Isaac, I reckon the passion from the SOS guys died very quickly when their bank balance's starting to take a hit.
I don't think that was it. None of them would've gone into it expecting an easy stroll and riches to fall from the ceiling. They had that Fuss thing come out of left-field. Then Lewis out (differing opinions?). Couples of others might've butted heads? Who knows. I think more than just the last one(s) standing have money in, just are less involved with operations.
I met all of them (bar Fuss) previously or during the process and all are good guys. If I had anywhere near the means, I would've got involved with that group previously or now.
As A said, they do care. Some things haven't gone their way (Clarke and then persisting with him being the biggest) but they sit in regular fan seats and they show the exact passion and interest that any fan does.
Fuss jumped in when Groves had run dry and made Hodge happen the first time (though no one knew at the time it was dodgy money). I don't know (besides reasons of personal legacy) why Cole needs to get in between for this - his backer could go straight to Daryl and give the support required to invigorate the club - get the coaching change ball rolling and fans aware, bring a CEO in ready for the crucial off-season, make every player in the league aware that the 36ers are alive and will be there for years to come. The right CEO with the right plan and some new backing could start to get a system in place so that staff follow it and make the right things happen off-court.
The off-season rumours are already starting to fly amongst players - that x is already signing with y or that 'Adelaide are going under, so don't sign there.' That stuff needs to be arrested straight away or it will making hiring hard.