Years ago
20 questions Basketball in SA
I was wondering about 20 questions about Basketball in SA
Years ago
I was wondering about 20 questions about Basketball in SA
1) why don't the dome toilets all have toilet paper
2) why don't all the clocks work
3) why do the referees where grey when umpiring Mavs
4) why isn't west a colour clash with norwood
5) why do we have dusty courts
6) should we play U12 and U14 Div 2 on a sat morning.
7) did holland every coach at magic
8) why is bell so disliked or misunderstood
9) are sturt really darth vader
10) will magic, woodville, west every meld
11) should they move the western suburbs make it bigger for 3 clubs
12) will John dp get quieter with age
13) will they move the keyways back to the keyway shape
14) will they change the 3 point line again
15) will south and eastern merge
16) where will trudy ireland coach next
17) will umpires ever be understood
18) hot coffee and parents walking across courts should never mix!
19) should all players wear the same coloured socks
20) should the g string be banned?
MJ @ Super
Years ago
i WOULD PREFER to ask for answers, there are always too many questions which are never answered.........
Too many questions they won't answer!
Bring your own toilet paper to dome,no cleaners to clean dust!Parents can clean floors.if necessary
Too many questions they won't answer!
Bring your own toilet paper to dome,no cleaners to clean dust!Parents can clean floors.if necessary
Jack Toft
Years ago
well done 610.
I guess I could add a few, but then it would be more than 20.
21) Do Sturt coaches have an initiation ceremony and does it involve a goat?
Years ago
why do umpires say "i didnt see it?" when they mean i got it wrong
why do shot clocks never get get drunk?
who is the garden gnome ref ?
who says dont talk to me i here to ref and then prattles on and on ?
Years ago
22) how many 36ers admin staff does it take to screw in a light bulb... Correctly
Years ago
23)Why do Forestville parents stop at the entrance by court 1 + 2 at Wayville and block the way in ?
Years ago
why does the roof at wayvillwe only leak when its rains
This is the second post in two days that has mentioned Holland and Magic. Where do you people get thius rubbish from? Holland has never had anything to do with Magic.
Years ago
What has the CEO of Basketball SA achieved in his tenure?
No associations
No harmony with Church or Country
No new ideas for competitions
No new stadiums
No change in SASI
No new sponsors
No sponsors
No communication
No feedback to clubs
No State League improvements
No change in the standard of referees in our State
The list goes on
Years ago
No Jack,
It involves TIE Fighter fuel and Kath hound fur.
Google it.
Years ago
1) stop eating it
2) to ensure we stay behind the times
3) why do the referees wear grey? Prison bars are good enough for the NBA, but not BSA apparently
4) why is Forestville a colour clash with Norwood, yet Torrens Valley (RIP) wasn't with Sturt?
5) why don't we have more [dusty] courts
6) reshuffle the decks chairs again?
7) care factor 0
8) care factor 0
9) yes and proud of it - beware of the son
10) no, yes and no
11) build the courts and they will come ...
12) care factor 0
13) when the NBA says we can
14) yes
15) yes, no and why?
16) care factor 0
17) no - that's their job
18) but it is amusing when they do - self inflicted
19) only if they play for the same team
20) depends who is wearing it. It's not a good look for mens teams
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