Jack Toft
Years ago
ABL Windups and Reviews
As seasoned punters would know, for the last 4 seasons I have been doing a weekly review and windup of the ABL games initially in the absence of any official BSA reviews. I have tried to keep them a little light hearted and hopefully they have inspired some to put in that little extra, and brought a chuckle to some people as well. I haven't meant to offend anyone in particular, so if you have been offended by a joke, then that was not intended, unless you play for Sturt or make silly tweets.
In writing the Reviews I have always tried to tie in current affairs, political events, club politics, BSA politics, threads from Hoops during the week and a few personal jokes. There's been quite a few "easter egg" jokes I've dropped in there that have gone un-discovered.
As you can imagine I put a bit of time into them and have a list of jokes and sayings that I have been jotting down along the way that I bring out to colour the review. With the ABL season about six weeks away, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am would like to hand the reigns over to someone else so they can put their own slant on the ABL Season. Hopefully someone will stand up and accept this challenge.
I've had a good time writing them and wish whoever takes it on the best of luck.