Years ago

Where are the Warriors squad lists?

What happened to Woodville s team squad lists this year,why are they hiding them?Maybe not enough players for most girls teams in a lot of grades,hiding the shame are we???????

Topic #29451 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

They're not the only one who has not posted squads.

Reply #381336 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would clubs post squad lists? Why do people keep sniping Woodville?

Reply #381337 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop trolling give them some support

Reply #381338 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like someones life is always knowing what Woodville are doing.... Get a life, Im sure if you realy want to know ring the club !!!!!

Reply #381340 | Report this post

Years ago

They usually release lists before Magic so just wondering?Sniping is such an ugly word & i will give them some support if they start seeing the situation their girls program is in,not by burying heads in sand.They don't just exist for the blokes who are heading down the right path.Maybe this Corey person everybody is speaking of is willing to do the has yards towards progress?

Reply #381341 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol Corey Corey blah blah, why not encourage those that are already willing to improve. Go to the board ask for them to tell you how they invest in their coaches and if you don't like what you hear. Register and nominate for the job.

Reply #381351 | Report this post

Years ago



Reply #381354 | Report this post

Years ago

11th seed for the warriors this year

Reply #381356 | Report this post

Years ago

Ringlord = Ringworm, festering in bowels

Reply #381383 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^^ LOL How true.

Reply #381387 | Report this post

Years ago

The essence of what he is saying is true, woodville have no girls, no likelihood of girls and they continue to appoint the unappointable to run a program that doesn't exist for players who don't exist.

Reply #381396 | Report this post

Years ago

Insider information tells me that there are not enough girls in many teams over a few age groups,alarm bells must be ringing three weeks before district stars.A good club should never have been allowed to go down the toilet like this.

Reply #381436 | Report this post

Years ago

what needs to happen - is if they dont have enough players - either -

keep the youth in the sport and direct them to a club they can get a game.

or get some dispensation like last year where some good u16s played u18s

Reply #381442 | Report this post

Years ago

Sporting pulse only has seniors div 2 listed atm, all other age/divisions will still be under review. Woodville have a team in both categories there. Patients people don't write them off yet.

Do agree with above post though.

Reply #381446 | Report this post

Years ago

Ringlord you have a very sad obession with Woodville -maybe you should worry about all your Div 1 and Div 2 teams and keep them all happy and developing - oh thats right you have no such teams unlikely the other 10 District clubs,- so when you got some clues about reals clubs- maybe see if any club like your valuable services.
until then let your obession with Woodville give you something to do you other hand.Keep recruiting for us thanks.

Reply #381454 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon thanks for the offer,but i am coaching a cricket team & school football team already unfortunately there is not enough of me to go around to one more sport.As far as my interest in Woodville ,well now we do share the same grounds so its hard to avoid each other- it might pass me if they move back to the Adelaide Arena.Your probably from an eastern suburbs team with an interest to keep the west of adelaide as weak as possible.We will sort our differences out with the once mighty Warriors ,but you will keep on with your obsession about making Magic feel small with the childish comments as above.Yeah and i am sure mine is bigger than yours!

Reply #381485 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The girl's competition needs a shake up and a re-think to get back on track.

Girl's participation in organised sport is always lower than boys and the activities girls undertake instead of sport are different. For the same population of say 100 boys and 100 girls, 30 boys may play basketball, but only 15 girls play basketball.

Society has a different attitude to boys than girls. There have been studies where babies dressed in pink and some in blue have been handed to people to hold (without telling them the gender of the child) Those handling the babies dressed in pink were more careful and more gushing of the child because they thought it was female. This carries on with parents. Parents are always more protective of their girls than their boys. As a result, girls are drawn, or directed to sports and activities that are more passive in nature. Sports that claim to be non or low contact that do not police breaches of contact are not popular.

