Years ago

New bid by Cole for Sixers ownership

Brief story on channel seven stating that Cole had a new backer and still wants to own the Sixers. He has apparently gaine Maher's interest in coaching the side it was reported.

Topic #30871 | Report this topic

Years ago

Has Maher ever coached ?

Reply #405364 | Report this post

Years ago

Does it matter if he hasn't? From a commercial standpoint he is probably the best candidate right now as long as he's half decent. Defiantly an upgrade on Marty even with no , shows you how low things are now.

Reply #405366 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett's pet dog would be an upgrade on Clarke !!!

Reply #405367 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that a no then?

Reply #405368 | Report this post

Years ago

Does maher have a Labrador? If he has, I agree with spinner.

Reply #405369 | Report this post

Years ago

Have any of you guys ever coached?

Reply #405371 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes I have coached, and at a decent level too.

I'm all for the Maher apointment.

Reply #405372 | Report this post

Years ago

Did heal or anstey coach?

Reply #405373 | Report this post

Years ago

No one has coached before they coached.

But I think Cole going public with these bids when these bids are still in the early stages do more damage then good.

Reply #405374 | Report this post

Years ago

Both coach at ABA level.
Don't get huffy people if you have coached you understand it a bit more than a smile and neat hair cut.

Reply #405375 | Report this post

Years ago

Not to mention the very going public is an attempt to put pressure on the sale itself.

If Cole takes over the 6ers, what happens when his "backers" realise they are going to lose $2M per year and pull out?

Reply #405376 | Report this post

Years ago

He's pitching Maher/Arsego as coaches and Smyth as CEO.

But Cole wants assurances about availability of the Arena first.

Interrogating Boti reveals that Cole's money is an ex-Adelaidean now in New York. Cole would set things up and then return to San Diego.

Reply #405383 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #405386 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti Nagy ‏@boti_nagy
@isaacforman Issues w bank/Eddy/receivers - that stuff is over my head 2. If AAs been sold, why not say so? Not quite that simple apparently

As I suggested a while ago, I think the Arena may has already been sold.

Reply #405387 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #405388 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

... 'SOS one of the bidders to buy The Arena '.. Nagy.

Reply #405390 | Report this post

Years ago

shouldn't be hard for someone in SA to do a quick title search on the Adelaide Arena....(can't where I am currently).

Reply #405391 | Report this post

Years ago

Libertine, is there an alternative method to PropertyAssist and paying?

Fun fact: I designed that PropertyAssist template over a decade ago when I was an absolute rookie. So ugly!

Reply #405396 | Report this post

Years ago

Title search will only show a settlement event not a contract event

Reply #405398 | Report this post

Swish 'n DIsh  
Years ago

Charles Sturt Council may be able to tell you if the transfer has taken place.

Reply #405400 | Report this post

Years ago

So put in a CEO with absolutely no experience and a coach with the same. Cant people learn from the mistakes of the past.

Reply #405404 | Report this post

Years ago

The Smyth CEO is the most interesting, hopefully he gets some people with good businessexperience around him, but he will be great as a mentor for Maher, and help with recruitment, he was very good at getting imports imo. He atleast will be a good name/figure head for the club, and hopefully him and Cole can get around to sponsors and business and fans and generate some real excitement.

Maher as coach is defiantly a risk worth taking, he shows all the signs and is a passionate 36ers man, with Smyth and Cole around with Arsego another former NBL coach, he will have plenty of help and experience to draw on i think.

This sounds exciting to me, hopefully if it happens they will get it right, atleast we will have 3 highly regarded, well known and passionate 36ers men around the club and running it, surely that alone will lead to better things than we currently have.

Reply #405408 | Report this post

Years ago

Why doesn't Cole present this to the NBL on the proviso it goes ahead if the Arena is available. Will save him some time and get things rolling quickly come seasons end.

This is a big thing to keep putting out there if it doesn't come off.

Reply #405410 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the most promising thing about this is that he wants Maher as a coach because of who he is and has said he will provide the support to get Maher where he needs to be as a coach, the understanding Maher needs help is the most crucial element to the plan.
Smyth will have plenty of support as CEO and will put a lot of passion into the club that we have been missing. With Smyth and Maher the supporters will get behind what is a struggling club.
To have an Adelaide born backer is a big deal as well, provides some passion from the owner. Ken clearly wants this badly.

