Robert Pack
Years ago

3 on 3 Who wins this matchup?

All 6 players in their prime

Kobe, LeBron and Durant


MJ, Magic and Bird

I think on length and muscle the new era of champions would win this matchup

Topic #28998 | Report this topic

Mr Black  
Years ago

Even though they played a very different type of ball, the legends at the peak of there game would tear the current stars a new one.

Reply #374505 | Report this post

Years ago

Incorrect Mr. Black.

In a 3v3, speed and athleticism is more important than in a 5v5 because of how much space on the court there is to work with.

Magic obviously couldn't guard lebron, and Bird obviously couldn't stay in front of Durant.

Reply #374513 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Speed and Athleticism don't mean squat if you can't make a shot.

You would put MJ on Lebron considering he's the best defender of the six. Magic and Bird may not be great defenders, but they're long enough to put off a shot.

Besides, considering it would be an ego clash; you would more than likely have Lebron, Durant and Kobe trying to match Jordan shot for shot, which would mean by the 3rd quarter, there wouldn't be any dunks; just jump shooting.

Reply #374528 | Report this post

Years ago

Fact Kobe and Durant are better jump shooters than MJ. Bird however had an amazing stroke but no d or athleticism. Magic had great passing on 5 on 5 but 3 on 3 half court-doubt it. The new stars would destroy the 90s stars. There is no way the 90s stars could defend these 3 in their prime. Look at Durant against arg. 8/10 3s standing 6'10 with 7'1 wings.

No contest

Reply #374574 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

lol @ anon.

Reply #374596 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Marty you don't have the slightest of clues. I love the 90's stars more than I do the stars of today. I grew up watching MJ. I have over 200 MJ games on DVD. MJ was a tenacious defender, reading the play before his opponent knew what he would do but I still doubt MJ could stop any of these 3. Imagine Bird trying to guard Durant? Magic on LeBron? Come on! Yes the offence of the 90's stars would get their own against today's stars, but the muscle of James and the Length of Durant would be too much make the difference in my opinion.

Reply #374627 | Report this post

Years ago

I also lol @ anon and reggie! You guys really don't get it, do you?

Reply #374636 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure you get it. You're letting your love for the 90's guys cloud reason.


In a 3v3 kobe, durant and lebron would beat them. A 3v3 becomes an individual game. They would just exploit the matchups. Whoever Bird is guarding would get the ball and go to work. Magic's passing ability is also less of an impact in a 3v3. You don't get all that do you?

Reply #374648 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with Anon and Reggie.

If you say the 80's-90's would win then you are saying humans haven't evolved in 20 years.

Jordan would work hard defensively. Magic and Bird would have no chance.

Reply #374707 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

First off Reggie and Anon, I haven't mentioned once that the 80's/90's team could beat the modern day stars. I simply put together an arguement for discussion.

The fact that your arguements are 'Come on!' and 'They would destroy the 90's stars' are the sort of statements that someone would say if their 'love of modern day stars clouded their judgement'.

I would have preferred it if the conversation could have been more along the lines of 'That's a good point, but here's my arguement against'.

A couple of points to dicuss:

* Player physique and technique may have evolved in 20 years, but that doesn't mean player IQ miraculously does. Gym work and drills doesn't change a person's ability to know how/when to grab a board or when to read a pass and go for a steal. That's individual talent.

* Jordan, Magic and Bird were all very tall players. Durant is the only one that doesn't give up height advantage in this match-up. While it doesn't guarantee 100% lockdown of a player, it would certainly help on defence.

Reply #374743 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sorry the conversation didn't go the way you wanted. How heartbreaking for you.

If you read again, My arguments weren't anything you claimed I said but nice try. Didn't once say "Come on!" or "they would destroy the 90s guys".

- Really the most important point is that in a 3v3 comp, the game becomes an isolation game. The modern day stars have 3 guys capable of breaking down their opponent. MJ is the only 90's guy who can. This really is enough to get the modern day guys the victory.

