Years ago
TMAC that's all folks
I read where Tracey Mcgrady has failed to get a NBA contract and will play in China this season. From his statement it's likely that is the last will see of him in the NBA.
I have mixed feelings about McGrady because he was a amazing talent but in some ways he didn't quite live up to what was expected of him.
At one stage he was predicted along with Kobe Bryant to be a Hall of Famer but that talk has now died down because of a couple of reasons.
1. Failure to lead a team past the first round.
2. Played on an Orlando Magic Squad that lost 19 games in a row.
3. His second half of his career drop has been dramatic because of the injuries that he is now just a shell of himself.
I love Mcgrady as a player and he was a phenomenal talent but his coach in Houston Jeff Van Gundy suggested Mcgrady lived off his talent and had no work ethic. There probably is a lot of truth in that and Mcgrady carrer might be viewed in hindsight as a case of what could of been.