The district competition has deteriorated to such an extent that the girl's competition is dominated by one club who has an aggressive playing style, a second club with the numbers, and then a splattering of good teams at other clubs. The variation in standard between clubs is massive and the numbers of girls participating is affected.

A spiral of doom ensues. As the numbers drop at the less successful clubs, either through participations or transfers to the stronger clubs, those teams field weaker teams, who inevitably lose by more and more, the girls drop out because they or not winning, or else the morale of the team is crushed. Teams in Div 1 have half a team of Div 1 and half a team of Div 2 standard players. The Div 2 teams have some Div 2 standard teams, but as the club is desperate for players, girls who only put down a netball and picked up a basketball 5 minutes ago fill up teams. The physical contact when playing against some clubs and the resultant no-calls then makes them hate the sport and leave. As more and more experienced players flock to a stronger club, their Div 2 teams become stronger and stronger, and would be a Div 1 standard at other clubs. Teams that would be a "regular" Div 2 standard, or high Div 3 standard are now playing against DIv 1 standard teams.

The number of teams means that a Div 3 competition is rare and so the gap in standard between the girl's Div 1 and Div 2 is smaller than the gap in boys. In boys, the bottom two Div 1 teams would be top 4 in the Div 2, and the top 2 Div 2 teams would be bottom 4. In the girls, the bottom two Div 1 teams would be smashed in Div 2 and probably the top 4 Div 2 teams would compete in the Div 1 competition. Does that mean pro/rel is the answer?

I would like to see the clubs work together on saving the girls competition while there still is one. Come 2015, I think it would be very boring if the competition was Forestville Blue, Forestville Gold, Sturt 1, Sturt 2, Forestville Black, Forestville Green, Forestville Red, Forestville Blue, Sturt 3, Forestville White

Reply #381497 | Report this post

Years ago

You have highlighted genuine concerns Jack but there is no organisation to heed it. BSA is neutered and the individual clubs make it up as they go.

The sport is at the crossroads where it is caught, frozen in the headlights.For as long as I can remember rules within our sport have only applied in an ad hoc manner. Country association power-brokers, stronger district clubs with perceived advantages,a SASI program with so many question marks about it and it's direction, and a long history of nepotism within our collective ranks has taken a toll.

Basketball is a dirty word in the community. Parents steer their kids to other sports on word of mouth.

The ten clubs have no common goal. Poaching, recruiting, one-upmanship what ever you call it prevails while an ailing governing body fiddles amongst the burning.The drop-out rate at the top end of the girls is accelerating further and fewer and fewer girls are playing at the entry level but still no action to redress it.

That Norwood, Forestville and Sturt observe this and add to it by encouraging transfers of talent to their ranks is reprehensible but the norm for basketball. Every one knows the answer but few raise it.

Woodville deserve no pity for the mess they find themselves in. If Shakespeare was to write Macbeth today, he'd call it 'Woodville' given the intrigues and assassinations that have taken place there.Called a boys club for good reason, Woodville is filled with those seeking photo opportunities not success for the girl's program.To make it work you need the best coaches juniors and up.Those in charge opposed the merger that would have secured a girls program for their club and now face the truth that precious few would play with such a dysfunctional outfit.

Jack most of what you say makes sense until pro/rel where you suggest that it may be an answer. Wouldn't putting the weaker div 1 teams into the two's only hasten the gold, black and blue multi teams from one club scenario?

For the record I believe we have four clubs too many for the population and the existing interest in the game and that allowing piecemeal clubs to exist to further damage the brand is a sure-fire way to advertise dysfunction to world.

Reply #381505 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

505, I am not a fan of pro/rel in Div 1 and 2 as most people would know. I believe that a district club should be exactly that. Those playing for that club live in that district.

I do like zones, but for zones to be effective, clubs need to be lifted UP to a standard, not strong clubs brought down. Zones mean that clubs can work in areas with the confidence that they can reap the benefits. The recent events with U14 girls going from Centrals to Norwood is a good example of where one club has tried to develop a relationship and provide a pathway for players, only for it to blow up in their face. I think there are around ten former Lions in the Norwood squads.

