Former Knox Coach
Years ago

Knox Basketball Program - End of an Era?

Longstaff - 5 Seabl Seasons - 5 Conference Finals - 2 Conference titles - 1 overall SEABL Championship. Is there any current SEABL coach who can boast this record? Why after 5 seasons would you advertise the role when each year has always been a renegotiation. Surely he deserves the courtesy of being told why this year is different??
Christiansen - DLeague Coach - 4 years in finals - 1 title. Long time Vic Metro coach with many titles - not enough experience at senior level??
Shanahan - perennial nomad - never stays in the same place for too long - why is that?? Wishpers from Coffs Harbour are not too complimentary. But if you are a mate, well that's all that counts.
Junior Rep Program - has been in decline for some time. Current appointee is casper the ghost. No coach development. Internal Coach recruitment not considered important. Coach morale is poor. Coaches fear talking openly about this in case it affects their future.
Coaching Director and the Senior Program Admin guy appear to have agendas. They have upset the very people who have built this club into a powerhouse. These people are either disenchanted and are thinking of leaving the club or have already left.
Rival clubs take note - the cream of the remaining Knox Coaches are openly discussing amongst themselves about leaving the club - they are ripe for the picking.

Topic #29956 | Report this topic

Years ago

Tissue princess?

Reply #387723 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, sour grapes much??!!

Reply #387725 | Report this post

Years ago

The same Knox Basketball that recently announced to their domestic club presidents that they have lost over $250,000 this year alone.
Massive increase in wage bills for what benefit?

Reply #387727 | Report this post

Years ago

So why didnt you apply for the job Graham?

Reply #387728 | Report this post

Years ago

Because Graham was told by a board member that it would be his if he wanted it. The club is an absolute shambles.

Reply #387729 | Report this post

current coach  
Years ago

Dont know what all the fuss is about, all will be well once knox recieves its apparent multimillion dollar sponsorship from microsoft. End to financial woes and will be able to afford to pay (assuming they accumulate enough "points" to warrant being paid at all)supercoaches they'll poach from other clubs once their own walk. Hang on , maybe everyones just jealous because we own our own state of the art stadium, oops thats right it doesnt belong to us it belongs to Knox Council!! Out with the old boys club in with the new one?

Reply #387730 | Report this post

Years ago

As well as Graham another one of the Raiders best coaches has not been given a senior gig with long term asst Coach Tony Smyth moving on to coach in the 23 league. Surely he deserved a gig as the head coach? Obviously not in the right crowd.

Reply #387733 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

At the end of any coaching contract the position is put out to market.Dont know why Graham is complaining.IF your good enough you get the gig end of story.Welcome to the real world.The days of the old association model are dead for the bigger associations, its a business and its all about making $$$

Reply #387734 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like they've had a cleansing and brought in some younger fresh blood to me.

Knox are heading into a golden era with the new stadium and some exciting opportunities shortly so its best to plan for the future now.

Reply #387735 | Report this post

Years ago

Apply, if you are the best then the job is yours. Its not the first time that a seabL coach thought that they were better than the program and thought it beneath themselves to apply.

Reply #387737 | Report this post

Years ago

should not have been re appointed and all associated should have been shown the door.
Only got what they both have been doing to juniors for years.Lots of smileing faces down here that are glad to see and end to the cronies

Reply #387738 | Report this post

Years ago

The real problem is/was Graham was so arrogant that he didn't think he needed to or should reapply for the role. This is 2012 not 1980. If you were that confident you would be reappointed just reapply. He didn't due to arrogance so they appointed someone who did apply. You snooze you lose

Reply #387739 | Report this post

Years ago

You Snooze You Lose? Are you serious? Graham was given an undertaking by a board member that the job was his and considering his success with the team so it should be. He said he was hurt in the local paper with the board going in a different direction and so he should be. If a board member from the association you have dedicated 20 years of service to tells you something you take it on face value.

