The truth
Years ago

Dirty Tactics put South on top .....

South won agaisnt centrals tonight 91 - 85 but the way they played you would have thought they were south adelaide football club ... they went out there and targeted Jye Watson with some physical and dirty play ... Manly spear headed by Jason baylis"Panther" his beef with Jye which is based on pure Jealousy spilled over to tonights game all this dirty play then turn to into a mini brawl after that the umpireing totally lost control of the game ... with fouls just happening left right and center ... South played better in the end ... but really there tactics of targeting a player and attacking him outside the rules .. Which mind you let to happend by the refs was a disgrace ....

Topic #3052 | Report this topic

Years ago

Ad I am sure it is becuase all ref's are byass against Centrals


Reply #34903 | Report this post

Years ago

Dirty tactics or basic basketball,
but it was nothing on the disgusting unsportsman like behaviour from centrals team and their coach.No shaking hands after game is just school boy sooky la la crap.
Centrals rocked up to that game thinking that it would be a walk in the park after beating them by 20+ round 1.
Kelly may have got a tech for questioning the refs a little hard but where was the tech for the centrals coach entering the court when there was a bit of biffle happening.
As for the blue army, they may think what they are doing is supporting their team, but in reality they are nothing but unsportman like ferral spectators.

Reply #34905 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

Compared to what ... Souths so called Cheer Squad a couple of old guys sitting around talking about the good old days of south ... and your awsome court annoucer who had three songs on repeat all night and couldnt even work out how to play the national anthem ... I take my hat off to you South Much better cheering then the blue army ...

Reply #34908 | Report this post

Years ago

In my opinion both teams were as dirty as each other.

u cant just single out panthers

Reply #34910 | Report this post

Old Guy  
Years ago

Dear The Truth,
Now I know who you are...Often wondered.. you must have been one of the ferral 5 year olds doing star jumps while south were taking foul shots or one of the retards that needed to scream every now and then. go and cry to mummy South were just too good for you. Your team had the dirty tactics, your a sore loser. Get over it!

Reply #34912 | Report this post

Years ago

why are you calling 5 year olds ferrals? how old are you?

Reply #34913 | Report this post

Years ago

Centrals called for 37 Fouls during the Game!!!!

So only South were being Physical???

I don't think anyone from South had a problem with the Blue Army, especially as the Free Throw shooting by South was far better when shooting at the Blue Army end

Reply #34914 | Report this post

Years ago

Good work lads...ur doing the club proud...kossie/JB, email me and let me know how ur going cos its difficult to keep track over here..

Reply #34918 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it was disgusting that the some of the south players wanted to take the kids of the blue army outside after the game and fight them.

Reply #34920 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't recall that happening

Reply #34922 | Report this post

Years ago

I highly doubt grown men would want to fight five year olds...

Centrals, I think when you complain, you just embaress your club, I strongly sugest you just say "lost, we played well..." instead of looking for excuses

Reply #34923 | Report this post

Years ago

we lost ok happy but why do every1 call us ferals?????? we are there supporting our team and having fun and it dont help when south players abuse us

Reply #34924 | Report this post

Old Guy  
Years ago

Duh...???? don't know. Why does every one call you ferral. ???
could it be your score on the night is greater than your combined IQ?

Reply #34925 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

Compared to what your score of 91 being have the weight of Adam Blight

Reply #34926 | Report this post

Old Guy  
Years ago

I think Truck would be happy if his weight was 91

Oh did you mean HALF ... oh now I see the joke. Ha Ha

Reply #34927 | Report this post

Old Guy  
Years ago

ok then im sorry the truth i do like you and sorry to every 1 that i call ferrals but its just u cheer better then the other teams and i cant beat that im sorry

Reply #34928 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

Yes " the Truck " the fact that the guy can actullay make the ABL level is a joke in it self the guy cant even run or Jump

Reply #34929 | Report this post

Years ago

did u c that he is sorry

Reply #34930 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

thank you for the Apology " old guy "

Reply #34931 | Report this post

its pat  
Years ago

i think that was nice thanks ur a good egg

Reply #34932 | Report this post

Years ago

Good job boys - doing the south proud.
There are alot of experts on this site now and then but bottom line - thats basketball, its physical and you bang. If the game was to rough then it basiclly means the refs let to much go early.

Good job JB you brute of a man!

Dan @ Geelong

Reply #34934 | Report this post

Years ago

Im shocked that anybody from Centrals can use the internet. Well done guys.

Reply #34936 | Report this post

Years ago

The same should be said about the South people as well.........

