Years ago

Bearcats boys program troubles!

Does anybody know what is going on down the Port way the boys under 10/12/14/16 teams are all drowning at the bottom of the barrel,why?

Topic #29172 | Report this topic

Years ago

It is interesting to see. They seem to be going downhill fast. What is going down there?? Would be interesting to hear more.

Reply #377240 | Report this post

Years ago

what a hatchet job

got a particular axe to grind with West?

want to look at the Woodville girls?

they haven't even got teams

Reply #377246 | Report this post

Years ago

Ringlord is from Magic.. Say no more

Reply #377247 | Report this post

Years ago

jb, everyone can see it.

Woodville girls are in a deplorable state, but that's not what this thread is about. Yes, West at least have teams in boys age groups, but apart from Under 18s, who have one more good year left, they are not in good shape.

Fine to be defensive about your own club, but ringlord is on the money on this one.

Reply #377250 | Report this post

Years ago

U10 boys D1 bottom, no 2's, D3 6th of 8.
U12 boys D1 bottom, D2 bottom.
U14 boys D1 bottom, D2 bottom, no 3,4,5 D6 5th of 7.
U16 boys D1 bottom, D2 10th of 12, D3 5th of 8, D5 5th of 7.
U18 boys D1 5th of 9, D2 8th of 12, Div 3 2nd Playing finals, D4 bottom.

Doesn't look great but at the same time it doesn't mean too much.

Reply #377266 | Report this post

Years ago

They have div 1 teams across all age groups and a program with some direction. If you compare this with Woodville's girls: lack of teams ,lack of player interest, lack of quality coaches and no leadership whatsoever, then it would seem you got your title for the thread wrong. It should read, "Should Woodville president resign in shame."

Reply #377273 | Report this post

Years ago

Having div 1 teams across all age groups is not an achievement. Under the ridiculous system we have here in SA, it's an entitlement no matter how bad they are. Fact is that West's boys are in terrible shape. There's no denying that. Look at the ladder positions posted above. That is really a concern.

Reply #377274 | Report this post

Years ago

Those ladder stats are pretty bad

Reply #377277 | Report this post

Years ago

What the hell are you on about 373 with your inane random dig at Woodville and their President!

Reply #377279 | Report this post

Years ago

It is a sad state indead. West seem to go through this for the last decade. When I went through, with The Dr, Cioffi, Granger, Brewer, Finch, Evans, Jarro and so on we were top. Then it went poor until the next group of Molitor, Rory, Spud etc. Then went poor again until Spear and their team. But I don't think its been than bad before. It is a worry

Reply #377293 | Report this post

Years ago

It is a sad state indead. West seem to go through this for the last decade. When I went through, with The Dr, Cioffi, Granger, Brewer, Finch, Evans, Jarro and so on we were top. Then it went poor until the next group of Molitor, Rory, Spud etc. Then went poor again until Spear and their team. But I don't think its been than bad before. It is a worry

Reply #377294 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not from West but I follow them closely and been involved with some of their kids thru SASI etc.

You have to remember that their u/16s this year had 5 or 6 bottom ages and will be around top 4 again next season. Their u/18s also had 5 or 6 bottom ages and just missed finals and will probably be the bench mark next year in 18s.

So in 6 months time the ladders could look very different and will we say that they are now back on track? They have depth issues but they do keep producing every couple of years or so. Look at their 18 boys team last year, won Summer and went undefeated in winter.

Major problem is the area cannot sustain 3 teams and BSA is to blame for allowing Majic into comp from that area. It was a money grab situation. They should have only ever been allowed to be a feeder to either Woodville or West.

West do have issues and probably need a full time JDO but they will be ok.

Reply #377302 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Everything goes in cycles.

The other club that are having problems with their boys is Eastern. No U10B1 (understandable with the distance), but no U18B1. Having said that, they have nominated wisely and are doing well in the divisions nominated.

The win rate in DIv 1 Boys (U10 to U18)
Sturt 89%, Tigers 66%, Flames 61%, Eagles 59%, Woodville 49%, Eastern 46%, North 41%, Centrals 40%, South 38%, West 20%.

Reply #377318 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ AGreed

Reply #377319 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sure results will be different next season they always seem to keep a solid group coming from what I've seen each season.

