Years ago

36ers vs Crocs, Jan 4

Embarrassingly, we're 0-3 against the Crocs this season. Heat might be an issue for two currently shallow squads.

Will we get this one?

Enjoyed the Schenscher-Nevill battle last time and hope we get another good contest from those two tonight.

Topic #30405 | Report this topic

Years ago

I think 36ers would get this win for sure if it wasn't for the heat. Now I think it is 50 50 as perhaps Townsville will handle the heat better.

Centrebet have Adelaide at $1.43 for the win.

I think we will win (we are due for a win) and then lose to Sydney on Sunday.

Reply #395953 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Nothing embarassing about it at all.

The 4-10 Crox are nothing like the 0-10 Crox.

This and the fact that they won without their #1 rebounder shows this team has guts and determination.

Whatever happens tonight please everyone, NO BOOING the team.

Stay Classy South Ausralia.

Reply #395955 | Report this post

Years ago

Import will play.
All paperwork sorted and cleared

Reply #395957 | Report this post

Years ago

Hope so, looking forward to seeing him play . I think he will be a big plus for the squad .

Reply #395961 | Report this post

Years ago

Is the air-con yet?

Reply #395963 | Report this post

Years ago

Cheapest concession ticket?

Reply #395964 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets get behind the team, tonight could be the beginning of a run to a finals birth'

Reply #395966 | Report this post

Years ago

club has confirmed air con will be going and confirmed paperwork is cleared for the import

Reply #395967 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Twenty five bucks ingles , a bit tooo much.

Internet explorer can not open the site
here , so I don't know if this is a tv game or not.
04jan would usually be a few extra going in there
Heat will keep some away and Kristoferson very handy
Very interesting game .
Weigh's best sixers' game NYE I think , 21points .
We might get this.

Reply #395971 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

According to this stellar assessment...

....the 6'ers will win tonight.

Reply #395975 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes game on 1 tonight got the dvd recorder set to copy so i can watch again when i get home from the game

Reply #395976 | Report this post

Who Me  
Years ago

Camel 31, definitely a televised game.

Reply #395977 | Report this post

Years ago

As a slicers fan in a 50-50 game ill say sure the home team will win. As a fan who is being realistic, crocs by 5-10, second half the crocs will adjust the sixers will not and add the awkward boos and murmurs expected the poor guys will tighten right up. My word to the the team is, it's not the players fault at this point any negative reaction is solely on the coaching and sos. Obvious to see the team is trying and playing hard.

Reply #395982 | Report this post

Years ago

Hope they have the air-con on.

Reply #395983 | Report this post

Years ago

Definitely gonna be 1 sweaty game

Reply #395984 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


Yep...must be Leann's, Marty's and Mark's fault, they don't block out and don't play with hustle...


Reply #395986 | Report this post

Years ago

If Marty was a smart coach he would start Christopherson. The guy has been here training for 2 weeks now and still has not played a game. I'd be thinking if there's anyone pumped and ready to hit the floor running it's gotta be this guy. Let his emotion and enthusiasm out from the tip off and hopefully the rest of the team will feed off his energy. Run the first play for Scott. Imagine the roar of the crowd if the new guy comes out swinging and nails a few early baskets.

Reply #395990 | Report this post

Years ago

Import to's been confirmed,sixers to win

Reply #395992 | Report this post

Years ago

Christopherson is a DUD.

Reply #395995 | Report this post

Years ago

Any good bets here Isaac? Or anyone haha only paying 1.43 for the win.

Reply #395997 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Thank you .

Remember that Daly isn't a rookie player anymore
is in the 10 now , with Christopherson starting would be good . This is really gunna be interesting to watch

Reply #395998 | Report this post

Years ago

We need this win badly. Regardless of the Marty Clarke situation I hope we go out and smash the Crocs tonight. And to add to that I hope that Scott Christopherson proves to be a good buy for the club. does anyone know our new import will be a dud? Got an answer for that Anon #395995? How about giving the guy a chance to prove himself before condemning him as another import failure.

Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the "Sack Marty" threads will start if we lose again? Last Friday they started before the game against NZ had even finished.

Reply #396001 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this one on TV tonight?
Going out, might record it.

Reply #396004 | Report this post

Holdenv8, why shouldn't more threads start after another loss to the bottom team?

I really don't understand some people's logic here. So no one is to question the coaching staff loss after loss after loss from seemingly any possible position you can be in a game of basketball, including 21 points up!

Im preying we win tonight to keep our slim finals prospects alive but I'm not holding my breath!

Reply #396005 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Can the cheerleader steer clear of Hoops posters this week?

Reply #396010 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

(for the half court shot)

Reply #396011 | Report this post

Years ago

DB5, Crocs might be a bit long? But nothing really other than that.

Reply #396012 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Come on Sack Marty threads this week.

Reply #396016 | Report this post

Years ago

Manute Bol's Father....I'm not saying people shouldn't start any "Sack Marty" threads. If we lose again they're probably the first thing we'll see on here tonight because I'd say most of us are fed up with how the guy is coaching the team and our dismal record since he took over at the start of 2010-11. All I'm doing is wondering how quickly the threads will start appearing should our losing streak continue tonight.

I personally hope there is no need for any "Sack Marty" threads at all this weekend. I hope the posts here this weekend are celebrating big and badly needed 36ers wins over Townsville and Sydney.

When it comes down to it mate, people can post what they wish to. Its not for me to say what can and can't be posted here.

Reply #396018 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

The NZ 'Sack Marty' thread was pretty poor form.

a) It was before the game had finished.

b) It was started by Spursfan (a self-confessed Cairns supporter).

Yet...everyone rode it anyway.

Reply #396020 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide to just pip townsville, shame, it keeps clarke in his job.

Reply #396029 | Report this post

Years ago

And Spursfan was right on the money for a change too.

Game tonight on One HD at 9:30.

Reply #396030 | Report this post

Years ago

Christerpheroferson will get the job done tonight

Reply #396031 | Report this post

Years ago

Stadium is empty.

Fans have voted by not attending.

9 empty corporate boxes.

Reply #396032 | Report this post

Bball Fan  
Years ago

Sorry......The aircon has not been working??

Reply #396036 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that the quickest weigh has ever been subbed out?

Reply #396037 | Report this post

Years ago

Somebody just hit the half court shot at quarter time? On my stream sounded like it

Reply #396039 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolutely mauling Scott C - triple teaming at times

Reply #396040 | Report this post

Years ago

But it's opening up good spots - although not scoring, Scott is allowing others to step up

Reply #396041 | Report this post

Years ago

Game, set, match. 8min to go in the 4th.

Reply #396043 | Report this post

Years ago

Knew I should have gone down to the TAB and chucked $50 on Townsville at $3+

Reply #396044 | Report this post

Years ago

Is anyone having major trouble with the FIBA LiveStats tonight?

Reply #396045 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is Marcus C?
Oh that's right, it's not Marty's fault. I got news or you pal, it is every bit his fault. He is (or was) the coach and it is his responsibility to bring the best out of the players he has at his disposal.
No surprise that the stadium was empty tonight, why would one waste their money to see that shit.
Looks like we have a beauty with our new import too. I dare say Marty had a say in that selection as well. Thanks for your wonderful contribution Marty and for sending fans away in their droves. Now get the hell out of our sight.

Reply #396046 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Please do not blame Marty.



