Reality Check
Years ago

Ideal Kountry Kid Ratio?

Have a country kid on a team seems to work well when there is one or two per team, or age group, but when the majority of players are country players it just seems to be problematic. I have seen first hand JDOs cream themselves to get country kids to their club. Offering them Div 1 positions over Metro kids regardless of ability, free uniforms, and little or no fees. No matter how far away they live.

Are 1 or 2 country players in a team of 8 about the limit?

Topic #29190 | Report this topic

Years ago

Are you from Norwood?

Reply #377625 | Report this post

Years ago

The best kids play! end of story, unless you are refering to a team full of Kadina kids! Then, yes thats probably too many.

Reply #377626 | Report this post

Reality Check  
Years ago

Yes I am and I am worried.

It seems to work at Eastern with Murray Bridge and Eastern Hills players, but they are only a short drive to Mt Barker. Southern have Willunga and Centrals have Barossa on their doorstep. They are all half an hour's drive away so really not too far away. My daughters have had girls from Eudunda come to play in their teams and they make an effort to come to trainings, but kids further away can't make all trainings, can't go to classics because of netball clashes and there's always an excuse with some of these girls.

One of two players in a team seems OK, but when there's more sounds like trouble. I was talking to a parent at one club recently and she said their entire Div 1 team came from the country and they even trained at their country stadium at times. The Div 1 team was basically the best of the Country Association teams from a couple of associations. Is that good for a Metro Club?

Reply #377628 | Report this post

Years ago

So sick and tired of the kick a country kid from metro parents whose kids just simply aren't good enough to earn their spot in a div 1 team. You refer to the current centrals u14 girls team which is made up almost entirely of country kids, some of the facts are that these girls are in their 4 th season at centrals and when they started as bottom age u12's without them NO TEAM ! These girls have now competed in the last 2 classics and have qualified for nationals and are lions players not some country association!

Reply #377632 | Report this post

Reality Check  
Years ago

They still play for their country association so those kids would be Kadina kids.

I am asking the question how many is too many? One or two seem Ok, but they need to come to training and be part of the club, not just put on a Norwood top in the toilet after a 3 hr drive after school on a Friday night.

Reply #377633 | Report this post

Years ago

Reality check if your club allows kid to play without attending compulsory trainings then your club has issues, if these kids attend trials and trainings they have every right to play. You should know norwood only tops up it's existing list with a few players anyway so what is the problem. At least you could give up the less ability, free uniforms crap, and tell me what is the diff in a country kid playing association ball no more than 4 weekends in a whole year to a metro kid paying school ball !

Reply #377634 | Report this post

Reality Check  
Years ago

It could be a worry if they are coming from a club that does not demand attendance at Sunday trainings, yet lets them play div 1 to get experience for National country champs.

Reply #377637 | Report this post

Years ago

Reality check has the thought even occurred to you that these kids want to play metro ball , and this is their priority in their basketball . Do you wonder how devoted these kids are to their sport to spend hours in the car to be part of a metro club? Ask some of these girls playing finals this weekend for lions , who have shifted to Norwood to follow their coach, how much they love playing metro. You are lucky to have them !!

Reply #377644 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood U/16 girls qualified for the classics this year only to lose two starters a week before going to netball comitments, both are from the country. The norwood JDO who also has a country connection told all parents and coaches that weekend how p#*ssed off he was & that having too many country kids is just not worth it & changes would be made!
This is obvoisly not the case as the same JDO has actively recruited more players & coaches from the country to bolster stocks at Norwood.
This is a short term fix, Lions will now start to suffer because of their deal with the devil.
And you wonder why so many leave to go to Sturt or Forestville. These clubs have one set rule for all.

Reply #377646 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't hold Sturt or Fville up as 'Holy Than Out Thou'. Both of those clubs have made secret deals with exceptionally talented country kids & their parents around expectation of training & reduced country discounted fees! This is a fact & is not up for dispute...

Reply #377658 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course they have...yet again, no names, no evidence. Oh right though it is "fact" and not up for dispute...

Reply #377662 | Report this post

Years ago

What in my mind are two key issues is the attendance at training and the placing of kids in teams.

On training it is a team sport and a lot of what is practiced at trainings is team plays. What the problem then becomes is on game night those attending trainings are fully aware and drilled on the plays only to have non attenders at training not knowing the plays or structure and the whole thing breaks down frustrating those who put in the hard yards at training. This comment applies equallyt to country kids or metro kids who do not attend every training.

Travelling is an issue and with Div 2 games being at a different stadium to Div 1 games it makes it difficult for country families which have two or more kids to play at different stadiums. In these circumstances you may find one of the family members be placed in a higher grade to make things easier for the family. Obviously kids know how good other kids are and this inequity soon becomes a cancer within a club

Reply #377664 | Report this post

Years ago

All clubs have country kids of varying quality and the better clubs have better kids. More than two unless they train in their country venue with their local coaches running the game drills is a disaster.