Reply #377331 | Report this post

Years ago


Cycles, haha. That has been said for years. It all goes in cycles. bla bla bla

When are Sturt going into a downward cycle???

If by cycle, you mean, the clubs that work harder, smarter and allocate resources better will do well, then yes it goes in a cycle.

Reply #377335 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol Oh the Mighty Sturt not a fault, crack or nose out of joint at that club. Sturt the envy of all other clubs? doubt it, responsible for many issues in the District level sure quite possible.

Reply #377336 | Report this post

Years ago

The cycles are over. For two reasons.

People are so superficial now. They want to win and be at the best and they want it now. No such thing as loyalty or hard wok anymore.

Sturt and Forestville will remain as the big two for the next 10 years as BSA allows anyone and everyone to gravitate there and allowed those two clubs to bolster their depth with the best players from other clubs.

For every crap story about resources and hardworking there's the other side, poaching from other club's development isn't hard work. Bringing down your competition to pad your numbers isn't hard work.

Having the best two venues with facilities given to you while your competition plays out of tin sheds certainly helps. Think it's coincidence the two strongest clubs have the best facilities with the best ability to generate income from sponsorship and food and beverage?

If Sturt and Forestville took zero players from other clubs, instea of actively recruiting them you'd see a balancing of results. And before you Sturt lot jump in with players don't leave if they're happy, your wrong they do. Because parents believe the stories that their child has to play at Sturt of Forestville to have a career at the next level, a story those two clubs love to spread. Remove Gliddon an replace him with someone with no club ties and again watch results balance. Just like unhappy people stay at these clubs because they believe to leave and anger these coaches will harm their child's future at the elite level.

But in this day and age of no change, and with the current outdated model, the time of cycles is over.

Reply #377340 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ Obvious to those who can see the bigger picture.

Reply #377343 | Report this post

Years ago

So how do you exlpain Sturt increasing its numbers and results when they didnt have a stadium for 2 years after losing the old Sturt stadium?

Or how the same happened when the floor at Pasadena was out of action for 9 months?

And can you explain why your club does not have a full time JDO but you can spend $40K on your senior program?

Reply #377345 | Report this post

Years ago

Phobos you mean the time Sturt had 3 court Forestville stadium and all the activity running through there?

And Gliddon, Mesecke and Bultler destroying junior programs at South and NCT?

Notice you didn't try and defend Sturt and Forestville's poaching tactics.

And sorry my club doesn't spend 40k on its senior program, not even half that. More lies to convince the parents out there that they simply must play at Sturt.

Not sure I'd be talking about the full time hours of your JDO if I was you either.

Reply #377351 | Report this post

Years ago

In all my time in basketball, I've only heard of two proven instances of poaching - and neither were committed by Sturt or Forestville.
Both were on players from our Northern-most club who left - one went to the club that actively recruited him, the other chose not to and went elsewhere.

The rest is sadly the fallback excuse for players leaving clubs - certainly it can't be our fault! It must be poaching!

Not that the Sturt-bashing is on topic, but anyway...

Reply #377357 | Report this post

Years ago


Stop living in the past.

Sturt's programme is starting to leak at the edges and perhaps maybe there is some change happening.

Sturt U14 boys not going to the nationals being replaced by Centrals and Southern.

Forestville is now state champs overall and they have decided that it is best for them NOT to have a full time JDO next year. So who is right?

There are many ways to skin a cat and all clubs need to determine what works best for them based on what basketball support structure exists in their local community - set up domestic comp or work with existing comps to provide a pathway.

As for the West programme yes it is down by its previous standards but things do change - eg Cebtrals U14 boys clearly the best team in that age group - who would have thought that.

What I have no time for is Magic and it's management who set this cat amongst the pigeons and then some of them bailed out to take their kid to a club outside the region. One has to question that person's commitment to the development of basketball in SA and in the western suburbs

Reply #377358 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ Still BSA ignore it all, maybe its a ploy to protect the east from the west ;)

Reply #377359 | Report this post

Years ago

A zoning system would make poaching nigh on impossible and let every club rise or fall on their program alone consequently it will never happen

Reply #377364 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #337351,

The old Forestville stadium hardly consitutes a great venue. And wasnt available for anything other than some sunday trainings. And wasnt available for half the time.