Reply #396047 | Report this post

Years ago

HoldenV8, the link was not in its usual position, look at the very top of the home page. Not worth seeing anyway, unless you want a laugh.

Reply #396048 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not blame him Marcus? The way we are right now with Marty Clarke as coach is a complete fucking joke.

Reply #396049 | Report this post

live stats is shitting itself - getting all these weird things happening

Reply #396050 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah it keeps going blank. very hard to follow

Reply #396051 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #396052 | Report this post

Years ago

l have never seen any coach in the nbl who so needs to be not only SACKED but run out of adelaide along with his of sider the 36ers are now the CROX little bitches, what an effort. Marcus you might as well pack your bags and bugger of too seeing you mc love child. what a disgrace.

Reply #396053 | Report this post

Years ago

Sack the mart

Reply #396054 | Report this post

Sixers 4 life  
Years ago

We can still make the playoffs guys!

Reply #396055 | Report this post

Years ago

Waiting for Marcus C to enter the fray and waiting for the turd polishing..... May need glitter and sparkles this time.

Garbage game again......

Reply #396056 | Report this post

Years ago

+1 to Squid.

Christopherson played more minutes tonight than Massingale ever got, and just look at the production!!!

Reply #396057 | Report this post

Years ago

Over this shit if the import is here to play catch and shoot don't bench him in the last 5 mins when we need buckets, and for fuck sake get cadee off he has been shit all year time to resign Marty cos either way don't let the door hit you in the ass

Reply #396058 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

It was very tempting to start a "Sack Marty" thread at 3 Qtr time, but I thought I should show some respect for the dead.

Reply #396059 | Report this post

Years ago

Scott C is absolute rubbish!!!

Reply #396060 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL @ Jack

Reply #396061 | Report this post

Years ago

i actually tipped the sixers to win this too. it was purely based on the fact that the hints going around was that marty would get sacked if he loses these two in a row, and i thought no way in hell would we be that lucky so he will obviously win one this weekend, that being the home game i though. i dont see sydney letting us win.

Reply #396062 | Report this post

G Rudd  
Years ago

Why can't you give credit where it's due. You're coach may need sacking but we have outplayed you four times. Is your new import a dud? Outmuscled by the Crocs, wasn't a factor at all. Hope for your team, players and the supporters that all comes better for you. I certainly know how it feels.

Reply #396063 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Marty did not go 4/20.

Marty did not put up the excrement Christopherson and Cadee did.

Marty did not allow Ervin free reign to stroll into the key.

Reply #396064 | Report this post

Years ago

What is the greatest number of consecutive losses by a Sixers team, as I would like Marty to hang on long enough to get this record, for he truly deserves it.

Reply #396065 | Report this post

Years ago

At Marcus camby "Anon'982..

Yep...must be Leann's, Marty's and Mark's fault, they don't block out and don't play with hustle...


Buddy I am not a 6ers fan. Im an avid reader and very infrequent poster on this site but just had to ask you a few questions.
Is it part of Marty's job to recruit this team?
Is it part of Marty's job to train the team?
Is it part of Marty's job to adapt the gameplan/team to in game changes?
If the players don't play with hustle or box out is that not an indictment on the coaching staff as a whole with the head coach primarily responsible?
Was it Neil Craig or the players who were the problem at the Adelaide crows?
Finally are you a religious man because your belief in this coach and system smacks of blind faith

Reply #396066 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


"Christerpheroferson will get the job done tonight"

Yes...but Christopherson subbed in instead.

Reply #396067 | Report this post

Years ago


No Marty didn't do those things directly.

But its obvious that he has caused those problems by implementing systems that don't fit the players ability.

You do know that teams run plays right?

And you know who implements those plays/systems?

Such a stagnated offence

Reply #396068 | Report this post

Years ago

The 36ers is an absolute joke. That's coming from a Taipans fan.

Reply #396069 | Report this post

Years ago

G Rudd, no one is saying the Crocs haven't deserved their wins against Adelaide. But this Adelaide team is better than they've been allowed to show under Marty Clarke. The reality is, given the talent in both teams, Adelaide should not have lost all 4 games against Townsville. Going 2-2 against them would have at least been something but we have now gone 0-4 against Townsville.

Reply #396070 | Report this post

Years ago

Christopherson actually looks like a player. Give him this Sydney game tomorrow night, but if he is shit after that, then 'sack him‘ type criticism is warranted. Adelaide fans, please don't make yourself look stupid by blindly criticising things.

Reply #396072 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago also have to give the Crox their dues.

They are a much improved team than the 0-10 team you once saw.

Give Neville Credit.

Give Ervin Credit.

Give Woolpert Credit.

Reply #396074 | Report this post

Years ago

Murray Magpie was better than Scott C.

He was everything as advertised. Unathletic, undersized, can't create his own shot and can't play defence.

A poor man's Darren Ng or Nathan Herbert.

Reply #396075 | Report this post

Years ago

sorry to turn this into another sack marty thread, but surely there are no excueses now, Crocs started the season 0-10 and now have the same amount of wins as us, will probably finish higher than us on the ladder and 4 of there wins are against us.

No matter what happens vs the kings Marty should be sacked, personally id do it tonight if you can line up someone to coach vs the kings, sos to Smyth and Maher, hell if you cant get them let Pero do it, he doesnt really play and cant get worse.

I bet you if you bought in Smyth and Maher as coaches for the rest of the season the crowd would grow by 2,000 per game, at $30 per tickets it would make you an extra $60k per game, the change would probably pay for itself. They dont have to be long term coaches, just bring them in to freshen it up and fix it up for the rest of the season and re-assess it in the off season.

Havnt watched the game yet, but what does Christerpherson do that CJ couldnt? his stat line looks worse than what CJ would do in 22 mins, he barely played that in his career, what a waste of a change and if we hadnt have done it we would have had CJ to help us in the last couple of games aswell, we may have even won one, well done Marty, great reccomendation.

Well done to the Crocs, if i were them id do everything you can to re-sign Ervin and Neville and build your future around them, look 100 times better since Neville has arrived, great replacement for Schenscher.

Reply #396076 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


Marty is not faultless in this don't get me wrong.

If we are going to start firing up Sack threads, better have one for Cadee and DJ too..lets be fair.

3 times in the second half the defence broke down so poorly that CROSSWELL was the one left to guard the key way by himself.

Where were the bigs?

DJ should be there swatting those away with his size, same with Schensh.

Reply #396077 | Report this post

Years ago

Rip Marty Clarke you are worse than Dave Claxton! That 6ers team came out and looked so uninterested! Shame on you and radford, you are clearly out of ideas and tonight wasn't even close!

Reply #396079 | Report this post

Years ago

I couldn't give two sh*ts who the 36ers played, but the display I saw tonight, (and lets be honest, for the majority of the season) was inept of a so-called 'professional' basketball team.

The team lacks direction, it lacks heart and it lacks a leader.

Like **** I'll be driving 600km to watch them play in Sydney if this is the type of crap they continuous throw up and call it basketball. I'll still hold judgement on the trip to the Gong in Feb.

Reply #396080 | Report this post

Camby you fool theyve won 5 games, and 4 of them have been against us!!!!!!!

well again we self destructed after half time.

Christopherson looked like a player. Pity he couldn't knock anything down but prepared to give him more time.

Can someone please explain why......

1) Cadee continues to get a mountain of minutes and does nothing for us offensively?

2) At one point in the game we had Daly, Cadee and Crosswell on the court, was about for about 1:30 minutes. To my shock we didn't actually score in this time!