Reply #34937 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't this great.

Both clubs should be commended for their behaviour on this forum. (Not sarcasm) I hope a lot of people from my club are reading this. I know they won't be looking to move to either club after all of this.

Great job in promoting your clubs guys. But what should we expect from either.

Reply #34938 | Report this post

Years ago

So should the Central club just sit back and let others bag them like they do.

Reply #34940 | Report this post

Years ago

i think we should just talk about the players n the game not the cheering

Reply #34942 | Report this post

Years ago

I think every club has its different followers, just some have more, I don't think taking abuse on a player becuase of their weight is low and the IQ jokes are not appreciated I am sure

I think childish name calling doesn't give you a very high IQ either, I am no fan of Centrals or South, I think conversations like this give both clubs bad names...

Reply #34943 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry I meant to say:

I think every club has its different followers, just some have more, I think taking abuse on a player becuase of their weight is low and the IQ jokes are not appreciated I am sure

I think childish name calling doesn't give you a very high IQ either, I am no fan of Centrals or South, I think conversations like this give both clubs bad names...

My bad Syntax, you can delete (#34943), thanks

Reply #34944 | Report this post

Years ago

OK, here's my take on it.

Centrals were up in the first half cos they were playing good structured basketball. For whatever reason, the game got physical in the second and Centrals went away from what was getting them the lead (trapping, good offences, and at least playing some D).
I thought it was good to see a game get firey, as it bought more atmosphere and intensity to the game.

I think Centrals should have known Panther is a niggler, he gets under oppenents skin, and Centrals started focusing on the body, rather than the ball. Every trip down the court ended up in a whinge to the refs (from both sides), and it just escalated. Add to that, from what I can gather on this forum, there is a bit of niggle between Jye and Panther on this forum, so fireworks were bound to happen at some stage.

Lastly, Panther, what's up with Anthony Callea lookalike talking so much shit at the end of the game? I can understand it if it was Danny K, or yourself, or even Pilkington after his big dunk
(because you all actually have
A. Played in the league longer than 2 years, and
B. Have at least some kind of reputation as a good player),
but this guy was acting like it was you had won the NBA finals, and was "strutting" like he was the best player in SA, and no one even knew his name. What's Callea's story?

Reply #34947 | Report this post

Years ago


After every Centrals win its "Centrals are the best, wilkey and watson rule"

And after every Centrals loss its "the refs screwed us, the other team are dirty etc etc"

Just take the damn losses with the wins and get over it!

Reply #34949 | Report this post

saint Nick  
Years ago

Can we all get over this hatred and indignation of bagging a low-income community (Central are not from Elizabeth any more)? Calling someone feral is a low act considering no one knows your own financial situation and Iam very happy with my intellectual capacity, thanks.

Anyone with an IQ of 91 is in not position to get offended 91 is a very good score. Mensa only requires 125 plus.

I take umbrage at anyone who can call someone that and have the audacity not to put their own name so people can respond.

For the record, I am not calling anyone feral or asking any question about anyone financial position what I am saying is that centrals are not the only club that has a problem with fans creating misdemeanours from supporters

Reply #34950 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it was a colective IQ saint Nick

Reply #34951 | Report this post

saint Nick  
Years ago

Maybe, but still not the point

Reply #34952 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly, there are 2 people under the name "old guy" in this convo, one has a space after the name and one doesnt. Secondly, I haven't really seen anyone from SOUTH actually abuse anyone in this conversation. Sure there have been a few calls made towards the centrals, but how do you know they're from South people? Has anyone actually said "hi im from south and I thought centrals sucked"? No. This conversations was bought out by a centrals supporter who practically said "south played well because we got screwed by the refs and jye was head hunted", that's how it came about. The main people that are in this argument at the moment that I know of is a Forestville person and a Centrals person, the other's are anonymous'.

And personally I think this comment is a joke:
Yes " the Truck " the fact that the guy can actullay make the ABL level is a joke in it self the guy cant even run or Jump

The truth , 22/05/05

I guess that's the reason why he was in the Academy Squad? Get your facts before you start 'trying' to have a go at players.

This conversation is a ridiculous.