If you think that the decisions that South and Southern/NCT have made are not resonsible for their current position you are delusional. I would agree that Sturt have been a major benificiary but not the cause.

Poaching by BSA definition is done by State coaches.
And if you think any club can claim they have never approached a player be it family/friend or whatever you are joking and turning a blind eye. Name a club, we could all name a recruit.

Finally, court hire, nomination, uniforms, players payments and game nights all cost money for ABA teams. No one can do it for less than $40K.

anon #377358,

I would suggest that Sturts results are good, and that Forestville had a great State Champs. Missing a second Nationals in 10 years hardly means Sturt is slipping.

In the last 5 years Forestville have had a full time JDO and gotten better and better. We will see how they go in the coming 5 years without one.

Reply #377365 | Report this post

Years ago

Zoning must occur

Reply #377368 | Report this post

Years ago

No one but the mighty Sturt Phobos?
Guess what my club even taking all that into account as well as home game income remember, does not spend $40k on its ABA program.

And BSA's standard for poaching is a cop out. Most clubs don't systematically and deliberately target particular kids and clubs like Sturt. Sturt do this and do it at the detriment of the Sturt players who have remained loyal but get quickly replaced as soon as their JDO can steal a player developed by another club who can run faster or jump higher. So in fact by poaching Sturt are admitting their development program is flawed and is not capable of developing teams. They need the south and tigers of the world to develop for them.

Reply #377379 | Report this post

Years ago

Rest assured, Forestville will continue to have a full time JDO

Reply #377382 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic are still in partnership with west aren't they so what is going on with this program still don't know why eagles have such a pseudo magic connection not connection at all

Reply #377391 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic are still in partnership with west aren't they so what is going on with this program still don't know why eagles have such a pseudo magic connection not connection at all

Reply #377392 | Report this post

Years ago

Wood ville need a fresh approach magic has the magic

Reply #377393 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA virtually killed off the 'agreements' between West and Magic, which once again saw 1 player from Magic attend West Trials.
West are about to announce a new Junior Boys Coaching Director and have a structure behind him to 'rebuild' (hate that word) the program, while continuing to improve the girls program.
Disappointing when good young players are moved by their parents because they are "too good" for the team.

Reply #377394 | Report this post

Years ago

You dont build a structure by announcing it. you build it by building it piece by piece, picking up the pieces when they fall off, eliminating the faulty pieces. whoever west get will have their work cutout over the next few yrs.

Reply #377397 | Report this post

Years ago


Mesecke and Gliddon were virtually sitting at morphett vale stadium holding hands friday night, picking which players from the Tigers they were targetting, I know for a fact 1 Under 16 boy was approached and also a Coach!!

What needs to happen is clubs do 2 things.

1 if that bloke comes to your stadium and is suspected of poaching players, boot him out of the stadium.

2 Do it to them

Reply #377402 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt and Mesecke aren't alone.

I know of a number of girls, and a coach which have been approached by Forestville.

So much for their superior development programs.

Reply #377406 | Report this post

Years ago

Mesecke has done this type of practice for years & knows fully well that BSA will bring no heat on him for this obvious breach. He then shouts from the mountains & stamps his feet when other clubs return fire on him & sound out disgruntled Sturt players about moving club.

Reply #377408 | Report this post

Years ago

Keep your grubby fingers in your own pie and realise the best thing for the District comp is Competition.

Reply #377411 | Report this post

Years ago

post #340 = post of the year.

Spot on with every aspect, no matter how much the "so called" super clubs will attack back with their narrow minds.

There is also an argument that many past players and coaches have gone to other clubs because they have seen the light finally and are ashamed to be associated with these clubs anymore.

Maybe it is because they have morals!

Reply #377412 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would a club coaching director not speak to the State Coaching Director?

I think the question is why was your JDO NOT talking to Neil Gliddon.

And what "heat" can BSA bring to bear on Meseke when every club goes out and does the exact same thing?

PS I would assume its not your stadium, and you cant through someone out. And your clubs already tries to do it.

Reply #377414 | Report this post

Years ago

Yet again accusations of poaching, yet again not one name in evidence.
Yet again instead of determining the real reason players are leaving clubs and trying to improve oneself taking the lazy, easy copout of blaming others.

And this is why Sturt and Forestville will continue it's domination of the junior program. And the whingers will continue to moan rather than improving ones lot.