3) Does Pero REALLY need to get game time? Are our stocks THAT low that he has to be on the court? Are we sure DJ or Peach really need that sit down?His time on court was pure comedy, just needed some Benny Hill music in the background.

4) WHY OH WHY do we have our Centre DJ continuing to jack up ugly three point attempts, not only do they miss, but they rod us of a 7 footer in the key to contest the boards. Yes I realise he "CAN" knock down the occasional three but he has fallen in love with the 3 ball!

5) WHY OH WHY do we have the 3 point shoot out champ Weigh refusing to Jack up shots!!

We didnt just lose to the crocs tonight, we got spanked! The only player that did anything with Gibbo!

Reply #396081 | Report this post

Years ago

Again at Marcus " also have to give the Crox their dues.

They are a much improved team than the 0-10 team you once saw.

Give Neville Credit.

Give Ervin Credit.

Give Woolpert Credit."

Agreed completely with this post but taken as fact(when just opinion) how does this refute the glaring failures of the coaching staff to make proper use of the talent at their disposal? Seriously can you answer any of my questions to give your fellow Adelaide fans some hope rather than just say" player/s x shot bad/played bad so it can't be the coaches fault". I would think you would be leading the sack Marty bandwagon but only if he is not replaced as why pay good money for a coach/coaching staff when they are not even partly responsible for how the team plays. I would put it like this, each player is responsible for his own individual performance but the coach is responsible for the performance of the team. What do you think?

Reply #396082 | Report this post

Years ago

Crowd looked small.

Do we have a number?

In the post match interview, Gibbo looked really frustrated and pissed off.

He referred to the fact that he doesn't know whats going on, and that the pre-game prep is very good, and during the game they just crumble.

Not sure whether it was a subtle dig at Marty's coaching.

But it re-affirms the point that Marty fails to COACH DURING GAMES and make adjustments in real time.

Reply #396083 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad we fired CJ then gave our gun import twice the minutes.

No timeouts or plays when needed, Weigh plays max minutes, we blow a lead... blah.

Same old. Hard to care anymore.

If Clarke stays the script remains identical week to week; we're well into year 3 of the same crap and people still defend him (with three different squads).

Reply #396084 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, Ervin is a GUN. That guy can flat out play and has the perfect clutch attitude - very impressed.

Reply #396085 | Report this post

Years ago

Time out should have been called with about 3 minutes to go in the third. We looked more lost than usual offensively and the Crocs were up by 4 and suddenly heating up. I remember thinking TIME OUT or the Crocs would probably lead by 10 at three quarter time. If I could see it, an NBL head coach should be able to see it. Crocs led by 11 at three quarter time. Game over. I have never seen a crowd that flat in the last before and I've been going for 22 years. Used to be the crowd would try and lift the team in that situation. Not anymore. Please pull the trigger and put everyone out of their misery...

Reply #396087 | Report this post

Years ago

Christopherson looked nervous out there, but considering everything who could blame him? He also looked a little lost but with only a week to get used to the teams plays that's hardly surprising. Hell, some of the players who have been there all year look lost out there sometimes, so I can forgive the new guy for it.

Once he starts hitting some shots and gets his confidence up and learns his role within the team I think he'll do ok. He didn't look that bad really.

Reply #396089 | Report this post

Years ago

Johnson shot the team out of the game in that period at the end of the third. Not only did he miss a heap of close or open shots, but half of them were outlet passes for the Crocs transition game.

Where would the Sixers be without Gibson this season? He deserves a medal.

Reply #396090 | Report this post

Johnson 4/20 from the field, including 0/5 from 3 point land!

That's as ugly as it gets!

Reply #396092 | Report this post

Years ago

Pero was out there cos he subbed in 4 guards and realised oops we need SOME size. No doubt he is gone for sure now, but you cant blame him for their horrid shooting. The whole tenure has been one big poop. Promised something but just got nothing, new guy has to he a experienced coach at top level.

Reply #396094 | Report this post

Years ago

That's typical DJ. Marty's biggest fault has been letting DJ get his numbers these last two years to the detriment of the team.

Reply #396097 | Report this post

Who Me?  
Years ago

Official Crowd was 3,997, but it felt less.

Reply #396099 | Report this post

Years ago

Why didn't we have any plays for Christopherson...2 weeks practicing with the team surely even Clarke could figure out to make a play...oh wait that's right he is a complete idiot.

Gibson looks like he has ditched Clarke's plans completely and is just driving and shooting, much better to see!

Fed up with this team, any other cities actually have a club with owners and management who do what's needed to win??

Reply #396100 | Report this post

Years ago

If I can find something funny out of tonight (got to laugh sometime, you'll go nuts otherwise) was Pero's 'push in the back' on Hinder (or was it PC?). The big guy with the Al Delvecchio nose looked like he thought he was playing in the AFL when he did that. And true to form, the coach dragged him LOL

Reply #396101 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #396102 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree. Ervin was worth the price of admission.

Neville was really good as well.

For the 36ers only Gibson earned his money.

Shameful effort from the rest.

Reply #396103 | Report this post

Years ago

Official Crowd was 3,997, but it felt less.

No way!

Looks less than 2500 on tv.

Reply #396104 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


Yes to the first three of your questions.

As for hustle...the coach is partly responsible, but not wholly.

You can't teach hustle, but you can choose to bench those that don't give you 100%.

How can Marty bench DJ and Schensh?

People here are howling when Pero gets 3 minutes.

Petrie is still not fully fit.

You're bviously trying to lead me to say that Marty is at fault.

I have never said Mart is completely faultless....

However I want the forum to see where a lot of this is out of Marty's hands.

Is Marty to also be blamed for Christopherson's 0 - 5?

Reply #396105 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolutely disgraceful effort at home

Reply #396107 | Report this post

Years ago

Marcus once again look at the crows, different coach same players dominant season compared to the previous.

Yes the coach can teach hustle, yes the coach can design plays for three point shooters, yes the coach is 100% responsible for the mentality of the players.

Reply #396108 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to hear Mitch Creek on the commentary during the 3rd period. Nice call on how he's progressing with his injury too. Something about the last week being a "pain in the butt".

The kid seems fairly optimistic about his recovery too which is good to hear (I can call him a kid, he's 14 years younger than me).

Reply #396110 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty and Radford are completely to blame for SC. They picked him.

And picked him over proven NBL players in Homicide Williams and Ron Dorsey.

How good would have the match up between Homicide and Ervin have been?

Instead we get this hack!

If you can explain in what way SC gives us anything more than Ng or Herbert I will be happy.

No doubt nerves played a part but that is what you get when you get someone effectively straight out of the NCAA and a role player at that.

Didn't help they didn't run any plays for him either. That is all Clarke and Radford.

Reply #396111 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty Clarke:

"What we did in the first half we did not replicate in the second and I think that starts when we become a jump shooting team after half time, the misses allows them transition points. They only had two transitions points at half time and they had nine at three quarter time."

"We threw it inside and it was good for us, we missed some shots and layups. We shot at 29%, that is not going to win you games."

Reply #396112 | Report this post

Years ago

Marcus C, we will stay classy win or lose tonight, just like the class shown by Clarke in explaining why the team is losing so many games. "You have to get the ball in the basket to win games". You don't have to be a good coach, you just have to make sure the ball goes in the basket.

Reply #396113 | Report this post

Years ago

Make that 0-5 since Clarke got rid of CJ hahahahaha. Worst decision of the season so far.