Reply #34953 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi I am from South, I think it was great game I think both sides played well, both made silly mistakes and both got physical. The Blue Army were great, created a lot of atmosphere. I admire you all cos winning or losing last night you were still suporting your team. Our crowd was down last night, one of our South lads was having an 18th and then there was Port playing the bombers. All excuses I know. I think every teams spectators could take a leaf out of your book and learn what support means. Dont worry about the banter on this web site just take it in fun, thats probably how it was intended. The kids were cute and our foul shots did improve with them doing their star jumps so i say bring em on... do you rent them out? we could do with them next week. Personally I thought of doing the same down your end of the court but with my body shape more akin to that of Trucks I decided against it! I look forward to a rematch next season

Reply #34956 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to say that south played well in this game they did what they had to do to get the win. The first half they were getting beaten by a central's team that was forcing them into error with there full court traps and hustling defence. Then in the second half south obviously came out with the intention to play physical with the central's players. (Even though it may have been over the top) The fact is that they got under centrals skin and put them out of what they were doing in the first half. There was a bit of the game were centrals went scoreless for 5 mins in arrow because they weren't focused on the game, but on the ref's and south players. Even though I do not agree with some of the things that I saw the south players do the centrals players retaliated so they can't complain

I also have to say that the blue army was great as always. But I think that the best thing they did was get the south crowed to fire up as well, by the end of the game they were just as loud as they blue army making for a great atmosphere.

Last thing, after every thing that happened in the game the all time low point of the game was when some of the south players were telling some of the blue army members to meet them out side. What a joke there fully grown men in a professional league and they can't handle what the crowed is giving them, grow up boy's.

Reply #34957 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that was disapointing!!

Reply #34961 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

All this talk and no comment from Panther yet. C'mon JB ..... fire up.

Reply #34966 | Report this post

Years ago

South, such thugs! But from the boxscore, Centrals had two guys foul out, and three more with 5 fouls!? Doesn't sound all that one-sided to me.

I understand that you're frustrated after five straight losses, but how about accepting the result rather than blaming it on officiating yet again?

Reply #34972 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, really, grown men fighting kids outside or threatning to...

These guys are one step down or at professional status, professionals shouldn't worry about the crowd, someone should tell teahc them about ignoring sledging, come on fella's if this is true, South, that is pretty low...

Reply #34976 | Report this post

Years ago

as if they would have been taken seriously for gooodness sake.
The final whistle has blown, everyone has gone home so all that is to do is look to the next game.
Come on everyone, take a deep breath.

Reply #34979 | Report this post

No name  
Years ago

Dear Northerner,
Sorry i was a bit excited after our win against centrals, but being a NO NAME player in an high pressure game like that draws on hype to continue the straters work.
Leave the hair alone, my personality is a winner. I will shake hands after a win or a loss.

Reply #34995 | Report this post

Years ago

This argument is not looking at the spirit of basketball, i was not at the game last night, i was out at a private party, but all i can c is 2 clubs at different stages, one looking to gain the respect of the basketball community, the other is looking to regain the stature they once had. What will this continuous bashing have on the junior players at these clubs, or people outside of these clubs? I am a south adelaide junior player and i am saying it is time for all the clubs in south australia to stop bashing one another and look at the bigger picture, getting basketball back to financial stabilty, why can't the basketball community just get along, seriously! Anyone who followss basketball who bashes another who follows the sport needs to really look at the bigger picture. Go Basketball for SA!

Reply #34996 | Report this post

Years ago

Good onya no name.
Guess who!

Reply #34997 | Report this post

big red(red nut)  
Years ago

fair enuf, the game was physical from both sides, but a game can b physical without people punching justin wilkie wheneva he cut thru the key, or "panther" king hitin jye watson off the ball.....i like a close physical game as much as any guy, but when it comes to blows off the ball, then expecting players to just forget bout it n say, "oh, mayb he didnt mean to punch me in the mouth" thats when it becomes stupid. but i think the point of players not shakin hands aftawards is the fact that it came to punching off the ball, whgich is not in the spirit of basketball. both the south and centrals players would hva shaken hands if it was simply physical game. as for the loss, centrals lost it for themselves im sorry to say. obviously the physicallity didnt help either team, and the refs couldnt control it, but it was a game both sides needed to win, and centrals lost it with their lack of focus on the game.....

Reply #35003 | Report this post

abl supporter  
Years ago

how quickly people forget wilkey's cheap shot on panther in the first encounter. wilkey and watson give out more cheap shots than anyone and as soon as panther gives one back its a discrace for the game. if you give it out expect to get it back and if ya cant handle it dont play, its not u/10's anymore. if you are a good player you will get targeted so just expect it, and if you are a good player you will work out how to deal with it. i didn't see jordan crying about how the pistons played him, he just accepted it as a challenge and it made him a better player. plus the pistons won two championships by beating teams up and just because they won them like that doesn't mean they didnt count - whatever it takes. stop your whinging and bitching guys and work out how to win again because at the moment you are shooting yourselves in the foot.