Near country or in name only country kids from Strath or the Bridge train twice as do their metro colleagues but it's unrealistic to ask parents and kids to hit town more than once when distance is excessive.

The centrals/norwood deal will end with the same realisation made by the club associated with this group initially that self interested motivation causes friction and angst.

The country now metro connections in this case are Too cosy by far and the sport needs to have checks and balances so that no particular group can make promises to players/parents because of the positions they hold in both camps.

Reply #377667 | Report this post

Red dog  
Years ago

Deals being done all over the place down Norwood way. State Country coaches using this title as a way to lure kids! The current 16 boys coach at Centrals has been doing this for years & has coached at about every club going around. You hear people bag the Sturt coaches about poaching and using their State metro/SASI status as a way of getting kids to the club, well Norwood is the new kid on the block with the promise of State selection, free uniforms & $50 subs to any country parent that will listen.

Reply #377669 | Report this post

Years ago

Would like to say that as a parent of a country kid now no longer a junior, we received no special treatment or discount on anything. In fact the expectations were greater if anything, especially felt we needed to justify position on team. It cost us a fortune for our child to play and it was at one of the aforementioned clubs. Our child has been extremely successful on all levels and will continue to be thru the hard work put in.

Reply #377670 | Report this post

Years ago

Its up to each club and coach. Sometimes the country players are just better therefore you will see a higher number in a particular team. But the way SA Country is being run you may well see a much larger number of country kids playing metro.

Reply #377671 | Report this post

Years ago

Couldn't agreem more, have you seen that the SA Country Coaches has been announced and no changes from the poor performances this year. Yes more country kids will come and play in our metro teams.

Reply #377673 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

664, two very valid points. Training is a must regardless of Metro or Country. If you can't attend training, then the player doesn't know the plays and it ends up being 5 players running around the court passing to their mates. A team that trains is a team that wins.

Team placement is the most contentious issue of all and applies to both as well. Offering spots to players who aren't up to it to bring them to a club, or so their sibling can play in a team is a complete joke and should be viewed as such. Same to the promise of "play in this team for a better chance of state selection". When that happens respect is lost and is hard to get back.

Bottom line, High Standards. I couldn't imagine a boy playing Sturt Div 1 if he didn't attend training regardless of his ability.

Reply #377674 | Report this post

Years ago

SA Country is a complete shambles & good Country players will develop their basketball skill set faster at a good district club that promotes development than the mickey mouse set up that is SA Country Basketball. This has to be an indictment of SA Country Basketball & the person charged with leading SA Country Basketball...

Reply #377675 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree and where I stated earlier that my child wasnt given any special treatment, we also got no support from SA country leadership, I don't put junior coaches in this bracket because they were brilliant with their encouragement and coaching and as frustrated with SAC as parent and players were.

Reply #377685 | Report this post

Years ago

our boys have the same problem.A new play is introduced and 3 days later ,after the team has practised it twice,the country kids come down and dont know any of the new plays?Dubious placement of siblings is also apparent.Very sacrificial.

Reply #377694 | Report this post

Vesta 31  
Years ago

I find it disturbing listening to parents come on here and bag clubs and JDO's and worst of all, other kids. All because your kid hasnt got the spot that he or she deserves.

Mums and Dads,it time to GET A LIFE, you sad little excuses for human beings. Maybe "Little Johnny or Jenny", just isnt that good.

I am a metro parent and couldnt care less how many country kids come and play, it just adds to the dynamic of the club.

If you are so worried that a country kid is doing one less session than your kid, i bet you are the sort of parent that counts your kids stats and bags every other kid in the team.

Just because you havent named these kids, you definately identified them and for that you should be really proud of yourselves.

I hope Norwood find out who you are and kick you out of the club...because, you are a waste of space !!

Reply #377711 | Report this post

happy to be happy  
Years ago

Well said Vesta 31.

WOW. I can not believe some of the attitudes of you parents. I can see where your kids have learnt their sulking and complaining skills from when they do not get in the team they want or don't get the court time they think they deserve (or you have told them they deserve).

Plain and simple, your kid musn't be good enough. Stop living your life through your kid, and remember the enjoyment of going to watch and support your child within their sport.

Stop blaming country kids, JDOs, clubs and coaches for your kids short coming.

I find it hard to believe you lot complaining would be from Norwood (as Vesta 31 thought) because if you were from Norwood you would know their expectations for ALL players in regards to training attendance.

Furthermore just because there are country kids at a club, does not mean the JDO or anyone else for that matter has poached them or offered free anything. Trials dates are posted by all clubs and these country kids go along and trial just as metro kids do. Are you suggesting coaches write them off because they are country??