Reply #377416 | Report this post

Years ago

#416 it's against hoops rules to name junior players.

And lie all you want no one believes your stories. Even Phobos admits Sturt poaches, just that its ok and all clubs do it.

They don't, some club people have morals.

Reply #377417 | Report this post

Years ago

In my experience Sturt doesn't poach. Infact in my experience they encourage kids' parents that approach them to work through their issues at their current club before moving to Sturt.

I can't say the same for others.

Reply #377418 | Report this post

Years ago

CreativeDirector they do that for the kids they don't need.

They poach specifically to bolster certain teams in certain positions.

Reply #377420 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course they do. And yet you cannot cite any examples...

Reply #377427 | Report this post

Years ago

Didn't say it was ok. Just that everyone does it and to say only Sturt and Forestville do it is foolish.

I would suggest unless all clubs agreed to stop recruiting from oher clubs. All clubs including Sturt and Forestville will contiue to do it.

Reply #377431 | Report this post

Years ago

The reason i started the topic is because i know a bunch of boys from Magic that were not sure if moving up a division or two would be worth it if they could not get West to help develop their skills to a certain level. I truly didn't wish to put anybody down,or start an argument about the Warriors girls program.

Reply #377436 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's a true story. In May 2010 my wife and I set out to find a basketball club for my 2 sons to train and play with. Neither of us have any basketball experience and so went to google for help. Living in the inner western suburbs I emailed the West Adelaide Basketball Club with my details and seeking advice on how to join. After 2 weeks without a reply I sent another email and again no reply.

Forestville seemed the next closest club to us and so I emailed them. The next day we were sent information from the JDO and my eldest son attended a training trial the next week. Even though it was mid-season, he was playing the following week and both boys are now very happy members of the Eagles. The boys have received excellent training and support from their coaches such as personalised after hours training and and personalised emails to the boys at the end of every game. As a family we now feel very much a part of the Forestville community. Several of their mates have now joined the club as a result.

This is just a one-off experience and it doesn't necessarily mean that Forestville are any better than the Bearcats or other clubs when it comes to junior recruitment. I'm simply recounting my story to reinforce the view, expressed by others here, that getting kids into basketball isn't about zoning or poaching but about hard work - being proactive and responsive. I'm guessing that some clubs are a lot better at others at this and that's why they are more successful.


Reply #377443 | Report this post

The Doo  
Years ago

Nice teams flip. Sup! Remember that decade was through the mj era where kids flocked to bball stadiums, and outdoor hoops, NBA was on tv, every kid taped the top 10 on NBA action, NBA jam was the game of choice, the playground was the holiday hangout, and the magic was westars at St clair on Saturday mornings.

Now, in this decade the only way to get kids involved is to have recruiting plans, and actively recruit, as bball is behind a lot of other sports/activities. Until this happens a lot of clubs will fall and others with plans will rise or continue to stay on top..... Exception to this is occasionally a couple of freaks walk thru the door, but can't sit around waiting for that.

Reply #377471 | Report this post

Years ago

Just reading your post Doo sounds like an episode of The Wire. But it all sounds right to me.

No point being all analogue in a digital world.

Reply #377472 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone know what's happening at Lions? I have heard that most of the Kadina Kids have gone to Norwood ? Is Norwood the club of choice for Yorkers now? Are they getting free fees and uniforms?

Reply #377475 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood players leaving to go to Lions makes Lions players wanna go to Norwood? I dunno but the one from Norwood U16 now U18 that left ended up D4 needs an attitude adjustment, kids got skills but a mouth to go with it.

Reply #377480 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like he'll fit in just nicely at Lions

Reply #377481 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it's more a case that Centrals isn't choosing some of the Kadina kids anymore.

Reply #377483 | Report this post

Years ago

Really? I would have thought that having a large group of players who pay lower fees, train once a week, and don't really contribute to committee membership would have been good for a club?

Reply #377484 | Report this post

Years ago

If having the best facilities 'guarantees' success, then why aren't Centrals the best in the state?
From all the stadiums I've been to, STARplex is easily the best, along with Wayville.

And from what I understand, West under 12s boys this season have 2 teams, and almost every single one of them are bottom age or new to district basketball......

Reply #379513 | Report this post

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