Years ago

Ervins effect on other crocs

Will guys like Holmes and pc have their stats fall now that Gary is in the team?

Topic #29464 | Report this topic

Years ago

Holmes - no. He gets his points off break downs in play or on the secondary break. He wont have the ball in his hands any more or less than last season.

I don't think it changes PC either, because he now has the freedom of having a second player on the squad who can manufacture points out of nothing.

Gill last season was a ball dominator at times, for less net gain than what Ervin will bring for the same amount of possession, so I don't see it being any different.

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Pie Cart  
Years ago

Agree with Mick Gill was up and down everyweek while Ervin will be better consistant scorer,teams will shut down ervin and will open up PC to shoot

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Years ago

just signed a 1 yr deal!

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Years ago

Abney stays close to the basket and competes hard for every rebound. A good balance with the soft Allen and with Hinder. I like the Crocs on paper.

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Years ago

Ervin will make them so much better if Woolpert is half the play-drawing wizard he is made out to be. They have covered all areas on paper. The spot up shooters will have a field day getting open looks from Ervin's constant pressure. Having bigs who can legitimately step out to 15+ feet and knock down with regularity (Schenscher couldn't) will free up the key, and oh it's just going to be a magic year for that team. I'm a Taipans supporter but I hope the Crocs do some damage, not too much.

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Years ago

Also agree with Mick. If anything, PC should be able to play more efficiently since he'll be relied upon less to make plays for others, slashing to the basket or running the pick&roll.

I think Ervin's effect might be overstated in terms of Townsville's record, however. Towards the end of the his MVP season, teams had scouted him enough to take the drive away and force the jumpshot. He had the ideal scenario in Wollongong with good court spacing and shooters at every position, but couldn't earn them a playoff berth.

Townsville should battle for 3rd/4th with Cairns depending on Adelaide's ability (and willingness) to play defense.

Reply #381591 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Ervin was driving less and taking more jumpshots because he had Osteitis Pubis. Btw does Peter Crawford handle the ball much at NBL level? I don't watch much Crocs but I've never seen him run a pick and roll in my life.

Reply #381646 | Report this post

Years ago

Crawford does handle the ball quite a bit: he and Eddie Gill were both among the league leaders last season in the unsavoury turnovers per game category. He handles the ball significantly in the halfcourt and will play a little bit of point once or twice a game.

PC's handle is waaaaaay too high, while Gill just used to throw passes out of bounds nowhere near a teammate for no apparent reason. Several times a game.

PC was handling the ball too much last season, and I hope he is put in more catch and shoot situations this season to hide his flaws and maximise his skillset. However, it would be a shame for PC's slashing game -- which had a resurgence last season after being absent from his game for a couple of years -- to dry up again entirely.

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