Yeah Christopherson looked great lol. Give CJ that court time and things will get done.

Reply #396114 | Report this post

Years ago

The bleeding has to stop , have we lost 7 in a row now ? Something needs to be done regardless if the coach is a good bloke or not , please I'm begging for the sixers management to get rid of Clarke , I've had enough :(

Reply #396115 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the fact that many on this forum predicted this loss, me also with my thread about us coming bottom 2 and being below the crocs a few weeks ago and the coaches making no real adjustments to game style, plays, rotations, just keeping doing the exact same thing as they have for the past few years expecting it to turn around says it all, and is the exact reason why the coaches have to go, no matter what happens vs the kings.

If they had made significant changes, not just sacking a import who barely played to get one who isnt guaranteed to be better, ie before Creek got injured, you could have started him and Gibson in the back court and brought Cadee off the bench,

could run some simple plays to spread the floor and get Weigh open 3's hell watch what the kings do for Madgen, copy it for Weigh and he would actually be worth the court time he gets.

Could try and play Schenscher big minutes and gibson at the pg with Cadee only a back up and run similar plays to what the Crocs did last few seasons, ie running the offenses through Schenscher and Gibson, same as Schenscher and Blalock a couple of seasons ago, i think Gibbo is similar, this would also get Weigh open shots, ala PC and blanchfield at the Crocs,

Even if they dont work, TRY things, dont run some over complicated offense that the players dont understand and doesnt ever seem to get good looks all season long and just lose all the time.

I think fans would be far happier if Clarke just changed things each game, each quater, make adjustments according to the flow of the game, change your rotations, dont play a pg big mins before he is ready just for the sake of it, even if all the changes didnt work, atleast he has TRIED SOMETHING!

Reply #396116 | Report this post

Years ago

Another loss, great news for 36ers fans,we should all be rejoycing. It means we are another step closer to getting rid of clarke! Fingers cross for sydney, hope they absolutely maul us.

Reply #396118 | Report this post

Years ago

but no we just do the same thing over and over again despite it never working for more than a quater or half!

Reply #396119 | Report this post

Years ago

A wise man once said - Do the same thing, get the same results.

Reply #396120 | Report this post

Years ago

If only we got first pick in the draft at the end of the year.

Some could say that Marty is tanking

Reply #396121 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah we have ridiculous plays which seem to end up with our centre shooting 3 pointers even if he's ice cold... Great strategy.

Reply #396122 | Report this post

Years ago

A wise man once said "Sack Marty"

Reply #396123 | Report this post

Years ago

Watched the game and while Christopherson was 0-5, he was a bit unlucky with a couple of them. One thing he did well on several occassions was to move the ball down court fast and pass off well. Perhaps start him at the point and move Gibson to off guard for some time during the game. From what I saw of Cadee and Crosswell tonight, he was certainly no worse.

Cadee shot 2/7, Crosswell got 2/3 but both were more of a defensive liability.

Biggest failure of the night was Clarke's non management of Johnson - why does he continually allow him to take 3 point attempts when he is playing centre. DJ shot 4/20 and 0/5 from the 3 point line. Who had the bigger negative effect?

Reply #396124 | Report this post

Years ago

Good recruit.... 0 from 9 from the field.
Marty is as good at recruiting as he is at coaching!

Reply #396125 | Report this post

Years ago

could we fly a new coach to sydney, even with no preparation, just run simple plays, let the players play, cant do worse, also we play sydney again next week so would be a good chance for the coach to have a look at them see what works and what doesnt and do proper prep for next weeks game.

Please sos, we have to change NOW, sign Smyth, whoever and fly them to Sydney to take charge straight away!

if we win the next few games or atleast most of them we still keep our slim play off chances alive, if we keep it as is, our season is dead right now!

Reply #396126 | Report this post

Years ago

This wasn't just a loss, this was a beatdown against one of the worst teams in the league, AT HOME! Quietly hoping that they get smashed against Sydney in their next game because Clarke has got to go. The bleeding needs to stop, the fans have no confidence in him and that's a big thing, because people are stopping going to the games due to his patheticness as a coach. The sooner he's gone, the better.

Reply #396127 | Report this post

Years ago

Could we do the right thing by cj and install him as the game coach. Leave Marty and rat to run training a sessions

Brett maher for PM He has a great proper way of dealing with issues, something our federal parliament truly needs.

Reply #396129 | Report this post

Years ago

When DJ hits his 3 point shots he's good, and he has the ability to do it (he actually led the 36ers in 3pt % last season). But then he has nights like tonight where he was woeful and if not for his FT's he wouldn't have scored over 10.

Gibbo was trying to sound upbeat in his post game interview with Brett Maher but you can tell he's frustrated as hell about this losing streak.

Reply #396130 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Hurls can go to Today Tonight to get Marty sacked?

Reply #396131 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel sorry for Clarke. His career has gone down the drain.

The 36ers owners have tried to do the right thing for him but it has got to the point where Clarke would have been better off getting sacked after year 1.

No other NBL team will give him a second chance now.

He has to be up there in the worst NBL coaches of all time discussion.

There is no question that he is the worst 36ers coach of all time and by a long way.

Reply #396132 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone lay off Scott C. It was his very first game in the NBL. He would not have had time to learn Clarke's complicated system as yet and he has never played against an NBL team. Give him time to adjust and not lay criticisms at this early stage. If I remember correctly, Diamon Simpson took some time to come good, and when he did, it was the end of the season and we lost him to the NBA.

I agree with Paul re Gibson. He is the only one on the team that shows any professionalism. If he played tonight outside Clarke's system, he not only shows professionalism but exposes the lack of professionalism on Clarke's part.

Skud, Its funny you mentioned Gibson ditching Clarke's system because several times throughout this season whenever a player shows something good, I ask the person next to me if he has permission to do that.

Marcus C, I would love to read what is inside that twisted mind of yours but I won't try because even the best of psychologists would be challenged by your case. Either that or you are taking the mickey out of everyone. If the case is the latter, then I congratulate you on how many people you have sucked in.

Reply #396133 | Report this post

Years ago

...cont'd - myself included.

Reply #396134 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

DJ could use some tuition from Andrew Gaze and in particular focus on following a shot.

Admittedly my memory isn't necessarily picture perfect but I recall Gaze often following his shot and quite often gaining back possession.

I'd like to see DJ at least attempt to follow some of his jump shots because at his height he has a great opportunity to grab an occasional board.

Reply #396135 | Report this post

What if  
Years ago

Brett Maher asked Mitch Creek the best question tonight when the game was on the line...something along " so what is the game now , what are going for , what is the game plan now ? "

A simple question which should have been answered with a simple answer.... but man I felt for Creek when he answered along the lines of >.. we can do this or that or this ... kind a bit of everything " !

That is the problem with the 36ers ... coaches working with too many x and o's, trying to be too sophisticated and over complicating everything instead of just helping the team play simple basketball with a "go to man" in charge on the court .... who is in charge on the court , what is the automatic back up mode to settle the team when under pressure ?

........ and how come with 2 of the tallest players in the league , Adelaide continue to live and die by the 3 pointer ?

So sad to see DJ still thinking he is an oversized guard who's role is to run the transition and shooting the 3 ... man how this guy needs to get down to Bunnings to buy a back of cement .....and after that get inside to win some offensive rebounds for his team !