Reply #35016 | Report this post

Years ago


I just thought it was waaay over the top for a minor round game, and it's not like you are not going to play them again (maybe not this year, but next year).

Players have good memories, and any player from any team who saw that would remember you for next time and I'm sure.

Just remember it isn't the last time you play them, and I will definately be at the next Centrals/South game to see what happens.

"ABL supporter" -
I agree, Centrals lost the plot, that's why they lost. I've seen plenty of games with more cheap shots than were in the game on Saturday. It will always happen, players gotta be ready for it.

Reply #35025 | Report this post

Years ago

some of the lesser known players may have had a go at the blue army after the game, but they were all pulled in pretty quickly, i know for a fact that most of the South players enjoyed their input, Kozzie clapped them after the game thanking them, i think they took that the wrong way. But for Ricky not to shake Kelly's hand after the game was piss weak!!

Reply #35026 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Removed. Really mature. Five straight losses too hard to deal with?)

Reply #35027 | Report this post

Lloyd Braun  
Years ago

Hey Truth how about you tell Truck that to his face and see how fast "you run". The big fella had a nasty injury at the start of the year and has battled to get his supreme conditioning back. But im not going to sit here and make excuses, unlike you have done for Centrals effort. What did you expect south would do, let your boy Watson come in and shoot the lights out, without anyone saying or doing anything to stop him?? Ive got a hot tip for your truth, its gonna happen again, especially when you meet the bearcats and Jye gets bitch slapped by either Crush, Finch or the Hurricane!

you cant handle the Truth..

Reply #35029 | Report this post

Who cares if it's dirty? It won them the game.

Reply #35032 | Report this post

Blue Collar  
Years ago

Worst thread ever... (insert voice of comic book guy from The Simpsons)

Reply #35033 | Report this post

Years ago

I say what ever it takes to win, but there is a line were as a player you should be able to stop your self from going over it. When you see people king hitting people off the ball and elbows being put to people faces that's when it has gone too far. I think that the ref's should get on top of it before it even got that far. I have to agree with Ricky's decision not to shake hands with south coach it was obvious that he sent his players out to play like thugs it worked, no doubt. But it was low they were not playing basketball it was more like football out there. The only reason that centrals got more fouls than south was because they got picked up for the retaliation.

Reply #35054 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds to me like South played Centrals to a tea.

Got under their skin, made them react and won the game.

Who doesn't like physical basketball?

As for the Truth trashing Truck's game. You idiot. Contact me if you need a will drafted. I'll do it cheap because I feel sorry for your family, losing a son at such a young age...

Reply #35059 | Report this post

abl supporter  
Years ago

my bad on that last post, accidently pressed the post button without writing anything, c'mon its monday! bootleg, i cant believe you agree with ricky not shaking kelly's hand after the game. it was childish and obvoiusly shows that centrals late downfall is coming from the top. if the coach cant handle a tight and physical game without having a cry then what hope have his players got. he should just accept that what happens on the court stays on the court and grow up. as lloyd said it will happen again now that other teams know they can get physical and rattle centrals. good work to south for getting stuck into centrals big guns because, it showed just how much they are a three player team and once the three were more worried about fighting than playing, they lost - big lesson learnt for centrals. and bootleg, as far as the retaliation fouls being called that happpens in every game mate, centrals just were not smart enough to realise that which is not suprising. and how do you know kelly instructed his players to come out like thugs? were you in the rooms at half time? maybe the players took it in on themselves to do something about the state of the game, dont fire accusations if you dont know what happened. to me it just looked like little things leading to bigger things not an instruction to purposely go out and target a particular player. both teams were involved in the physicallity from where i was sitting.

Reply #35060 | Report this post

Years ago

If panther had king hit any one during the game you can be asurred that they would have sat out of the rest of the games.
It didnt happen, so stop bullshitting.As for panthers elbows he's always had them, so just get out of their way.

