Wow great if true, if the new owner can buy the stadium and club and make it viable then thats awesome, just hope its a stable ownership, not a fan of clubs constantly changing ownership makes the club/league fill unstable to me. I wish the new owners all the best and hope they get it to work for them and thank SOS for all they have done and saving the club if they are looking to be moving on.
New coach would be great and Gleeson sounds like a good option to me, coached successfully at Townsville, using Schensch as one of his key pieces and im pretty sure many of our players could fill that role, ie Gibson could be the Will Blalock, SC could fill the Crawford role, Weigh the Blanchfield role, Johnson the Hinder role, there are some similarities in skill sets of those players so should fit well. Anyway a change from Marty would be well received.
Agree that dont need a huge roster over haul, but a few tweaks could be good, need another starting level guard imo, apart from Gibson the rest are back ups imo.
Anyway hopefully this is exciting news for the club and moves it in the right direction on and off the court.