Reply #396136 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarke runs a complicated system? Yeah, so complicated that it's year three and none of us get it!

Reply #396137 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought Christopherson looked promising. Shot it poorly but didn't get too many opportunities in decent spots. Looks very similar to DeVries. He created a few shots for others. He will come good and be a solid but unspectacular import.

Reply #396140 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide's worst player is DJ!

Terrible terrible shot selection, terrible on D!

Reply #396141 | Report this post

Years ago

Why has it c,ome to this. Why have we turned on our own. If e get a similar rolllto crocs. Finals beckon. It just going
To take a win to get self belief backFOR EVERYBODY

Reply #396142 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

This Townsville team is so much better than the team that went 0-10. Ervin and Nevill just changed them completely. Getting Holmes back gives them even more depth. Shame their season was shot so early otherwise they could have been a real smokey.

Or are they still a chance? Doubt they'll need to grow the beards this time but having said that they don't have anymore games against Adelaide either.

And while I'm on the topic of Townsville, Where's Mick gone?

Reply #396144 | Report this post

Years ago

SC is the worst import of the Clarke era in my opinion. That isn't based on his 0 for 5 shooting. Of course he will have games where he will have games where he hits three or four threes. So what. Can't create, can't defend and will be a role player spot up shooter at best.

Yes, it is only one game.

Of course I hope I am wrong.

I stand by my opinion that Ng and Herbert are both better players.

The fact SC is a clear upgrade on Cadee and Crosswell also is a big worry.

Cadee is the latest player who has found a way to get worse instead of better under Clarke. Pretty incredible given his age and signs of having a break out season. He's had plenty of opportunity but his confidence is shot.

Gibson = 1 man team at the moment.

Reply #396145 | Report this post

Years ago

Its quite amusing that Clarke's favourite player Weigh has his best game of the season against the same team a week ago and then this week Clarke gives him the least minutes he has given him all season. It makes total sense....

DJ had a shocking shooting game but thanks must also be given to Cadee's 4 points, 1 assist and 1 rebound in 27 minutes.

Agreed that there needed to be a timeout late in that 3rd quarter. Crosswell played way too many minutes, why does he always continue to over play a player on defense and then the player just goes straight past him! The team looked like a social team out there.

I would have liked to see Clarke be proactive in the 4th quarter and have the BEST team on to start. Throw everything at them at the start of the quarter like his job and the season is on the line but instead they go with Crosswell, Cadee, Christopherson, Schenscher, Petrie...........

Reply #396147 | Report this post

Years ago

36ers now 5-10.

0-4 against the then bottom team, a 14 point drubbing at home..

7 game losing streak.

Now 2nd to bottom on the ladder, at least Marty would feel right at home with that.

Reply #396148 | Report this post

Years ago

Didn't see the game at all, so can't comment. Other than it's another loss, another nail, another lead at half time, another capitulation.

On the plus side, Christopherson scored a point. So technically he's better than Massingale was after 1 game. 6 rebounds too.

Reply #396149 | Report this post

Years ago

"If you can explain in what way SC gives us anything more than Ng or Herbert I will be happy."

Someone wanting to play in the NBL? If either were available, they would've been kept.


Coaches needed to have gone many games ago. Tonight was simply catastrophic. After so many games, the offense and defense has hardly looked worse and less planned. As someone commented, for a guard heavy team (four point guards and an undersized shooting guard hit the court), they couldn't look less well run if they tried.

Whatever the opposite is of being given the keys to the city, it's about time to arrange that.

Reply #396150 | Report this post

Years ago

PHIL JACKSON - Championship coach says:
"I think the most important thing about coaching is that you have to have a sense of confidence about what you're doing. You have to be a salesman and you have to get your players, particularly your leaders, to believe in what you're trying to accomplish on the basketball floor."

"Basketball, unlike football with its prescribed routes, is an improvisational game, similar to jazz. If someone drops a note, someone else must step into the vacuum and drive the beat that sustains the team."

I think Clarke has no idea about these two concepts.

Reply #396151 | Report this post

What if  
Years ago

Hear hear PHIL JACKSON ! ! .........

Reply #396152 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, is there any point in doing that now. The season has already been run to the ground that at this stage is non salvageable. Yes, change of coach should have happened atleast 3 games ago but it didn't. Why spend money unnecessarily now and stress the owners financially. It is pretty clear that Clarke won't get another season so we should start afresh next season. Just hope Gibson stays. I would be consulting him regarding choice of new coach to keep him happy.

Reply #396154 | Report this post

Years ago

just a thought, what is Trevor Gleeson doing?

Would he take the team, i was thinking of my theory of running the team like the Crocs 2 seasons ago with Gibson as Blalock, SC as Crawford, Weigh as Blanchfield, Johnson as Hinder, and Schenscher as himself, why not get the coach who successfully put it all together?

Smyth/Maher combo would also be great imo, would re-energise the club and i reckon Smyth would be great for guys like Weigh, Gibson, SC aswell, wouldnt mind giving Maher a crack if Smyth isnt interested either, look what Heal has done for the kings.

Surely you could atleast approach these guys and see what it would take to bring them in, hopefully atleast one of them is interested.

I have been hoping all night to see a article/thread about Clarke being replaced, still hoping it will happen soon, would love for it to happen before tomorrow nights game, but doubt it will happen, but please dont let him coach past this weekend.

Whether its Smyth, Maher, Gleeson, Ninnis, Joyce any change would be an upgrade, and imo the crowd increase you would get for the rest of the season by making the change and hopefully winning or atleast playing alot better would help pay for the change in coaches.

I agree SC will probably be ok, is in the DeVries mould, but isnt quite what we need imo, i think he is basically the same as CJ,who was of similar mould imo, i would have bought in a long athletic guy who can play defense, drive to the basket, shoot from the perimiter, sort of a cross between Creek and CJ, Dorsey springs to mind as a realistic possibility then started them in the back court with Gibson moving to Pg and Cadee to the bench playing back up minutes. Not SC's fault and if we had Creek he would have been a better fit, i was just hoping they would try and cover for Creeks loss in this import aswell as our team now lacks athleticism imo.

But given we have SC, i hope he turns out as good as DeVries or Lisch, I would start him along side Gibson, run some plays for him, like the kings do for Madgen, Perth for Lisch and try to get him going. I think its quite obvious that a Gibson/Cadee backourt isnt going to lead us to the playoffs, but a Gibson/SC could, if SC gets going and can be a DeVries type who i was a fan of and wish we just kept through his injury now given the amount of imports we have gone through. Good luck SC and the 36ers!

Reply #396155 | Report this post

Years ago

EC, its also about the players confidence. Its about the team playing well enough to continually put bums on seats at the arena. While Marty Clarke is in charge things are going from bad to worse.

Keeping Clarke in his job as 36ers coach won't achieve anything anymore, on or off the basketball court. Its time for the Adelaide 36ers to cut their losses and replace Marty Clarke with someone who CAN coach a professional basketball team.

Reply #396157 | Report this post

Years ago

relax adelaide you wont be able to lose to the crocs 5 times this season. 36ers v taipans battle for the spoon cant wait

Reply #396158 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't sleep..MUST..SACK...MARTY!!!

Reply #396159 | Report this post

Years ago

EC is right in the sense that it is too late now. After the Kings game tomorrow night that will be 16 games down with only 12 games to go and if we lose to the Kings to extend that losing streak to 8 games we will be a good 6-7 games behind them.