At the moment players can play whereever they like. Players (and parents) will always tend to be attracted to the most successful clubs and success breeds success. Coaches are attracted to successful clubs too. After all, if the kids want to play and be successful, it's always easier to coach them. I am not trying to take anything away from those clubs who are successful, but what I am seeing is the girls competition shrinking year after year, the gap between clubs widening, and the gap between the top and bottom teams in divisions growing. The more successful clubs have much a more stable playing population with greater experience. Those successful clubs would have a majority of players who started in U12 (or U10) and then progressed through to U18. Without checking, I would suggest that the U18 Div 1 Forestville Team girls would all have at least 12 seasons experience. Those less successful club teams in Div 1 girls may 1 or 2 girls with that experience, but likely to have most with less than half that experience.

The girl's competition is one big cluster f#ck IMO and leadership in this area is urgently required to ensure the ongoing viability and health of the competition. Girls need to be recruited, and retained to the sport.

Reply #381511 | Report this post

Years ago

By the way has anybody noticed that West Adelaide Bearcats have a much larger girl count in the under 14/16s than boys, they must be doing something wright!Go Andrew Novak!!!!!!!!!

Reply #381580 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Oh, if the girls programme at West was bigger than the boys programme, too much to Bear!

Reply #381594 | Report this post

Years ago

Fascination with Warriors squads is amazing. Warriors will run their our program as best they can ringlord without your undoubted non expertise.Leave your agenda- for all to see by any means.Warriors realise as do many other clubs that attracting and retaining girls especially is difficult and if you have any positive input please share for the betterment of basketball.The problems encountering the Warriors has foundations planted years ago, which are being addressed,in times of increasing difficulties to find stadiums, coaches, promote the sport, with volunteers doing even more, increasing costs, other options more attractive to sport ingeneral and a lack of sexiness about basketball in general.
Problems that dont belong exclusive to Warriors - problems that require major restructures to occur

Reply #381626 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon passes to Anon, anon passes back to anon, anon passes to anon, anon holds it, HOLDS IT, HOOOLLDDDSSSS ITTTTT...

In other words... Yawn...

Reply #381696 | Report this post

snake plissken  
Years ago

woodville and west girls were doing fine 10-12 years ago.

Reply #381699 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon;their ,our program sprung mate.Why not get your head out of your ar-- & see you are now at the point of no return,to recover without Magic you will need more time than the Greek economy to recover.Do you have a lifetime to wait for it,well maybe you do with all your so called expertise.

Reply #381710 | Report this post

Years ago

have heard only 5 girls teams total
in woodville this season?? all good players gone..

Reply #381766 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow that is really sad.

Reply #381823 | Report this post

Years ago

So the Woodville Warriors are becoming a blokes only club(not that there is anything wrong with that;wink wink).

Reply #381952 | Report this post

Years ago

So look at whats been happening last 10 years and see the answer the soloution got nothing to with magic -its reality and proactive actions driven by returning to grassroots.
Modelling on successful club models such as sturt and eagles as well as much greater promotion.

Reply #381978 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack I agree with some of your points on the movement of kids but the reference to centrals and Norwood seems strange, for a start only 3 , yes three girls have gone to the u14's at Norwood and they hav left a team that finished in a gf and played in classics and nationals ! These girls have left with their coach to a girls program at Norwood that can hardly win a game ! On the girls side at centrals the relationship
You talk about does not exist , there has been zero effort put into the girls program.
Compare this to say forrestville where quality coaching and management have lifted their girls program from the mediocrity of 8 or 9 years ago. People like the recently departed Matho from the eagles are what mak a program successful !

Reply #381990 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha quality coaches like Jodie Bell!?