Why we are at it a new golden era for Knox? Really?

If screwing over people that have been loyal servants to the club for years means a new era for Knox- well clearly being a part of Knox is not what it used to be. Disgraceful.

Reply #387742 | Report this post

Years ago

The job was advertised yes? That means the job is vacant! Apply Einstein, simple. The board member is an idiot and now looks stupid. If your going to have an open and transparent process then without Graham applying (stupid at best) then Knox had no alternative but to appoint someone who applied and was interviewed!

And Graham was hurt by what was in a newspaper??? Oh please, Graham has never given 1 shit about what other people think. Give it a spell. Plus he was in just about the highest profile coaching role in the area, criticism comes with the role and as said...he couldn't care less what others think.

Reply #387744 | Report this post

Former Knox Coach  
Years ago

Anonymous, lots of smiling faces eh and end of the cronies. You have no idea what these guys have done for the program, their own personal time and sacrifices = these guys are the reason Knox has been successful.

If I was to have a guess, I reckon you are a "whingeing" parent whose little child was not good enough. But as is typical of your type you cannot see through your rose colored glasses. It is easy to blame Graham and Tony. Get over yourself mate - both these guys are brilliant coaches whom the kids love to play under.

Last year alone Knox SEABL have 7 juniors in their squad - testament of the work of these two guys.

Try a new club anonymous - knox doesn;t need your type.

Reply #387745 | Report this post

Years ago

Golden era??????????? has an elitist ring to it, surprise surprise. u need the goods to produce results and from what i hear both players and coaches are departing rather than arriving at knox! gone are the days where kids from other clubs strove to get a gig at knox. look at the numbers this season they speak for themselves and which dont even take into account kids that have just walked away and not gone to other clubs to play. so much positive talk about upcoming clubs out there and nothing but negative about knox. the wide belief is that knox are an arrogant bunch who havent earnt the right to be. look at results in juniors over last few years. no bragging rights there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #387747 | Report this post

Years ago

Knox are elitist make no doubt about it. Some alleged comments recently on social media showed what some of those in charge of the juniors there think of the lower rep grades.

Go talk to the members and sponsors on how happy they are with how Graham and his unwavering loyalty have been treated?

Reply #387748 | Report this post

Years ago

Well interesting stuff- it its true then allegedly:
board member/s are idiots
director of coaching is a ghost
coaches are unhappy and contemplating leaving
juniors are running out the door
senior coaching staff being dogged
financial issues/problems
coaches arent being developed
jobs for the boys
unhappy sponsors
lack of reward for effort and loyalty

What a wonderful club to be a part of...........NOT!!!!

If even half of this is true then its going to take more than a major sponsorship deal to help them.

Reply #387755 | Report this post

Years ago

everyone talks about the new stadium being a huge bonus for Knox. You people are just idiots who obviously have no connection to the place. The COUNCIL runs the stadium and they charge MORE than local venues for court hire. DO you wonder why BV dont run clinics or ITC from there given that thier offices are all in the building ?? One simple reason, the council charge like wounded bulls for courts. Wake up people, the new SBC is not going to help Knox at all !!

Reply #387782 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

sorry anon you are way off the mark here, the council owns the building but Knox has the management rights and they set the pricing for anything that happens in relation to court usage.From what I have heard you are right about BV usage as what Knox is asking is just to expensive.The new SBC can help Knox only if they get the operation of the whole place right, which at this time from my observations they haven't.

I am also afraid that some of the comments made by old coach are very very accurate no matter what other posters may say which to be honest being a Knox person is breaking my heart.

Reply #387783 | Report this post

Years ago

Irrespective of the accuracy? of all of the above theres no denying the amount of talented coaches and juniors that knox has lost over recent years and look like they will continue to lose. Maybe Knox should focus on the reason why this has happened. Forget worrying about thinking you're better than everyone else cause reality is that you're not and the only people that don't see that is yourselves and you have become a laughing stock. Do yourself a favour,take a look around at how other clubs go about it and learn from them...............