Reply #405413 | Report this post

Years ago

Passion from the owner, because SOS aren't Adelaide guys?! Money and commitment are what's needed.

Smyth as CEO with support sounds like duplication of responsibilities and more expensive in an era when teams need to be smart and lean. Smyth as CEO sounds like "And then Mark Davis can be the marketing guy, and Mike McKay can be receptionist, and Jason Williams can handle catering.." A risky way to get a guy who can schmooze with sponsors.

The club needs discipline, strategy and resolve in the office, led by a firm identity.

Someone suggested David Spear?

Reply #405419 | Report this post

Years ago

Can anyone advise what Phil's qualifications are? Has he any experience in running business/managing people?

What us he doing now?

There's a lot more too running such a business than being a well know person, nit saying it can't be done but learning on the run in such a high profile position could be a big risk.

Reply #405420 | Report this post

Years ago

How would Jan go as a CEO? She is a hard task master and be what is needed?

Reply #405421 | Report this post

Years ago

Cole has never been responsible with anyone's money. As someone said earler why would an investor want to lose money ever year. More Cole bravado with no money of his own I am sure.
Some idiot earler asked has Heal and Anstey ever coached before!! Yes they have. The arena thing is the clear issue here. No venue no Sixers?

Reply #405422 | Report this post

Years ago

I think its a good basic structure - add some local business people to the board (Spear, Sexton, Dawe etc) and that should round out the skills required.

Reply #405423 | Report this post

Years ago

SOS have not bid on the Arena.

Maher as coach makes alot of commercial sense, with an experienced assist like Arsego, a must.

Interesting couple of months coming up.

Reply #405424 | Report this post

Years ago

from my own recollections and from being around bball for nearly 50 years Cole talks the talk but rarely comes through with the goods, especially where money is concerned if memory serves me a number of his business ventures have failed or gone bankrupt. Yeah I know its not his money but past records makes me go ...grain of salt..
same my own recollections etc Smyth is only there for Smyth. And do we really want a guy for CEO who recently had Julius Hodge watching TV in his lounge room instead of turning up at the Dome to play ball.
please someone with experience David Spear would be an excellent choice.

Reply #405425 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Jan Stirling has a lot of respect in the basketball community and appointment involving her would be applauded

Reply #405426 | Report this post

Years ago

most recent phil effort was australian college of basketball but i don't know if he's still involved?

Reply #405429 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah definitely agree with having someone like David Spear involved or even someone like Peter Ali. Both have run companies before successfully.
I'm in agreeance with the Anonymous poster above, Cole does talk the talk but often doesn't walk the walk. Definitely your spiritual cult leader raising dodgy money.
Isaac, I reckon the passion from the SOS guys died very quickly when their bank balance's starting to take a hit.
Started off with how many? 6? Now down to one? Definitely not a profitable business venture at the moment but I think if the team can start to build some success it can turn around very quickly.
Would Perth and NZ be the only teams making a profit at the moment?

Reply #405431 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth and New Zealand both making big loses, cause they win by spending big. Perth may be doing better now with all the extra seats.

Reply #405432 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

Phadreus - Perth on target to make a nice profit. Was mentioned in a feature article (not online) in The West business section a few weeks ago.

Reply #405437 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ made profit last year along with Cairns. NZ and Perth on track this year, dont know if any others are.

Reply #405448 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

Gotta love people just naming ex legends as saying lets make them the CEO or the owner!

To be a professional organisation we require suitably qualified people running the show with experience.....now not all of these are going to work out but if I'm investing my hard earned cash I’d want the CEO to have background in business/corporate sector an preferably some sports admin background.

You can't just say "hey Smyth used to coach and could play a bit, damn lets make him CEO"

All that will happen with jobs for the boys is a financial disaster...lets step out of our little Adelaide centric circle & old boys club and look Austwide for professionals to take our off-court admin back to being the best in the comp and hopefully then the on court will start to take care of itself!