That is way too much to catch up in 12 games also needing the other team (the Kings) to lose as many if not more than we need to win. We've still got to play the Breakers another two times, the Hawks another two times and the Wildcats again. To think we've had a soft schedule up to this point too! It's over.

The only reason now to sack Clarke is for the PR.

All this goes beyond this shithouse coach, it's all on this absolutely woeful 36ers administration.

Reply #396160 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous above me

All this goes beyond this shithouse coach, it's all on this absolutely woeful 36ers administration"

Sums it up exactly. 100% spot on.

Reply #396162 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarke never ran a play to get Darren Ng an open shot so why would he run one for SC?

Reply #396169 | Report this post

Years ago

Some moron on Ozhoops suggested pushing Marty out to make way for Radford. Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire.

Reply #396172 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish we had some hometown referee support during our games. Marty whinges all game. Do the refs understand how much the crowd would go nuts of he was given two and sent!

Reply #396175 | Report this post

Years ago

lol @ above. Post of the week for sure.

Reply #396176 | Report this post

Years ago


That reaction would be worth seeing!

Reply #396177 | Report this post

Years ago

Who cares who the replacement coaches are. They were so disorganised last night that almost anyone would be worth it as a caretaker to coach out the season.

Only exception is if money is so tight that this action would threaten the club more than bleeding fanbase dropping their tickets.

After the final buzzer last night, I was sure that Marty would tell the team in the huddle that he was going to stand down. At this point, the situation is so poor that he should save the club their money, apologise and move on. I feel for him, but it's not like last night was his NBL debut or first time with this roster, yet it certainly looked like it the way they played.

Reply #396182 | Report this post

Years ago

How about this......

Remove the coach, sack the admin and ask the owner to put up more good money for nothing.

Club is on the verge of folding if you keep the rant about changes all the time.

We have no home ( owned by bank)
We could have no coach( you all want to sack him)
Only 2 of the SOS team left

And all you faceless people want these people to do "is sack the coach, get us something new"

If you read the papers, money is tight people

If you look at the other things happening that are more fun like Big Bash for example, people are going to what is more fun to watch.

We have a coach, let him see out the season no matter the result. Imagine, if everyday you went to work and all your work mates wanted you out of the building.

Basketball has made one fundamental flaw over the years, 10 minute qtrs. move back to 12 ASAP

The coaches can work out better plays, players can get more moves to score, games move to triple figures again and we are all happy.

Marty is here for the whole year. Surely he has something as he is an AC with the Boomers.

Stop ranting for something that Daryl and his team won't do, go and support them for the remainder of the season and help them out of their slump.

If we are still around in 2013/14 and we get a home and a new CEO and maybe a new coach , we will have a chance then to start all over again.

Reply #396183 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree. It doesn't matter who the replacement coaches are as the season is done. But Clarke must be fired. If he had any class he would have quit, but he doesn't. So have him tar and feathered and run out of town (the opposite of given keys to the city). The ginger knome can go with him.

Reply #396184 | Report this post

Years ago

SC being compared to Lisch is like Adam Morrison being compared to Larry Bird.

Is it because they are both white?

Reply #396186 | Report this post

Years ago

Feel sorry for Gibson. Plays hard. DJ pisses me off and cadee too. If they lose to Sydney Marty has got to go

Reply #396187 | Report this post

Years ago

if Sydney can't beat Adelaide maybe Shane Heal should go?

Reply #396196 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Nevill started well , Clarke put Petrie on early...
...Helliwell was a good match up on Nevill , but some are fans of Pero ..
In the second , thought Gibson was gonna win it for us and Crocs shot poorly . From there , Ervin picked up his game , Crocs shot better and we got one good player anyways .

Reply #396197 | Report this post

Years ago

Time to bench Johnson and Cadee.

Start Petrie and maybe Christopherson.

Make Johnson and Cadee earn their spots back in the five. Maybe this will make them play better.

Reply #396207 | Report this post

Years ago

Dj doesn't give a rats about the team of winning most self absorbed player seen come through for a long time. But he is Marty and radfords project. Fuck I hate these coaches, this team is screwed to buggery, shame on all involved.

Reply #396210 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed re DJ. Biggest problem for whoever comes in next is that DJ is signed long term.

Reply #396213 | Report this post

Years ago

Daniel Johnson made 4 shots from 20 attempts. Including 5 missed 3 point attempts. At one point the girl i took to the game asked why does that guy keep shooting... I had no logical answer for her.

Reply #396214 | Report this post

Years ago

Have you ever considered that maybe the coaches have offered their resignations behind the scenes and management have not accepted??? Maybe more than once???

Reply #396215 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Is there any chance that Marty and Radford had "poison pills" in their contracts - essentially ensuring that in the even of their sackings , they would recieve the full ballance of their contract OR one full years payout - which ever was the greater.

IMHO this would both make sense of what is happening AND seem a resonable clause back at the start of negotiations 3 years ago where SOS were trying to entice what seemed like an very very good bet for a forever in Marty to up his youngish family from a well-paid govt sinecure and move to Adelaide, which had just sacked 2 favourite sons as coach in the last 3 seasons ?

on a lighter note ;)

Decided that I could throw away $100 last night - put $50 on crocs to win 1-10 points ( $220+ pay out) and $50 on crocs to win 10+ ( $350+ pay out).

That way I would be a happy many no matter what.

At least I have now recouped my season ticket cost - but would have far prefered the win.

Reply #396216 | Report this post

Years ago

People saying sc is the same as cj just looked at the box scores and didn't watch the game. His defence position was better than anyone else on the team. The croc's obviously no how well he can shoot because the upped the pressure on him every time he got the ball. I was angry with his signing but I'm willing to give it another game or 2

Reply #396217 | Report this post

Years ago

Very old, what your saying may very well be true. However the board have to accept and feel the pain of their mistake. as highly touted as these blokes were it was absolutely ludicrous to give out three year unconditional deals to untried nbl coaches especially when you've just fired a couple!

I have no sympathy for this board. I put the blame on our problems on them just as much as Marty! I hear all the people coming from a mile away 'how can u say that they saved our team etc' I've said it before, I would have rather seen the sixers RIP as one of the traditional greats of the league rather then become the absolute laughing stock of the league before dying off! Seeing our team like this hurts me much more then not following the league at all which I wouldn't be doing if there was no sixers!

Reply #396220 | Report this post

Years ago

was interesting that post game interview gibson was talking about a couple of players were really down on themselves and they shouldnt be.

obviously one is dj.

the big problem there is if your another player you dont worry if your shots not dropping you put your head down and do all the fundamentals like box out screen stop your man and get the ball through hands and then the game eventually comes to you anyway but dj is just a scorer and doesnt have those other facets to fall back on when he is down so a slump for him is really hard to get out of.

a question i have to ask is why was dj always getting the ball out at the 3 point line?

how hard would it be for him get the ball a step outside the paint? he is actually very good at spinning around opponents and hitting that short range jumper or leaner.

dumb play by dj, or our players not getting the ball to him unless he moves out to the three or martys plan for dj to be out there?

Reply #396221 | Report this post

Years ago

scs hustle on defense was very impressive.

didnt fight hard enough through some screens and forced some switches that were taken advantage of though. at scotts size he needs to know when to switch and when to fight through to not let a team get the match up they want on him cause a few teams will pick on his size.

Reply #396222 | Report this post

Years ago

DJ isn't down on himself, he plays the same way no matter what. He wants his numbers, doesn't care about winning.