If you had any clue at all you would not blanket all country kids with low training attendance. We have more than 1 child playing and have a higher rate of attendance than majority of the metro kids from same team. Additionally our kids complete 1 night of intensive training and skill development and 1 night individual shooting practice each week.

With switched-on, experienced coaches as Norwood have, trainings can be adapted to cover shooting and skills practice at mid week training and cover plays on sundays when all players are in attendance - not rocket science!

Do your kids really care or is it YOU with the problem???

If it is them, well nice job raising a spoilt brat who needs their mummy and daddy to fight their battles for them when things don't go exactly as they want.

"Cotton wool parents" - this is who should not be involved in this wonderful sport, not country kids!

Reply #377726 | Report this post

Years ago

Ha! Here that? that's the sound of a JDO's crystal jaw shattering!

Reply #377728 | Report this post

happy to be happy  
Years ago

sorry 728, I'm not sure if you are suggesting I am a JDO but you couldn't be further from the truth - I am a mum just helping my children achieve their goals.

Reply #377730 | Report this post

Years ago

With switched-on, experienced coaches as Norwood have, trainings can be adapted to cover shooting and skills practice at mid week training and cover plays on sundays when all players are in attendance - not rocket science!

ahhhhhhh what a dreamer :)

Reality = resentment, poor team performance, poor midweek sessions, and promises of making state sides and spots in team not fulfilled.

Reply #377732 | Report this post

Years ago

Red dog, you could not be further from the truth. Must be fun making stuff up then posting it is truth. The scary part is that some readers may be dumb enough to believe anything you wrote. Utter crap.

Also, how many clubs do you think the current Centrals 16 Boys coach has been at? You have no clue what you are on about.

Reply #377735 | Report this post

Years ago

Red dog, you could not be further from the truth. Must be fun making stuff up then posting it is truth. The scary part is that some readers may be dumb enough to believe anything you wrote. Utter crap.

Also, how many clubs do you think the current Centrals 16 Boys coach has been at? You have no clue what you are on about.

Reply #377736 | Report this post

happy to be happy  
Years ago

732 - this may be the case under your coaching but don't link your failure to all coaches.

Reply #377738 | Report this post

Years ago

One thing is for sure on this forum, and that is that there's always someone bagging Sturt, Forestville, Norwood and Centrals.

Really people, give it a rest and sort out your own backyards instead of hanging crap on everybody else.

Reply #377740 | Report this post

Years ago

If Norwood have switched on coaches why are most of there teams towards the bottom of the ladders?At Norwood it appears that they have 2 JDO's who dont get to many training's. The biggest problem at Norwood is weak coaches who are soft in installing club values and rules in the kids that they coach.The last problem at Norwood is keeping coaches that dont improve the kids,team and position on ladders.Each coach should be told this is the expectation by the club this is where we expect this team to finish at the end of the year.If you coach a team that has finished bottom four for the last 3 seasons you will be offered a lower grade.This doesn't happen at Norwood

Reply #377784 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread is pointless.

It is a case by case situation. You cant lump them all in together. Just the same as you cant say all metro kids make the same commitment. I know of a metro player who didnt play State Champs because of band camp. Doesnt mean he should be stopped from playing.

Some country kids live closer and can make all games and trainings. Some cannot.

Some country kids are good enough to play div 1 all the way through, other are not.

So long as the expectations explained and are met, what does it matter if you have 1 or 8. Each scenario is different and you cannot make a single rule that can encompass all.

Reply #377791 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not ? Carlton FC do just ask Brett ,to be the best you have 1 rule which encompasses all.If you dont like or can't meet those standards try elsewhere.

It is a District environment and we should strive for the best we can be and not fall short because we are allowed to set those standards for ourselves.Or because your parents deem training's to hard, it is up to parents to cheer and be supportive and thats all

Reply #377814 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not ? Carlton FC do just ask Brett ,to be the best you have 1 rule which encompasses all.If you dont like or can't meet those standards try elsewhere.

It is a District environment and we should strive for the best we can be and not fall short because we are allowed to set those standards for ourselves.Or because your parents deem training's to hard, it is up to parents to cheer and be supportive and thats all

Reply #377815 | Report this post

Years ago

Carlton fc most likely pay the players and help them financially in other areas but bball does not, there is one major difference before anything else is even discussed.

Reply #377818 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't get it!

What country are these kids from....?

Reply #378246 | Report this post

Years ago

To the person that said that Norwoods JDO doesnt get out to many trainings...
You are kidding right? That man makes a huge effort to help any coach at any training. There are a lot of teams and trainings to get out to, but in my experience, all a coach would need to do is ask, and he would make every effort to be there, or if for some reason he couldnt, he would offer other types of support. Not sure how that comment is justified at all....

Reply #381281 | Report this post

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