Reply #35062 | Report this post

Years ago

Geez, I should've come into the office early if I knew all this was happening!
Let's get a few things cleared up here. We are a physical team full stop. Everyone knows that, but I resent the fact that all these Centrals fans are sitting here bagging us and accusing us of cheap shots when you have a few players on your team who do it best. I am not one to go out and hit a player unless I or a team mate get hit first. Why don't you look at what started the whole melee? It started with Jye hitting Damian Scanlon, Steve Williams niggling Jye followed by what I saw which was Jye hitting Steve Williams in the back of the head. Steve hit the ground, Jye went to make a cut and I got him back. This is why when he asked me ever so politely why I hit him I pointed out that he's not going to get away with hitting my team mate in the back of the head and not hear from someone wearing a Panther uniform.
To continue on with that, who was the Player to punch a Panther player while shooting a jumpshot in the last quarter? The same guy that all you Centrals fans are playing off as the innocent one!
And lets not forget everyone's favourite Justin Wilkey (you know i'm not letting up on you Justin), who has already taken out two players this year (that I know of) with his "eratic" elbows, yet he's an angel in all of this two? Did you see me cry about it when Justin split my nose open in the first round?
These two guys throughout the whole game were playing physical and yet when they receive the same treatment back they lose focus. How else do you explain Ricky taking Jye out of the game at a crucial part of the game with only 6 minutes left?
I don't mind a bit of physicality in the game and I have nothing against any of the Centrals players, for me what happens on the court stays on the court, and it seems that way as is why this whole thread is mainly from spectators.
It was good to see that all players shook hands after the game but the biggest disappointment was Ricky not shaking hands with Kelly and then hearing from a Centrals player that he also told all his players to get changed and go home and to not attend our after game function.
To finish it off, I think the kids from the Blue Army were great, they created a lot of atmosphere and got both teams going. It's good to see that kind of support at our level and I congratulate them on driving all that way to support there team.
Better luck next week.

Reply #35065 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice post Panther, now we need a reply from a centrals player.

Jye, we know you read this forum.

Reply #35069 | Report this post

Years ago

To all those blue army folks getting on south's back I say bugger off. Big ups to the panthers for playin the game the way this level expects physical contests. Obviously centrals gun players would be targeted in defence, that's how the game works. From the sidelines it was easy to see the bumps were made on cuts or boards. There was no malitious intent other than the one percenters which makes the game so good both to play and spectate.
Might I also remind the centrals folks about onre of their innocent victims taking a cheap shot at Kosi's head after a foul, or did that slip your memory of the game since it wasn't called by the umpires?! To centrals I say well played but you were beaten at your own tactics. May the rest of your season be less controversial.
Big ups south, a good finish to a scrappy game.

Reply #35083 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

" Loyd Braun " the coment on the weight of Adam Blight was Brought up as a come back to general Pay out of every centrals support which had nothing to do with the topic... Players get payed out on this Site all the time ... i shouldnt have targeted his weight and for that i am sorry ... But i am well with in my rights to make comment on his game ... and from what i saw in the game saturday i stand by what was said...

Reply #35090 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm going to jump in to defend the big man. He didn't do heaps on saturday night true, but he didn't do anything wrong either. I know the stats per 48 mins aren't the best indication of a players' abilities, however, the name adam blight does feature a few times. Stats don't lie. For the minutes the big fella is getting it shows he's doing what he can. So his spot in the South team is very much deserved!

Reply #35096 | Report this post

Years ago

"Tool of the week" = The Truth
If you wanna bag a specific player about something right off the topic go right ahead but use your real name you pussy. Truck did not have anything to do with the "dirty tactics" as he was sitting on the bench at the time. So next time pick a fight with someone in your own weight class.

Reply #35097 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

" Orge " Never said he had anything to do witht the fight ... i made one joke about his weight which i have said sorry about ... My comments on his game was made from purely watching the game on saturday.. im well with in my rights to make comment on a player ... many people have made comment wilkey , Jye or anyone else game on this site

Reply #35100 | Report this post

Years ago

and your real name......

Reply #35101 | Report this post

Years ago


Do you play or simply watch? Cos if you just watch, how can you comment on his game without playing yourself as it must be better than yours

Reply #35104 | Report this post

Years ago

The play by the south players was not physical, it was thuggish like I said before it wasn't basketball out there it was more like football. It was my bad for accusing there coach of telling them to play like that. I didn't think that "truth's" joke was that bad he just commented on what he saw. This was that he (Adam Blight) didn't do a whole lot and he is a bit over weight even for his size.

"Stockton", centrals didn't get beaten at there own game. South's whole game is to be physical and play like thugs.

Reply #35116 | Report this post

Years ago

It is true that when teams come up against south they will have a physical challenge. This does not mean they are thugs. South is not blessed with a true center let alone two like some of the teams in the comp. Hence, they all need to work hard and play physical to be able to evenly match against their opponents.
It can be said that the umpires let some rough play go and were sometimes inconsitstent with their calls but it's a two way street bootleg. Both teams matched up physically against one another and south came out on top. That's how the cookie crumbles, toughen up.