Reply #396223 | Report this post

Years ago

Dj didnt look down on himself. Same look he always has, vague and unresponsive. Shame he didnt stop shooting the long ball and drive at Nevill. Clearly the refs were calling such soft crap, ala Schenscher's foul predicament.

Reply #396224 | Report this post

Years ago

I didnt even go as i knew we would lose to those chumps, worst sixers team/season/performance/heart ever!!!!! Anyone want my season ticket? Im switching to AFL

Reply #396229 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Anon #396229 - you sound like a soul with a broken heart and I might understand your frustration but be careful what you wish for. I imagine there are thousands of basketball fans across the country that miss having the opportunity to watch their NBL teams. Believe it or not, as bad as things are, there are many who envy what we have.

Just imagine never seeing Luke " the flying giraffe" Schenscher steal the ball at half way and breaking away for an open dunk or Murray the Magpie finally hitting a backward facing half court shot. Sometimes you just have to hold on to the moments and have faith things will get better.

The Board are feeling the pain just as much as everyone else who love the Sixers. They are carrying a very heavy weight of expectation on their shoulders but find themselves short of resources and support to lift the burden. As mentioned by a previous poster, times are tough and there are not necessarily sustainable solutions available to them.

Reply #396230 | Report this post

Years ago

some franchises are yet to win A championship

Reply #396233 | Report this post

Years ago

Was in Perth last week, ran into Martin Cattalini and talked about lots of basketball stuff. One of our discussions was about the coach to replace Clarke. He immediately said Smyth is the man.
He said he played for Barry Barnes, Rob Beveridge, Guy Molloy and Alan Black in Australia and Smyth was clearly the best.
The way Smyth was restricted by the club in the last few years was embarassing as a coach, Martin wanted to come back an play for Adelaide but the offer that was made to him by the 36ers was a qaurter of what other clubs had offered him, the last few years the club was going broke, Cat understood that and said if the offer had have been reasonable, he would have come back for less to play for Smyth.
Cat also said when he looks at the sixers now it reminds him of Claxtons last season when Smyth took over and turned the club around.

I think after talking with Cat that with Daryl Simmons loyal support, similiar to when Smyth was with Bernie Lewis, success would certainly follow.

All in all bring back Smyth!

Reply #396234 | Report this post

Years ago

I'll take it off your hands Kmoney.

Reply #396235 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish that would happen Matt, lets see what unfolds these next few days because ill be damned if Clarke coaches the remainder of the season. I support the clubs through thick and thin , have been to two games this season although its a bit harder to come to more games with my family because money is an issue , was a former season ticket holder with my family since 1992 and only stopped with the season tickets last year due to financial circumstances however I always follow whenever I can on tv etc . I think the majority of us want clarke to step aside but like I keep hearing we might not have the cash to find a replacement which is rather unfortunate because I dislike this brand of basketball we have been served up for the past two and a half seasons.

Reply #396238 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting Matt, im not surprised Cat held him in great regard, i was always a fan of smyth and always felt he was crippled by the clubs lack of resources and then got too frustrated to continue and probably caused him to lose interest in the end aswell.

I would love to see Smyth back, bring Maher in as an assistant to groom for the future, with the aim of them coaching the next decade between them and bring some stability to the club, which surely helps with recruiting and retaining top players. Smyth could coach atleast the next 2 years, then stay on as a senoir assistant type role to Maher when he is ready to hand over the reigns, gives Maher some experience before he takes over.

Interesting that Cat would have loved to come back but the money is different, i always got the feeling with some guys like Cat, Dusty that if the club could offer them even 80% of what the others did they would have played for the 36ers. Cant blame the players for taking the bigger pay, especially when its a huge difference, pity the club couldnt/wouldnt pay up and help Smyth keep the great players together.

Reply #396239 | Report this post

Years ago

Martin Cattalini, now THERE was a small forward! Did the Sixers ever have a better player at that position? Man I miss those days.

I agree Matt, this season does feel like that Claxton season. I have little doubt that we will take a major leap forward next season if management chooses the right coach for this team.

Re: Smyth, it was tragic what happened with his coaching career in Adelaide. When I left in 2001 to live overseas, we were on the way to our 3rd championship in five years. We lost in the semis the other two years and were basically screwed out of a 4th title by THAT phantom foul call on Lowry at halfcourt.

I came home at the end of 2003 and within a very short time found that we were running a team of old, past it players and had a coach who was just going through the motions, because he knew he didn't have the financial support from ownership to put a decent team on the floor.

If Smyth still has the desire to win titles, I would love to see him back at the helm of the Sixers. I get the feeling that ship has sailed though.

Reply #396240 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Sorry guys...Phil Smyth, Brett Maher, Brian Goorjian, Trevor Gleeson, Joey Wright, Pat Riley nor Phil Jackson would have furnished a win out of the garbage DJ, the new import, and Cadee were putting out last night.

Thankfully we have a selfless coach who is dedicated and focused on the job at hand.

Lets get behind Marty and the team.

"It's not about me, it's about the club," Clarke said.

"If I think about me it would be like a player thinking about himself, and that's not what you want in a team.

"My job is to get a win next game.

"It's not about whether I can win to save my a---, it's a win for the club."

"My answer will always be the same, this is not about me," he said.

"It's about making this club as good as it can be during my time here. Whether it's three years, five years, two-and-a-half years, whatever.

"All your energy has to be channelled into that otherwise you're a selfish person and I don't believe I'm a selfish person."

Its nice that Marty mentioned 5 years...perhaps he and SOS have had a chat about the long term future of the 6'ers?

Reply #396245 | Report this post

He also mentioned two and a half years ;)

Reply #396247 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Thankfully that has just past and now we can focus on the 5.

Reply #396248 | Report this post

Years ago


You always say that is is not Marty's fault that DJ shot 4/20.
Or he did not make Cadee get that turnover or whatever the case may be.
DJ shot 0/5 3pointers last night. If DJ was/is having a bad shooting night from outside, is it not Marty's job to tell DJ to stop shooting from outside?? Or bench him?

You always have a player that is going to have an off night.
It's the coaches obligation, if not doing the right thing by the team ,to guide that player or run plays to get easy buckets.

Instead of telling everyone on here what Marty's strong points are. Why don't you tell us what you thing his deficiencies are ?? Clearly he has a few....

And have you played a high level of basketball MC? Just interested to know how you come to the conclusions you do. Sometimes it seems you are just a supporter with no basketball background.

Could be wrong....

Reply #396250 | Report this post

Years ago

@Marcus Camby

Those other coaches you mentioned would have fashioned a win with players throwing garbage. That is why they won titles, yes correct titles. And that would be because even though the other guys throw up garbage they set a structure that the players know and help to clean up the trash. Remember that guy named Paul Rees and the other one, what's his name, ah yes Mark Nash and even um, um Jason Williams.

Reply #396252 | Report this post

Years ago

The results speak for themselves. A 14 point pants down drubbing on your home court. 7 losses in a row. the same team can beat Perth in Perth.That is the reality. The way the team performs is a reflection of the coach. Talent is not a question, getting the best out of players. That is something he has to do. Why do The players lose confidence and belief as every season progresses. A coach is supposed to build a team towards the end of the year. It's his team and his responsibility. The numbers in the W/L columns are his. If players don't perform as he wants, get some new ones who can, (Gibson, Petrie, Schenscher, Weigh, Johnson, Creek,) the problem being this coach has done that. He's not a rookie coach anymore. He has the players. His ability to grow a team and their mindset, confidence, belief is nonexistent. Where has the coach in his 3 year term given the players something to read in the media that gets them up.,ie stroke their ego.
The Crows are a classic example. Neil Craig recruited and tried to develop footballers as athletes, robots. In comes Sanderson, throws out the bikes and trains footballers to be footballers. Who would of guessed what would happen.

