Former Knox Coach
Years ago
Knox Basketball Program - End of an Era?
Longstaff - 5 Seabl Seasons - 5 Conference Finals - 2 Conference titles - 1 overall SEABL Championship. Is there any current SEABL coach who can boast this record? Why after 5 seasons would you advertise the role when each year has always been a renegotiation. Surely he deserves the courtesy of being told why this year is different??
Christiansen - DLeague Coach - 4 years in finals - 1 title. Long time Vic Metro coach with many titles - not enough experience at senior level??
Shanahan - perennial nomad - never stays in the same place for too long - why is that?? Wishpers from Coffs Harbour are not too complimentary. But if you are a mate, well that's all that counts.
Junior Rep Program - has been in decline for some time. Current appointee is casper the ghost. No coach development. Internal Coach recruitment not considered important. Coach morale is poor. Coaches fear talking openly about this in case it affects their future.
Coaching Director and the Senior Program Admin guy appear to have agendas. They have upset the very people who have built this club into a powerhouse. These people are either disenchanted and are thinking of leaving the club or have already left.
Rival clubs take note - the cream of the remaining Knox Coaches are openly discussing amongst themselves about leaving the club - they are ripe for the picking.