Reply #35121 | Report this post

Years ago

We are obviously never going to agree on this, you say it's hard physical play I say they play like thug's and it's not the way the game should be played it does nothing for the sport and makes the game look like a melee. You have your opinion and I have mine I will leave it at that.

Reply #35125 | Report this post

abl supporter  
Years ago

news just in from a fellow abl supporter was that, 'the number 20 player for centrals spat in our direction during the game on saturday night, it was filthy' just to let everyone know the number 20 player was jye watson. jye you are doing yourself and your club no favours by this showing this kind of behaviour on the court, you need to have a stint in the room of mirrors this week mate and prepare for more physical games in the weeks to come. i would not want to be in your shoes at this stage, best of luck. for your sake i hope you can answer the critics.

Reply #35126 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Good work Panther. They're missing your one-percenters down here in the Mount this year. Lost in triple OT on the weekend.

Reply #35131 | Report this post

Years ago

Good work? Yeah well done for elbowing someone intentionally.
Moses, one percenters, what they're missing his elbows and baiting?

Reply #35136 | Report this post

Years ago

Feral North v Feral South

Reply #35161 | Report this post

Truck's stats v Woodville and Eagles:

Don't say he's all about the defense either, if he was the opposing teams wouldn't have scored 118 and 119. He is a terrible player, who's only in the squad because South have no decent big men.

Reply #35162 | Report this post

Years ago

sooky la la boy stuff crap! SOuth never came out of the change rooms and showed no respect for anyone! They are dirty and should not be playing bball. They are giving it a bad rep!

Reply #35164 | Report this post

@ bobby cunningham, post (#35159)

You're such a big man saying that on the internet! You sound like a typical Salisbury person. Close your mouth, and only open it when you stop whining about losing.

Reply #35165 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh crap that was funny 'bobby cunningham' if that is your real name. How entertaining. I can't wait till Panther reads that, its going to be interesting. Do you play 'bobby' or you just one of these spectators that fires up?

And ELG, I guess he was in the Academy Squad because they had no decent big men? Like Lloyd Braun said, Truck suffered from an injury early in the year which has put him out of the game for a fair while now, he's just getting back into it. Know facts before you start running your mouth/keyboard.

Reply #35166 | Report this post

I don't care if he's in the academy. He's had plenty of time to get back into the game, and he's simply not performing recently. He's a huge bloke, very tall as well, and is averaging only 6.3 boards a game? He's averaging even less points a game too (5.7)

Reply #35167 | Report this post

Years ago

nice job bobby cunningham, I like the way you keep on dropping those 4 letter words, obviously your all class....

Wake up to yourself, personal insults on a open public formal is bad....especially with the line you towed. Have no issues in letting someone express how they feel, but at least do it face to face...

Isaac, time to wrap up this thread, it's turning into absolute gutter trash!!!!

Reply #35168 | Report this post

Years ago

Just google Bobby Cunningham to find out who he is. Panther is good at making new friends.

Reply #35171 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

Can anyone else back up this spitting claim ..

Reply #35172 | Report this post

Years ago

Google bobby cunningham tomorrow once Panther reads the crap that that he wrote. Something about a death notice in the weekend Tiser.....

Reply #35173 | Report this post

Years ago

It seems Bobby and Panther have come across each other before, found a quote on this site:

"Are you still playing anymore Bobby?
I still don't think i've recovered from when you ran over me in a pre season game a couple of years back! I had your number imbedded on my forehead!!!

Panther, 30/03/05"

Seems Panther and Bobby have something to settle here. Very interesting this will become.

Reply #35177 | Report this post

Lloyd Braun  
Years ago

whats up Bobby, little bro cant hide behind big bad Bobby anymore so rings you up to have a bitch on his behalf?? you werent even their dude so pipe down, stop playing the tough guy role and tell ya little Bro to grow some nuts!!!!

Reply #35178 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

If you had any idea who bobby cunningham is i would be worrying about Panther

Reply #35179 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeh, I'm still baffled about who he is. Seems though from comments made he was a tough player from a few years back and the older brother of someone who currently plays :S not sure though.

Reply #35180 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #35181 | Report this post

The truth  
Years ago

Good friend of Jye ... Played together at the Warrnambool Seahawks. and i belive New york tech but dont hold me to that

Reply #35182 | Report this post

Years ago

This forum is getting ridiculous! You all need to step back and take a good, hard, long look at whats all being said here. I guessing your all grown men/women and you ARE acting like 5 year olds! Get a grip and bloody grow up!

