Years ago

SAC Junior Champs 2012/13

Broken Hill won U18G Div 2 on the weekend. I was under the impression that all teams could take a maximum of 2 players from age level below (two U16G can play U18G at country champs). Broken Hill had 3 U16G in their U18G team. One of these girls will play for Mildura in the U16G comp in 2 weeks time. The team had a total of 5 SAC representatives - I was also under the impression that if your team consisted of 2 or more SAC reps that team would be in Div 1. Can anyone shed any light?

Topic #31100 | Report this topic

Years ago

having players from a lower age group would be considered a disadvantage.

however a good u16 d1 player born in january would be better than an u18 d 2 player born in december.

how can you play for mildura and b hill ? that seems the only real issue - unless i suppose the player plays in both associations and b hill dont send an u16 team.

Reply #408864 | Report this post

Years ago

Two of the girls you are talking about are actually bottom age 16s, not even top, I am going to gather that the person that wrote this thread had a kid in one of the other teams they played,and of course lost to them.. ,, and no I dont have a child playing in this division.
One of the girls is moving towns but has been part of the Broken hill team, and is finishing of the year in one place and about to start with the other... Dont know the rulings, but filling a team to play the game would make Basketball the winner, than not sending a team at all.
CONGRATULATIONS Broken Hill on your win with such a young team!!!

Reply #408869 | Report this post

Years ago

no I did not have a child in this division, just curious, SAC seem to make up rules as they go along....

Reply #408929 | Report this post

Years ago

So 'Spectator' you say you weren't curious so I'm assuming you just used this topic as an excuse to bag Country basketball in some way?
So i guess you should have read all the rules for the country carnival before creating this topic, then you would've realised your mistake!!!

Reply #409044 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

Who wrote these rules -Forestville?
Sounds a bit strange to somebody not involved in Country basketball

Reply #409046 | Report this post

Years ago

so what are the rules?? get off your high horse people!! just asking a question. I couldnt care less who won and who didnt and I dont have a problem with Broken Hill Basketball. I applaud the girls for winning with such a young team. I was simply stating that there is rules for some and rules for others....

Reply #409141 | Report this post

Years ago

country champs is once a year, over two weekends, how is the Broken Hill/Mildura girl finishing the year with Broken Hill in U18 and starting the year with Mildura in U16 when both championships are held two weeks apart in the same year - that is not much of an arguement

Reply #409143 | Report this post

Years ago

if you could read I did say I was curious as to how this all came about. I did not say I was not curious - pays to actually read what people write

Reply #409145 | Report this post

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