Anonymous Poster
Years ago
My Unleash Solar/36ers Conspiracy Theory
Has no other sixer notice that our last 4-5 home games - Our major sponsors corporate box has been the only box empty?!
4-5 home games ago is when 36ers started going down hill. CJ got the sack. Sixers started an ugly losing streak. Fans booing at end of games.
My 2 theories:
1) Sixers asked Unleash Solar to fund for a new import if they sacked CJ. Sponsor said NO and this caused a fallout. Obviously due to adverising contracts 36ers are still to have unleash solar advertised on court and uniform etc
2) Major sponsor knows something behind the scenes that the fans dont know. Something like the future of the sixers that this is the last year in the nbl?? ...Disturbing theory... However the players may also know this and that has caused a negative impact on the court.
I hope I am wrong with my second theory, however I think many can agree that something odd is happening behind the sceblnes which has had effect on our players and major sponsor.
Next weeks home game look up at the middle corporate box if you havent notixed thsis already. Please feel free to comment