Reply #387784 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm confused,don't Knox have a dual olympian at the helm? How could things be anything but rosy???????

Reply #387792 | Report this post

Years ago

Ask some of the Knox players about Graham's trainings etc.... couldn't get out of the stadium quick enough to get to the pub!
Facts are: He should have applied for the job!

Reply #387794 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

sorry anon was only questioning the accuracy relating to new stadium operation.As I said I agree with a lot of the old coaches comments.

Reply #387799 | Report this post

Years ago

Former Knox Coach - You put this scathing attack on the club up here and won't put your name next to it? Geez it must be hard to criticise from behind your keyboard.

anon - you're exactly the same.

If you guys/girls want to criticise, then do so. Everyone has their right to an opinion. But don't go putting it up hiding behind some fake name. The safety of anonymity means you feel you can have a crack on here? That's weak as.

I remain proud to say I am a Knox person, for all the apparent shortcomings that anyone wants to air out on here. People who are proud to be involved are the people that are there to help the club. Obviously So take your weak attack, and perhaps rephrase it as a few questions which can be answered by those in the know. That's if you want answers. I would presume, however, that now your rant is done you don't really want to put your name to it and seek some answers. Be stoked if you proved me wrong...

Reply #387808 | Report this post

Years ago

DP34 I'm pretty sure you didn't sign off with your name....

Reply #387817 | Report this post

Years ago

DP34 also didn't take pot shots at the club...

Reply #387821 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

You make me laugh DP34 my mail is people are questioning the club but I am not sure they are getting answers, or if they are the answers just raise further questions.
I am a proud Knox person and that will never change but you don't have to be einstein to see that there are problems their no matter what you say.It is no longer the tight knit place it used to be when everybody used to paddle in the same direction. The ship now has to many captains paddling their own boat.

Yep people like helping the club and Knox has always had a strong base of volunteers but that is not the case anymore.The only volunteers now are those who run the domestic clubs who do a great job.

Reply #387827 | Report this post

Years ago

The Chief is right. The number of good Knox people/ volunteers that have walked away from the place in the last year or two is actually sad.
There is a real boys club attitude prevalent and as the circle of people wanting to be involve continues to shrink there problems will just continue to grow.

Reply #387837 | Report this post

Years ago

Well if half of this stuff is true then maybe the change of Head coach might be just what the club needs then.

Reply #387839 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to agree with anon #839 if people were leaving whilst Longstaff was the coach then it's probably a good thing to bring in change. Seeing it's been happening over the last few years whilst he was head coach and they were winning.

Reply #387843 | Report this post

the chief  
Years ago

Maybe so but the senior raiders side is only one area in the whole club, the issues it has are affecting all areas of the club.

Reply #387845 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the new coach will bring in good people and a cultural change to the whole club? You'd be amazed what filters from the top down, a change is a good start.

Reply #387846 | Report this post

anon 22  
Years ago

Plenty have raised concerns in the past and continued to question but with nil result. Everyone knows if you speak up you will just be discredited to ensure nobody listens to you further. The easiest way to take the heat off yourself is to attack the integrity of others. Now thats weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #387868 | Report this post

Years ago

One wonders about the grand plan. Plenty of new staff in the office, the rumored NBL team about to get up, whispers of more staffing appointments everywhere you look. We were told by now that Bulleen would be playing WNBL games at the new Knox Stadium, that big events like the Wiggles Concerts etc would be held often at the stadium and yet none of it has happened.
Let's hope the rumor about WC landing a massive million dollar sponsorship is true or the place is quite clearly going to go broke.
Regardless on whether you believe Graham to be a good coach or a good bloke, no one deserves to be treated the way he was after everything he has given that club. To think the club did not give Tony or Scott a chance at taking over the senior role shows exactly the respect the front management is paying to the people that have been such a part of Knox's rich fabric for so long.