Reply #405449 | Report this post

Years ago

I play church basketball at the dome. And we haven't been given a timetable from this week onwards because apparently the arena just got sold and they aren't sure what is going to happen with it.
That's all I know.

Reply #405450 | Report this post

Years ago

Spot on Isaac, Thankgod for the SOS, things just didn't work out, I really do hope they stay on with the Sixers in some capacity. I cannot thank them enough for the money and passion they have given up for the Sixers to survive. Has anyone seen these guys after a(now) standard loss after a game at the Arena, they actually look like shattered men, which they just to do not deserve.

Reply #405454 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, I reckon the passion from the SOS guys died very quickly when their bank balance's starting to take a hit.
I don't think that was it. None of them would've gone into it expecting an easy stroll and riches to fall from the ceiling. They had that Fuss thing come out of left-field. Then Lewis out (differing opinions?). Couples of others might've butted heads? Who knows. I think more than just the last one(s) standing have money in, just are less involved with operations.

I met all of them (bar Fuss) previously or during the process and all are good guys. If I had anywhere near the means, I would've got involved with that group previously or now.

As A said, they do care. Some things haven't gone their way (Clarke and then persisting with him being the biggest) but they sit in regular fan seats and they show the exact passion and interest that any fan does.

Fuss jumped in when Groves had run dry and made Hodge happen the first time (though no one knew at the time it was dodgy money). I don't know (besides reasons of personal legacy) why Cole needs to get in between for this - his backer could go straight to Daryl and give the support required to invigorate the club - get the coaching change ball rolling and fans aware, bring a CEO in ready for the crucial off-season, make every player in the league aware that the 36ers are alive and will be there for years to come. The right CEO with the right plan and some new backing could start to get a system in place so that staff follow it and make the right things happen off-court.

The off-season rumours are already starting to fly amongst players - that x is already signing with y or that 'Adelaide are going under, so don't sign there.' That stuff needs to be arrested straight away or it will making hiring hard.

Reply #405460 | Report this post

Years ago

I understand that Phil no longer is emplyed at the Australian College of Basketball.
Smyth and Copeland are gone.Why? Good question.
Molloy and Short have taken positions there now.

Reply #405461 | Report this post

The Teacher  
Years ago

Hasnt Smyth co-owned Sammys for a number of years? I think that would be an example of some pretty sound business experience.

Reply #405463 | Report this post

Years ago

My fantasy basketball league had this discussion this morning. Cole is talking about a 'mystery' investor with a rookie CEO and a rookie coach (sound familiar?).

Serious misgivings about the CEO more than the coach quite frankly, it's alot different running a sports team than it is coaching one.

However, I think the high profile names are designed clearly to catch attention and if the right people can be put in place around the 'leaders', who knows what might happen.

Reply #405464 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the ideal situation re Smyth CEO is if you could sort of split it into 2 roles, it may cost a bit more, but could work quite well imo.

Say you make Smyth General Manager of Basketball operations, and have another person with more business experience as the General Manager Commercial. Yes its sort of a doubling up of roles, but in many ways it isnt.

Smyth basically takes care of basketball, ensure the coaches are doing things at a high level, team selection is done well, could pick the imports with/for the coaches which is something he did very well imo, i cant remember him ever cutting a import mid season and his most highly criticised are probably Horvath and CT, and both were decent and would look awesome compared to many we have had since. A bit like NBA GM's do.

He also seems to have a well known name around SA even amongst people who dont follow basketball and a media presence. If he can ensure the team, especially imports are selected right ie no paying out and replacing guys and the coaches are doing there jobs properly, hopefully can stay longer term, the money saved in not replacing imports/coaches could pay a reasonable portion of his salary especially when you take into account the extra crowds a well coached team with a good squad of players and good imports would bring.

He could also do the media rounds as often as possible and generate some real interest/hype, if that brings even an extra 500 people to each game i reckon its worth having him involved and would end up being not overly expensive.

Plus im pretty sure as coach he would have met alot of sponsors/business people that may not currently be involved with the club, maybe he could help get them back involved, i have heard him talk about the Shahins on a few occasions, so he may be able to attract them to be involved in the club.