Reply #396258 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers offence was terrible. Crowded, un inspired, direction-less. Townsville have actually come along way, to their credit. Love the way they construct 3 point looks with their perimeter passing game. Woolpert looked comfortable of a win the whole game. What does that tell you?

Not even getting a home win against the crocs on this slide is just not good enough ( no disrespect to the crocs, they are a better team than us atm ).Marty is lucky to still be there IMO.

Sixers are a mess atm.

Reply #396262 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

@Vespa...'s Marty's job to handle DJ. If he is playing poorly, sub him off or put a rocket up him.

a) DJ is impervious to Rockets lit under him.

b) Next option sub him off and replace with....Petrie 1/6 or hope Weigh can cover, alas 2/9.

c) Next option Pero 0/2, 1 attract more scorn from Sixer fans for having the audacity to try something else.

D) Last choice put DJ back on and hope he finds his touch, didn't pay off but did do a good job @ rebounding.

You guys want Marty to make adjustments, he does nothing, gets flamed.

You guys want Marty to make adjustments, he tries another player, gets flamed.

Lose / Lose....and you wonder why the whole team is down?

I have never tried to 'sell' Marty's strong points, my position has been steadfast, its only half way through the season with a new team (3 of 5 new starters), support him and give him a fair go (like Lemanis got, like Gordie got last year).

I am merely a social player of 20+ years of hoops, followed NBL/NBA since the 80's, I don't know X's and O's, I don't know how to coach a team, I don't know how to administer a club, but I do know how to support my club. Support != booing my own team, 700+ sack the coach threads and threads about who to axe when the season is not over.

Reply #396264 | Report this post

Years ago

Give it up already Marcus, no one here agrees with you. Your arguments just dont hold any weight because we have all seen the results with our own eyes.

Clarke is the worst coach in the history of the 36ers and professionaly basketball in SA.

Reply #396266 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do people keep getting sucked in to responding to Marcus Camby?

He's getting off on stirring all of you up.

Reply #396269 | Report this post

Years ago


So 3 years is not a fair go? It's not that we are
losing. It's the way we are losing ! No-one expects us
to win every game.

I understand what you are trying to say about what option did he
have with subs. But your points are not valid. Petrie 1 of 6 and so on.
But, his shot selection was way better than DJ. He would be what we call a smart basketball player. Most of DJ shots were good looks. Just we're not dropping. You don't think maybe giving Pero a few more minutes to strictly just be physical and annoying to Neville may of helped. I'm not saying that's what should of happined, but, try something different.

You cannot just read the stats and be able to tell how how the game was played
Or who played well . You can to a certain degree obviously. If DJ went 0/10 last night or Schensh didn't score but kept Neville to 10 points and minimum bored. Would of been a sixers win. Your logic thought looking at the stats would of been " DJ, 0 of 10"

See my point?

Reply #396272 | Report this post

Years ago

I don think marty's coaching is 100% hopeless. Refer to games such as all perth, first half vs breakers. Sixers can look good in stretches and appear in control. But obviously all opposition has to do is adjust or simply start playing better and the system just falls apart. Falls back on coaching surely.

Marty has a blindness or stubborness to not realise players are not being played to their strength. Was hoping he would just come out of it and go back to basics and give players more of a license to play instinctively. Has not happened.

Could see the body language on coaching staff last night. Surprised there was no resignation already.

Reply #396273 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not concerned with adjustments during games. Game night coaching/ feel is not his strong point.
But when a coach is in his 3rd year and we continue to see the same sloppy mistakes over and over and over.
Weighs passing inside to the post player. Surely by now it should be so sharp as to be able to put it to the advantage of his player and away from defender.
Inbound passing plays. By now we should have bread and butter plays that get open shots consistently.
Full court press offence. It has been a failure since day one. Opposition scouting says full court press on 6ers gives them trouble. For some reason this does not exist against Perth.
Half court trap defence. Is there a word for less than token.
Not sure who's responsibility it is to make sure these skills improve, but I would guess it would probably be the coach.

Reply #396275 | Report this post

Years ago

61 points last night... our lowest points total at home in our entire history? Rip 36ers :(

Reply #396276 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The underlying issue with the Sixers is the second half IMO.

In games won by Sixers, they have won 60% of the first half, and by coincidence in games lost by the Sixers the have won 60% of first halves. Seems they are coming out of the blocks well.

In games won by the Sixers, they have won 100% of second halves, but only won 20% of halves in their losses. Seems coming around the bend into to final straight they have a problem.

Interestingly, in wins they have won 70% of second half quarters, but in losses they have only won 20% of final quarters.

Reply #396281 | Report this post

Years ago

That is Hilarious Jack.

You would expect that for all teams who are not winning.

It would be rare to regularly win the second half and lose games.

Reply #396291 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack^ Based on what you just said it is reasonable to suggeest that the 36ers become fatigued in the last quarter, having another set of legs on the bench would be a great solution to this problem.

Why Clarke got rid of CJ still buggers me to this day.

Would have won us at least 3 games, and for those who are sick of me harping on about CJ, deal with it, it was a monumental mistake.

Reply #396300 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Yeah, correct, but the question is why are they dropping the ball in the second half?

Reply #396301 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


Letting CJ go was at worst a 50/50 call, he was just not producing what Marty and the Team expected of him.

It became a 'mistake' when Creek went down.

Marty is not omniscient, nor can he tell the future (I know..lets sack him for not seeing Creek's Achilles)

Harping on about CJ is OK, but futile.

Harping on about CJ and actually believing its a blight on Marty is the monumental mistake here.

Reply #396305 | Report this post

Years ago

No, but Clarke should naturally expect injuries to occur during the season.

By sacking CJ, Clarke effectively 'put all his eggs in one basket' relying on no one to get injured to maintain a workable roster after CJ was sacked.

Poor management.

Reply #396309 | Report this post

Years ago

CJ won them 2 of the games they have won. Did great against Perth and good against Sydney.

How many games have the highly paid guys won or played a part in this season?

Hopefully a competant coach gives CJ another go.

Reply #396311 | Report this post

Years ago

No, the only monumental mistake we made was hiring MC. He came with all glitz and glammer awards and got us where?

Now yes, you can have a coach and then the team but for 3 years we have lost this player and lost that player, and those players who've gone became great players for their new clubs. What did we gain, nothing!

So yes, its always the players fault and never the coach Marcus Camby. Cos the coach is the 'goody two shoes' where everyone else is the martyr or blood-hound.

If ever we look for a scape-goat, hello!
Smoke n mirrors work well but eventually the public always get with that sort of program.

Reply #396622 | Report this post

Years ago

eli1 at the time if not Clarke then who?

Reply #396624 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty was earmarked for a long time as a potential head coach. I think he was even a possibility when Ninnis got the job.

As i remember, most on this forum were fairy vavourable with the appointment. Boti included. There was even some negativity when it looked like they might've missed out on Clark before agreeing to terms. Shame it hasn't worked out, fot both parties, IMO.

Reply #396629 | Report this post

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