Reply #387875 | Report this post

Years ago

Alot of the up and coming young coaches have left Knox and are having success elsewhere. Very much a boys club. I agree with others that changes is needed. Doesn't take much for a club to crumble.

Reply #387883 | Report this post

Years ago

Fish rots from the head down

Reply #387884 | Report this post

Years ago

No club runs smoothly. Everyone makes mistakes. It was Graham Longstaff who refused to let Venky Jois be seen by the 14 -1 coach and then overlooked him the following year for the 16-1 and 16-2 teams. That kid lived 5 minutes from the stadium and didn't want to leave the club. Dandenong gave him every opportunity and he ended up getting major time in SEABL championship as a 17 year old. That just doesn't hapen at Knox.
Same thing happened to Bogut with Dandenong. He couldn't get a look at the top sides and had to go to several clubs to get the chances he needed.
People are people and make mistakes.
Not applying for your job when it is advertised? - just another mistake.

Reply #387895 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing more than a puppet show. Bring back Damian!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #387903 | Report this post

Years ago

DP 34 - Like you I am a knox person. Your criticism whilst valid, fails to recognise that hiding behind your keyboard maybe weak, one must also consider the environment at Knox.

People are afraid to speak up for fear of reprisal.

Former Coach makes very relevant points - does he or she lack courage or is the environment too threatening ?

Maybe the "balanced" approach should now be to put together a working party to research/analyse Former Coaches points of contention. Address issues that need attention and discard those that are emotional nonsense.

Knox is a proud club - lets stop using a public forum to air our dirty linen.

Time to unite, put our egos away and work together for the better of the Club.

Reply #388044 | Report this post

Years ago

Dirty Laundry > Knox

Reply #388055 | Report this post

Years ago

Knox is a boys club and changes need to be made. They have lost sight of what they are there for.

Reply #388145 | Report this post

Years ago

Great to see the dirty laundry out in the oped. It really shows the politics of what we may not know about. As an outsider, it seems strange to me that Graham wouldnt apply for the advertised position.
In the pld days it was a handshake, and nod and a wink, and jobs for the boys undoubtedly.
In this day and age, thats not on. Advertise it once the contract is over and may the best applicant win.
Don't apply, don't moan.

Reply #388152 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be interesting to see what new business ventures start out of Knox over the coming months and who benefits from those.

Reply #388161 | Report this post

anon 99  
Years ago

How disappointing for Knox to realise that obviously those in the know are constantly talking out of school.I could say soooooooo much more about what's going on there but won't as it's not my place to and time will reveal all anyway. The real problem at Knox is that nobody can be trusted as they are lightning quick to pass the buck and turn on each other in a blink.......... NOBODY is immune. Very sad situation which appears destined to worsen unfortunately. Honesty and integrity would go a long way to helping the overall situation. Time to stop acting to serve personal agendas, swallow the pride, acknowledge and address issues that are relevant to the future success of the club.Stop claiming everything is just ugly rumours and attempting to discredit those that are prepared to have an opinion as usually those are the people that actually care.

Reply #388167 | Report this post

Years ago

any chance Knox might ever both to put some new content on their website? A year or two ago there were news stories galore now nothing.

Reply #388336 | Report this post

Years ago

News Stories > Knox

Reply #388342 | Report this post

Years ago

There is new content on the website - now advertising Playboy -"win the playboy night of your life". Next, I am waiting for sexpo, kittens, penthouse and the like to get a spot to advertise their brand on the main page.

Is it just me, thought Knox Basketball was primarily about and supported by a few thousand junior basketballers and their famalies. Knox Basketball, built on strengh of character, pride and values. Maybe it is being hijacked by people with too many grand plans, which need that mighty dollar.

Reply #388518 | Report this post

Years ago

Playboy adverts > Knox

Reply #388530 | Report this post

Years ago

Im not going to say i don't care about Knox anymore but it definately ain't the same as what it used to be. i still talk to some of the old crew and the vibe just isnt the same. But clubs are always changing and evolving. Some people like change other don't. Why fix things if they arent broken? or are they..

for better or for worse, i don't have the answers..