I was at the game and the bottom line is the refs never had a handle on the game from the begining!

Reply #35184 | Report this post

Years ago

Lloyd, and any other internet guy that has commented or will in the future it takes a fool to argue with a fool,but in this case i will bend that rule a little, I handle my business without trash talking on the net (every dog has their day), and anyone that wasnt at the game would only have to read this forum to understand what happened so you pipe down lloyd dont you worry about that "growing nuts thing." "Spitting at the bench" wow, now if your going to make things up do something better than that, I'm sure that spitting at the bench would have caused a fight in its self. Panther I hit someone in the head right? watch the tape, anything after your COWARD cheap shot on me was provoked, but panther was right about one thing, anything that was posted on here earlier was strictly from the crowd, or people reading this forum, and whats with all the tough talk "I wouldn't want to be in your shoes" only a select few post names for such things. Worried or even scared, never.

Reply #35186 | Report this post

Years ago

South visit Southern while Centrals face Norwood at the Dome. Predictions? I think South are currently 5-5, Centrals are 3-7, Southern are 2-8 and Norwood are 3-7.

Southern might match up quite well on South. Norwood would surely be considered far deeper than Centrals but the Flames can be a little unpredictable.

Reply #35192 | Report this post

Years ago

Very diplomatic Jye, i'm impressed. Like I said Jye, I have nothing against you personally mate, your a good player and you play hard, I respect that. But like I said to you on the night, I only had a go at you straight after you nailed my teammate in the back of the head and if you like I can provide anyone a copy of the game to show that.
And to clear everyone's comments about Souths coach telling his players to be "thugs", it never happened. This all started from the incident between Jye and myself and as it should be, both teams supported their team mates and it became physical. I don't think there was any one side that played more physical than the other and it ended up being a very competitive game.
To Bobby, you simply support my point in saying that if you were in the game you would've eaten me alive and i'm sure you did that numerous times last year and the year before if you saw a team mate the result of foul play, just like I did when your bro hit my team mate.
Like Jye said, this whole post is a result of spectators bias opinions. I don't think any South or Centrals players will lose sleep over it and it will provide a bit of a rivalry next season.
Hope this concludes what is a very ugly discussion topic.

Reply #35203 | Report this post

wish I could dunk  
Years ago

Ugly Ugly discussion...........the AFL would ban this type of contact in games LOL.....

Reply #35215 | Report this post

wish I could dunk  
Years ago

Maybe Channel 9 should run the ABL games from now on.....AFL is for pussies

Reply #35216 | Report this post

wish I could dunk  
Years ago

oopsssssssss ABA oe whatever it is now

Reply #35217 | Report this post

Bobby Cunningham  
Years ago

I have nothing to settle with panther, I just hate cheap shots being giving thats all! And I apologize for the filthy language used in previous posts wont happen again. I know we all say we have to do what we have to to win a game and thats fine but a smack in the mouth isnt tough at all! Panther, if your teammate was niggling jye then he got what was coming to him or what came to him if anything happened at all? Its like a tagger in footy they get punishment dished out to them all the time because of their style of play. Panther, i wasnt supporting your point either because lets say if i were in that game and jye was niggling an opposing player and the player reacted with 1 to the mouth, thats on jye to handle his business, what I was saying was, that if I was the one to get hit in the mouth by you after i retaliated to a niggling teammate of yours they would have had to report me!! I have nothing against you just hate dirty players not saying you are i dont even remember playing against you, but what you done was dirty. you can remonstrate with a player but not give a shot in the mouth thats just not right, foul them hard or something of that nature. Hey TR, there will be no death notices mate and i agree it was crap but it seems you guys over in adelaide are targeting jye why is that? we over here in vic thought that it was good for him to go over there and see how he fairs playing a whole season of aba without him playing with me, its been the thing of he only scores because he plays with bobby, but he is proving all of the critics wrong and moses guthrie, if you think that was tough what panther done then you are no better than the actions of panther.

Reply #35220 | Report this post

good posts by both jye and panther. i think all players will agree it was a physical game and some things did get a little out of control but that happens when you play a competitive sport. i personally have nothing against any of the centrals players and hope they have nothting against any of the south players. it was just one of those games that happens every now and then and due to the nature of the refereeing became a little out of control. these things happen though so hopefully everyone can just move on and play some good basketball. i dont know about you not trash talking though jye, there was a little going on, it doesn't bother me though i think its good to have a little niggle in the game, i often engage in it. lets just leave it all on the floor. good luck for the rest of the season.

