials and very quickly change their mindset.

With respect to Red88, who shows that (apologies but i am calling out by way of example not to ridicule) he is there for "all our kids". That comment does not reflect the interests of thousands of senior (recreational) basketballers at Knox and perhaps neglects the representative and social outcomes the Association should be providing.

Reply #410253 | Report this post

Years ago

It's all gone downhill since the appointment of the current CEO... what a shock!!! lol

Reply #410303 | Report this post

Years ago

Is That Where Leeanne ended up when she got sacked from the 6ers.

Reply #410306 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets be sure of one thing any new board member will have everyone's interest at heart, Junior Domestic, Senior Domestic, Junior Raiders and Senior Raiders.
As a great politician once said:

Reply #410322 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem here largely is that people thought the new stadium was going to just make knox into a financial juggernaut which was never going to be the case instantly. The first problem occurred with the past CEO failing to make any savings when it was known there was going to be considerable unforeseen expenditure. The second was the knox council making countless mistakes in the build and fit out process. The third was the fact they lost there marketing manager who had done a great job in past years and lastly there was considerable lost revenue when the 2nd NBL licence wasn't granted (current CEO had a bit to do with this)
Now if the current CEO treated the domestic clubs badly that's not on but the current board does have some dinosaurs on it that make decisions to keep themselves in their position. People need to be careful about who they go after here. The club was always going to loose money initially and I would hate for some of the domestic clubs to make knee jerk reaction because it hasn't been the financial success they thought it would be instantaneously.

Reply #410354 | Report this post

Years ago

Reality is Knox knew they were going into SBC with ample time to plan in regards to how to deal with increased overheads, no business plan that I know of was ever made to address this let alone distributed when asked by a couple of the clubs. Winging it just doesn't cut it. To say the costs were unknown is nothing short of a cop out. The plan for Knox to be a financial juggernaut is laughable, anyone with any business sense could forsee it wouldn't be instant millions and a lot of thought needed to go into determining how to stay on an even keel first and foremost. Plenty of thought by a limited few has taken place but unfortunately these thoughts havent been well placed, and now we have an absolute nightmare. No accusation has been made of deliberate wrongdoing by anyone, CEO or the Board but it is obvious based on facts and figures that these people just aren't up to it. No shame in that but do the right thing and move yourselves along before further damage is done.

Reply #410360 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is the former CEO now the CEO of Golf Victoria still on the Knox Board. Time to do the right thing and resign.

Reply #410410 | Report this post

Years ago

Mmmmmm that question has been asked several times.................

Reply #410411 | Report this post

Years ago

Red88, that in isolation is a poor call. Being a former CEO does not preclude the individual being on the Knox Board, nor does being the current CEO of Golf.

Reply #410418 | Report this post

Years ago

@Red88: Bad call, ridiculous call - jealousy call. I think what sometimes gets overlooked are these people are volunteers working for the club they are passionate about. Unless their current employment is a conflict of interest for the Association, its completely irrelevent who they work for. What is required of a quality Board is a diveristy in specialist skills. As the former CEO of the club, surely they have a unique insight into the running of the business, especially with the move into the SBC. Question to be asked for those voting at the next Annual General Meeting are what are the motives of those standing for the board? Are prospective candidates looking to use the Board position as a vehicle to promote their businesses or other self interest? Are prospective candidates looking to use the position on the board as a way to leverage their kids into positions otherwise not earned? These are generic questions applicable to all sports assocations and candidates looking to join boards.

Reply #410431 | Report this post

Years ago

Lucky then in the case that any prospective board members involved in business are successful in their own right and don't need to be looking at kbi to further themselves.I'm pretty sure you'll find there aren't any with kids involved at rep level that could benefit either. Youre comments may be generic(although i doubt it)but are way off the mark!

Reply #410449 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure if it is same ball park,but apparently Director Of coaching resigned today.Is this the first of many to go?

Reply #410499 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you serious? That will mean with a new appointment there have been 5 coaching directors over the last 6-7 years

Reply #410513 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard last night at game that he is moved to Frankston

Reply #410530 | Report this post

Years ago

So Knox DOC chooses Matt Shanahan as Men's SEABL Coach over current CEO's mate.
Things don't go well in the team, already infighting with top import and CEO's son not enjoying Shanahan.
Knox Men continue to falter.
Shanahan gets fired. Ex-Coach comes in to save the day. DOC takes the hit.
Can someone explain to me then with this looming why wouldn't he go to Frankston? Smart move son.

Reply #410567 | Report this post

Years ago

Bail when the going gets tough- smart? Not necessarily the word everyone would use. If this is true then everything you hear is right about how Knox operates.

Reply #410573 | Report this post

Years ago

Please don't forget that the association was built on Volunteers for the kids. All abilities All levels.
Some of these with passion have walked (or excused) by the current "Professional Heirarchy"
Many top coaches, co-ordinators & people who give a sh.. (myself included) Clean out & I will put my hand up.

It seems that the "Volunteer Network" has handled the transition with most preparidness (including new SP OS with all it's anomolies)

Well done JDC, Club volunteers & allies of the kids.
STAND TALL & reclaim the game

Reply #410951 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ WTF kind of statement is that?? The kids are well and truly looked after and part of everything at Knox, where is this rubbish coming from?

Reply #410987 | Report this post

Years ago

Some-one has resigned and gone to Frankston.

Reply #411182 | Report this post

Years ago

can you read or scroll up a page concerned?

Reply #411185 | Report this post

Years ago

@concerned yes he has and it is our loss and frankstons gain. seriously he has gone by the wayside as others have before him, never stood a chance as the knives were out as soon as he started there and no matter what he did it would never have been good enough , again no different than with others before him. just a shame he didnt realise (or maybe he did) that those pretending to be supportive were the ones actually knifing him. same old same old.....when will you all learn????????

Reply #411406 | Report this post

Years ago

But we did everything without spending millions for personal financial gain, not send the place broke

Reply #412481 | Report this post

Years ago

Simon Brookhouse, Bob Crotty, Andy Trott, Heather Reid, Wendy Wack and Neil Quinn you have all had a vote of no confidence passed against you,its time to do the right thing and make your intentions clear that you will not be standing again at the AGM in May.
Your leadership and control over the CEO and our finances has been lacking to say the least. There are new people who will stand for the board with the sole purpose to get the out of control expenses and CEO under control. To lose a vote of no confidence by your members and snub your noses at the result is an insult to all members of KBI.

Reply #413977 | Report this post

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