Years ago

Aussies Overseas vs Aussies in the NBL

I was just wondering, how much would our a team made up of our best Australians overseas beat a team made up of best Australisn from the NBL. The teams I came up with were:

PG - Mills / Markovic
SG - Newley / Barlow / Bose
SF - Ingles / Worthington
PF - Anderson / Neilson
C - Bogut / Jawai / Baynes

PG - Gibson / Martin
SG - Crawford / Madgen / Goulding
SF - Loughton / Blachfield
PF - Knight / Forman / Petrie
C - Johnson / Trigger

I would say the margin would be 40 points. I would say 50pts on the best from college

PG - Matt Delladova / Jorden Page / Jackson Alridge
SG - Hugh Greenwood / Igor Hadziomerovic
SF - Ryan Broekhoff / Anthony Drmic
PF - Cody Ellis / Jerome Hill / Mitch Young
C - Brock Motum / Jordan Vandenburg

I would say the NBL guys would get the best in College from a size point of view, although the college teams looks more exciting than our best NBL Aussies IMO

Topic #29820 | Report this topic

Years ago

College players would beat Nbl.

Reply #385595 | Report this post

Years ago

College team would not beat an NBL team.

Reply #385597 | Report this post

Years ago

It would depend on the college team and the NBL team - overall though, most NBL teams would beat most college teams :-)

Reply #385601 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL is such a poor quality league - will be extinct in 5 years!

Reply #385602 | Report this post

Years ago

I would argue the proposed college *could* could beat the proposed NBL team.

I would have had Angus Brandt in that college team though starting at centre, with Motum starting at the 4. Ellis to come off the bench.

Reply #385608 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh Anonymous... you seem almost excited by the thought... You really are a vulture. and NO NBL will NOT be extinct in 5 years! its gone up in attendance and ratings and is making more money then it has in a long, long time... your an ignorant moron... Poor Quality league? have you only ever seen the NBA before or something? it is BETTER then most leagues in the world... Do your research... NBL has weathered harder times then its in now!

The college team would NOT beat the NBL team... the college team only has 2 or 3 guys at NBL level right now. Broekoff delly and motum... Overseas team would however beat the NBL team.

Reply #385610 | Report this post

Years ago

I am a basketball fan and hope nbl dies, hate the ppl involved and the way its run.

Reply #385613 | Report this post

Years ago

Drmic and Young are NBL standard, starters at that...

Reply #385614 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon poster, good to see your support of the NBL :)

Delly, Motum and Broekhoff are quality players and all have good size for their positions; Delly was a starter on the Boomers team, Broekhoff was one of the last 2 players cut from that same team, and Motum is a future Boomer. All these guys will most likely bypass the NBL and either go to the NBA or more likely Europe. However there is more talent on this proposed college team than you give them credit for...

Hugh Greenwood has already earned a senior Boomer jersey in International competition, but injury derailed any chance of a crack at the Boomer's London team. Drmic is also a class act and is a future Boomer also, and has starred at Junior World’s alongside Greenwood, along with Hadziomerovic who was right there with them both. Iggy will either land in Europe also or at the very least in the NBL. Angus Brandt is the starting centre on a solid Pac-12 team and can score at centre - I honestly believe his game is suited to Europe and that is where I think he will end up and bypass the NBL altogether, especially seeing how well he performed against Euro competition on Oregon State’s European tour recently. The rest of the guys on this team will play NBL, and are likely starters at some point – and step straight into the NBL and contribute immediately ala Steindl.

If this game played out, the proposed NBL may end up winning, but I would like the chances of the college tyros to take them out.

Reply #385615 | Report this post

Years ago

You have to say nbl would beat college but there is some very nice talent coming through particularly in the back court

Reply #385618 | Report this post

Years ago

Jericho NOTHING positive will come for Australian BAsketball if the NBL dies... funding for the sport will go down the drain... Sure, It could use some restructuring, could use more moeny to fix things, but what do you think there trying to do? without support, the NBL will not become what you want it to be... so you have to suipport it if you want a strong league in this country.... Cant turn a leafling into a tree without some damn water can you? NBL dies, Basketball in Australia dies, The Boomers dies and the chance that great players will continue to come from Australia dies also..

Reply #385620 | Report this post

Years ago

Brock Motum is not a C hahahaha

Reply #385639 | Report this post

Years ago

the nbl team would have an advantage in the bigs I can imagine motum being able to guard Johnson, Trigger or Knight. Delly isn't used to the type of defensive pressure martin and Gibson would apply so I would still give it to the nblers.

Reply #385651 | Report this post

Years ago

Delly gets hammered in college ball. BYU and San Francisco tried to wipe him out. So I reckon he'd go alright against NBLers.

Reply #385673 | Report this post

Years ago

"Delly isn't used to the type of defensive pressure martin and Gibson would apply"

What? Have you not seen the type of defensive pressure in the NCAA.

At the NBL, you can get a wing catch relatively easy.

At the College level, the defense make you work for every damn thing and the offence has to work bloody hard just to get a wing catch. Also the pressure on the PG up the Court is immense.

On another note, Madgen is a beast. Just went for 30 tonight. If Crawford has being given Boomers consideration then Madgen deserves some serious attention.

Reply #385675 | Report this post

Years ago

if you watch him in college he struggles when opposition teams implement full court presses.It rarely occurs but when teams have applied the press he has struggled. Martin would have to be one of the best in this regard even patty mills was troubled by it.

Reply #385680 | Report this post

Years ago

You speak of Maritn like he's Westbrook hounding Delly in the Olympics. LMAO

Reply #385681 | Report this post

Years ago

The Australian NBL talent would easily account for the Australian College talent. I think sometimes it is easy to be fooled, especially in Basketball, by name recognition, we hear about the College kids a lot and from American commentators, whose opinion we seem to rate higher. Loughton and Knight were stars at their respective Colleges also and almost all the NBL talent are men, whereas many of the College lads, are simply lads, albeit skilled lads. I would say they play 10 times the NBL guys would triumph on 8 of those occasions.

Reply #386043 | Report this post

Years ago

Loughton and Knight were stars on mid-major teams. There is a big difference, maybe +30-40, between the LMUs and Duke, UNC, UK.

Reply #386245 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah the college front court looks pretty thin. Need guys like Bairnstow and Hodgeson to become players this season. Not sure if that will happen but at least they could board.

Motum and Ellis would struggle for boards.

Reply #386247 | Report this post

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