Years ago
Central ABL Ladder
Can anyone tell me the exact final scores from Eastern v Woodville & Woodville v Southern so I can complete Ladder details.
I believe that Woodville won both those games so the scores will only effect %'s, but I think ladder will look like this: -
Team P W L For Agst W/L %
1-Sturt 10 9 1 1026 854 90 120
2-Fville 10 8 2 993 938 80 106
3-Wville 10 7 3 796 765 70 104
4-East 10 5 5 822 775 50 106
5-West 10 5 5 910 968 50 94
6-South 10 5 5 886 954 50 93
7-Cent 10 3 7 955 998 30 96
8-North 10 3 7 916 929 30 99
9-Norwd 10 3 7 888 927 30 96
10-Sthn 10 2 8 782 866 20 90