So basically if Smyth
- helps recruit the right players/imports
- helps the coaches to make sure they are getting things right.
-uses his profile and media precense to generate some extra interest/hype in the team which leads to some extra ticket sales
-help get some of his business contacts ie the Shahins involved as sponsors
If he can do those things well, he could generate his salary in savings on not replacing imports, and generate more interest leading to an increase in ticket sales and sponsorships. Not all unrealistic imo.

Then the business GM takes care of the running the business side of things.

Given we have in the past we have had more business people who may have not excelled in the 'basketball side of things' and that hasnt lead the club to great heights i would be interested to see more of a basketball person like Smyth involved in the management of the club, imo if they can afford to split the role to get the best of both worlds, possibly wont cost much extra either.

Reply #405469 | Report this post

Years ago

Teacher, I'd favour a front of house or managerial type from a restaurant situation before an owner. You can co-own a racehorse, but you're probably not directly influencing the hands-on success other than enabling the process.

I do see value in a cult leader/visionary for the club, but that could be Maher. I'd have all-systems-go in the office, though.

If you wanted to get ex-club people involved, someone like Sapwell is a great people person. Could probably handle a GM/ops role.

Reply #405471 | Report this post

Years ago

I've run mine for 15 years, it's abysmally run and no evidence at all that I could manage anything else successfully!

Isaac for CEO?

Reply #405488 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett's pet dog would be an upgrade on Leeann as CEO!

Reply #405494 | Report this post

Years ago

And we are back to the dog!

Reply #405498 | Report this post

Years ago

clarky, deleted that to make my point more concise, but it's no secret!

Reply #405499 | Report this post

Years ago

I was actually at a leadership function this morning where Smyth was a guest speaker, and in question and answer time, someone asked what he had done other than basketball. Pretty impressive, had run his own business before going to canberra to play and work at the ais where he was involved in unisys helping them to secure some multi million dollar computer deals. Now he setting up a business overseas and left the Australian College of Basketball because he didnt believe in the direction it was going.

Smyth would be great in the new position.

All for it

Reply #405537 | Report this post

Years ago

Lot of speculation re: the Arena being sold.

Haven't seen anyone speculating to whom it was sold though.

Any ideas?

If Boti and Cole are to be believed, it just about sounds like the final step in a done deal.

Reply #405543 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the first Sixers story to put a smile on my face in a long, long time. As long as Maher has an experienced assistant & Smyth has some experienced front office people I think it will be a success.
I don't mind Jimmy Buckets idea of splitting responsibilities between a Manager of Basketball & a Manager of Commercial. But, everything considered, I'd be happy for Smyth and Maher to be appointed to these roles.
Like Cole says in the interview, "If it comes to that, I'm sure we (Smyth & Cole) can be Pat Riley to his (Maher's) Eric Spoelstra if he thinks he needs it."

Reply #405559 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I got the impression of the Arena being under contract , subjective to ..... , so , cain't state that they are friends of Basketball just yet .

Reply #405566 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Nagy : " Cole is also concerned the brand is being tarnished , in some cases deliberately. "
Hodge : " When you cut the grass , the snakes appear . "

Reply #405611 | Report this post

Uncle Phil  
Years ago

"Cole also concerned the 36ers' brand name and viability were being challenged and the club's name tarnished, in some instances deliberately."

I found that sentence written by Boti to be quite intruiging. It would be interesting to find out some more meaning behind this including details of who and how?

Reply #405717 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarke and Radford sabotage :P

Reply #405727 | Report this post

Years ago

Atleast that's how I read it

Reply #405728 | Report this post

Years ago

Snakes a good word

Reply #405730 | Report this post

Years ago

Just received this email from the 36ers:

March 1, 2013


There has been ongoing communication with Ken Cole in relation to the interest he has expressed in taking a majority interest in the Club.

The Club today received written confirmation from Ken Cole informing the Club that he was unable to secure the funding required to move forward.

Link: http://sitedesq.imgstg.com/clubscripts/linkblast.cfm?key=8b964283-033d-4dbc-937d-c73cefa92ed4&memID=3369952

Reply #407215 | Report this post

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