Years ago
mavericks are pathetic and petty
just heard news today of a new rule the eastern mavericks committie has placed for their mavs players that are also involved in country basketball (mostly those who play murray bridge, eastern hills and victor harbor)
the rule in a nutshell is
mavs players are only allowed to miss 2 trainings to play in their country association teams tournaments leading up to country state champs
im so annoyed at this rule being put in place as due to the fact that mavs get most of their players from country associations
this puts an effect on the time the association coachs get to see players before country state champs and possible affecting the players position in the association team if they were trying to get in the division 1 team within the association
i also dont see how mavs can stab these associations in the back, without these players the mavericks basketball club would have never been able to get started.
with this being put in place it has put pressure and stress on the players and parents who want to do both, because this basicly makes them have to choose to the two teams due to if the dont go to mavs training they will be dropped
where the associations are accomadating due to the fact that they organise their trainings around mavs training and allow players to play their mavs games over playing thier association games
my belief is that children playing at least 4 games (not including their mavs game friday night)will gain more benefit than having a hour and a half training on sunday which could be a pathetic training session anyways
now i have been involved in basketball my whole life so i have understanding into the world and i have played both country and district basketball and coached both and am a mid level basketball umpire
i would love to know what other clubs who have country players do about country tournaments and if players are penalised for missing trainings for country tournaments