But it is sad to see all the dirty laundry being aired on here.

even after moving to another club interstate, knox is still the envy of other clubs nationwide, regards of what is said on here! nobody can take away the history of the club and this is what has made Knox what it is today.

Everybody pull together down there and sort it out!

Reply #388559 | Report this post

Years ago

Meh, a couple of sooky people with an axe to grind venting on the internet anonymously doesn't make the entire club a shambles...

Keep it in context, someone will always be unhappy even at the best run clubs.

Reply #388564 | Report this post

Years ago

I appreciate your comments Balanced, but if they are a Former Knox Coach, then what reprisals should they fear?

And I think the notion of a reprisal is ridiculous. Speaking your mind is what gets you to places, its what separates those with clear vision and potential from the rest of the pack.

I do agree with the other posts by various people about this not being to forum to air dirty laundry (as I rasied in my other post). The club is bigger than any one individual, and as such, any issues can be, and should be, addressed.

Reply #388688 | Report this post

Years ago

And still nothing from you Former Knox Coach? Geez, that attack was scintilatingly cowardly.

Reply #388689 | Report this post

Years ago

Axe to Grind > Knox

Reply #388692 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Knox > This Thread.

Reply #388739 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

Wow, a post here from Hoop Addict.

Hail the messiah

Reply #388750 | Report this post

Years ago

DP 34 - one word for you - naive. Every person of sound mind and mature experience will always tell you of the negative consequences for speaking your mind - no matter what world you live in. You need to grow up and broaden your horizons. Mouth shut + ears and mind open = you might learn something, thats of course if you dont already believe you know it all.

Domma - yes former Knox Coach has gone quiet - is this not a good thing? Yes he/she has had a bit to say. Whats done is done!! But what are you trying to achieve - inflame the situation further? Your comments do nothing positive for the club. Time for us all to shut up and focus on what you are supposed to be doing ie. Let go and move on - life is too short.

To everybody else associated with Knox - bite your lip and ignore this subject - responding to it only gives credibiity to people like former knox coach and DP 34. NO MORE COMMENTS ON THIS SUBJECT PLEASE.

Reply #388907 | Report this post

Years ago

No more comments > Knox

Reply #388909 | Report this post

Years ago

Got a better idea Balanced..Instead of trying to be the Forum Police ,if you dont like what you read or dont agree..Dont visit the site.
I agree the place is gone to the pack,but others like yourself are entitled to write what you want and I dont expect you to agree.
WC will resign shortly anyway and another Wasp AT to take over..lets see how he goes

Reply #388920 | Report this post

Years ago

At Balanced- not liking what youre hearing? boo hoo to you. get in the real world. why shouldnt people have an opinion and be able to voice it. whos paying you to put the fire out.................

Reply #389079 | Report this post

Years ago

I encourage all know people to ask their domestic clubs about the email they receivedcc style that was requesing some signifigant naswers (about 70 ).I am not saying they were wrong in any or all but at the very least some VERY serious mangement procedures seem to need explaining.

Reply #389117 | Report this post

Years ago

and the new nbl team is going to be based at knox good luck with that

Reply #389118 | Report this post

same old  
Years ago

some have tried to get answers, been patient gone about it the right way. Still zip, delay after delay. those that give a toss are being painted as troublemakers for putting their opininon across and asking the hard questions. One way of diverting attention away from the real issues..............

Reply #389154 | Report this post

Years ago

Since wen has AT been a wasp??????????? Think u got that wrong Anonymous

Reply #389156 | Report this post

Years ago

Wasps > Knox

Reply #389165 | Report this post

hugh j  
Years ago

Yeah Anonymous WTF is AT caus he aint from the MIGHTY WASPS!!!!!

Reply #427904 | Report this post

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