Years ago
BSA Hot Weather Policy
The following is from the BSA Hot Weather Policy, and applies to all age groups.
"On days when the forecast maximum temperature as published in the Advertiser/Sunday Mail that day is 38 degrees or higher, all district games will be cancelled or postponed, except those at air-conditioned stadiums (currently the Adelaide Arena and Starplex meet this criteria)".
It is my understanding that The Adelaide Arena is air-conditioned, but with an evaporative system, which creates moisture in the air and can make the court slippery (so I have been informed). I am also wondering when the system has actually been utilised for District games, because this would create an additional cost, which BSA would have to incur as part of the rental of the Arena. Would/are they willing to accept this additional cost? I can confirm that it is extremely hot on court in the Arena when the external temperature is high and the air conditioning is not utilised.
I find it hard to recall the number of occasions when the system has actually been used (other than a few NBL games - and possibly 1-2 WNBL games).
What would happen if the temperature exceeds the guidelines and a players suffers from the heat etc and BSA have failed to utilise the air conditioning?