Reply #35221 | Report this post

Years ago

I appreciate your post and agree in a lot of ways. Like I said in my previous posts, we didn't target Jye intentionally and we didn't single him out after, it just happened that way. I also said that I didn't see the niggling or what happened before hand, all I saw was Jye hit my player in the back of the head and from where I was standing it looked uncalled for and I guess I tried to back my team mate seeing as he was on the floor. I didn't punch him as you said, Jye made a cut across the key way straight after and I got in his way with my forearm. It wasn't behind the back of the umpire, it wasn't from behind and it definitely wasn't a King hit as some people on here have put it.
Maybe you are right in saying I should have let my team mate handle it, but in the heat of the moment I did what I did.
Like I said, I have nothing against Jye and I wish him all the success in the world, it was just a split second decision in the heat of a game.
Thanks for your reply though.

Reply #35222 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther you are admitting to taking a cheap shot on jye Watson I hope you like the view from the side line. If the right people get hold of that tape that's where you will be for a long time.

Reply #35242 | Report this post

Years ago

And to all those people that say bobby should be scared you obviously have no idea who he is.

Reply #35243 | Report this post

Years ago

where did he admit to a cheap shot? maybe an aggressive screen, but that happens all the time. bootleg, you said that panther "king hit" jye. do you know what a "king hit" is? do you want to put some money where your mouth is, bet that it was a king hit, and then we'll put our wallets on the table and watch the tape??

Reply #35244 | Report this post

wish I could dunk  
Years ago

This crap is still going on Geeeessssssssssse......Panther and Jye kiss and make up for christs sake.........get over it

Reply #35246 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Bootleg I have seen the tape as Jye was cutting from the top of the key to the baseline without the ball panter raised his right forearm to head height and hit jye in the mouth with his elbow which knocked jye to the ground and cut his lip.
King hit No,
Cheap Shot Yes
reportable offence in AFL or Rugby League Yes

Reply #35247 | Report this post

Years ago

King hit or not it was still a cheap shot.

Reply #35248 | Report this post

Years ago


Your sportsmanship is truley reflected by the association you have with South Adelaide. Good to see that the club remains one of the least likely that new kids should be starting at or moving too. To try and defend your actions is fantastic. As you sink deeper and deeper into thuggary, you show the true colours.

Reply #35250 | Report this post

Years ago

And i'm sure someone who posts under anonymous has nothing to hide...
Bootleg, let us not forget, it was a CENTRALS player who committed the first "cheap" shot, but do you see South supporters complaining. You bunch are such a group of whingers, you constantly want to know why people don't like Centrals, if you would look at your posts it is quite simple to understand why you are the least liked club and some people refer to you as "feral"!
Stop whinging and get over it! Do you hear any of the players whinging???

Reply #35252 | Report this post

wish I could dunk  
Years ago

Sooooo players at other clubs dont throw elbows??????????? what the? see elbows flying every friday night, monday night, tuesday night and yes Saturdays, Sundays, watching Sturt, Norwood, South, Forestville, Southern, Woodville, Westies, Centrals, NBL, WNBL, NBA....good call annon

Reply #35253 | Report this post

Years ago

And anonymous your post makes absolutely no sense..."Your sportsmanship is truley reflected by the association you have with South Adelaide"...
My association I have with South is as a player, so how does that reflect my sportsmanship???
I would even take a punt by saying your not even a I right?

Reply #35255 | Report this post

South Junior  
Years ago

This argument is gone on too long is just becoming stupid from the spectators mainly and for some to post a comment about an entire club based on one incident is stupid, annon get a grip, their is no more wrong at south than any other club, so don't attack the entire club, the players have made up so why cant you all just get over it now.

Reply #35273 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Bobby Cunningham, how's things? I wasn't at the game - I'm in Mount Gambier - but I wasn't defending cheap shots. I'm saying the Pioneers are missing Panther's toughness on the court. Every team needs an enforcer of some description.

Time to move on from this post. Smile folks. I met a young fella with terminal cancer today and chatted about what he wants to do before he dies (fairly soon). Life's too short for this crap.

Reply #35293 | Report this post

Elbows are a part of every game. I get them, I also dish them out. If you can't handle one, stop playing. It's unfortunate that Jye got caught with an elbow to the head, but hey, that's basketball. I'm sure he'll live.

Reply #35307 | Report this post

Years ago

Damn moses, why bring that shit up??

What has that extremely sad, depressing story got to do with this?!!?!?!?

Reply #35311 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

I think he was putting it in perspective.

Reply #35312 | Report this post

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