- You mentioned the 1 inch height advantage of Bird over Lebron... pretty irrelevent. Lebrons beastly physique would overcome this 2cm height deficit.

Kobe vs Jordan (Jordan wins)
Lebron vs Bird (Lebron wins)
Durant vs Magic (Durant wins)

In a 3v3 (NOT AN ACTUAL MATCH), the 3 modern day guys would win.

Reply #374770 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Reggie, thanks for elaborating on the points at least.

When I'm quoting someone else I'll make sure to specify the person as you have an inability to read previous posts by other people beyond those that have your name in it.

Since those quotes weren't pulled from your post but anon's; all I did was paraphrased your quote of: 'I'm not sure you get it. You're letting your love for the 90's guys cloud reason.'

Back to your counterpoints anyway:

* 'You mentioned the 1 inch height advantage of Bird over Lebron... pretty irrelevent. Lebrons beastly physique would overcome this 2cm height deficit'

I mentioned height being a factor yes. While height doesn't matter, the arm length and leaping ability that comes with it does. My arguement back is that all 3 of the old guys were lanky dudes capable of getting up to contest a shot. They also come from an era where there was much more physicality, so I doubt Lebron's build would mean much. Still beneficial, but not 'beastly'

* '- Really the most important point is that in a 3v3 comp, the game becomes an isolation game. The modern day stars have 3 guys capable of breaking down their opponent. MJ is the only 90's guy who can. This really is enough to get the modern day guys the victory.'

The modern day guys are using moves that were put together by the guys they're playing. Apart from the likes of CP3, D-Rose and D-Will who are quick enough to put together faster dribble combos; the skill set is the same stuff from 20 years ago. Quickness might be a factor but I still see that as in favour of the oldies.

I'd also argue that while 3v3 in half-court is more iso, passing is still a valid tactic, and Magic does it better than the rest. Your point on ISO is still valid but I've seen enough footage of Bird and Magic to know that they are just as capable of making their own shot as everyone else.

I'd also point out another factor that since you're talking about 3v3 halfcourt, Durant and Jordan are the only ones whose game translates to street game.

Reply #374868 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely the modern notion that the 3v3 game will be about iso's is an argument in favour of the old guys winning it? No way on earth that Lebron, Durant and Kobe share touches the way that Jordan, Magic and Bird would do. Magic and Bird were both amongst the best passers in the league in their day - while that argument could be made for Lebron (I wouldn't make it, but it could be made), no one would ever accuse Kobe or Durant of being outstanding creators for others. I absolutely see the modern team standing and watching each other while the old guys provide decent help and force them into jumpers. I also see Jordan's crew sneaking into gaps and scoring half their points off lay-ups.

In a game to 11, I would think it would be wide open. In 7 games to 11, I'd take Jordan and co. 4-3.

Reply #374880 | Report this post

Years ago

Reggie,did you actually see Bird in his prime in the 80's?Or did you just see the broken down 90s version?In his prime Bird was the best player in the world,and it wasnt even a contest.Even when his back was giving him grief,he could still hold his own against the majority of players in the league

Reply #374884 | Report this post

Years ago

So why say "first of reggie and anon". Just say "first off anon" ... by saying my name I might be under the ridiculous impression that you're talking about me.

I stopped reading your post after you used lankyness as a reason for the old guys winning.

Just tell me how you think Magic or Larry Bird can stay in front of Lebron? Pleeeease tell me. And if you say MJ guards him, then tell me how magic or larry stay in front of durant.

And yeh Sean I know how amazing Bird is .. the fact i've watched so many of his games is why i know he couldn't guard lebron.

Reply #374950 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm down with Reggie and anon. These saps can't get past their childhood memories of the 80's. Big Marty - 90% of the league now is buff. Lebrons penis could out muscle bird. This thread is a joke. There's no way MJ and crew could beat Kobe and crew.

Reply #375102 | Report this post

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