Paul Arnott does not hold a JDO position. He is a competitions manager at BSA. He does not get to do what ever he wants with the comeptition. That is controlled by the CEO and commission.
A JDO is what some clubs, (Norwood, Forestville and Sturt) have. Over the last 10 years, these clubs have put resources into recruiting and developing juniors.
Clubs who do not put resources into this position are the ones who lose players. Then come on here and bemoan it, rather than looking at the reality of the situation and doing something about it. People move because they are unhappy, because they want to be given a good service and will move to those clubs that have a good service which inclides a full time JDO.
Some clubs do not want to do this, but want to whinge and moan abot their kids leaving and moving to those clubs that do the work. That is the reality of all markets.
No one is advocating a 3 team compeittion where all other clubs die. But rather a competition where all clubs are competitive. But without a full time JDO, a club will not be able to compete.
And not unlike in a welfare state, without competition or need for action, there is not reason to move resources into area's of need. Like a JDO for a club.
Should BSA help with funding to start these positions Yes!!! Because if more clubs had JDO's, it would means more kids playing basketball and less kids moving. And therefore the would make more money.
Should those clubs unwilling to even consider JDO's be given guarenteed div 1 spots? NO!!! Because then there is no incentive for them to transition to have a full time JDO and BSA cant help.
A JDO at all clubs means we should be able to moev towards domestic comeptitinos at all clubs like VIC and QLDS. And if you and your club are not interested in that then you will get swept under the rug as a meaningless and irrelevent club.
Choice is to get on the train and work to become stronger. Which will stop coaches and players from leaving. Or maon and whinge and fall into obscurity.
Your Choice ??? and anon 376344.