Years ago

How to control and dicipline under 14's?

I am currently coaching an under 14's 1's boys team.

Unfortunately they love to talk during drills and behave inappropriately throughout them along with not giving 100%. They are just being typical 13 year olds.

What can I do to make sure they listen to me and perform drills properly? I have tried making them run but it doesn't seem to work that well, not all kids run at 100% and some find it funny.

Should I threaten to cut court time? Write up a list of team rules and hand them out?

I must admit I should be focusing more on very basic skills, that's probably why some of the drills I run look atrocious because they aren't at that skill level yet.

Any tips or advice would be great.

Topic #29815 | Report this topic

Years ago

I don't know if you have a whistle, but they work wonders. However, don't use it every time. For Div 1s, they need to have established drills which they should be doing 100% correctly.
Start at basics, work your way up to something.

Reply #385528 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

Am I thinking that somebody is putting some "bait" out there?
Coaching U14 Div1 and coming on Hoops for advice?
Come on-- which club??

Reply #385529 | Report this post

Years ago

This is only for domestic basketball on a Saturday. Even though I have the number 1 team I am not coaching at a high level or anything.

I was asked to coach by a friend who works at the club. Considering I am pretty new I thought it wouldn't hurt to get some different opinions on here.

Reply #385531 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

Probably best to set some ground rules first- U14 should be there to learn some skills but basically have fun.
Keep drills short to maintain enthusiasm & concentration-- easier said than done

Some teams will kick your arse, but set goals such as a target of X points per quarter in offence and a target to restrict the opposition.
Should 1 player have good knowledge but no 'team skills', team them whilst sitting on the bench that it benefits all to have more than 1 star.
Don't forget that should you come across an easy beat team that you were once there and show the kids some respect.

Reply #385533 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank you for the quick reply. Yeah as I said its not at a high level or anything and I'm just filling in for the season.

I want to teach them skills but they see most drills as a time to misbehave and talk. Especially when they are waiting in line for their turn or something. I have already set ground rules (no talking to each other about unrelated stuff during drills) but it seems to still happen and I know they are not trying their best.

Perhaps I should do more partner work so they are less likely to talk and not concentrate? If they are all grouped together on the sideline or baseline it seems like they don't listen as much.

Reply #385534 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Clamps and a 12 V battery works wonders

Reply #385535 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

Why 12V Jack- a short burst of 240V acts quicker if you want their attention- just hope that you're not at Wayville, Hillcrest or Port when the floor is wet HA ha

Reply #385536 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

240V can result in spontaneous combustion

Reply #385544 | Report this post

Years ago

Having done this for many years start with

One whistle freeze and two whistles bring it in and balls on the ground.

Any one slacking stop the group and ten push ups et al

From my teaching days mip and alt.

Maximum individual participation and active learning time.

Dont give them a time to talk set drills where they are on the go the whole time.

Happy to run a training if u need email me to,discuss

Reply #385546 | Report this post

russell coight  
Years ago

get back in to coaching mate - you are needed !

Reply #385548 | Report this post

Years ago

Avoid drills with waiting times, long lines.

Use drills with lots of running, wear them out.

As they lack skills, have them all bring a ball. When they do penalties incorporate a ball. Don't stop until all give 100 % effort.

Have rule, mucking around, talking, then they individually hit side of court and bounce ball up with right back with left until u decide they stop. Or one person slips up, the whole team runs penalties. About a month of this should assist.

Talking in huddle at game, automatic benching, if u have to send les than 5 players out on the court after a time out. Yes you will loose at this point of game but will send a message. But u need to explain the message. And will help for future games/huddles.

Reply #385578 | Report this post

Years ago

Ask them why they are there.

I coached women's basketball socially for a while and it was just that. A social event. Once I got my head around that it was far less frustrating.

Training to learn skills/teamwork etc only works if that's what the team is interested in doing.

If only some of the team wants to learn, then fine, let the rest of them scrimmage (probably what they want to do) at one end and run some skills training at the other end. Obviously this is different if its a basketball club with try-outs, grading and all the rest, but at a social level, this sort of approach is better.

If none of them claim they want to learn. Just let them scrimmage, but pull them out in 1's and 2's to work on particular things whilst the rest of them play. Ideally what you are teaching them will improve their game to the point that the others will be more interested in what you have to say.

If that's all too hands off for you. Identify the leader(s), sit them down and tell them what you want/expect of them and ask them to buy in. Especially at that age, the rest will follow.

Reply #385585 | Report this post

Years ago

If they'd rather talk than do the drills, set them challenges in the drills that will give them an incentive once they achieve the target as individuals. At the same time, set a penalty for the whole group if none of them achieves the target.

For example, line them up to take foul shots, first person in the line shoots, rebounds, passes back & goes to the back of the line. Tell them they can have a break after they score 3 foul shots. If as a group they each miss their first two shots and it's because they're not taking it seriously, then make them run a lap. Then repeat the drill one more time, with double penalty, to make sure it's the attitude which is the problem rather than lack of skills.

Or you could suggest that the first 5 to reach the target start in the next game.

You'll soon notice them trying harder to succeed, and those who need the practice will get more practice. Just make sure you stop the drill once half of them have reached the target or if those who are left aren't making headway.

Reply #385588 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Years ago

good drills dont have players waiting in line for very long, if at all.

use all your backboards, all your sidelines, and as many balls as possible.

make 25~50% of trainings free scrimaging where they can immediately use stuff that they learned in the drills.

Reply #385659 | Report this post

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