Reply #381993 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Bruce, there's no doubt that Forestville is the programme that is setting the pace and well done to all those involved in that programme. Centrals girls were a total basket case a few years ago with 3 teams from memory. There would be a generation of girls who have never played a Lions team. My daughter Emily never played a game against Lions, and never a game Starplex.
The Lions have decided along the Mavericks model and targeted the country players. Enter Trudy Ireland who started to grow the programme and was the Girl's CD for a while. The girls programme brought in state country coaches (I can hear all the Metro coaches groan!) that didn't work out. I remember the Hoops jokes a couple of seasons ago about one coach's attendance and how his team won more games when he wasn't coaching. I know that the current Girl's CD has a skills programme that means a lot of girls are doing 2 trainings per Sunday. You can't say zero effort has been put into the girl's programme.
Low numbers hurts any club and the clubs with high numbers are more successful because they have depth and a greater talent pool.
In relation to former Lions at Norwood, going on the current squads, looks like there are 3 girls in U14 who played for Lions last season, 1 girl who was on the Lions list, but didn't play, 2 girls in U16, 1 girl in U18, 1 boy in U16.

Looking at other squad listings, there are always going to be players who have played at other clubs, but the thing that stands out between the successful clubs and the strugglers in the stability in those lists. When there are stable playing lists, success follows. I would argue that stable playing lists result from having stable coaching staff, high quality coaching, game planning, great club environment - all the common sense things. Coaches can work on experienced players, not teaching the basics. As soon as a club brings in one rule for one, one for another, inconsistencies in teams/clubs/game plays, then players leave and getting the programme back on track is like catching a falling knife.

Reply #382002 | Report this post

Years ago

Jodie Bell thought she would coach U18DIV1 girls ,but when he nemesis came over from Warriors she got the U12DIV1 gig.Now her son is playing in the 6th team at Forrestville if that happened to me i would have told them all where to basically at Magic she was a legend and up a the showgrounds ;well who cares!

Reply #382033 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey jack very big on generalisations re centrals and very small on facts, but you present your discussions with a degree o f cred that convinces most. The basic facts of the centrals girls program is there has been a very low level of participation from local girls and the feeder country regions of Adelaide plans and the barossa are of poor quality . The quality girls are coming from too far away and have proven to be unsustainable in the program. I see little evidence of centrals putting in effort todevelop relationships in these areas. The problems began at centrals with no u12 girls div 1 last season and had some level of domino effect thru the age groups

Reply #382097 | Report this post

Years ago

Bruce, what's your relationship with Norwood? And how do you claim to know so much about Centrals girls?

Reply #382109 | Report this post

Years ago

Hydra, I have a couple of kids at centrals and live in the feeder regions !

Reply #382110 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps Jodie should start a club near FOrestville and then leave and run that

Reply #382124 | Report this post

Years ago

Who ruined the Warriors ,then set up another club & & & then did a runner when most needed;J----B--!

Reply #382178 | Report this post

Years ago

To all Anon's # 993,124,033 and 178 you people have got no idea what you all are talking about anon#033 Jodie never went for the u/18 girls Div 1 spot she was always going for the u/12 girls Div 1. And as for the rest of you F#$%WITS you keep bag mouthing that person I will be taking this further so I would advise you get all your facts right before bagging a person who is only coaching for the benefit and the smiles on the childrens faces and getting their skill levels up to be playing at the highest level they can.

And maybe instead of putting Anon for your name's be man enough to put your real names so then everyone can see what F#$%ING RUBBISH YOU COWARDS HAVE WRITTEN about a lovely person.

Reply #382705 | Report this post

hanging Round  
Years ago

Alan- I think I know who you may be and feel for you in that "Anonymous" allows for free insults without respect to individual's feelings, but as discussed on here previously, this will not change.
Don't take a few criticisms to heart when the the 'silent majority' have no problems with Jodie

Reply #382728 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Corey coaching the under 23 Warriors team?

Reply #382734 | Report this post

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